A/N: This is the final chapter for this fic. I lost my motivation to continue on with this fic and I don't want to get anyone's hopes up by thinking that this is going anywhere anymore. It was fun while it lasted and perhaps this Fuinn couple will appear in future fics of mine, but for now, I bid their story adieu. Enjoy!

Quinn stood at the rear of the small procession of her friends, waiting for her turn to enter the church. She clutched her thick bouquet and closed her eyes; it was moments like these where she wished she were on better terms with her dad. He should have been escorting her down the aisle—letting her feel calmed by his mere presence as she was handed off to her future husband. Instead, her father was possibly inside the church, pretending to be amiable in a seat beside her mother. She didn't know if he had shown or not but she was without a doubt nervous.

As Brittany and Sam disappeared through the doors Quinn drew in a deep breath and opened her eyes to see Mercedes and Sophia staring at her. Quinn's unnerved grimace vanished as soon as her daughter smiled from over Mercedes' shoulder.

"You doing okay, Quinn?" asked Mercedes.

Kurt looked back now too and placed a friendly hand on Quinn's shoulder, "If you're nervous, just keep your eyes on Finn and remember to breathe deep, slow breaths."

"Trust me," Mercedes placed her free hand on Quinn's wrist and quietly added, "he gave me the same advice on my wedding day and it really helped get me down the aisle."

Quinn cast them her classic smirk and nodded twice, not trusting her voice to betray her with a nervous crack.

Santana and Puck had gone in and Kurt and Mercedes had let her go to take their place at the open double doors. Quinn rolled her shoulders back once to give herself a more poised stance, even though her insides felt hollowed out and filled with butterflies. She already started on Kurt and Mercedes' advice as the two went inside the church with Sophia. She closed her eyes one more time, drawing one deep breathing her nose and slowly exhaling it out of her mouth. When she resumed breathing normally, her eyes open and she realized it was her time to enter the church.

Quinn stepped into the view of her standing guests and her future husband. Right away, her once anxious grimace was gone and her eyes went to Finn. She smiled brightly, being only vaguely aware of the people staring at her as she came up the aisle. She couldn't help the width of her smile whenever Finn was holding their daughter. The tiny, chubby-faced babe smiled back, making Quinn's heart swell. Her daughter's innocence washed her over with the purest joy; in that moment, Quinn could not have felt happier.

She reached the altar and pressed a kiss to Sophia's cheek as the music faded to silence. The pastor invited the guests to resume sitting again. Quinn's nerves were calmed by Sophia's interaction with Finn. She was staring with hard-fixed concentration on her daddy's boutonnière, and reached her tiny hand out to squeeze the bud.

"Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to bear witness to the union of Lucy Quinn Fabray and Finn Christopher Hudson. If anyone objects to their marriage, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

For what felt like a millennia, Mercedes held her breath; she had a slightly irrational fear that either Rachel or Marilyn would show up and destroy one of the most important days of her life. But as the pastor went on, Quinn calmed herself down again, reminding herself to breathe once more.

"Before the exchanging of vows, Finn and Quinn have a few things they would like to say to one another."

Finn was nodded to by the pastor and Quinn locked her gaze on his face until his coffee-colored hues met hers. "Quinn…you and I…I know we haven't had the perfect relationship like we once thought we had, but…I wouldn't trade our journey for anything. Because trading all the strife, and time apart might've meant that we wouldn't be standing here today, ready for forever together. It might've meant you and I wouldn't have the greatest thing right here." He lowered his gaze to Sophia while lightly bouncing her up and down in his arms. "So…even though it took us a while to find our way back to each other, I just want you to know…that I love you, now more than ever, and I can't wait to be your husband."

Quinn wondered if she might cry from the words leaving Finn's mouth. She had known him for typically being a little off-beat when he wasn't taking charge of a situation—which she usually found endearing or occasionally frustrating. But his words were calmly and clearly-spoken, and he wore an adoring smile at the end of delivering them.

The room fell silent again, telling Quinn that it was her turn to speak. She had forgotten what she was going to say for a moment but somehow, in Finn's eyes she found her words again. "Finn…" she glanced down for a brief, shameful moment as she said, "I know that back in high school, I wasn't the best girlfriend to you all the time. And every day now I do my best to try and make up for my mistakes because…you wanted to give me another chance, and I was..so happy that we were going to give us another chance. It's something that I pray and hope we'll never have to wonder about or go through again. Finn, you're amazing. You always put Sophia and I first; you pass on the joy and passion that glee club gave us, to your students. And you put so much heart into everything you commit to. That's why I know…between the two of us, I'm the one lucking out in this marriage." The tears that were forming during his speech, now made themselves known and slowly trickled down her face. Quinn pursed her lips during her attempt to steel herself. But she smiled and breathed, "I love you, Finn."

She saw him quickly run his thumb and index across his closed eyelids and when his hand lowered away and he opened his eyes again, both pairs were faintly pink, and misty-eyed.

The pastory smiled softly at them and quietyly said, "The rings?"

Finn and Quinn were handed their bands and as Quinn handed her large bouquet back to Mercedes, the pastor told them, "Finn, do you take Lucy Quinn to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love, honor and cherish in sickness and in health from this day forward?"

Her dark green hues watched him restlessly until she heard him say, "I do."

A new weight surrounded her left ring finger after he gently secured it there.

"And do you, Lucy Quinn take Finn to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love, honor and cherish in sickness and in health from this day forward?"

Quinn was casting her signature faint smile, for the sake of trying to contain her desire for a wide smile. "I do," she replied.

Her gaze lowered to Finn's trembling hand as she slid his white gold band around his left finger. Both of her hands gingerly sandwiched his trembling one through the end of the ceremony.

"Then by the power vested in me, and the state of Ohio, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Finn barely waited for the pastor to say, "You may kiss the bride," before he leaned in and stole her lips with his pair. Quinn's heart fluttered as it often did from his kisses. She kept her hands over his and slowly lowered their hands to her side.

The applauding guests, the closing ceremony song, the flashes of light bulbs—none of what was going on around her strong enough for her to divert her attention from her new husband and their baby girl. It was a new day, and a family with unconditional love was something she truly looked forward to embrace for the rest of her days.

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