Chapter 7

"So you'll be there then?" Taiki said into the receiver of the phone. She was staring off, as if she was actually looking at the person she was talking to on the phone. She listened.

"Great! See you there in a couple of hours," Taiki said and then hung up.

Yaten looked at Taiki, waiting for an answer. Taiki smiled and nodded. Yaten smiled in return.

The two made their way down the short hallway to Seiya's room and knocked on her door. They waited for a response. When none came, they knocked again.

"Go away," Seiya yelled groggily. She turned over onto her stomach and pulled her pillow over her head.

Taiki and Yaten pushed Seiya's door open and stood in the doorway.

"Obviously you guys don't listen…" Seiya's said into the mattress, voice muffled.

"Get up. We're going to Disneyland," Taiki said simply with a smirk.

Seiya's eyes widened. Disneyland? Shit. She could never resist Disneyland; it was her favorite place on this planet. Even when she was disguised as a male and searching for their Princess, she loved going to Disneyland in their downtime. She could never say no.

Seiya turned over and faced her two friends that were smiling smugly.

"Damn you guys! You're cruel bitches," Seiya said angrily, throwing the blankets off herself. "Why would you do this to me?"

"We're tired of seeing you like this. You deserve a day of fun," Yaten replied. "We'll leave you to get dressed. Meet us in the living room in ten."

With that, the two Starlights left Seiya alone in her room to get dressed. She sighed. She pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a vintage Sailor V t-shirt. She pulled her black hair back into her usual long ponytail. She pulled on a pair of high top red converse to complete her outfit. It was nothing flashy but she felt comfortable and ready for a day at a theme park. Of course, Seiya wished she could stick to her original plan of lying in bed all day and not facing the world, but once Disneyland is planted into her head…she can't get out of it. It's almost like a spell that's been cast upon her.

When Seiya was all finished, including with brushing her teeth, she appeared in the living room where Taiki, Yaten, and Makino waited patiently for Seiya.

"Alright, I'm here," Seiya muttered, folding her arms.

Makino smiled at Seiya. "Glad to see you. Put on a happy face since I hear we're going to the happiest place in all of Tokyo."

Seiya bit her lip and pouted. Makino laughed.

"Come on, we have to get going," Yaten whined at Seiya.

"Fine, fine, let's go."

After about an hour ride, the Starlights arrived at Disneyland and made it past the entrance, and were standing in the World Bazaar, which was bustling with people shopping, eating, entering, and leaving the park. People were talking to one another, dealing with fussy children, completely absorbed in their own world.

"You guys are still cruel," Seiya muttered.

"Are we?" Taiki asked with a smirk.

"Uh, yeah, you are," Seiya snapped back, moving her eyes from looking at the ground to Taiki. And that's when she saw her.

Usagi stood with her friends, a few yards away from the Starlights in Tokyo Disneyland's World Bazaar. Usagi smiled shyly, a pretty pink dusting her cheeks as she did so. Seiya stared, mouth gaping slightly.

"Wh-what is this?" Seiya asked Taiki, stunned.

"A present. For you," Taiki said with a smile.

Seiya stared at Taiki and then at Usagi and her friends who were smiling and waving at them.

"What the hell are you waiting for?" Yaten asked, shoving Seiya towards Usagi. "We aren't here for you to just stare at her like a dumbass."

The shoved Seiya stumbled slightly and caught herself, causing her to blush slightly. As she slowly made her way toward Usagi, she held her middle finger up at her friends behind her back.

"O-odango!" Seiya stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you of course!" Usagi said cheerfully.

"Wh-what? I thought –"

"We have a lot to talk about," Usagi said with a nod. "Luckily, we have all day at this fun place!"

Usagi slipped her arm around Seiya's, causing her to instantly blush a bright red color.


"C'mon! Let's go on Pirates first!"

And with that, everyone divided into pairs, sometimes going with another set of two to make a small group toward the attractions they wanted to visit. Usagi and Seiya were left alone and headed toward Adventureland where Pirates of the Caribbean waited for them.

"Wait, Odongo!" Seiya said as they entered Adventureland.

Usagi looked up at Seiya, puzzled.

"Lemme buy you an ice cream," Seiya said, pointing to an ice cream cart that was off to the right of them.

"Okay!" Usagi said happily.

After purchasing herself and Usagi an ice cream, the pair sat down on a vacant bench for a moment so they could eat their ice cream in peace.

"So…Odongo…" Seiya began. "What…happened? What's this all about?"

Usagi took a bite of her ice cream and exhaled after. She smiled thoughtfully at herself.

"Last night, I had a long talk with my best friend, Minako-chan…about this whole thing. She helped me realize that…well, I feel something for you in return. We had something in the distant past, just like Mamo-Mamoru and I did…and it transcended into this lifetime. I couldn't keep lying to myself or you anymore…" Usagi explained.

"What about Mamoru-san?" Seiya asked.

Usagi clutched her ice cream tightly in her hand and bit her lip. "I ended it."

Seiya looked down at Usagi's hand and noticed it was ringless. She was telling the truth. This surprised Seiya.

"So…what are you trying to say?" Seiya asked, suddenly feeling excitement flare up inside.

Usagi looked up at Seiya and smiled. Her brilliant blue eyes shown with delight as she grabbed Seiya's hand and laced it with her own. She placed her ice cream down by her side on the bench, took her now free hand, placed it on the side of Seiya's face, and gently kissed her on the lips.

Seiya's eyes widened in surprise, and then softened. She smiled into the kiss and closed her eyes. She was going to enjoy their first real kiss. It was something she had wanted for such a long time now. Something she wanted and hoped Usagi would want back. Now, she had it.

When Usagi pulled away, she was smiling and blushing. Seiya felt herself mirroring Usagi in that respect.

"I want…to be…your girlfriend, Seiya-rin," Usagi said slowly.

Seiya beamed. "I-I'd be delighted!"

"Good. I'm glad," Usagi said with a slight giggle. She took Seiya's hand and kissed the top of it. "Seiya-chan."

"Usa…tan? Usa-tan?" Seiya tried.

Usagi laughed and hugged Seiya's arm.

"Is that a yes? I can use that?" Seiya asked.

Usagi nodded. "Sure. It's cute."

Seiya smiled and got to her feet. She held out a hand for Usagi and helped her up. The two laced hands, finished their ice creams, and made their way to Pirates of the Caribbean, their first ride as a new, happy couple.

Following that ride and the idle chitchat and newfound playfulness and affection while waiting for rides, Usagi and Seiya went on the Jungle Cruise, then made their way to Tomorrowland and went on Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters (a few times to try and beat each other's' scores), and Space Mountain. After, they decided to go to Toontown to meet Mickey Mouse and get pictures together. When they were on their way to Minnie's house next to meet her, they ran into Minako and Rei who were also headed there.

When Minako saw Usagi and Seiya's hands laced together she smirked.

"Finally made it happen, huh?" she said to them when she approached them.

"What?" Seiya asked. She looked at Minako's eyes, followed them, and found they were looking at her hand laced with Usagi's and blushed.

Minako laughed. "I'm glad! I'm happy for you both!"

"Me too," Rei added with a smile.

"Thank you, Minako-chan. Rei-chan," Usagi said with a smile. "We're happy too."

"Were you on your way to Minnie Mouse's house?" Rei asked.

Usagi and Seiya nodded.

"Cool, us too! We can make it a group picture then!" Minako said with a smile on her face.

"Sure!" Seiya said with a smile.

The group of four headed in line to wait to have pictures taken with Minnie Mouse.

"So…Usa-tan… How did this get arranged?" Seiya asked.

"Hmm? You mean today's meeting?" Usagi asked.

Seiya nodded.

"Ah! Well, I originally called this morning to talk to you but Taiki-chan picked up. I told her I wanted to talk to you, she asked why, I explained to her, and then she suggested we meet here! It was a great idea really. I love it here. My friends and I have only been here so many times so I was happy to jump on the suggestion," Usagi explained.

"Ah. That was really sweet of Taiki," Seiya replied with a smile. "I guess she isn't a cruel bitch after all," she muttered after

"I think this was a great idea too. So many hot guys," Minako said, swooning.

"Minako-chan, don't you have Kunzite-kun?" Usagi asked.

Minako rolled her eyes. "Well, he's busy today with Mamoru-san, so… I'm allowed to look, okay? Sheesh. It's not like I'm going to cheat on him."

Usagi smiled. "I know. You love him too much for that."

"Duh. But now that you mention him, I wish he was here…" Minako said.

"I wish Jedite-chan was here too…" Rei said biting her lip.

"Well, Mamoru-san needed them, so…" Minako said. "Remember, he was involved in the relationship with Usagi too. This is tougher on him. Poor guy," she continued. "But Usagi-chan had to do what was best for both of them."

Usagi bit her lip out of guilt. She hated that she had to break Mamoru's heart. He was such a good guy and so good to her…but she knew her feelings for Seiya weren't going to go away and it wouldn't be fair to Mamoru to keep him locked in a relationship that was no longer mutual in feelings. Usagi wanted him, above all, happy, not miserable. And she knew she couldn't provide that happiness for him anymore.

Once they were next in line to get their pictures taken with Minnie Mouse, the four found the rest of their friends all up ahead, getting pictures taken and waiting on each other to finish up.

"Everyone!" Usagi cried.

Everyone turned and looked at Usagi and Seiya, hand in hand. They started for a moment and then started screaming, causing Usagi and Seiya to madly blush.

"Usagi-chan! Seiya-chan! Congratulations!" Makoto said with a big smile.

"Yes, congratulations, Usagi-chan. Seiya-chan," Ami chimed in with a smile.

Haruka smirked and folded her arms. Michiru didn't say anything.

"Hey! Quit holding up the line! Are you going to go or not?" an impatient guest in line behind Usagi, Seiya, Minako, and Makoto asked angrily.

"Alright, alright, calm down," Seiya said as she and Usagi walked forward with Minako and Rei directly behind them.

"We'll do one big group picture," Haruka informed the Disney cast member, handing her cellphone over for the picture.

"O-okay," the cast member said, looking at the large group that gathered around Minnie Mouse.

"Trust me, this group could get a lot bigger," Minako said with a wink.

"Say Disneyland!" the cast member said, holding up the cellphone to take the picture.

"DISNEYLAND!" everyone cried in unison with big smiles on their faces.

Once the picture was taken, Haruka took her cellphone back and checked out the picture. Deeming it a good one, she told everyone she would forward it onto them.

"Hurry up already!" the impatient guest demanded angrily for Usagi and her friends to move on.

Haruka and Seiya waved their hands dismissively at the impatient guest and the friends made their way out of Minnie's house happily.

Michiru stopped walking as soon as they emerged from the house. Her face was fixed up in a serious expression.

"What's wrong, Michi?" Haruka asked softly, placing a hand on the small of Michiru's back.

Michiru wordlessly rummaged around in her purse and pulled out her mirror. Haruka's eyes darkened in response.

"I feel it too," she said quietly.

As Michiru studied her mirror, Haruka looked around cautiously.

Everyone stopped walking and turned and faced Haruka and Michiru.

"What's up you guys?" Minako asked.

"Do you feel that?" Haruka asked.

The group closed their eyes and focused to feel the dark energy Haruka and Michiru mentioned to them.

"Oh wow. I feel it," Rei said shaking her head. "Where did this come from?"

"I don't know…but it feels close…" Haruka replied as she pulled Michiru protectively closer to her.

"Should we transform?" Usagi asked.

"In front of all these people?" Minako asked Usagi sharply.

"We may not have a choice…" Haruka said shaking her head.

Suddenly, there was a giant explosion in the middle of Toontown. Immediately, chaos broke out as people began running and screaming in all sorts of directions to seek protection and to get out of the area.

A woman with long, wavy, dark pink hair hovered over the scene. She wore an outfit similar to Sailor Kaus, though her trim was dark pink in color rather than light blue. She looked much more serious than her teammate Sailor Kaus and her eyes gleamed with wickedness.

"If you want something done right, you've gotta do it yourself," the woman said to herself, placing a hand to her head.

"SAILOR MOON OF THE WHITE MOON! SHOW YOURSELF!" the woman floating over the scene bellowed.

"Yep, we definitely have no choice," Minako said, grabbing her transformation pen.

"Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!"

"Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!"

"Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up!"

"Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!"

"Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up!"

"Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up!"

"Pluto Crystal Power, Make Up!"

"Fighter Star Power, Make Up!"

"Maker Star Power, Make Up!"

"Healer Star Power, Make Up!"

"Kinmoku Star Power, Make Up!"

"Moon Eternal, Make Up!"

In an instant, Usagi and her senshi had transformed into their eternal senshi forms and the Starlights and their princess transformed into their senshi forms as well.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want?" Sailor Jupiter demanded.

The woman smirked. "I am Sailor Nunki, second in command of the Sagittarius Senshi. I am here for Sailor Moon!"

And with that, Sailor Nunki began attacking the senshi with more explosive attacks.

"Everyone, protect Eternal Sailor Moon!" Sailor Venus commanded.

"Right!" everyone agreed.

Sailor Jupiter decided to take a shot at the intruding senshi first.

"Jupiter Coconut Cyclone!" Sailor Jupiter yelled, sending an electric attack at Sailor Nunki.

"Mars Flame Sniper!" Sailor Mars sent her fiery arrow hurtling towards Sailor Nunki along with Jupiter's attack.

The attacks hit, knocking Sailor Nunki off balance and she began falling to the ground. Quickly she recovered herself.

"Nunki Star Strike!" Sailor Nunki said holding her hand in a fashion like a gun. Energy channeled into her index finger and shot out at the senshi. She moved her arm across her body, causing the laser attack to sweep the senshi.

"Nunki! Are you really having all the fun without us?" a voice cried.

Two more Sagittarius senshi appeared beside Sailor Nunki. One of them was Sailor Kaus.

"Yeah! Do you really think you can win against twelve of them alone? I mean we all know you're a badass, but twelve pushes it," said the unfamiliar senshi with mint green hair.

"Oh shut it, Sailor Tau! I was doing just fine thank you," Sailor Nunki snapped at her teammate.

"Don't be such a bitch, we're here to help," Sailor Tau said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah!" Sailor Kaus chimed.

Sailor Nunki didn't say anything.

"Great, there's more of them," Mars said bitterly.

"There's a total of six of these senshi. Sailor Sagittarii is the leader," Kakyuu informed the senshi.

"Well, we better take them out before any more show up!" Jupiter said.

"Which one are we going for?" Sailor Tau asked.

"When I was here last, they told me Sailor Moon was that one," Sailor Kaus said pointing at Sailor Venus.

"That's not Sailor Moon," Sailor Nunki snapped. "Which one looks the most powerful? That is who Sailor Moon is."

"Done waiting," Jupiter said. She flung another attack at the three Sagittarius Senshi. Sailor Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Venus followed suit.

Fierce battling commenced once again between the senshi and the Sagittarius Senshi. Attacks were dealt; some hit, some missed. It was a rather evenly matched battle, but the Sagittarius Senshi seemed to have the upper hand. They were able to fight multiple four of them at once each.

"Sailor Tau! Use your Tau Lyre Chain!" Sailor Nunki commanded as she battled with Sailor Uranus.

"Got it!" Sailor Tau replied. "Tau! Lyre…" she aimed at Sailor Moon. "CHAIN!"

From Sailor Tau's hand shot out a light green chain made of energy. It encircled around Sailor Moon, pinning her arms to her sides and completely binding her body.

With a triumphant look on her face, Sailor Tau pulled on the chain and pulled Sailor Moon up into the air and held her captive up with the other two Sagittarius Senshi.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Sailor Uranus yelled.

"USAGI!" Sailor Star Fighter cried.

Out of nowhere, a brilliant red rose struck Sailor Tau's hand, causing the chain to disappear. Sailor Moon began falling to the earth.

In a swift motion before Sailor Star Fighter could get to Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask appeared and caught Sailor Moon in his arms, preventing her from hitting the ground.

Sailor Moon opened her eyes and looked up at Tuxedo Mask completely surprised.


Tuxedo Mask landed on the ground and returned Sailor Moon to her feet. He turned his head and averted his eyes so he wouldn't have to look at her.

Sailor Star Fighter ran over and wrapped her arms around Sailor Moon.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her voice slightly shaky.

"I'm fine," Sailor Moon replied, embracing Fighter back. Her eyes fixed themselves on Tuxedo Mask, who still wouldn't look at her.

Slowly ending the embrace, Fighter turned on her heel and looked at Tuxedo Mask.

"Thank you for saving her," she said to him.

Tuxedo Mask didn't say anything for a long while. Finally, he looked Fighter in the eyes.

"I love her as much as you do," he replied. "So I will be here."

Fighter looked at him for a moment and then lowered her eyes.

"Nunki Star Strike!" Sailor Nunki called out, channeling her attack at Tuxedo Mask and Fighter.

"All together everyone!" Sailor Venus said as Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, and Fighter dodged Sailor Nunki's attack.

"Venus Love and Beauty Shock!"

"Mars Flame Sniper!"

"Jupiter Coconut Cyclone!"

"Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!"

"Space Turbulence!"

"Submarine Violon Tide!"

"Chronos Typhoon!"

The combined attacks caused a great explosion where the three Sagittarius Senshi were floating in the air. When the smoke cleared from the explosion, the three were gone.

"Finally…they're gone," Mercury said, relieved.

"For now…" Uranus said darkly.

Fighter embraced Sailor Moon again fiercely.

"I will do better next time to protect you," she said softly in Sailor Moon's ear. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Sailor Moon nodded against Fighter's shoulder as her eyes busily searched for Tuxedo Mask, but he was nowhere in sight. He was gone as fast as he had appeared. She didn't know what to think.