Homama o_o

hey fanfiction it's been a while!

Skipping the rambling and moving on to the story, it's been ahella long time since I've written.

Just a simple drabble about the most adorable pairing in DS RPG world~

Roberto x Sieg (kinda. ish. depends on how you look at it actually.)
Yes previous readers, I've moved on to Yaoi and Shounen-Ai. Bwaha.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own that thing. That game. UGH. Wish I did though.


A Suikoden Tierkreis Fanfiction

There were times the young blade was left wondering why the hell he always got flustered whenever there was anything to do with the rambunctious leader of their company.

Loud and obnoxious, he was someone who moved through every step of his life with a pace not even a sprinting Field Laggart could keep up with. And Roberto heard that Laggarts could sprint pretty fast if they wanted to.

He was the type of person that would always unknowingly find himself as the center of a conversation; his face and name popping out who-knows-where at the most random times uncalled for, and yet every single topic that roamed around about him was always something that leaned on towards the positive side.

No one held any sense of animosity towards him (save for the supporters of The Order, of course). In fact, he was a child well-loved for his energy and spirit and was even looked up to by people of all ages as someone who pursued a dream for everyone no matter what.

The sun, he thought.

Of course, it would be natural for the leader of all starbearers to be none other than the living embodiment of the sun. So bright and so full of boundless energy that, (dare he say it?), he sparkled, towards everyone and everything his light graced upon.

And somehow it was this light that left him usually frustrated and seething in the darker corners of the room when everyone in the company was more or less present be it for a meeting or whatnot just as he was now.

He knew in his heart that whatever turmoil he was feeling at the moment was far from envy and even more so from any means of pure hatred for his leader. It could have been rivalry he noted, yet he ruled out that possibility a few many times before.

The blade leaned back against the wooden column, glaring at the Tenkai starbearer in the midst of everything. Sieg was surrounded by so many people and so many situations. It seemed like the whole castle came to life the minute he entered the room and now everyone just wanted to be near him. To feel his warmth and radiance and brightness and everything.

So many faces.

Smiling, laughing.

And yet he noticed that even though amidst all the smiles, his leader still held the brightest one. Hell, he noted, he even probably held all 108 stars in that single twinkle in his eye. So warm and so full of life.

Sieg looked up from the midst of it all and caught Roberto watching him from across the sea of buzzing miscellany. He flashed the briefest of grins at him before he was pulled back into a lively conversation held by a group of flustered company members. He glanced once more at the blade in an apologetic manner and proceeded to entertain his current audience.

The blade's breath hitched in his throat.

Just like the sun.

Now he knew. No matter how much he shunned him and tried to put up the coldest of fronts around him, Roberto needed that sun, his sun, and try as he might he could never have that sun all for himself.

And maybe that's what frustrated him so.

Durr. That's pretty much it for now.

My editor doesn't know I've gone over to the Yaoi side and I very well can't ask my older bro to edit this for me (HAHAHA I WISH.) so please forgive any grammar mistakes!

Just writing for this poor pairing that needs a lot more love. YES. I'M LATE IN THE FANDOM.

Bye for now~