Disclaimer: I own nothing. All the characters in this fanfiction belong to Sega or the Sonic Company.

Chapter one: Deep-Seated Pain

He walked through the metal corridors. He had to be here somewhere around here, he couldn't have gone very far. He had just stormed his base under suspicion that he was building a new robot that could destroy the world, not like he hadn't tried to build one before, but this one seemed different. He walked until he saw a tall steel door; he pushed the door open and stepped inside. Then he saw him, the bastard who had been torturing him with his stupid schemes for almost ten years, standing next to an open window looking out at the open window.

Breathing softly he quietly said, "You know I'm getting too old for this."

"What do you mean?" He questioned whether this was a surrender or a trap.

"Don't you understand, some things are just getting old, boring, you know worn out." He sighed "You know, remember when I first met you, fast, annoying, idiotic-"

"You shouldn't be talking Egg for brains." He snapped.

He just looked at the Hedgehog and smiled, "I can't believe you don't even remember me."

"What the heck are you even talking about?" He asked, confusion was starting to make its way to his brain.

With a swift movement, the doctor grabbed the hedgehog by the neck and slammed him into the wall with a sickening crunch.

He was choking under the sheer weight on his neck. He looked up at his menacing glasses; he was starting to get scared, which was not a normal thing.

"I can't believe you don't remember "he said squeezing his neck even harder." I remember when I first laid eyes on you; tsk tsk I don't think your parents would be very proud."

"W-what are you saying."

He chuckled loudly." You mean you don't get it; I created you."

Sonic's eyes shot open. "T-that can't be true." Tears welled up in his eyes; his parents were always a very sensitive subject for him.

"Get through your thick skull Ogilvie, you belong to me."

Sonic stared; his emerald green eyes turned a dull green. He stopped trying to struggle and felt Eggman's grip loosen as he slumped to the floor. He sat there trying to get a grip on what was going on.

Eggman chuckled loudly, his plan was almost complete. He looked down at the disoriented hedgehog sat on the ground; his eyes still a dull green. He looked up at the man chuckling and felt a rage go through him. He jumped on the man's back and began to strangle him.

Eggman choked, he stumbled through the room trying to pull the hedgehog off of him. He slammed into a wall hard; he could feel the grip on his neck loosen. He quickly backed away from the rabid hedgehog who was dusting the some concrete off of his shoulders. He looked at its fur; the usual cerulean color was now a dark shade of blue. Disheveled bristly fur covered his body, but what were really freaky were his eyes. The pupils of his eyes were gone leaving only sclera of his eyes. It smirked sadistically as it walked back towards the doctor.

"Stop, Ogilvie, I-I command you; STOP" He screamed as the berserk Hedgehog came towards him in a full fledge Spindash.

******************************At A different part of the base******************************

Knuckles and Tails scoped out the base carefully, they had already hack Eggman's computer; their mission was complete.

"There," Tails said triumphantly "Even if Eggman has another robot going, it will malfunction."

"Good now where's Sonic, he said he'd be back by now." He grumbled he wanted to get out of here as fast as possible; who knows what could be happening to his precious emerald.

Tails only shrugged, "Come on let's go find him and get the heck out of here." He began to walk down a large corridor, he had to be close.

Knuckles nodded and began to follow him down the corridor; he hoped that the blue idiot didn't do anything stupid.

As they walked they began to hear some weird noises, some scuffling and loud thumps. A wave of worry came over the both of them as they began to run faster. Who know what could be happening to their friend.

They ran until they came to a large metal door, most of the sounds were emanating from the room. With a swift punch Knuckles knock the door down.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Blood was everywhere and a large dark blue hedgehog was beating the snot out of Eggman, at least it kind of look like a hedgehog, they weren't sure.

"DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN?" The monster roared, hitting him harder in the stomach.

The man made no sound, he had died a long time ago; but the monster didn't care.

With each punch he took on the battered corpse the more blood landed all over him.

Knuckles and Tails just stared, until their eyes drifted on the monster's shoes. Dried blood covered the red and white shoes but they were still recognizable. It was Sonic.

"Sonic, stop it." Tails yelled, but his yell fell on deaf ears, Sonic continued to beat the corpse.

Until Knuckles took a stand, He grabbed his friend by the back put him in a full nelson; He knew that was the one thing that would take him down.

Sonic struggled and roared in protest as Knuckles tried his best to hold on. He let Sonic go for a few seconds and then slammed his neck with the side of his hand. The attack wasn't hard enough to inflict any harmful damage, he only used it for knocking out purposes; his father taught it to him.

Sonic fell with a thud, blood covered the dark blue fur. His breathing was shallow. They stared at him until they saw his regular blue color return. Knuckles pick him up and began to run as fast as he could to the exit, with Tails still staring at the dead body of their long time enemy.

"Tails, come on we don't have time for this, if he wakes up there will be hell to pay." He sternly yelled, carrying him all the way back was going to be challenge.

Tails looked over, nodded slightly and ran towards Knuckles who was struggling to carry Sonic on his shoulders. Tails reached into his pocket and grad a rectangular button and pushed it.

"What are you doing?" Knuckles asked only turning his head slightly.

"I'm just calling the Tornado; if I am correct it will meet us at the entrance."

Knuckles slightly thank the gods and continued to run towards the entrance. When they got there, they both quickly boarded and got a pair of hand cuffs.

Knuckles sat Sonic on one of the seats and began to hand cuff his arms and legs to the seat. He didn't want to risk him escaping; if he could do all those things to Eggman, then he could do the same to him or Tails.

Knuckles sat down on one seats next to Tails and sighed, his minds still whirling form what he just saw. He looked over at Tails who was just as tense; images of Eggman's body stuck in his mind, blood and scratches covered his body. Some of his bones were showing and he could tell that most of the bones in his body were crushed.

He laid one hand on fox's shoulder. "W-We'll get through this Tails, we've always have."

Tails only nodded slightly and continued to steer the aircraft through the air.

The ride was silent and tense but the finally made it to Tail's Workshop. Tails helped Knuckles carry their friend off the ship and onto a white cot; it was used for medical purposes. When one of their many missions got dangerous at least they had somewhere to recuperate until the doctor came. They never really liked actually going to the hospital, too much attention.

They got the hand cuffs, and securely locked him into place. His breathing became normal and the blood that was covering over his body was begging to dry. His eyes tensed, and his fist clenched.

"Eggman….I'll… kill…. You." He mumbled, teeth grinding as he tried to lift one of his arms but was stopped by one of the handcuffs.

Knuckles and Tails only stared at him, something was terribly wrong with their friend.

That was only the half of it.

Author's note: Yay! I think that this is my best work! Anyway for the rest of my stories, they will be continued but for left for dead gone forever it made be on hiatus. You'll see some chapters up sometimes, but not a lot we'll have to see. Lastly for bleeding beneath, the next chapter will be posted.

BTW: This is basically fall of a legend except a bit different, so please don't get mad at me for deleting fall of a legend!

Thanks for being so understanding

~Siberian Forest