A:N/ Alright, I'm wondering why there isn't that much Oliver x Len. I personally think that they're a match made in heaven... aside from the fact that they hate each other's guts. =3= In this story, Len will be the seme and Oliver will be the uke. I'm planning on making this story really fluffy and funny. C:

Len: HELL YEAH! About time I'm seme in a pairing!

Oliver: ... I'm still pretty new and I already hate my life.

Len's POV

"Len, come over here! I wanna show you something!" My older, twin sister (by a few minutes) yelled from across the house.

"Hold up!" I finished the rest of my banana and threw the peel in the trashcan.

I trudged over to her. She was sitting in front of the computer screen staring a video, hovering over the play button.

"What do you want, nee-san?"

She clicked the play button and the room filled with what seemed like a young, British boy singing in English.

"Time is dead and gone, show must go on, it's time for our act..."

"He sounds so cute~!" She squeeled.

I scoffed, "Who is he?"

"Apperantly, a new Vocaloid! He's supposed to be arriving at our house tomorrow to live with us! He's flying in all the way from Britain!"

"Oh, really?" I asked, uninterested.

She pulled up a page with his picture and all of his stats.

"So, he's 12 years old, has blonde hair, yellow eyes, hmm... Sounds like he's going to be competition for you, Len."

"Like hell he is, I've been running for 6 years strong and it's going to stay that way. Some little British boy isn't going to barge in and change all that."

Rin shrugged and went to go eat an orange.

I took her place in the computer chair and examined his picture carefully.

"He's too cute, the fangirls will fall heads-over-heels for him." I groaned.

Suddenly I felt my cheeks get hot. Did I just call that boy, 'CUTE'?

I stared at his picture more on the computer screen.

"Well, I gotta admit, his cute little pink nose is kinda- What the fuck am I saying?"

I quickly ran up the stairs to go in my room. I couldn't let anyone see me staring down this picture of this 'Oliver' kid like some sort of creeper. I seen Rin on her side of the room, on her beds enjoying an orange and listening to music on her IPod.

I took out my yellow laptop with a banana sticker on the front and searched up more on Oliver.

I plugged in my headphones and listening to his 'theme song' with Big Al.

"He doesn't dress in drag" a picture of Kaito and I in Imitation Black came up, "And he's not voiced by a girl," A picture of me came up. "Who has time for shota things like that?"

"BITCH, YOU'RE MORE SHOTA THAN ME!" I screamed at my laptop screen in a fit of rage.

Rin took out her headphones, "You okay, Len? Damn."


"Calm the hell down."

I showed her the part of the video that I was raging about and she started laughing. Really. Hard.


"Thanks for the help." I grumbled.

"No, but serio- *snicker* seriously, you shouldn't take that so damn to heart. He's a little kid." She smiled, wiping away a tear.

"Len is a big dumb poopyhead! ...So is Piko. And um, Gachapoid."

I growled at my laptop once more while Rin just died of laughter.

"I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW!" She cried between laughs.

"I can."


I lay in my bed at 2 AM. Tomorrow the new Vocaloid's arriving. He'll be in my life 24/7, at home, at school. I'll lose all my fangirls, all my money, all my fame. He'll have it all. Damnit, I can't let that happen.


"Len! Len! Wake up! The new Vocaloid's coming today!" Rin jumped me and shook me awake.

"Nggh, Rin. It's 9 AM."


"It's Saturday."




I rolled over to my side and closed my eyes once more.

"...If you get up, I'll make you banana pancakes~." She bribed me.

"...Get out, I need to dress."

"Tsk, don't just dress, Len! Take a shower, you smell. Also, fix your hair. Oh, and your bed."

"Nag, nag, nag, is that all you do?"

"What was that?"


She smirked and left.


I put my plate in the sink.

"Arigato for the breakfast, Rin."

"No problem."

"Riin~! You had to make BANANA flavoured pancakes? Why not negi?" Miku walked in the kitchen, stretching. She just woke up.

"Well, Len wasn't getting up, so I needed to bribe him with something."

"Len, until what time did you stay up last night, exactly?" Luka asked from the living room.

"Probably 'till 6 AM or something, playing Project Diva on his PSP." Kaito added.

"No, like, 4." I mumbled.

"4? Len! You know the staying up late is bad for you!" Meiko slurred then took a swig of her beer.

"Really? This early in the morning? And, irony!" Gakupo scoffed.

*Ding! Dong!*

"I'll get it." I murmured.

I opened the door to find a boy about my height, a bit shorter, standing there. He had a smile on his face, pale skin, yellow eyes, blonde hair, a hat, some sort of a choir boy outfit on, and various bandages. He was holding two suitcases.

"Hello, I'm Oliver! The new Vocaloid." He said with his British accent and grinned with a closed eye, tilting his head to the side.

I don't think he's aware who just answered the door, seeing as he's being so kind.

"Hm, oh really?" I leaned against the door frame.

His eyes snapped open when he heard my voice. He immeditatly turned into a nervous wreck.

"O-oh! Hello, Len Kagamine! It's nice to finally meet you!"

"Not so tough in real life, hm?"

He turned a bright pink. I smiled, satisfied, knowing that I embarresed him.

"Tsk! Len! Don't be so rude!" Rin playfully slapped my arm. "Hello, I'm Rin Kagamine! This douchebag's sister!" She smiled, while pointing at me and holding out her other hand.

Oliver giggled, "Hello, Rin! I'm Oliver!" He shook her hand.

"Come in, Oliver!" She led him into the living room where all the Vocaloids were.

I closed the door and followed them, then sat down on the couch.

"Go on, introduce yourself!" Miku smiled.

"Em, hello! My name is Oliver. I'm 12 years old, I'm from Britain, ramble, ramble, ramble, ramble, insert fact about Oliver here, ramble, ramble, ramble, insert moar facts about him here. I've listened to each and every one of you guys sing and I must say, I really love your voices."

"Awwwh! You're so cute!" Luka smiled.

"Yeah, you're definatly going to replace Len! You're nicer AND cuter than him!" Gakupo chirped.

"Yo, I'm right here."

"I know!"

"I don't think so. I just came out. Len's been out for 6 years. I'll never replace him." He added.

Miku shrugged, "Would you like to see your room?"

"Yes, please." He smiled.

Him and Miku walked upstairs.

"He won't replace me 'cause I won't let him replace me." I grumbled.

Kaito laughed, "Calm down, Len."

Oliver's P.O.V.

"Okay, here is your room." Miku grinned, opening a door to a plain looking room. "It's boring, I know. But the reason it's like that is because you get to decorate it however you'd like!"

"Thank you very much, Miku." I smiled, politely.

"Alright, I'll leave you here to set up. If you'd like, you can sleep or come downstairs when you're finished."


She closed the door and I stood there.

I fell on the bed and hugged a pillow.

"I'm so tired." I whispered to no one.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Len's POV

Miku came down the stairs, "He's unpacking. Although it looked like he had a lot of things."

"Len, go help him." Rin smiled.

"Why me?"

"'Cause we're all too lazy." Gakupo said.

"Whatever." I got up and passed Miku up the stairs.

I opened his door without knocking and seen his suitcases on the floor and him laying on his bed, asleep.

I closed the door slowly and walked towards him.

I looked down at him as he was sleeping. I examined his pink, soft. partially opened lips, his chest, slowly moving up and down, his blush pink cheeks, I counted his every eyelash, every freckle.

God, I hate him. He's cuter in real life. Wait, what? Nooo, Len you like girls. Girls. Girls... Right?

"Quit looking at me you creeper." He suddenly said, with his eyes still closed.

I jumped 10 feet in the air, "Y-you're not asleep?"

He sat up, "No, how could I sleep with you staring me down like a bloody hawk?"

"I WAS going to help you unpack..." I folded my arms.

"I don't need your help." He sneered.



I stood there, arms still crossed.

"Leave!" He pointed towards the door.

"Sheesh, no need to yell!" I slammed the door behind me and walked down the stairs.

I walked into my room which was right next to his.

I lay on my bed, my arms still crossed. I didn't even notice.

3 minutes later there was knock on my door.

"Come in." I grumbled.

The door opened and Rin came through it.

"What's wrong? Why'd you slam the door?"

"'Cause he's a little bitch."

"Len, no he's not. You're just scared he's going to take your fame away. Listen, we have a recording session later today and a concert on Tuesday. He's going to be at both of them. Those two days will prove whether he'll steal your fame or not."

"You're right."

"So, come downstairs, we're making a cake for Oliver. I know you don't like him but hey, it's cake."

"I'll be down in a bit."


I walked down the steps and into the kitchen.

Miku and Luka were fighting over whether to put tuna or leeks in the cake. Both gross.

Kaito and Gakupo were eating the icing and Rin and Meiko were playing with the cake batter, throwing it everywhere and laughing.

"How is THIS making a cake?"

"Len, you're supposed to have fun while making a cake, aren't you?" Kaito grinned.

"Oooohhhh, you're right! I completely forgot about HAVING FUN! OOPSIE!" I facepalmed myself. "Rin, hand me the bowl of cake mix please!"

Rin gave it to me and I grabbed a hold of the wooden spoon.

"So, we're all supposed to God damned be like this?"


"Yeah, pretty much." Luka laughed.

I threw the bowl on the ground and vanilla cake batter flew everywhere, "GET SERIOUS!"

A bunch went on my face since it was so close to me.

"L-Len..." Gakupo and Kaito giggled.

"DON'T. SAY. IT." I growled, already aware of what they were going to say.

"It- it looks like-"



I sighed and went to go clean off my face upstairs in the washroom.

I bumped into Oliver on my way there.

He gave me a strange look, then blushed, "L-Len... w-what's on your f-face?"

"IT'S CAKE BATTER!" I pushed him out of my way and barged into the washroom.


Oliver's POV

I heard a bunch of screaming coming from downstairs so I decided to go see what the hell was going on. I opened my door and started walking down the hallway towards the stairway.

I bumped into someone and then looked. It was Len. I stopped dead in my tracks when I looked at his face. There was white, creamy stuff all over it.

I gave him a weird look and felt my cheeks get hot, "L-Len... w-what's on your f-face?" I stammered.

"IT'S CAKE BATTER!" He pushed me against the wall and went into the washroom.

"YOU BLOODY WANKER! DON'T YOU DARE PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME EVER AGAIN!" I screamed after him then walked downstairs, fuming over getting pushed by Len.

I went to the source of laughter and leaded myself into the kitchen.

"Erm, what's going on, guys?"

"Oh! Oliver! We're making a cake!"

"Is that why Len was raging and pushed me?"

"He pushed you?

"Yeah, I just asked him what was on his face."

"Ooh, the cake?"


Kaito and Gakupo laughed, "But tell me it didn't look like cum."

"Shut up, guys." Meiko hit them both.

"So, can I help you guys make the cake?"

"Why not?" Rin smiled.

"Who's it for?"

"Ahahah, no one! We're just making a cake!" Luka smiled, nervously.


Len came back downstairs and into the kitchen, completely ignoring me.

"You clean up the cake, Len?"

"Mhm." He grabbed a banana and went into the living room to watch TV.

"Len! Don't get so comfortable, we're going to the recording studio soon! Right after this cake!"

"Oh, joy."

"Oliver, go watch TV with Len while we decorate the cake."

"Why should I watch TV with HIM?"

"Tsk, just go."


I walked towards the sofa he was sitting down and sat as far away from him as I could.


"Alright! The cake is finished! Oliver! Len! Come join us!"

I followed Len into the dining room.

"Oliver! The cake is for you! Welcome to the family!" All of the Vocaloids excluding Len said in unison, holding out the cake towards me.

"Y-you didn't have to make me a cake!" I smiled, surprised by their kind gift.

"But, we wanted to!" Rin grinned, handing me a knife. "Cut the first piece!"

"Alright!" I smirked, cutting a piece of the half chocolate, half vanilla cake that was covered by layers of yellow frosting with a chibi drawing of me on top of it with the words, 'Welcome, Oliver!'

I put it on a plate and Miku handed me a fork.

"Go ahead, try it!"

I took a bite of it and it tasted amazing.

"OHMYGOD! THIS IS SO GOOD!" I beamed with a full mouth.

They all laughed, "We're glad you like it!"

They took pieces of it and started eating too.


Alright, are we all ready to go to the recording studio?" Luka smiled, putting all of the dishes in the sink.


"Let's go!"

A:N/ God, I wanted to write so much more but I think this is already over the limit for one chapter. xD I really hope you guys like it so far! It's my first Vocaloid fanfic. ; u ; R/R! ^^