Title: 7 Days
Author: Dreamcloud
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Pairing: 80/59 Word Count: 4,221
Summary: Hayato Blows up his apartment after trying out a new explosive and is forced to move in with Takeshi until the apartment is mended. Author's Note(s): Hoping to do this in 7 parts one chapter for each day.

I really hate my life sometimes. No, what I really hate is that he universe seems to have an unnecessary vendetta against me.

Everything had been going fine up until the point where the new set of dynamite I had been testing out blew up in my face. Quite literally…

I had been trying out a new powder that came at a cheaper price than the current powder I use; I've got to start cutting costs somewhere being as the rent goes up next month. However I wanted to make sure that this new stuff had the same fire power as current stock. This meant I just had to pilot test it…

Note to self: never experiment with dynamite in the apartment again. Ever!

Though in my defence I hadn't meant to light it when I had. This was the problem with smoking around explosives; these things just tend to happen sometimes…

One little speck of ash hits the fuse and the next thing I knew I was waking up under the kitchen table surrounded by the charred - yet still burning - remains of my home. Naturally it didn't take long before the landlord came running down from upstairs shouting and screaming, demanding to know what the fuck had happened.

He wasn't impressed to say the least when he found out why his precious rundown sad excuse for an apartment had gone up in smoke, neither were my neighbours. Again in my defence I wasn't either, this meant I had just wasted a fair amount of money for nothing, and blown up the rest of my dynamite along with it! So yeah I'm not very fucking impressed either!

But to cut a long story short he ended up calling for the emergency services and they eventually came to put out the fire and collect what they could salvage from my apartment. Not that I care, anything that has any sort of value to me doesn't leave my person anyway; (although I did have to be grateful when they managed to salvage a bagful of clothes that had been found in my charred wardrobe).

Other than that everything else seemed to have been lost in the fire. Crap.

I was on the middle of pondering why the hell these things always seem to happen to me when one of the guys who had been putting out the fire I had started came waltzing up to me. Joy, on top of losing pretty much all I owned I now have to socialise with the damn people who had crushed my pride by helping me. The fuck did I ever do to you god?!

"Excuse me young man?"

I turn round to try and look more sociable, emphasis on the try.

"Where will you be staying while the renovations are being made to the property?"

I blink and stare back at him for a moment because A: I hadn't even begun to think about that, and B: Why the hell does this guy even care?

"I'll just call up a friend or something and ask if I can stay there" I tell him casually hoping it's enough to get him the go away. I don't need any nosy adults bugging me and trying to give me sympathetic looks every other second. It's kinda why I stay around here in the rougher side of the town, nobody cares what you're doing or where you're going so long as you stay out there business, and that suits me just fine.

"Oh right. Don't you have any family that could offer you somewhere to stay?"

For Gods sakes why the hell does this idiot care so much?!

"No. Like I said I'll just call a friend and ask them if I can stay there for a while" again I'm trying to cut this conversation off, however it doesn't seem to be working and there's only so long that I can be polite to people.

"Oh right well let me know how it goes we should be hanging around for a while until we're sure that the fire won't start up again" he gives me a blinding smile before heading off to join the other guys who are still scanning though to debris.

I raise an eyebrow as he leaves, because really, they must have dumped around 3 tonnes on water in the apartment and due to that saturated the walls, floors and the remains of any furniture. It's like the beginnings of an indoor swimming pool in there! That fire is not going to start up again and even I know that.

But whatever I think to myself, snatching my phone from the pocket of my hoodie, huffing slightly and reaching for a cigarette and my personalised lighter with my other hand. With a flick of my finger the lighter produces a flame and creates an amber glow at the end of the cigarette.

I catch one of my neighbours rolling his eyes at me, but as soon as he catches a flash of my middle finger he's soon scowling and heading the other way.

Shamal's name flashes up at me from my phonebook and I can't help but shudder as I hit the call button. I don't want to have to rely on him like I did in Italy; and I frown as a ghost of a memory floats back to me of a time when I swore blindly that I would never call in a favour from him again. This was due to him thinking it would be funny to lock me out of his apartment because I had been in yet another fight which he didn't approve of. I had been more than embarrassed as I stood outside in the pouring rain screaming distasteful curse words up at an open window while pounding on his front door promising him an intensely inhumane death by my hands.

Dear god if there was one person in this world that really did deserve it…

"What do you want?" his voice cut through my thoughts quick from the receiver. He didn't sound pleased in the least, again I don't really care.

"I need you to come and pick me up" Not point dancing round the issue here.

He laughs and I can picture the look on his face right now. I can also picture him being blown sky high and the image alone keeps me from putting the phone down on him.

"Look my apartment got blown up and I currently don't have anywhere to go. So you either come pick me up and what's left of my worldly possessions or I'll walk over to your house and blow your door down and make myself comfy" the threat rings true and soon enough Shamals scrambling around at the other end of the line.

"Oi oi Hayato don't be so hasty, I've currently got company here!" he tells me.

"Do I sound like I care" I drawl running a hand through my hair glancing back to my trashed apartment from the hall way. "I've not got anywhere to go currently and I can't impose on the Tenths family, he's already looking after my intrusive sister plus he has all those brats living with him…" Somewhere along the line he gets the point and sighs. I smirk, I've won.

"Fine, stay where you are" at that the line goes dead and I make myself comfy on the floor.


It doesn't take long for him to arrive and he throws me a pointed look when he sees the state of the room I once inhabited.

"What the hell did you do?" he asked while grabbing one of my bags and throwing it over one shoulder.

"Nothing, just an accident with this new gunpowder I ordered"

"What's wrong with the stuff you currently use" he says while quirking an eyebrow at me. It was Sharmal who introduced me to Dunamisexplosives originally so it's no wonder he's curious.

"I'm trying to be more money wise and shit if you must know. Money doesn't just grow on trees for some people" I snap. Because I don't need to rely on my family for money I can make a living for myself I just need to be more careful on what I spend my money on that's all. Not that I would ever accept money from my father anyway…

Shamal laughs and shakes his head at me before turning serious again.

"That's all well and good. But what did I tell you about messing around with explosives while indoors?"

I roll my eyes at him and glance back down at the road. I do not need a lecture from a pervert like him.

"Hayato! I'm being serious. You could have got yourself killed, again! Have you been checked for injuries?"

"Yeah, they said I was fine other than a few scratches and bruises" I tell him while batting his hand away, he looks pissed, but that doesn't surprise me. He's always saying he doesn't care what happens to me if I don't care either. But I reckon deep down in that perverted mind of his he does care but doesn't like to show it. After all why else would he drive out to me at 8 at night to pick me up, especially if he's got 'company'? Not that I believe him.

"You're lucky that you're alive" he mumbles back before opening the driver door. "Not get in the car, and no smoking!"

I frown at him and then take the cigarette out of my mouth before flicking it on the floor and snubbing it out with the heel of my trainer.


Shamals place is a mess. No seriously.

There's empty beer cans and cigarette packets everywhere and from the corner of my eye I see an collection of vintage wine bottles clustering on the coffee table to the right. It doesn't look that the living room has seen the light of day for a while and the stench of alcohol and stale cigarettes hits me like one of my rocket bombs making my eyes sting.

"What the hell is this?" I ask meekly dropping my bag in the hall and daring a step into the lounge.

"The fuck do you think it is? This is where I live" he tells me and walks through to the connecting kitchen pulling out a bottle of red Italian wine and two glasses.

I frown as he hands me one of the glasses and fills it to the brim. It's not something unusual, back when I was Italy I used to come back to his place black and blue. When this happened I'd pinch a bottle of Shamal's best wine and drink till the pain numbed and I couldn't feel a nerve in my body. At a young age Italian children are allowed to drink and soon develop a high tolerance for alcohol, which is good for when you need to use it as an anaesthetic.

Though I have to admit, Shamal drinks more than your average native Italian…

I make myself comfy on his sofa and sigh. How the hell am I going to pay my landlord back for all the damage I caused?

"Oi, just to let you know you're not going to be able to stay here for long"

I glance up from the sofa to see him standing in the doorway to the kitchen frowning at me, but looking completely serious.

The fuck…

"What the hell are you talking about?" I growl back, my grip on the glass tightening. Where the crap does he expect me to go?

"I'm due back in Italy on Tuesday for a week, my flights late tomorrow night so you can't stay here is what I'm saying" he says while smirking.

I stare at him stupidly for a moment and then realise I must look like that stupid baseball idiot and compose myself slightly and then letting lose all over again.

"The fuck do you expect me to go then?! Why can't I just stay here and wait till you get back?"

This time he looks at me stupidly and suddenly has the nerve to laugh at me.

"If you blew up your own apartment then how the hell do you expect me to be able to trust you in my own? It's not happening Hayato" He explains and takes greedy swig of his wine. "Besides don't you have any friends that you can pull any favours from?"

"We're not in Italy you twat! I don't have anything over anyone here. So no I can't 'pull' any favours! Plus I already told you the Tenths got his hands full with that sister of mine"

He rolls his eyes at me and sets his glass down. I'm pretty sure he's used to me kicking off these days and doesn't even flinch when I throw a 'tantrum' as he so eloquently calls them.

"What about that other kid?" he then asks.

I blink who the hell is he talking about. The only people I hang around with is-

"-at one whose dad owns that fis-"

"Don't fucking finish that sentence! I'd rather cut both my hands off then stay with that pathetic excuse for a human being!"

He raised an eyebrow again and watches as I huff at the mere thought of that suggestion.

"I don't see what you've got against that kid"

My mind reels and the thought of punching Shamal in the face is becoming more and more favourable. How can he even ask that? Is it not completely obvious as to why I should hate that idiot's guts? I mean sure we get along better since the whole future thing and yeah maybe I was upset at the thought of him being dead when he got attacked by the Simon's sport freak Kaoru. But that doesn't mean I still don't wish some days that he would get hit by a freaking bus!

…Okay so maybe a bus is little harsh. But at least by a rogue bicycle!

"Seriously? You're really asking me this?" I say staring blankly at him. He gives me a 'sure-why-the-hell-not' look and I glare back feeling all of my previous feeling of annoyance come hurtling back and settling like a bubbling pit of lava in my stomach. "He's the most infuriatingly, stupid, moronic, brainless, pathetic person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Plus he's obviously after the position of being the Tenths Right Hand Man. Hah! Like I would ever allow something as scandalous as that to happen to the Tenth! I don't even see what he Tenth sees in him or why he even keeps him around. He seems to really like him which is stupid because there is nothing special about him besides the fact that he's good at sports… Well not good because that would mean he has a use but… But…" I suddenly run out of juice after working myself up so much and let out a huff. "I hate him…" I finish pathetically. "So there's no way in hell I'm staying at his!"

I don't look at Shamal after that. He's gone quiet all of a sudden and that's never a good sign. So taking my only chance I stand up and quickly make my exit while murmuring a swift goodnight.

Sleep doesn't come easy that night. Not with the thought of where I'm going to end up staying on my mind.


The next morning Shamal makes the effort of dropping me off at school, which I have no choice to be thankful for. He makes the excuse that he feels bad being as he is going to be kicking me out into the cold later. He did offer to take me with him this morning to avoid problems, but I had to decline after finding out that he was going to visit my father. There was no way I was ever going near that man again, whether he was the reason for my mother's death or not.

"Right so I'll drop you back off at my place later, so wait by the reception and I'll come down once I'm done locking the nurses office up. In the meantime try and make some new friends and then maybe you can go and have a sleepover with them or whatever it is you kids do these days" he tells me grinning. I suddenly realise that he's slipped back into fluent Italian and wonder what the fucks up with him.

It's only when I turn round and see the Tenth, baseball freak and Turf Top and his sister staring at the two of us most likely wondering why Shamals dropping me off at school.

Oh shit, now I've got to make up some stupid excuse as to why without letting them know about the fire...

"Whatever" I snap back in Japanese and then frown when it clicks that the others are close enough to hear and I don't want to give anything away. "As if I'm going to do that! I'll just have to figure something out. You better pick me up a stock of cigarettes by the way. Otherwise I'm breaking into your stash, cause this is my last pack" I yell back in Italian waving the box at him as he drives off to the teachers parking lot round the back of the school.


"Yo! Octopus Head! I am extremely confused. Why is that guy dropping you at school?"

Good god I hate this moron!

I turn and walk over and give a warm smile to the Tenth.

"I'm extremely sorry for being late Juudaime, I hope you weren't kept waiting long" I say franticly. The last thing I need is to annoy the Tenth.

"Ah, Gokudera-kun don't worry about it, really its fine we weren't waiting too long" he tells me waving his hands in front of me smiling nervously.

Satisfied that the Tenth is alright and comfortable I sneak a glance at the baseball freak only to see him grinning widely at me his arms folded behind his head casually. What's that idiot grinning about?

"Urm, Goukdera-kun how come Doctor Shamal dropped you off today? He doesn't usually. We thought you were sick when you didn't meet us up at my house"

My head snaps back to the Tenth again and I panic for a split second before the bell rings and we're all suddenly rushing into the school without a second thought.


As promised Shamal gives me a lift back to his place, unfortunately he then informs me that he doesn't have anything in to eat and proceeds to offer me alcohol instead.

20 minutes, a lesson in why humans cannot survive on alcohol followed by a sarcastic remark, four bruises and a black eye later we find ourselves outside a shop downtown; accompanied by a list that includes the words food and pain relievers.

My eye twitches as I watch Shamal flirt with one of the woman on duty at the store and quickly walk off as he receives a slap round the face. Unfortunately this is not usual, and I dread the day people all over Japan begin to recognise him as they do in Italy. Good god he's going to be the death of me one day.

He soon catches up to me and frowns while rubbing the red swelling on his left cheek, murmuring about how the woman here just aren't like the ones in Italy. It makes me laugh for a moment because my so called step mother is one of the most refined women in all of Italy and her so called friends are the same. The only place where Shamal could actually pick women up was the backstreets of Italy where all the not so refined people dwelled.

Eventually we settled on stir-fry which is something I'm sure even Bianchi could coo- wait never mind.

We were just about to get back into the car when someone shouted out my name, and it sure as hell wasn't Shamal. I turned my head and to my horror I saw the baseball idiot running towards me his father walking calmly behind with a grin on his face.

What the hell! Why was he here?!

I suddenly wonder if it's possible to just drag Shamal into the car and drive off without making too much of a scene. The thought immediately dies in my head as Shamal actually waves them both over and strikes up a conversation. Note to self: beat Shamal within an inch of his life when we get back to his place.

"Haha! Gokudera why didn't you say you were staying at Doctor Shamal's place" the idiot asks, while I stare at him with a look of distaste and wonder why on earth none of my anti-social behaviour bothers him.

"He won't be for much longer" Shamal then breaks in with a smile and a sly look in eyes which I immediately catch.

"Oh how come?" Yamamoto senior then asks frowning.

A blazing look of hate passes through my eyes as I glare a hole in the back of Shamal's head, practically daring him to continue with a threat of death if he does.

Again yet another person ignores my wishes and he ploughs in with his story.

"I have an urgent trip back to Italy, my flight leaves tonight and after what happened to Hayato's flat I'm not to keen on him staying home alone in mine" he tell them with a smile and then drops it playing the worried parent card. "But I don't know where else he can go for the week…" there's a sudden pause in which Shamal looks up to Yamamoto's father with a sigh.

Dread fills me when I suddenly see where this is going, surely not. He's not suggesting what I think he i-

"Well why doesn't he come and stay with us for the week"

My head shoots up so quickly to look at Yamamoto senior that I think something in my neck snapped.

Hell no!

"Really?! You wouldn't mind?" Shamal then asks feigning shock.

"Sure, why not? He's one of Takeshi's friends and they go to the same school and its only for a week. It's better than him staying in some hotel where you don't know what he'll be up to"

Excuse me! I currently live alone anyway! Plus there no way Shamal's going to pay to put me up in a hotel for the week, because god knows there no way I can afford it.

"Well that's really kind of you. Hayato say thank you, Mr Yamamoto here has just solved the problem" he gives me a creepy smile like he's pleased with himself or something. I shoot him a dark look that makes it clear we're going to be having words later, before smiling to Yamamoto's father and giving him a swift bow and thanks. He simply smiles back at me and then proceeds to steer the baseball freak in around in the direction of the sushi shop.

"Well we best be getting back to lay down a spare futon, we'll see you later I take it?" he then asks.

"Yeah I'll drop him round in hour with his stuff" Shamal says while waving them off.

I catch a smile from the idiot as he leaves with his father shouting back his goodbye.

I freaking hate my life sometimes…


The ride over to Yamamoto's is awkward. I'm currently refusing to talk to Shamal and he knows it. There's been no discussion since the argument back at his flat, and there will be no discussion till he turns this damn car around.

Oddly enough – despite me glaring a few more holes in the back of his head – he doesn't turn round and in fact we're now parked outside Takesushi.

"I'm not going in there" I say pointedly, arms folded, eyes glaring straight ahead.

He shakes his head and yanks me from the car dragging my suitcase with me.

The door opens and Yamamoto senior is there with a warm smile and one armed hug as he steers me in… To where the baseball idiot is sitting at the sushi counter with that same smile that must run in the family.

"Hi Gokudera!" he calls with that annoyingly welcoming voice that makes me want to run over to him and punch him hard in the face and wipe that constant smile right off.

"I expect you've eaten, but if not we still have some sushi left over from tonight's service that your welcome to" Yamamoto senior said once more with a smile.

"Well you seem to be in good hands, I'll be off then. See you in a week" and then Shamal was gone leaving me alone in the middle of the restaurant with two grinning fools.

This week had better go fast if it knows what's good for it…

Please review and tell me what you think :)

- Dreamcloud