Pain in My Heart

Shirahane Aikawa

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its characters but the plot is mine to twist and turn.

Summary: Can love remove the pain? Can Sasuke save her from the nightmare that she live through since her birth. Can love make her stay?


As a little child, Uzumaki Naruto lived on her own. Hated by the villagers she doesn't know why she was being hated by them. Maybe it's because of the Kyuubi inside her body that killed all their love once in one single night. Maybe that's why they all hated her, but sometimes she wanted to ask them why? Why they hated me for the crime that she didn't commit? It was the Kyuubi who did it not her.

"Oi, dobe come on we will be late for class." Naruto turned to Sasuke her only friend she doesn't really know the reason why they become friends but ever since that day when Sasuke saved her from those bullies they've been inseparable but no one knows that fact in class she tried her hardest to avoid Sasuke at all cost. She doesn't want the others hate him just because of being friends with her.

"Uh, hai.." Naruto said as she trailed behind her friend her sapphire orbs looking down to her feet. Sasuke sighed it was always like this his bestfriend will always look on her feet like she has no face to show. He glowered fist tighten it was all because of the villages who despises her that's why she has no self-esteem. She has nothing to begin with she only have him as her friend but even though to him Naruto is afraid to open up its just that plain frustrating that the only girl his eyes could see is like this.

Sasuke looks up to the clear blue sky it was five years ago he was seven years old the first time he laid his eyes on her.

Flash Back

That day he was so frustrated because of Itachi for not fulfilling his promise that he'll train him. Angry and upset he resulted on abusing the trunk of the tree with his kunai scratching it in the process. He was totally grumpy if its possible he wanted to kill someone. If killing is not a mortal sin he already did! But then she came to him out of thin air with the bubbly smile on her face. Her two golden pigtails swinging on the breeze of air as she skip on his side startling him.

"What the hell? Stay away from me!" Sasuke said angrily to the scrawny blonde haired girl that in unknown reason has a big smile on her face. 'did she saw what I'm doing? She's smiling argh she's probably just making fun of me.' Sasuke thought.

"Don't be sad..." Instead of running away the girl stayed and walk closely to him he glared at her but it seems like his glare isn't scaring her at all. She smiled at him, "I'm used to glares so it won't scare me away.." Sasuke scowled as he sat down giving up on making the girl go maybe if he ignore her she'll leave.

"Life is too short to hold grudge, also too long for anger and resentment you know..." Sasuke look at the blonde haired girl as she turn to him with a smile in return somehow her smile making him flushed and his heart beating so fast. " For every minute you are angry,or lose sixty seconds of happiness.." The blonde take a sit close to him but he look away.

Damn he's blushing! Only because of this girl..

Sasuke watched her as she hug her knees close to her chest glancing to her every now and then, "Resentment is like taking a poison and waiting for the other person to die..." Sasuke was now intrigue by the girl for the child in their age no one would have this kind of wisdom and yet she said those words as if...

Sasuke nearly jump on his seat as she saw her bending towards him feeling his heart beating wildly on his chest. "Isn't that right?" She said her smile never leaving her face.

Shortly after that they always saw each other on that same spot he never learned about her name, not after he saved her from those children. That's when he learned that the girl he met that fateful day on the woods was none other than the host of the nine tailed fox.

"Thank you know for what you did back then.." The blonde haired girl said wincing in pain as she tried to wipe the blood off her cheeks.

"You idiot you don't wipe off that kind of cut you'll spread the blood through your face and I'll get infected!" Sasuke said scolding the girl pulling out his white handkerchief using it to wipe the blood off her face making her wince.

"Ouch.." she winced in pain.

"Just take it.. come on I'll ask my mum to help you with the bandaging.." Sasuke said as he swooped her off her feet making the young blonde haired girl yelp in surprise.

"No no no no no let go! I'm fine! so let me go!" Sasuke could feel she was panicking her whole body beginning to be stiff while struggling on his hold. He has to do something.. before she could injure both of them.

"Relax I'm not going to hurt you stupid.." Sasuke said reassuringly.

"R-Really?" She trembled.

"Of course dummy what do you think of me?" He scoffed.,.'Does she think I'm like those bastards?'

"T-Thank you but you don't need to worry I heal fast.." She said almost whispering to his shoulder. Damn this position is rather dangerous for Sasuke's heart.

"Stupid I'm not worried at all.." Sasuke said his elegant brows knotted he couldn't believe his Uchiha pride is being crushed just because of the girl on his arms. It's a serious damage if he's older brother found out about this. "By the way what's your name.." Its not a question but a plain statement.

Typical of Uchiha's.

"My name is about you?" Naruto asked in return.

"Uchiha Sasuke.."

End Flash Back

Sasuke closed her eyes inhaling the fresh morning air, yes now he was sure of it that's the time when he fell in love with his best friend...


As the Konoha Ninja Academy is on their sight Naruto stepped back, Sasuke turned to face her.

"What now dobe." Sasuke said irritatingly. Here they go again Naruto will always do this she doesn't want to enter the academy together with him to be sure that their peers won't see them.

"I think you should go first Sasuke.." Naruto said timidly.

"Today is the day Iruka will place us on our Genin team there's no time for this..." Sasuke said with as the matter of factly tone on his voice. He's getting tired of this he don't really care if they we're seen together?

"Are you aware of the fact that between you and me the only one cares who will see us together is only you." Sasuke said staring blankly on Naruto's wavering sapphire eyes.

"Uh well you see..." Naruto tried to explain.

"Go in first then I'll follow."

"Eh.." Naruto stared at her best friend.

"Come on go.." Sasuke said impatiently.

"Uhm.." Naruto nodded.



"What a drag.." Shikamaru said with a sighed every morning of everyday these Sasuke fan girls are always fighting for the seat next to Sasuke who apparently the blonde haired girl always occupy.

"And this is only for one guy how pathetic.." Kiba commented Akamaru barking in agreement behind Hinata while using his straw-spitting prowess to throw the little crumpled paper to his prospect victim.

Not a minute later the two loyal fan girls of Sasuke entered the room running towards their apple of the eye. But the seat next to their crush is occupied.

"THE HELL! GET OUT OF THAT SEAT!" Sakura shouted at Naruto.

"THAT'S MY SEAT!" Ino protested.

"NO THAT'S MY SEAT! I will be the one seating beside Sasuke-kun so back off!" Naruto winced at the intensity of her voice.

"A-Alright.." Naruto said she was about to stand up and find another seat but Sasuke grabbed her wrist back down making her sit again. Then he glared at the two, making his Ino and Sakura die hard fast cowered on the sight of his glare.

"Back off.. she will stay here.." Sasuke said with that he turned again to continue reading his book hoping the two already got his hint if not he will make them know what he really meant.

"AWW! Sasuke-kun~! You're so mean!~~"

"Alright alright class sit down I'm here to announce your team.. Team 1 will be- then now Team 7 will include Uchiha Sasuke-..."

"I WANT TO BE ON SASUKE-KUN'S TEAM!" Sakura said while praying.


Their classmate sweatdropped as the two rival for Sasuke's heart produce an ominous aura.

"-Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto..." Iruka continued on.

"Eh.. the demon in Sasuke-kun's team? Unbelivable.." the others started to murmur.

"It's NOT fair!" Ino screamed in defeat.

"Cha that's what you get Ino-pig! Love will prevail Sasuke-kun is mine SHANNARO!" Sakura said pumping her fist in pure delight.

Sasuke knotted his eyebrows angrily. He doesn't mind Naruto but Sakura? What the hell?

"Team 8 will be Inuzuka Kiba, Hyuga Hinata, and Aburame Shinno.. team 10 will be Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Chouji..."

"Why the hell I'm team with two losers!" Ino protested.

"It's been decided so just take it I wish all of you good luck you're jounin sensei will be fetching you." Iruka announce with a wide smile on his face then he turned to Naruto.

"You can do it Naruto..." Iruka thought

One by one the their classmate has been fetched by their jounin instructor all of them but team 7.

"Where the hell is our teacher! He's suppose to be here three hours ago!" Sakura said she couldn't take this anymore standing up pacing back and forth while Sasuke leaned his back on the wall while Naruto pressed her back on the chair.


"Shut up you're making my ears bleed." Sasuke said as the pinkette already getting on his nerves.

"I'm sorry Sasuke-kun!"

"Whatever." He said dismissively with an irritated look on his voice.

"I think he's here." Naruto said for the first time.

Sakura knotted her eyebrows turning to face the kyuubi container she doesn't like her on their team. She hates her existence there's something about Uzumaki Naruto that attracts her Sasuke-kun towards her she could feel it. She won't let them get closer than being just seatmates. The pinkette snapped out of her thoughts when the door opened with a creaking sound revealing a man with gravity defying hair.

"Yo, my first impression of you all? I hate you.."

Author's Note : I'm not sure what team Neji- Lee- and Tenten belonged to.. I know they're older than Naruto's age. So I don't think they are in Naruto's class but still they are near his age group in anime/manga so they're still peers. (Laugh) So are they team 9? hmm someone correct me please!

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