
'Why are doing this again?' Rachel Berry wondered aloud, as she stumbled over some bumpy tree roots, clinging to her boyfriend, Finn Hudson.
The two were on a glee club camping trip, Mr Schue's idea of a 'bonding exercise', meant to help the New Directions grow even closer before regionals. They were having a campfire that evening, and Mr Schue had asked Finn to collect some wood for the fire. Rachel had offered to help, looking forward to some alone time with Finn, and now she was starting to regret it.
Finn said nothing, instead glancing around at the trees with a slightly worried expression on his face.
'What?' Rachel demanded.
'Er, Rachel..don't get mad okay? Thing is.. I don't have a clue where we are right now..'
'FINN! But it's going to get dark soon! We can't be lost! Who knows what horrors could be hiding in these woods..wolves..bears! Bears, Finn, BEARS!' Rachel trembled.
'Calm down Rachel, I'm sure there are no bears..' Finn sounded a little unsure. Rachel sighed.
'What are we going to do then?' She asked.
'I don't know..maybe we could try and get up a tree so we can look out for camp or something..?' Finn suggested.
'You want me to..climb a tree?' Rachel said, a little indignantly. Finn shrugged at her. She sighed.
'Fine. I'll do it. But only because I don't want to be eaten by a bear. That would be a complete waste of my talent.' Rachel said, muttering the last part.
After a few minutes of searching for a suitable tree, Rachel climbed up onto Finn's shoulders and pulled herself onto it's spreading branches. She began to climb, mentally thanking god that she had chosen to wear comfy leggings and a t-shirt that day, and not her usual summer attire of a cute short skirt or dress that would be almost impossible to climb in.
'See anything Rach?' Finn shouted from below. Rachel gazed over the breathtaking scenery, taking in the thousands of trees and the setting sun. She couldn't see camp though.
'No!' Rachel yelled back. 'I'm coming down!'
Rachel began to inch her way down the tree. It sure was a lot harder, and a lot scarier, coming down than it was going up. She slid a few branches further down the tree, and then made the mistake of looking down.
'FINN!' She yelled. 'I'M STUCK!'
'Shit.' She heard him mutter. He looked up at her. She wasn't that far up at all, around five feet from his head. He glanced at the branches leading to her. He'd climb up and get her, but frankly he was a big guy, and those branches looked pretty thin.
'Rach, you're either gonna have to climb down, or jump! I'll catch you!' He shouted up.
'I can't do either!' Rachel cried. She was really panicking now. Finn felt a little helpless at not being able to help his girlfriend.
'Just try babe!'
'Okay.' She took a deep breath. I'm jumping.' She closed her eyes and hopped off the branch, as Finn spread his arms to catch her.
She landed in his strong arms, breathless.
'That. Was. So. Fun!' She squealed. Finn shook his head in disbelief at the girl who, just a minute ago, was nearly crying in a tree, and who was now laughing hysterically in his arms. She kissed him, then thanked him for catching her.
Suddenly, they heard shouts through the trees, and the Mr Schue and Ms Pillsbury emerged. Finn quickly put Rachel down, and she hastily smoothed her now matted hair.
'There you guys are!' Mr Schue smiled, sounding relieved. 'We were starting to get worried!'
'We got a little lost,' Finn said, grinning at Rachel.
'Come on you two. Time to get back to camp' Ms Pillsbury said.
'How far away are we?' Rachel asked.
'Less than 50 metres, Rachel,' Mr Schue laughs. Rachel raised her eyebrows at Finn, then grinned.
'Come on, let's go.'

When they got back to camp, just a few seconds later, Finn and Rachel realised they hadn't collected a single bit of firewood.