Sorry for the late update i was busy with my life and stuff.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kickin It'

Broken chapter 1

Have you ever felt truly alone? Well I do. Here I am sitting on a park bench in the middle of the night in the pouring rain. My dad is dead and my mother is so distant she appears only to be a ghost who just lingers around. My friends have no idea what I'm going through and I don't want to tell them. Lately I have been wearing a lot of black and navy, my sad colors, and haven't been talking to people as much. The weather is perfect for my feelings. The sky dark, depressed sky is streaming tears just like I am. I feel empty, no joy or hope, just sadness and fear. Fear of losing my safety blanket, my best friend Jack. He is what keeps me holding on and stopping myself from possibly committing suicide. I didn't even tell him through and we tell each other everything. But right now, he can't use his charm to make my walls crumble down for they are reinforced and feel as if they can never be penetrated again. Not only is Jack my best friends, after many hours debating it I concluded that I'm in love with him. Crazy right? He couldn't care less though; he has girls literally throwing themselves at him. I was done thinking about him, about my life, everything. I only focus on the rain pouring around me, the thunder rumbling, the lightning flashing. I feel the hot tears still involuntarily flowing out of my eyes. I feel the anger toward my mother for shutting me out when I needed her most. I felt a hand on my shoulder and didn't move an inch. I didn't look up, I didn't shift my body, I didn't even open my eyes. I knew it was Jack but I didn't care anymore, I just wanted the pain to end, I wanted the world to disappear and dissolve around me.

"Kim tell me what's wrong." Jack urged me to speak but I didn't. I felt him sit down next to me on the bench and he rubbed my back. After about ten minutes of me not answering him he spoke again. "I'm taking you home."

He picked me up and carried me who knows where. I still didn't open my eyes or move. I heard a door open, him walk up some stairs and felt and tile floor under me. Someone wrapped a towel around my shoulders followed by a blanket. "Kim. Open your eyes at least, please, you don't have to talk." Jack begged.

I did, I opened my eyes and saw I was in his bathroom sitting on the floor with him in front of me. His parents were away on a business trip as always, leaving him alone. "Thank you." He said happily. I sat there for a few minutes before he picked me up and put me on his bed. I fell asleep almost instantly realizing how tired I was. I woke up rain pelting against the window and a warm body lying next to me with an arm draped over my body.

"Kimmy, will you please say something." Jack begged with his big brown eyes.

I wouldn't let his charm get to me but I had to talk sometime, "Not in the mood." I said in a flat tone with no emotion in my voice. Jack didn't press me on or anything, we just laid there for another few hours and I let my mind run blank and empty.

It turned out that I had fallen asleep and was waking up an hour later to a soft voice, "Kimmy. Wake up." I opened my eyes and saw Jack looking at me worried. "Please tell me what happened." He begged and I closed my eyes hoping he would just disappear when I opened them but had no such luck. I looked at his face and I couldn't stand looking at him. I closed my eyes and rolled over, shutting him out. He came closer and wrapped his arm around my waist. I couldn't take it, he was doing this as a friend but I wanted it to be more. Never being one to wear my heart on my sleeve, I got up and walked out of his house. It was still raining but I couldn't care less. I walked to the pier and sat on the edge looking out at the waves violently beating against the shore. I sat there letting the rain pour over me, drenching me again. My thoughts left as the rain picked up and waves trashed even more violently beneath me. I thought about how just a little jump and a few painful breaths could end it all and take me to a world beyond this one. Maybe the next one would be better. It's not anyone would actually miss me. They would all move on eventually and get over me being gone. I wouldn't be anything other than a memory that would eventually be forgotten. Plus, I could join my father up there in a better place.

"Don't you dare jump." I heard Jack's voice behind me.

"Why shouldn't I?" I said never taking my eyes off of the water below me.

"Because it would the people who care about you." Jack's voice was closer now.

"Like who? Eventually everyone would forget me and I would be nothing but a memory." I said emotionlessly still facing the water.

"Like me." He whispered in my ear and I could feel his hot breath on my freezing skin.

"You would forget me with everyone else." I said bitterly.

"No Kim. I could never forget you." He whispered again wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes you would." I said inching forward trying to get out of his grip.

"If you jump I'm going in to." He said still not letting go.

"No you wouldn't." I hadn't looked at him this while time.

"Yes I would." He whispered into my neck.

"Prove it." I said in disbelief.

"Look at me." He said. When I shook my head he picked me up and put me on me feet so that I was standing. "Look at me." He said lifting my chin so my gaze was directed from the ground to him. I was now staring into his deep chocolaty eyes. "I could never forget you Kim." He whispered.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"Because I love you." He sad putting his forehead on mine.

"No you don't. You're just saying that." I said looking turning my head but keeping my forehead on his.

"Yes I do." He said turning my head back. And before I registered what was happening he kissed me. I kissed him back with everything I had. He managed to get past the impenetrable wall I had in place. I pulled away and looked at him before hugging him. He held me tightly in his grasp as the rain still poured down on us.

"I love you too." I whispered so quietly I didn't think he heard me.

"I know. I've always known." he whispered back.

"Then why didn't you tell me before?" I asked a little angry.

"I didn't think I had to. I thought you already knew." He said still hugging me.

"Then why now? Why not back then?" I asked him quietly.

"I didn't know how you'd take it and it never seemed like the right moment." I said pulling back to look at me.

"So right before I'm about to commit suicide is a good time?" That sounded better in my head then when it came out.

Jack laughed a little, "Well do you still want to?" He asked getting serious again.

"Maybe..." I trailed off thinking about my sucky life.

"Why?" He said looking into my eyes as if he was searching my soul for an answer.

"A lot of reasons." I said looking away from his stare.

"Why don't you come back to my house with me and tell me?" I looked back at the ocean. It was calming down and the rain was slowing. I looked back at Jack and nodded. We were slowly walking when I started feeling dizzy and my legs gave out. I was lying on the ground and it felt like my while body was shutting down. The last thing I saw was Jack standing over me looking worried.

I opened my eyes and was surrounded by darkness until a light appeared and morphed into my deceased father. "Daddy?" I asked in disbelief.

"Kimberly!" He yelled and ran over and hugged me. He was himself but had a faint glow to him and was somewhat transparent.

"Kim, dad, it's Kim." I said to him and he laughed.

"I'm glad that boy convinced you not to jump. Jack is it?" He asked when he let go.

"Ya and why is that?" He was coming to tell me he was glad I didn't jump? Why?

"Your friends would have been devastated. Without you, everyone's lives would change." He said and I gave him a look of disbelief.

"They would forget me not miss me." I said to him.

"Let me show you what would have happened." he waved his hand infront of my face and we were in the dojo. It had boxes stacked everywhere and Rudy was the only one there.

"What happened?" I asked shocked.

"Everyone stopped coming so he has to sell the place." My dad said.

"Oh." He waved his hand again and we were at Milton's house. Milton was locked in his room playing video games, something he rarely did, and he had no books or school work around, which he always had. "What is he doing? Where are his books?" I asked my dad.

"He burned them all and gave up on school because he missed you too much and couldn't focus. Video games take him out of reality and this is all he does." my dad waved his hand again and we were in a rehabilitation center with both Eddie and Jerry. Jerry was just staring at the wall and Eddie was obese. "Eddie resorted to eating and became so overweight he almost died." That shocked me.

"What about Jerry?" I was almost afraid to ask.

"He can't focus and covet things in seconds. He can barely remember his own name." I looked at him and knew who was next. My dad waved his hand and we were in a graveyard.

"Why are we here?" I asked him. My dad didn't say a word he just pointed at a head stone. It was Jack's. I knelt down on the ground and my dad put his hand on my shoulder. "No he didn't." I said trying to reassure myself.

"He couldn't live without you Kim." My dad said before waving his hand and the world returned to black. "It isn't your time yet Kim, keep living your life and keep your friends close." he started fading, "Goodbye Kim, I will always love you, remember that." Then he was gone.

I opened my eyes for real this time and sat up quickly immediately feeling dizzy so I laid back down. "Morning sleepy head." I heard Jack and looked around. I was on the couch in his living room.

"What day is it?" I asked him and he came back in the room and sat down by my feet.

"Saturday." He replied and my sat back up with the wave of dizziness returning with it. We were at the pier on Thursday. I slept for a whole day?

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I yelled.

"Believe me I tried but you wouldn't wake up." Jack replied sarcastically.

"Sorry." I said looking to the side.

"It's fine I figured you collapsed from exhaustion. You had been sitting on that bench all night and only slept for an hour before." He said.

"Ya..." I trailed off.

"So why didn't you do it?" He asked and I tried to sit up slowly.

"Do what?" I asked him back managing to get into an upright position.

"Think about you know, killing yourself. You said you would tell me" He said quietly.

"Oh um, well, my mom doesn't notice me anymore and acts like a ghost. Heck I haven't seen her eat in months after my dad died and-" Jack cut me off.

"What? When?" He moved closer to me and sat sideways on the couch facing me. I remembered I never told him.

"Half a year ago. I didn't want you to worry about me so I didn't tell you because I knew that you'd flip out I'm sorry." I said quickly.

"Kim I could have been there for you, you should have told me." He said looking into my eyes.

"I know but I don't like it when people feel bad for me. It makes me feel worse and so vulnerable." I admitted.

"Next time please tell me." He said looking hurt and I felt bad.

"See now you're hurt. I knew I should have jumped." I said looking away.

"No! You are never doing that. Ever." He said harshly.

"Oh and you're going to stop me?" I said sarcastically.

"Kim you and I both know I would do literally anything for you. If you killed yourself then I would to." Jack told me.

"I know." I whispered.

"Please don't try anything." He begged me causing me to look back to him.

"I won't." I said.


"I promise." I reassured him.

"I love you."

"I love you to." I hugged him.

"So now that you're awake, what do you want to do?" He asked me changing the subject.

"Can we watch a movie?" I asked him and he nodded. I was about to stand when the dizziness returned so Jack picked me up and carried me to his home theatre. "Thank you." I said when he put me down.

"No problem Kimmy." I smacked him.

"Don't call me Kimmy." I whined and he smirked and kissed me. I naturally kissed him back before he pulled away and put his head next to my ear.

"Ok Kimmy." He whispered sending shivers down my spine. This time I only laughed at him. "So what movie do you wanna watch?" He asked me. I shrugged and he put in a random movie. When it started playing it turned out to be Wall-E.

"Really Jack Wall-E? I asked in disbelief.

"What? It's an ok movie." He said and I rolled my eyes. I was sitting their bored until Wall-E got crushed in the plant machine. A tear slid down my cheek and Jack chuckled. "Really Kim? Crying at Wall-E?" He said mocking my tone from earlier. I gave him a death glare and he laughed even more.

"Can we go to the dojo?" I asked when the movie was over.

"Sure." He said and we walked there since it wasn't too far. When we walked in the guys all ran over to us and crushed us in a hug.

"Where have you been! You haven't been at school for the past two days apparently." Rudy scolded.

"We were worried sick!" The guys yelled at us.

"You stayed home with me?" I asked Jack.

"Uh, sorta." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why?" I asked.

"I wanted to be there when you woke up." He admitted.

"Thank you." I said taking his hand.

"Wait wake up? Are you alright Kim?" Rudy asked.

"Uh, ya I'm fine." I didn't lie. I really was fine.

"Wait are you two together now?" Jerry asked.

Jack looked down at me and I looked up at him. Apparently for the guys, this was a yes and they all congratulated us. After practice Jack and I were walking out together, hand in hand. "Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked him, "Please?" I begged.

"Sure but why?" He stopped and looked at me.

"I still need some time to adjust." I told him, partially lying.

I knew he saw straight through that one but played it off, "Alright..." He said and we resumed walking.

When we got to his house we sat around before I fell asleep. I began to dream about what my father had shown me, only it was how Jack had killed himself. He was standing over his sink with cuts all over his arms, some of them were old and had scanned over but most were recent or fresh and now had fresh blood streaming down them. "I'm sorry Kim. I can't take it anymore." He whispered before he collapsed on the floor of his bathroom blood flowing freely from his arms. The color left his face and he laid there for hours in a large pool of blood before his maid found him. She opened the door and screamed. She called the police who came and they blurred by as I watched a medical crew pronounce Jack dead and zip him up into a body bag. Time flashed forward to when my dad had showed me his gravestone only it was raining, exactly like how the tears were falling from my eyes, fast and never ending.

I shot up from where I was lying and threw my hands over my mouth to prevent myself from screaming. I saw Jack sit up next to me and he laid me back down in his arms while I cried. He flames me down and I explained my dream. He promised me as long I kept my promise to him he would never do anything along the lines of killing himself but his voice was different, it sounded like he was lying and I felt his heartbeat speed up when I had my hand on his chest.

When I had finally calmed down I thanked him and he said he had a question for me. "What is it?" I asked.

"What is the real reason you want to be here?" He asked concerned.

"I need my safety blanket and that's you." I told him and he gave me a puzzled look. I admitted.

"What?" He yelled sitting up.

"Jack! Calm down I just need you to be there for me." I said quietly feeling vulnerable when I said that.

"I promise I always will be, and don't feel bad when you need someone to lean on, I will always be there for you." He whispered and I began to fall back asleep. Before I was completely asleep Jack whispered one more thing to me, "I've been there Kim, and I know what you're going through." He whispered stroking my hair and I fell asleep wondering what he meant.

Since these are longer than previous ones expect one every week, rather than everyday.