Vampire Diaries

Season 3- Original family

Pairing: Stefan/ Elena, Damon/ Rebecca, Klaus/ Caroline, Elijah/ Katherine, Finn/Sage, Meredith/ Alaric, Esther, Kol

Summary: Esther, Klaus mother does not try to kill her kids when the spell backfires on her. Instead she wakes up to a whole new horror that she created. Rebecca wakes up and finds out there is something really wrong with her. The Org family has to work together with the Salvatore's to find out what is happening to them.

Has been Beta and some parts redone.

Rebecca had just stepped into the bar when she noticed Matt all beside himself. She planned to seduce Matt, but since her brother Kol broke his wrist. He didn't seem pleased to see her.

She picked up a bottle of wine and ignored the loneness that crept up in her heart

She was deep in thought when she was interrupted by Damon's annoying voice.

"Turn down by the captain of the football team…ouch." Damon strides toward her with a bottle of wine in his left hand. He then sat down beside her.

"Shut up Damon" She glared annoyed as he poured her a shot glass of whiskey. Rebecca took it and chugged it down.

Damon chugged his down and smirked at her. "Besides you would have broken him in a second."

"Are you saying I can't be gentle?" Rebecca turned towards him.

Damon smiled. "Maybe you should find someone more unbreakable. "That's all."

Rebecca turned and eyed him. "And who would that be."

Damon turned and looked her over. Rebecca got the hint. The next thing she remembered was Damon pulling her outside and kissed her.

"Meet you at the Mansion...Hot stuff." He winked at her and flashed away.

Rebecca chased him until she collided with Damon. She pushed him against his bedroom door. Damon pushed it open as Rebecca pushed him in and grabbed his head. She kissed him passionately and ruthlessly.

Damon tugged his coat off and slammed the door shut. He tried to pull her forward only for her to slam him against the wall again and ripe his shirt to shreds.

Damon usually doesn't let a lady take control but damn she was hot. Two can play this game. Damon slammed his lips against hers and turned her around quickly. His hips grind against her as his lips landed on her neck, and his hands landed on her breast.

Rebecca moaned. The next moment she was slammed against the wall as Damon lifts her dress up and pressed himself hard against her.

Rebecca's mouth was open in a daze. She wasn't sure what the hell happen, but Damon was seducing her badly. His hands were everywhere, and she melt to his touch.

Damon ripped the side of her dress off as he kissed down her neck and down to her back. His pants fell to the floor along with her panties. Damon cursed as he gently pressed into her tight heat from behind. Rebecca screamed.

Damon chuckled to himself. That was the first time he made an original scream.

Rebecca tossed him against the wall as she slid her dress off. She stepped out of it as Damon licked his lips. He smiled at her lovely creamy skin and her perfect breast.

Shit, she could have broken his bed. "You could be at least gentle with the bed…it's antique."

"It's a bed…I thought you said you were more durable." Rebecca smiled and straddled him.

"Oh I'm durable honey; I'm just not sure if you can handle me." Damon winked at her.

Rebecca growled at him, and her eyes darken. Damon grin and gently touched her face. "You look hot when you're all growly."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and pulled him in for a kiss. Damon rolled over and pinned her to the bed. "You might want to hold on." He grinned as he slid into her.

Rebecca moaned. Damon chuckled as he pounded into her hard. Rebecca cried out in ecstasy as she wrapped her legs around him and held him in place.

He gripped her hips and raised her over his cock. "Ride me," he instructed.

Rebecca didn't need to be told twice. She sank back down and he slowly filled her again, one perfect inch at a time.

Damon growled in pleasure as he felt her stretching around him, rippling and squeezing him tightly. "Damn..your tight."

Rebecca moaned as she grinded on his lap. He gripped her head and tilted it. He snarled and brought her down for his bite.

Rebecca screeched and tripped into orgasm as soon as his fangs penetrated her neck. Damon growled as she came around his cock again. He gulped at her powerful blood, closing his eyes. He pulled his fangs out.

Rebecca fell against him. She opened her eyes and growled at him. "Why the hell you bit me for?"

Damon growled when she grabbed him by the balls. "Don't underestimate me Damon. Just because I'm a women doesn't mean you can take advantage of me."

"I wouldn't do that to you Barbie?" Damon smirked.

"Barbie?" Rebecca didn't know what that met.

Damon chuckled. "It's just a nick name…for beautiful girls."

Rebecca had a hard time to believe that and she was annoyed with his seduction. She would be damned if he won. She quickly rolled him over and pinned him there.

There was no way he was going to win this game.

She straddled him and rode him hard. She looked down to find Damon staring at her amused. It annoyed her. Her eyes darken and her fangs showed. She bends down and bit his neck deeply.

Damon cursed as she took a couple of drinks. Rebecca leaned up with blood stained lips and smiled as he tried to sit up. "You can't beat an original Damon.

"We could of has some real fun if you told me you were into kinky stuff." He took Rebecca's wrist and bit into it.

Rebecca moaned. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me...Lover"

The next Morning:

Elijah stood there and stared at the empty wine glass on the table. Beside it were a few herbs that laid out on the table. His mother was working on something, and he wondered what it was.

He lost his concentration by the sound of his younger brother.

"Well, there's our girl." Kol stood up and blocked his sister from passing him.

"Get out of my way Kol." Rebecca glared at him.

Klaus looked up amused.

"Out all night, what a scandal. I trust you didn't' do it with that boy named Matt." Kol smiled at her.

"If you don't shut your mouth the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." Rebecca threatens.

Klaus glared up and smirked.

"Too bad mothers not hear, I wander what she would think?" Kol teased.

"I'm not a child and don't start Nik." Rebecca pushed Kol to the side and stride into the room.

"I didn't say anything." Klaus held the smirk.

"Well, I'm bored." Kol fell back on the couch. "Our sister is strumpet… but at least she is having fun." Kol smirked. "I need entertainment."

"What are you waiting for…have at it." Klaus spoke.

"Come on, join me Nik, it's the least you can do after you stick a dagger in my heart." Kol said.

Klaus sighed and looked up at him. "Ah, ok then…why not. I haven't had enough to drink with you trying to murder Rebecca's date."

"Yes please go, there are enough men rolling around in it." Rebecca said annoyed.

Kol turned back around amused at his sister as he walked towards the door. "Just like you Rebecca."

Rebecca picked up her shoe and tossed it at him. "Good ridden's the both of you."

Elijah walked in holding one of his mother's sages.

"Elijah, not you too."

"I'm worried about mother. I haven't seen her all day. Fin is also gone. She's been acting strange lately.

"She's been dead for years. Maybe she's trying to get used to being alive." Rebecca spoke.

"I don't' trust Fin, I think something else is going on."

"Our mother loves us; she will never do anything to harm us.

Elijah wasn't so sure.

Klaus and his brother Kol were enjoying a drink at a bar when he had suddenly seen Caroline. Klaus smiled.

"I remember her from last night. She looks like a tasty treat." Kol chuckled.

"Say another word and I'll tear out your liver." Klaus spoke with dark eyes.

Kol rolled his eyes.


"Oh it's you." Caroline glared at Klaus annoyed.

"Why don't you join us for a drink?" Klaus spoke raising his glass.

"Sorry, I rather die of thirst, but thanks." Caroline walks away.

Klaus smirks and leaned toward his brother. "Isn't she stunning?"

"She looks good walking away from you." Kol spoke.

Klaus growls at him." I'll take that as a challenge." Klaus follows her and meets up with her. "Caroline."

"Please leave me alone." She says turning to face him.

"Come on take a chance Caroline…talk to me…get to know me." Klaus smiled. "I dare you."

Caroline sighed and thought about it for a moment. "Fine." She sat down beside him annoyed.

Klaus glared at her with a smile. If only he could somehow make her love him, then things would work out. He could hypnotize her but what fun that would do. He could always try to seduce her the old fashion way.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Caroline spoke.

"You…your hopes and your dreams. Everything you want in life."

Caroline smirked. She knew what he was doing. "Just to be clear, I'm too smart to be seduced by you."

Klaus smiled. "That's why I like you."

Caroline stared at him surprised.

Klaus suddenly stood up and placed his hand on his chest. A pressure settled there, and he had a bad feeling something fishy was going on. He stared at Caroline.

"What is it?"

"What did you do?" He grabbed her pulling her forward.

"Nothing, I didn't do anything." Caroline pulled away from him suddenly scared."Stop it."

Klaus released her as he heard someone, in the distance. "Kol."

He ran forward and seen someone dragging his brother. Klaus pushed Alaric back and pulled the dagger out of his brother's chest. Stefan was slammed to the wall, and Damon stood before him cocky as ever.

He would love to wipe that smirk off his face. "I should have killed you months ago."

"Well do it. It's not going to stop your mommy from killing you." Damon joked.

What did you say about my mother?"

"Oh you didn't know I was friends with your mommy." Damon smiled.

Klaus growled his eyes darken as he grabbed Damon by the throat, lift him in the air and off his feet.


He turned and was surprised to see Elijah standing there. "What did she do?"

"We have a problem to take care. Our mother is doing a spell…to kill us." Elijah spoke.

Klaus frowned and dropped Damon. He knew it was too good to be true. His father hated him and now his mother wanted him dead. His life was so screwed up.

However, with or without his mother, she wasn't going to get away with this.

Ester stood in the circle with Fin. His right hand took hers as they seen Kol, Elijah and Klaus coming towards them.

"They're not supposed to be here." Fin said.

Ester stood strong and glared at her son. "My son's."

"Whatever you think of us and killing your own children will be a catastrophe." Elijah spoke.

"I don't want to do this." Ester spoke. "But I watched as you killed, tortured and murdered innocent lives. I can't let my children do this anymore. I brought you in this world, and I can take you back.

Klaus was getting annoyed. "End this now mother...I'm tired of this talk."

Esther closed her eyes as a sudden scream filled her ears. She fell to her knees as Fin helped her up. "Something is wrong."

"Don't…DON'T ABANDON ME." Ester cried as the flames rose high covering the sky. Fin grabbed his mother pulling her out of the fire. By the time he tried to make a run for it the fire rose tossing them out of the circle and on to the ground.

Elijah was the first to notice. Fin was passed out on the ground and so was his mother. Elijah reached for her before Klaus move towards her. "NO."

"She will kill us if she awakes." Klaus stared at her then at Elijah.

"No, I can't kill our mother Klaus. I'm taking her home. Were figure out something." Elijah picked her up and dashed out and into the forest.

Klaus scowled as he looked down at Fin. He sighed and glared at Kol. "Let's go home." He then picked up Fin and ran home.

Damon sighed as he glared at Elena. He had her in the basement and tied to a chair. He knew she would do something stupid so the only way to keep her safe was to put her here. His brother was not going to like this.

"Elena would you please stop screaming, your giving me a headache."

"No, not until you let me go." Elena spoke angry.

Damon chuckled. The door slammed open and Damon found himself slammed to the wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" Stefan pushed him back as he went to Elena and untied her.

"She was trying to leave with Elijah. I stopped her before he tried to kidnap her." Damon spoke.

"Are you out of your mind?" Stefan spoke.

"Someone has to be in this family." Damon snickered.

When Elena was untied, she walked to Damon and slapped him. "Don't you have a soul? What is wrong with you?" She walked away with Stefan following her.

Damon sighed and shook his head. Damn women. He went to the living room and sat down with a bottle of whiskey. Then the words hit him of what Elena said. "Do you have a soul?"

Maybe he didn't have a soul. He was a monster, a vampire, and he was fool to think otherwise. One minute he liked Elena and the next he wanted to kill her. It was bad enough Katherine ruined him. The only good thing he had out of this was Rebecca. He at least had her to screw around with.

That didn't stop him from thinking about doing something drastic. Because whenever he's pissed he goes out and kills someone.

Maybe this time he'll just hunt for the sport of it.

Elijah was the first to come home.

He knew something was wrong from the moment he walked in. He quickly laid his mother on the bed in her room. Then he walked down stairs trying to find Rebecca.

He went to the kitchen when he found his sister there on the floor passed out. Soon his two brothers came. "Rebecca."

"What happened?" Klaus knelt beside her.

Kol placed Fin on the floor. He then walked towards his brothers.

"I'm not sure I found her this way."

Elijah was scared. This never happened before. Rebecca was an original and was his sister. She couldn't be sick. He gently picked her up and carried her to the couch laying her down on it.

Klaus wasn't pleased by this. "If mother did something…"

"She didn't do this." Elijah spoke stopping him. "Something went wrong with the spell mother did. She was panic when she tried to complete it."

"Maybe who ever she slept with drugged her or something." Kol shrugged his shoulder.

"Our sister is an original. She can't be drugged you fool." Klaus spoke.

"Vervain." Kol spoke.

"She would have known. "Klaus spoke.

"Well whatever it is. We're just have to wait until she wakes up." Elijah spoke shutting them both up.

"And if someone is responsible for our sister being conscience they'd better pray, I don't find them." Klaus swore.

Damon walked though the dark, rough woods. His lips tugging at the corner of his blood-stained lips. He smiled as he heard the sound of laughter and humans dancing around the fire. Oh goody some food to play with.

Damon listened to their hearts beat as his eyes darken. He then noticed a crow sitting on the branch close beside him.

He glared at the crow sitting on a tree branch until it flew towards him landing on his arm. "Go to them. Be my eyes and ears." He whispered. The bird flew towards the laughter. Damon followed soon behind as a fog appeared to cover the fire.

"What the hell man. Where is this fog coming from?" A boy said.

"Beats the shit out of me. Let's party." A blond hair boy grabbed one of the girls towards him and kissed her.

The girl giggled but stopped when she heard a scream. She turned, and a body dropped from the tree onto them.

She screamed.

Damon watched from nearby as two girls and two boys ran out of the forest in different directions. Damon followed the dark hair girl knowing they were always more fun to play with.

Damon appeared before startling her in shock. She screamed when his face transformed. His fangs enlarged and he was about to bite her when he was pushed to the ground.

He leaned up as a familiar dark hair girl stood near the girl and told her to leave.. He was even more surprised when the girl turned around to face him.

"Katherine." He growled.

"Damon, what' got you in a pissy mood." She smirked at him.

Damon growled at her and advanced. "For one I don't appreciate you ruining my day.

"Oh please, if you were that hunger you would have gotten her by now." She placed her hands on his chest and trailed circles across it. "Damon grabbed her hand.

"Stop teasing me dammit. I got other things to worry about." He walked away from her.

"Oh is Elena getting you all upset again." Katherine teased.

"No you bitch, you are. Now move out of my way." Damon spoke.

"No." Her eyes darken, and she pushed him to the ground. "Don't get cocky Damon or I might have to teach you a lesson."

Damon pushed her away and stood up turning aside from her. There were times where he wanted her, now he just wanted to kill her for all the times she played with him. Damon smiled when he felt the needle of a vervain dart in his pocket. It must have been the leftovers of what Alaric gave him.

He turned around and smiled at Katherine. "Maybe we could have some fun before we leave." He pulled her forward slamming his lips against hers, which surprised her.

Katherine pushed him away just as she felt a needle go into her back. "Bastard."

Damon smirked as she went limp in his arms. "I suppose we're even now."

Katharine cursed as darkness took over her. She wasn't sure what pissed-off Damon but knew whenever he was like this; he was going to do something crazy and irrational again. Which only made her worry even more.

Should I continue?