Bowser Party 1
By P.T. Piranha
Review Responses:
Elemental Queen - Yep, she survived that round. But the crowd's thinning, suddenly characters who've become a mainstay of this story are going to be eliminated until only one remains. Thoughts like that make me enjoy the latter half of stories like this more than the first half.
bekbekah92 - Yeah, Bowser's starting to get back in control of this game, I'm afraid.
Moley Koopa - Well people aren't on different teams, more like there are no more teams and it's every player for themselves. But yeah, I think it'll be interesting.
Spike Brigadier - Sorry all your favorite sympathetic characters are out. Though fair warning, Bowser's minions aren't likely to win. I mean, since when does Bowser get his way (and then keep it)? But otherwise yeah, things are changing. Gotta shake things up. I'm glad you liked Rosalina's story.
I apologize for the long wait. But now I've finished writing Kingdumb Hearts II, and I don't want to do any other long stories until this one is done. But it turns out I have horrible timing. After finishing this chapter, I lost my home internet connection, and I have no idea when it'll come back. So I can upload this chapter with my university's wifi, but I won't be able to write the next chapter as soon as I want. And JUST as I was getting in the mood to write this again…
Episode 15: Blunder the Sea
Location: Deep Bloober Sea
Game: Mario Party 3
Players Left: Koopa, Rosalina, Petey Piranha, Toadette, Waluigi, Dry Bowser, Red K. Kid, Green K. Kid, Bandit
Minions Remaining: 3/3
Bowser sat on his airship and talked to Kamek.
"So Kamek, what exactly did you all do last time?"
"Well, Your Bowserness, I put all the players in my library and had them come up with stories. The winners of that round got to fight me. Green K. Kid won the whole thing while Yoshi's creepy story was the reason he was removed from the game."
"Anything else?" the Koopa King asked.
Kamek nodded. "Yes, all of the teams are dissolved, it's every player for themselves. You made Bandit one of your personal players in exchange for keeping him out of the dungeon, and you also made Mr. L an obstacle to make things harder."
Bowser thought about all of this. "Oh yeah, it's all coming back to me now. And here we are, floating over the ocean. Time to get things started!"
Prisoner/Player Airship:
"Waa? Who even are you?" asked Waluigi.
"I'm Bandit. I've been trying to mess with you guys from the start, but now I have to play with you."
"I wanted Nabbit instead…" lamented Petey. Koopa tilted his head.
"Petey, you didn't even know who Nabbit was until a week ago."
Red K. Kid and Green K. Kid were talking to each other in the corner.
"So, you think we can trust him as one of Bowser's pawns?" asked Red.
"As if. We'll just have to keep an eye on him."
Toadette walked up to Rosalina.
"Hey Rosalina, I was thinking, we should work together to get rid of those Koopa Kids. You know, so Bowser doesn't win?"
Rosalina nodded. "That's a good idea."
"Bwahaha! Count me in!" Dry Bowser butted in. "I can't let that inferior version of me win this thing!"
Toadette and Rosalina looked at each other, but ultimately realized that Dry Bowser's help was better than no help.
"All right." they said in unison.
Deep Bloober Sea:
Bowser had all the players gathered underwater.
"Welcome to the seafloor, you drips! Some minions have found my Junker robot down here, so you're all going to look for it! First one to bring him back to me is the winner! The winner gets a Dungeon-Free Coupon, so they can't be voted to my dungeon!"
Bandit raised a hand.
"How are we breathing?"
"Magic, now shut up and look!"
"Waa! Robot, are you under there?" Waluigi looked under a small rock. Rosalina was nearby, and she could only shake her head.
Toadette walked up to Rosalina.
"Okay, so we can't let either of the Koopa Kids or Bandit find Junker, and no matter what, one of those three will be eligible for going to the dungeon. So you and I should vote for one of them! I already talked to Dry Bowser, and he agrees."
Rosalina nodded. "Right. But which one should we vote for? If we don't make it clear, we could each vote for a different one and accomplish nothing."
Toadette thought about this. "If we can't vote for Red, we'll vote for Green. If we can't vote for Green, we'll vote for Red. We just won't worry about Bandit."
Bandit was looking around for Junker, and came across the submarine with Sushi the shark inside.
"Hey." Sushi greeted. "Press a button."
"Will it help me find Junker?"
"Uh… sure. Just press it." the shark reassured. Bandit pressed the yellow button and nothing happened. "Oh come on!"
"Hey! I don't think you're trying to help me at all!"
Red Koopa Kid and Green Koopa Kid ran up to Bandit.
"Hey!" Red barked. "We're a team, so don't run off like that!"
Bandit was confused. "Wait we're a team? I thought there weren't any more teams."
"Duh, but the three of us are still working for Bowser! We gotta stick together." Green K. Kid said.
"Hey." Sushi said. "You know what'd help? If all three of you pressed the remaining buttons."
"Shut up!" The K. Kids said at once.
"Well in that case, I won't tell you where I saw Junker!"
The K. Kids sighed. The three players pressed the red, green, and blue buttons, causing a torpedo to be fired at them.
"Ha! Fooled you!" Sushi yelled.
The torpedo blast fired all three of the minions far away.
Petey and Koopa sat upon a large rock.
"You ever feel like everyone has someone, except for us?" Koopa asked.
"Wahaha! I've-a found it!"
Waluigi ran up to an unconscious Junker, but Mr. L ran up pressed a button on a remote. A warp pipe appeared under Junker, warping it away. The pipe then disappeared.
"L-ater, Wa-loser-igi!" Mr. L taunted as he jumped away.
"Curse you, Green Thunder!"
Koopa was looking around by a canyon, when a giant blooper reared its head.
"Mommy!" the bloo
er called. "Can you please help this guy get to the other side?"
Koopa was confused. "Huh? Oh, thanks but no thanks, see I actually want to be on this side, an-"
A giant tentacle picked Koopa up.
"Aaah! Aaah! Help! Somebody help me! Aaaah!" screamed the koopa. Then the tentacle put Koopa down on the other side.
"… Dang it."
Petey stepped on a Battle Space that was randomly positioned on the ground.
Goomba lowered down on a parachute. "Okay, time to battle! Three randomly selected characters will play a Battle Mini Game!"
Petey was confused. "But we don't have coins."
"I know. So instead, the losers will be removed from today's challenge!"
Game: All Fired Up
Players: Petey, Green K. Kid, Waluigi, Rosalina
Instructions: Survive in the arena while avoiding the fireballs. Last player standing wins!
Controls: Joystick (move), A (jump)
Tip: "You can jump on your enemies to stun them!"
The four players stood about an octagonal arena. Then the Podoboos dropped down and started moving about.
"Waa! It's so hot in here!"
"Pansy." Green K. Kid taunted.
The four players ran about as the Podoboos gathered and formed a plus sign that started moving. Waluigi and Green K. Kid tried jumping onto each other, while Rosalina and Petey just moved along with the fire to avoid it.
"Get lost-a!"
"Ladies first!"
Green and Waluigi both got burnt, and sent flying out of the arena.
"I lost?"
"Haha!" taunted Petey.
Petey and Rosalina kept running, when the fires scattered again and formed a ring. The Podoboos expanded and contracted their formation as many times as necessary, until they finally caught Rosalina and Petey at the same time.
Goomba laughed to himself. "Heh! Well I guess in that case, nobody gets to move on!"
"Aw drat!" Petey cursed. A warp pipe appeared and swallowed him. Elsewhere, the same happened for Green K. Kid, Waluigi, and Rosalina. They were all taken back to the start, and a cage lowered onto all of them.
Toadette and Dry Bowser were walking around one of the northern corners of the area.
"Wonder what happened to Rosalina." sighed the pink girl.
"Doesn't matter, as long as we all get rid of one of those lousy Koopa Kids!"
"Dry Bowser-"
"I mean it! Now we should probably make Koopa agree with us. Petey's too lazy and I don't like Waluigi, so he's the next best choice."
The two kept walking for a while, until they noticed Junker ahead.
"There he is!" shouted Toadette. This caught the attention of a giant fish nearby.
"Achoo!" sneezed the fish.
Suddenly a powerful current emanated from the fish, blowing Toadette, Dry Bowser, and Junker all the way across the board.
Bandit picked up a coin. "Nice."
"Focus!" Red K. Kid shouted.
At that point, Junker, Toadette, and Dry Bowser all crashed into Bandit, taking him along with them. Red was confused.
Koopa was continuing his search. He was looking behind a large rock, when he heard a loud noise.
"What was that?"
He went around and saw. Three dizzy players and one robot.
"Jackpot, I've found Junker!"
"No, I did!" Bandit called.
"No, I did!" Toadette corrected.
Bowser appeared.
"Well then, I'll just take this!" Bowser picked up Junker. "And I'll give credit to whichever one of you losers can beat the boss! And it had better be you, Bandit!"
"Yes you! You're the one representing me! If you lose, you don't get a coupon and could be voted out!"
"Oh. Yeah… Okay."
"Brace yourselves!"
Dry Bowser
Gooper Blooper
Game: Bop to the Bloop
Players: Toadette, Dry Bowser, Bandit, Koopa
Instructions: Gooper Blooper will pound on the bongos in a certain sequence. Repeat the sequence correctly to earn more money!
Controls: A (A Drum), B (B Drum), X (X Drum), Y (Y Drum)
Tip: "There's no time limit for the beating the drums, so take your time!"
Toadette, Dry Bowser, Bandit, and Koopa were all on small rafts, with bongos in front of them. The four of them were surrounding Gooper Blooper, who was on a much larger raft. Gooper Blooper also had bongos.
Gooper Blooper went first.
The others followed.
Toadette - A-B-B-X
Dry Bowser - A-B-B-X
Koopa - A-B-X
Bandit - A-B-B-B-X
Gooper Blooper slapped Koopa and Bandit so hard that they remained dizzy.
Meanwhile, Gooper Blooper was visibly upset as he threw three coins each to Toadette and Dry Bowser. Koopa and Bandit returned to normal. With that, Gooper Blooper started the next sequence.
Toadette - B-Y-B-X-B
Dry Bowser - B-Y-B-X-B-A
Koopa - B-Y-B-X-B-A
Bandit - B-B-X-Y-A
Gooper Blooper slapped Toadette and Bandit, mockingly.
"Oh no!"
Then he reluctantly awarded coins to the two turtles. Gooper Blooper prepared the next sequence.
Toadette - X-X-A-B-X-Y-X-X
Dry Bowser - X-X-A-B-X-X-Y
Koopa - X-A-X-B-X-Y
Bandit - X-X-A-X-X-B-X-X-Y
Gooper Blooper slapped everyone but Toadette.
He then proceeded to pay Toadette 3 more coins. After losing 15 coins to the players, Gooper Blooper got mad and turned purple.
Toadette - 6 coins
Dry Bowser - 6 coins
Koopa - 3 coins
Bandit - 0 coins
Gooper Blooper sprayed ink balls into the air, and they landed on all the bongos, turning them all pure black. Then Gooper picked up his own bongos and rearranged their positions.
Toadette - A-B-A-A-X-B-A
Dry Bowser - A-B-A-X-A-B
Koopa - A-A-B-X-A-B-A
Bandit - A-B-A-A-X-B-A
Gooper Blooper slapped Dry Bowser and Koopa.
Angry still, he awarded six coins, three to Toadette and three to Bandit.
"Wait I got it right? Sweet, I was just guessing!" Bandit cheered.
Gooper Blooper slapped his own face out of shame. He was matched by an idiot. Regardless, he regained his composure and prepared the next sequence.
Toadette - Y-X-A-X-A-B-X-Y
Dry Bowser - Y-X-X-B-A-A-X-Y
Koopa - Y-X-A-X-B-A-Y-X
Bandit - Y-X-A-X-X-Y-X-A-X
Gooper Blooper slapped everyone except for Koopa.
"Oh no!"
Gooper Blooper rewarded Koopa and hit his bongos some more.
Toadette - A-A-B-X-Y-A-X-Y-B
Dry Bowser - A-A-B-X-Y-A-X-Y-B
Koopa - A-A-B-X-Y-A-X-Y-B
Bandit - A-A-B-B-X-Y-A-X-Y
Gooper Blooper slapped Bandit for his insolence.
He then awarded three coins each to the other three players.
Toadette - 9 coins
Dry Bowser - 9 coins
Koopa - 9 coins
Bandit - 3 coins
Having lost 30 coins, Gooper Blooper jumped off his raft and returned to the ocean floor.
"Well it looks like we have a tie. I didn't think that would happen." Bowser said, no longer holding Junker. "Now I don't know what to do. I can't even get mad at Bandit for losing, I'm just so confused!"
"Can we just all have the coupon?" Toadette suggested.
Koopa raised his hand. "Or at least just give me one?"
Mr. L walked up to Bowser.
"How about-a none of them?"
Bowser shook his head. "I can't do that, new minion. Then that whole game was for nothing! Aw dang it, looks like all three of the winners have to get a coupon. Drat!"
Black tickets with the Bowser logo appeared before Dry Bowser, Toadette, and Koopa. The three of them were now immune from being voted off. Bowser was mad.
"I don't like winners in my game unless they're winning for me! Let's just have all the losers meet up at my place."
Bowser walked off while Toadette turned to Dry Bowser.
"Uh-oh, that means that you and I can't help Rosalina vote for one of the K. Kids!"
"Oh what's the worst that could come of that?" the skeleton reassured.
Bandit raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.
Bowser's Throne:
Rosalina, Petey, Waluigi, Red K. Kid, Green K. Kid, and Bandit were all standing before Bowser. Toad and Bowser Jr. were next to the big guy. Toad decided to speak up.
"Okay, so everyone gets a Mini Star, and they'll wish for someone to vote off."
Everyone received their Mini Stars. When they were done wishing upon them, one floated over Red, Green, Petey, and Bandit. Two floated over Rosalina.
"Wahaha! I'm the only a-one nobody voted for!" boasted Waluigi.
Rosalina's eyes widened. "Me? I have the most votes?"
Red and Green taunted Rosalina. "Ha ha ha!"
"Bandit told us about the pact you and your friends were making against us, so we turned the tables on you!" Red explained. Bandit raised his brow again.
"Oh, so we were really going to do that? I voted for Petey. I don't trust his mouth."
Petey shrugged. "I've had that before. I voted for Bandit because I didn't think we had to vote for a particular K. Kid."
Bandit nodded. "Yeah I can see that."
"Waluigi a-made that mistake too…"
"Bwahaha! Goodbye, space princess!"
"You won't get away with this, Bowseeeeeeer-" Rosalina was swallowed by a rampant warp pipe.
"Now get to your rooms!" the Koopa King ordered.
Winner's Thoughts:
"The Koopa Kids copied our plan and got rid of Rosalina! Oooh those little brats make me so mad! And if Dry Bowser and I didn't win that boss game, we could've helped out! Talk about a lose-lose!" - Toadette
"Eh, I never liked Rosalina anyway. But I gotta get rid of those Koopa Kids. Oh and Bandit I guess. It doesn't matter to me who loses, as long as the K. Kids are all taken care of eventually." - Dry Bowser
"Bowser's games aren't pleasant to begin with, but I think that was more than enough ocean for me for this year." - Koopa
Losers' Thoughts:
"I'm hungry. I'm surprised Bandit isn't gone yet, he seems like the unlucky type." - Petey
"Wahaha! Everybody loves Waluigi!" - Waluigi
"In your face! We lost, but all three of us are still here!" - Red K. Kid
"Man, Bandit's kind of a sad sack." - Green K. Kid
"So… I'd say that wasn't so bad for my first game." - Bandit
To be continued.
Winner's Thoughts:
"The Koopa Kids copied our plan and got rid of Rosalina! Oooh those little brats make me so mad! And if Dry Bowser and I didn't win that boss game, we could've helped out! Talk about a lose-lose!" - Toadette
"Eh, I never liked Rosalina anyway. But I gotta get rid of those Koopa Kids. Oh and Bandit I guess. It doesn't matter to me who loses, as long as the K. Kids are all taken care of eventually." - Dry Bowser
"Bowser's games aren't pleasant to begin with, but I think that was more than enough ocean for me for this year." - Koopa
Losers' Thoughts:
"I'm hungry. I'm surprised Bandit isn't gone yet, he seems like the unlucky type." - Petey
"Wahaha! Everybody loves Waluigi!" - Waluigi
"In your face! We lost, but all three of us are still here!" - Red K. Kid
"Man, Bandit's kind of a sad sack." - Green K. Kid
"So… I'd say that wasn't so bad for my first game." - Bandit
To be continued.
Remaining Players: Koopa, Petey, Toadette, Waluigi, Dry Bowser, Red K. Kid, Green K. Kid, Bandit
Losers: Wario, Luigi, Birdo, King Boo, Shy Guy, Dry Bones, Hammer Bro., Koopa Kid, Blooper, Boom-Boom, Daisy, Blue K. Kid, Yoshi, Rosalina
Author's Notes:
Uh-oh, Rosalina's gone now, and it's all because of the Koopa Kids (and Bandit)! And now with only eight spots remaining, having three Bowser players around really isn't starting to look so good.
Toadette's really the only "good" character left, everyone else is a bad guy or neutral. Koopa's kind of a good guy, but he seems to be focused more on survival than beating the Koopa Kids.
So the Gooper Blooper boss game. It was kind of lifted from the Hammer Bro. boss game in Mario Party DS, but I made sure to put a multiplayer spin on it, and make it fit more into the Mario Party 9 boss game formula. Also instead of taking damage, Gooper Blooper reluctantly gives out coins instead. One reason it's even a musical game at all is because in Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Gooper Blooper was depicted as being a music fan. Say what you will, but I still think that game was charming.
I initially didn't want to have a tie for the Gooper Blooper game, but I realized that keeping two confirmed Red K. Kid votes out of the running would keep things from being too one-sided. Also, Mr. L appears and causes mayhem! If you remember, Mr. L is now brainwashed and will cause mayhem at least once per game now.
As you can see from his performance in the general game and the boss game, Bandit is a little slow. He strikes me as the least evil of any of the remaining Bowser players. He probably didn't even think his revenge plan through before even being forced into the game. Now that he's in, he might as well just chill.
By the way, I finally got Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, and though I've only been through the first few areas, I'd say it's pretty good so far.