
It would have been just another normal day of working at the sandwich shop, if anything there was normal, if only Priestly hadn't met the love of his life.

Of course, at the time he didn't know that the scruffy guy was going to be his lifelong partner.

Instead he thought him to be another space monkey, usual suit freakin' every office guy wore and tired circles under his eyes. But, there was something off about him that didn't fit in the business persona. He had very mussed up hair, not the usual slick back, cow-licked of a hair-do most business men sported. Five days worth of stubble, not the impeccably shaven, baby's ass of a face. And the freakin' bluest eyes that every blued in the history of bluing. And that stared at you like you are a particularly funny monkey at the zoo.

"So, uh, you gonna order or, what, just stare at me all day?" –He quipped agitatedly. Priestly stood before the man for about 5 minutes, and he hadn't uttered a single word, just stared unblinkingly with those fucking eyes.

"You are very particular." –And yes, he speaks! In a low, grumbly voice that better belongs on a late night radio show, or a sex phone operator.

"Yeah, so what? Sorry we can't all be office slaves." –Excuse Priestly for his defensiveness and prescribe it to a lifetime of dealing with assholes who had a problem with his looks.

"I am not a slave. Nor do I have an office."- The guy said with a slight head tilt, voice confused as if Priestly spoke a different language.

"Are you gonna order or not?" –His patience finally wore off, dropping his shoulders in exasperation.

"A... Submarine sandwich, I believe it is called." –Was this guy alien or what?

"Yeah, so says the scripture. How many inches?"

"Excuse me?"

"Just, just take it." –Priestly slid the wrapped sandwich on the counter and turned his back on the guy, opting to fry some meat, anything to get that guy's stare and cute head tilt away from him.

"Think the guy had the hots for you, Priestly." –Jen laughed from where she was engaged in conversation with Mr. Anonymous.

"At least someone does..."

This is probably gonna be a short fic. I wrote this mainly because I myself really wanted a Cas/Priestly fic, and guess what! None exist, or none that I could fine. And believe me I searched. Like a crack addict searches for money to buy his dose. None were found. And I'm not a crack addict so I don't know where to steal those fics. So instead I'm writing one myself. This chapter is short, yes, but I want to see if there is interest as to should I continue it.

So you know what to do. Review. :)