A/N: Um, YOLO. that's me keeping it simple. This is a slow buildup of Bonnie and Stefan (and maybe some company). In this very short fic Stefan "apologizes" to Bonnie…over and over again. Lucky girl…

In case you didn't catch my drift this story will have LEMONS. LOTS AND LOTS OF LEMONS. Maybe not in this chapter, but the rest of the story proceeding this chapter will have so many lemons that it may as well be considered LEMONade ;)

Xo, Harls.


Six months. Actually, six months, two weeks, three days, and thirty seven minutes. That was how long ago they did the unthinkable, the despicable, and the selfish. It was this amount of time ago that Stefan and Damon Salvatore both conspired to make one of the Bennett witches no longer a witch all to protect Elena…again.

Once again, Bonnie had drawn the short stick and ended up being the one to lose everything and it just didn't seem fair. Even though she practically had nothing to hold on to, she continuously lost the small amount of joy and hope that she had in her life. Her dad paid more attention to his Blackberry than her, her Grams was dead, her best friends were too busy wrapped up in their screwed up love lives that they had no time to comfort her, and now her dead-beat mother who'd she just gotten back was turned into vampire and then jetted once again. Once again, Bonnie was the one who was alone and heartbroken.

Bonnie was so distraught that instead of staying put in the misery that was her life, she took a page out of the Abby Bennett handbook and skipped town. She headed down to her father's beach house in Tybee Island in Georgia without a word to anyone. Packed only her favorite Louis Vuitton duffel, her Grimoire, and of course her stuffed kitty Scuffs that she'd gotten from her Grams when she was seven. Bonnie left behind her laptop, photo albums, and other sentimental things that would remind her of her old life. She even left her cell phone. The last thing she wanted was for someone, mainly Caroline, to call and convince her to stay. She was leaving…and this time it was for good. She wrote a simple note to her dad, or whoever would find the note, on top of her phone saying, "Gone living. See you when I see you. Xo, Bonnie."

"You deserve better than all of this." She whispered to herself when she found out that her mother had once again abandoned her without a goodbye.

Before leaving, Bonnie took a once over of her brick house, her neighbors' homes, and of course on her way out of town she drove past each of her friends' houses, whispering silent goodbyes. When she drove by the Salvatore boardinghouse, the last house on the edge of town, she noticed Stefan in the driveway; shirtless, hose in hand, and dripping wet washing his red Corvette. Even though she was disgusted with him and his brother, Bonnie couldn't help but smile to herself as she drove by him. Just as she was out of sight, Stefan lifted his eyes from his work and made very brief eye contact with Bonnie and smiled. And then she was gone.

Three days later each of her friends had begun to worry. They'd all been by her house, called her cell, and sent numerous texts. They'd all coped with Bonnie's disappearance differently. Damon spent more time at the Mystic Grille's bar than he usually did alongside Alarick, Elena had completely separated herself from the Salvatores, Caroline spent more time with her mom and trying to get Tyler back, and Stefan went back to drinking human blood again. For some reason, Bonnie's disappearance had affected them more than any of them had expected… They'd all occasionally stop past her house to see if she was home, but as time went on, their visits became scarce. However, there was one person who sat on her doorstep all day long, waiting for her to come home, drive by, anything. Stefan was literally planted on her doorstep from ten in the morning to eight in the evening when he went from being sad and angsty to angry. He stomped his way to the backyard, swung open the back gate and literally swung the back door off its hinges. He quickly switched a few lights on and called out Bonnie's name, but the house felt wrong. Stefan had only been inside Bonnie's house a handful of times, but he knew that it smelled just like her; like melted chocolate, vanilla, and exotic spices. The place was completely lacking of it. The house felt dead.

Probing the kitchen for any type of clue as to when Bonnie would be back, Stefan stumbled upon a purple sticky note stuck on top of Bonnie's Palm Pre. He quickly read the note, became furious with himself and his brother and stormed out of the house. Stefan knew that he and his brother were the main ones responsible for the misery in Bonnie's life, the most current and the ones that happened when they first moved to town. Knowing that, he knew that he had to find Bonnie, apologize to her, and make it up to her. He'd do whatever it took to make her happy…


Bonnie was sprawled out a beach towel, back being warmed by the sun, and her chin resting on a newly purchased copy of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The sound of waves crashing, seagulls making whatever noise it is that they make, and the gentle sound of children and parents playing in the water surrounded her. The salty air and the gusty but pleasant wind sent tingles all through her body. Fire had always been her favorite element, but wind was runner-up alongside with water.

It was a perfect eighty-five outside and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The weather was perfect. Ten minutes later, Bonnie turned to the last page of her book, finished it and packed her belonging up in her tote. She wrapped her chocolate locks into a bun, slid her sunglasses from her forehead to her eyes, and slid her flip flops on and began trekking her way across the sandy dunes to her house. The beeping of the security sound dinged as she opened the door to the spacious yet welcoming home. She left her beach items in the kitchen and headed up the stairs to her bedroom to shower off.

Getting out of the shower, Bonnie admired herself in the mirror. Not in a narcissistic way, but in awe. She looked so much younger, less stressed and peaceful. Sure she missed her friends and dad back in Mystic Falls, but she'd never been so happy and healthy on a consistent basis in her life and she had no intentions on going back to the place that caused her so much pain. If people back at home saw her they'd think that she was a vampire because of how flawless she looked.

Over the past six months, her hair had gotten longer and nearly flowed to her waist, her mossy green eyes seemed to glow with happiness, and her skin harbored no blemishes. Smiling at her reflection, Bonnie's rumbling tummy signaled that it was snack time. She slid on a fitted mid-thigh length navy cotton dress, brushed through her hair and conditioned it, and then slid across the dark wood floors into the kitchen. She pulled open the freezer, snatched her Half-Baked Ben&Jerry's ice cream and plopped down on the couch in front of a recorded episode of Private Practice.

About twenty minutes into the show, the doorbell rang. Bonnie had made plenty of friends and acquaintances when she first moved to Tybee Island so it didn't surprise her that someone was visiting her. She paused the flat screen and padded over to the wooden door. She used her feet to straighten the wrinkled rug out before she opened the door so her eyes were focused on the mat instead of her visitor.

"Bonnie." A smooth, yet frighteningly familiar voice murmured.

Bonnie let her eyes linger on the mat before moving to the visitor's black boots, up to his dark denim jeans, his black and red plaid flannel over a black t-shirt, and finally to his chiseled face.

"Stefan." She breathed and then began to stammer over her words, "W-what are you doing here?" she asked looking around frantically for the rest of her friends behind him.

"Don't worry they're not here. No one knows I'm here." He said steadily, keeping his eyes on Bonnie.

Bonnie didn't know why, but she felt her heart pounding in her chest and she couldn't seem to make eye contact with Stefan.

"Bonnie, we need to talk." He murmured, still never taking his eyes off of her.

"Stefan, I-"she began but stopped when he took a step towards her, closing the little space in between them. He looked down at her with stormy blue-gray eyes that were dark and dangerous like he…like he wanted something.

"Bonnie, invite me in. We need to talk."

Realizing that he probably wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, Bonnie took a step inside the house and gestured for him to come in.

Stefan crossed his arms over his chest, and looked at her dubiously.

"Say the words, Bonnie."

She suddenly became very scared and thought twice about inviting him in him. But Stefan had no reason to hurt her, did he? If anything, he was probably found her so she could come back to Mystic Falls and fix some supernatural problem…

She sighed, scratched her head, and gave in. "Come in, Stefan."

He promptly stepped through the door, and walked right past her. Bonnie locked the door behind him and stealthily swiped her iPhone off the counter and tucked it into her dress pocket.

Stefan was leisurely walking around taking in Bonnie's current residency.

"Nice place you got here."

Bonnie leaned against a nearby wall and folder her arms against her chest. She was sick of all the idleness and she wanted answers now so she could get back to her new life.

"What the hell are you doing here Stefan?"

He turned his head in her direction and walked right up to her. He placed one of his against the wall just beside her arm and the other above her head. His eyes were still dark and when he spoke, it was if he'd taken a page out of the Damon Salvatore book and his voice dripped with seductiveness.

"I missed you Bonnie, I needed to see you." He murmured running his gaze down her face to the exposed flesh of her neck.

Stefan could practically smell her sweet blood running just beneath her thin layer of caramel skin and his gums began to throb at the simple thought of what it'd taste like.

"Yeah, well the feeling isn't exactly mutual, Stefan." She snapped pushing his back with all her force and storming off to the kitchen.

Stefan feigned hurt and followed her like a lost puppy, but became serious. He took Bonnie by the forearm and pulled her back to his chest and looked down at her.

"Bonnie. I'm here to apologize."

She flashed her eyes up to him, "For what?"

"You know what for, Bonnie. Damon and I were selfish and ruthless about turning your mother and I'm so sorry for that. I haven't been able to think about anything besides that night since before you left. I was so disgusted that Damon and I hadn't apologized right after it happened and I knew that I had to do it. But when I got the balls to do it, you were gone." He murmured, never taking his eyes off of her.

"You were just gone Bonnie. I literally sat on your doorstep every day for who knows how long, just hoping that you'd come back. I've never…I've never felt so empty before in my life. Even when Elena had gone missing, or when I thought Katherine was dead. There was some sort of void in my heart that only you could fill and it took you vanishing for me to realize that."

"Stefan-" Bonnie whispered, unsure of what she was going to say.

He cut her off and spoke again, "Bonnie, I'm not just sorry for Abby, but for every other painful thing that my brother and I have caused in your life. I know Caroline and Elena had their share of shitty moments, but you get the most of it and you don't deserve it."

Lost for words, Bonnie had no idea how to respond to what was just said to her. A thousand thoughts were running through her head at once and she was beginning to feel dizzy.

Sure, Bonnie had always had a connection with Stefan and a soft spot for him, but she never thought that he cared about her as much as he claimed a moment ago. She was so bent on the fact that he was a vampire that she completely disregarded all the favors he did her, his protection over her, and he respect for her. Hell, she should be apologizing to him for treating him the way she did because of what he was...it wasn't his fault, he didn't choose the life that he had. Instead of being weird and apologizing to him, so she did the easiest thing and wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his built chest.

He wrapped his strong arms around her and rested his chin on her hair and placed a kiss on it.

"I'm sorry, Bonnie."

A tear rolled down her cheek and seeped into Stefan's shirt before she whispered, "I forgive you, Stefan. I forgive you."


"You better not Stefan!" Bonnie shouted halfway ducking behind her newly purchased white Range Rover.

"And if I do?" he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes, and his lifted a bucket water above his head prepared to throw it across the truck and on Bonnie.
She took advantage of his position, uttered a Latin incantation and watched proudly as the buckets bottom gave out and all of its contents soaked Stefan.

Her laughter filled the air and she dropped the hose and fell to the grass rolling in her own laughter.

"Oh so we're cheating now and using supernatural abilities? Alright then, game on." He growled speeding after her.

Bonnie made a poor attempt to get away from Stefan, but was instantly trapped in his arms. He gently slung her to the sopping grass and lowered his body just above hers. He lowered his eyes to her vibrant green ones and lowered his lips to her ear.

"I win." He murmured and then trailed sensual kisses down her neck.

Bonnie giggled in approval and wrapped her fingers through Stefan's caramel colored hair. They both looked beautiful in the setting sun. Stefan's skin appeared golden as dis his hair and Bonnie's eyes sparkled like emeralds in the sun along with her sun-kissed skin. Stefan had been visiting her for about a week now. Seven days. That's all it took for the two of them to experience completely new feelings. Bonnie found that Stefan was different; like he was the charismatic, crude, and sexy Ripper Stefan mixed with sweet, poetic, romantic Stefan. It was like he belonged in a fairy tale…

Bonnie also appeared different to Stefan. She wasn't uptight and cautious like she always had to be back at home, and the best part that he loved the most was that she smiled more.

"Aww would you look at that. Bonnie found a replacement me." A tall, extremely tanned guy called about seven feet away from them.

The two automatically separated from each other for different reasons; Bonnie because she remembered that everything had an appropriate time and place and Stefan because he wanted to see who the douchebag was that ruined the moment.

Stefan hopped to his feet and then pulled Bonnie up too.

She had a look on face that said here comes trouble. Stefan took that as sign of her saying that she and this guy used to have a thing…why else would he have that jealous look in his eye when he saw Stefan sling his arm across Bonnie's shoulder. Things got real awkward real fast as the two guys stared each

"Aiden…what are you doing here?" Bonnie asked, breaking the awkward silence.

The man in question was about Bonnie's age, eighteen or so, had greenish-gray eyes and shaggy brown hair. He was around the same height as Stefan, meeting his tall six foot three frame.

"Just wanted to come by and see my favorite girl." He replied with a sly smirk on his face, "Who's the new guy?"

Stefan took a step towards James with his arms across his chest, "Stefan Salvatore."

James ran his eyes over Stefan, giving him a once-over and finally stuck his hand out towards Stefan, "Aiden Gershum." He said with a dark look on his face.

Stefan ignored his hand and did that thing where he gave a person he didn't like a passive smile and just stared at them.

"Whatever." Aiden rolled his eyes and brushed his way past Stefan and approaching Bonnie, "So, when are we gonna hang out again."

Bonnie raised her eyebrow and caught an attitude very quickly, "Look, Aiden. There's a reason I haven't called, texted, or Skyped you back…BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO. What happened between us will never happen again. And I hate to put you on blast, but it wasn't even that good. I've had guys younger than me put it down better that that…" Bonnie, snapped rolling her eyes at the end thinking about the 3 times she and Jeremy slept together.

Aiden looked hurt for about two seconds and then his bad boy façade came back, "Oh I see, you're fucking this guy now and that's why you're acting so iffy." He laughed and leaned down to her face, lifting hers up by the chin, "But remember, I'll always be your first." He murmured.

Bonnie swatted his hand away and then watched as Aiden tumbled to the ground. Stefan pushed Bonnie behind his back and growled at the guy on the ground with the bleeding lip.

"If I ever see your ass around here again, you'll get a lot more than a busted lip."

Aiden hopped off the ground wiped his lip with his thumb and then pointed at Bonnie, "Talk to you later baby girl." And then glared at Stefan, "See you around man."

Bonnie watched him walk away until she noticed Stefan storming off into the house. She quickly shut the hose off and followed him.

"Stefan." She called after him.
He didn't stop walking so she called him again, "Stefan!"

That time he definitely heard her; he clearly ignored her calls, so she decided to get his attention another way. Channeling her powers she gave him one of her infamous aneurisms, causing him to drop the plate in his hand to the ground.

"What the hell, Bonnie?" he shouted clutching at his temples.

She stopped the aneurism and spoke in a tone that matched his, "That's what I was wondering. What the hell is your problem? Did I do something to piss you off?"

Stefan began to frantically move around the kitchen, pointlessly moving stuff around. Bonnie made her way to his side and gently clutched his arm and flashed her green eyes up at him, "What's wrong Stef?"

He closed his eyes and attempted to slow his breathing but took Bonnie's hand and lifted it to his cheek. He listened slowly, but then sighed deeply, opened his eyes, and placed a kiss on her palm.

"I'm sorry, Bon. I needed to calm myself down…I was literally two seconds from following that guy down the street and draining him dry. That incident just added to my built up frustration."

She flinched at his harshness but got over it quickly.

"Can I do anything to help?" she asked quietly.

Stefan's eyes lingered on hers for a quick second then made their way to her voluptuous body. Her perky breasts were covered by a short, white, fitted, jersey knit dress that clung to her plump backside. If there was thing that would help him release all that built up energy, it would be fucking Bonnie up a wall. He was literally dying to expose her caramel skin with his mouth, hear her sigh his name as he made her feel like no other man ever could.

He quickly pulled himself out of his dirty thoughts, but not before Bonnie could tell what he was doing. To be honest, she was yearning for him to go into complete Ripper Stefan mode and fuck her mercilessly, but when he settled for light kisses (with no tongue) and lots of touching (with clothes on) she gave up on that fantasy and just went along with things.

Stefan had never been one to beat around the bush when it came to sex, but Bonnie was different. If she didn't want him, she'd shut him down and kick him out in a minute and he was in no position to leave her anytime soon.

"Bonnie." He murmured/moaned.

What happened next was instant; Bonnie wrapped her arms around his neck and hoisted herself up so that she could wrap her legs around his waist, Stefan ran his hands along her delicious thighs and crushed their lips together (this time, there was tongue…a lot of it). His dick sprang to life within moments of having Bonnie literally tear his shirt off with her bare hands and her intoxicating arousal permeated the air.

"I want you now, Bonnie." He growled huskily into her ear and hoisted her up a further on him.

She gasped at the sudden movement that caused friction to her center and her yearning for him increased tenfold.

"You want me? Then I'm yours." She murmured into ear as he trailed kisses down her neck and placing her on the kitchen counter.

Holy shit this is gonna be fun, she thought as he pulled her dress off and threw in on the wooden floor, leaving her in only her black and hot pink bra and bikini panties.

Stefan leaned in to kiss her but instead me her index, finger.
She looked up at him through sneaky eyes and purred, "You'd better catch me first." She giggled, then hopped down off the counter and scurried off.
Stefan was so caught up watching her ass and boobs bounce around as she ran off that he forgot to start chasing her.

Within thirty seconds he had her bent over the couch with her hands pinned behind her back. He pressed his huge (Note the emphasis on the word) erection against the mounds of her ass and leaned down on her back to whisper in her ear.

"Now that I've got you, you're all mine. Let this be the best part of my…apology." He murmured in a voice that made her wet center even wetter.

She slyly turned her body around so that she could eye him, "Sounds good…you'd better start on your knees though. A real man knows how to…grovel." She winked.

What happens next will never be known…

UNTIL I UPDATE OF COURSE. Hahaha I crack myself up. Okay, hope you all like this so far. I like writing about these two soo yeah. This lemon will officially begin in the next chapter. Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeease review because I really like them… and they make me look good haha. But seriously, they are much appreciated.

Thanks for reading and come back for more…apologizing ;) soon haha

Xo, Harls

PS, why do they call these M rated stories Lemons…do they taste sour when you prin them on paper or something? Idk… maybe I'll google it.