Mycroft stood on his steps and clutched his umbrella. It didn't look like rain, but he felt safer when he held it. He glanced at his watch and sighed. Sweet Tooth would be arriving soon. Mycroft went through the plan in his head and hoped that everything would go smoothly.
A black car pulled up to the curb, and Mycroft watched the villain step out. He looked even more garish in the natural light. Two neon colored thugs followed him.
"So, Mycroft, have you made up your mind?" asked Sweet Tooth with a grin.
"From now until ten o'clock, you can rob the banks," Mycroft said, studying the goons. Their hair color was new, meaning that they had only recently become followers. Their opinions could be changed quickly.
"Mycroft, you make me Snicker. You know, I think I want to see your face during all of this." Sweet Tooth grabbed Mycroft's arm rather tightly and smiled. "You're coming with me."
For the first time in his life, Mycroft felt like one of the people that he often kidnapped. Well, it wasn't precisely kidnapping. He always returned them, and he never threatened them. He wasn't sure that he could call this kidnapping either. He assumed that Sweet Tooth was going to take him along, and found that he was correct. However, the goon pointing a gun at him did make him feel slightly nervous.
"Ah, our first bank," Sweet Tooth said, clapping his hands together. "Out you go, Mycroft."
Mycroft stepped out of the car and heard the thugs climb out after him. "I presume that you just want me to stand and look pretty?"
Sweet Tooth smirked. "That's all you have to do, Sugar Daddy," he said as they walked. "Just don't say a word."
Mycroft's eyes scanned the bank when they entered. A group of people were talking in a corner, and two tellers had their backs turned from the counter. Sweet Tooth strolled up to the counter and rang the bell.
One of the bank tellers sighed. "What is it?"
"I'd like to withdraw 100 Grand, and you'd better do it quickly. See, I'm on a little Spree, and I need you Airheads to cooperate."
Sherlock turned around behind the counter. "Though John here may tell me that I'm clueless at times, I'm no airhead. You know, I don't think this robbery is going to happen. The police are here to arrest you, Sweet Tooth. Lestrade, what can we charge him with?"
Lestrade stepped out of the group in the corner. "Attempted robbery for starters," he said as his officers tackled the two goons behind Mycroft. "If the evidence from the other crimes leads back to him, which it probably does, then we can add burglary, arson, and murder to the list."
Sweet Tooth forced a smile as Lestrade fastened the handcuffs around his wrists. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Sherlock Holmes and his Almond Joy Wonder."
"Almond Joy Wonder?" John asked.
"Yes, Dum-Dum." The rogue turned to Sherlock. "How did you do it?"
"I received a call from my brother after you left," Sherlock said, walking to Sweet Tooth. "We weren't entirely sure what bank you would be going to first, so John tracked Mycroft's phone on the computer. When we realized where you were going, we set off and got here minutes before you."
"So Mycroft went ahead and sent his Three Musketeers to stop me. Unfortunately, Parliament is going to have Zero members tonight."
"That's where you're wrong. You leave candy behind at all of your crimes. The clues were right there, and it led us to each of your thugs. You see, when they're threatened, they aren't very loyal and want to save their own necks. Of course they told us who else was with you. We didn't have much time, but we did it."
"Good for you, Nerd, good for you. Any words, Mycroft?"
Mycroft smiled. "None at the moment. I can predict that the trial will be a fast one. You'll be sent back to America to be tried for your crimes over there."
"Those Milk Duds won't get me though. Gotham City's judicial system is twisted like Twizzler; it can unravel so easily."
"I think that's enough out of you," Lestrade said, putting a hand on Sweet Tooth's shoulder.
"You Lemonheads haven't heard the last of me," Sweet Tooth said as they walked out the doors.
"Good on you, brother," said Mycroft. "And good on you too, John. You worked in record timing."
Sherlock shrugged. "If it wasn't at this bank, we would have caught up with you at another. We'd have only needed to give the money back to whatever banks he'd stolen from."
"Yeah, but that wasn't what we wanted, Sherlock," John interjected. "Are you alright, Mycroft?"
"I'm fine, John."
"I'm just wondering since you have people pick me off the street at odd hours of the day, and now you know how it feels. Except you don't point guns at me, and I'm grateful for that."
"You don't have to worry about that, John." Mycroft looked at his watch. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, this affair has caused me to be late for work. I'll let you boys know if there's anything new that I can't investigate myself."
"Oh, I can't wait," Sherlock said sarcastically.
"Sherlock, there's no need to be sour about it," said John.
"At least John's in the spirit of things. Tell Mrs. Hudson that I say hello."
Mycroft opened the door and walked into the sunlight. Everything was normal once more.