Uncanny Magnetism

Chapter One

Disclaimer: Naruto completely belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, the amazing author who has not yet died from exhaustion of writing almost more than half a k of episodes.


"Shit, that was close!" I noted mentally as I quickly snapped my head to the left. Kisame's Samehada swished past my ear, snagging a few strands of my pink hair and yanking them from my scalp. His live sword had unraveled a few moments into our battle, revealing a quivering mass of razor sharp scales and a hungry mouth with equally sharp teeth at the end.

"You gave me some split ends, you piece of fish ass!" I spat at him, dodging another swing, hearing the scales shivering on Samehada. He was backing me into a corner, and quick. I was sweating profusely––like a pig––and I certainly was not Ino. Kisame on the other hand was swinging his chakra-sucking machine almost effortlessly.

"Ouch," Kisame grinned, feigning hurt from my insult and gave his trophy another loud swing. I was eating up chakra like a starved dog trying to match the diameter of Samehada's swing with each jump I took backwards. He swung again, but in quick thinking I ducked at the last minute to conserve the measly portion of chakra I had left. This caught Kisame off guard. He looked back at my crouching form while he was in mid-air. I seized the opportunity to gather chakra into my fist, pouncing off the branch using the small amount of momentum I gained after ducking.

"Fucking fish!" My fist cracked on his jaw with enough chakra to knock him out, but not shatter his entire skull. I landed on the forest floor a couple meters from his collapsed body, feet crunching on the browned leaves of autumn. I allowed a few moments to pass before approaching his fallen figure, cautious and aware of his consciousness. I stopped in my tracks as he stirred. Kisame got on his elbows, grinning at me with his perfect rows of teeth. I took a step backwards, but the instant I did, he was behind me breathing onto my neck.

"You have quite a colorful variety of vocabulary for a pretty little kunoichi." I made to turn around and lay another chakra-infused fist onto the other side of his face when he caught my arm.

"Fuck you," I hissed. His grip was hard and I was running out of chakra. Taijutsu wasn't my specialty, but my fate had already been decided the moment I realized I had just wasted all of my chakra trying to escape the swinging Samehada and inflict a useless blow to the jaw of my now captor.

"By the way, little shit, sharks are made of cartilage," his grin grew wider on his face, which had unfortunately been unharmed by my weakened blow. He tapped his sword on my side and I felt what was left of my chakra disappear with a 'whoosh'.

"Well, fuck," I muttered, not making an effort to escape from his grasp. His eyes looked hungry and I could hear the saliva gurgling behind his clenched teeth each time he exhaled.

"'Well, fuck' is right, sweet cheeks." He wrenched my arms behind my back, tying the strings a bit too taut. I could almost feel the rope burn that would appear after a couple hours of chafing. That is if I decided to be stupid and struggle. I stayed still and decided to mutter another curse word under my breath. He found pleasure in taking his time tying my ankles together. I could swear the saliva was dripping out from the crevices of his teeth at this time. I groaned as I felt the lukewarm liquid fall onto my sandals and seep in between my toes, feeling my blood pressure about to pop. I was frustrated because one: I was chakra-less, two: I was stuck with a man-fish, and three: I was fucking chakra-less. I fumed, my face burning up as my eyes bore into his beady, dark ones.

"If I could, I would eat you alive right now if you weren't so sexy," he chuckled, throwing me over his shoulder. I grit my teeth together, unable to move or do anything because again, I was fucking chakra-less.

"You're being quite cooperative," He smirked.

"Fuck you," I cursed at him again. It was the only weapon I had left against him.

"Sorry pinky, these were orders." By this time, he was jumping swiftly from tree to tree. In fact, his speed was probably a meter faster than mine at most. The sun was beginning to set, I could feel my lids drooping from being devoid of chakra. I was too exhausted to worry about Samehada, which was next to me, constantly eating up any ounce of new chakra being formed. My body eventually gave up creating more chakra, other than the bit I needed to keep me alive. I felt myself give in and fall asleep on Kisame's shoulder.


"Oi, kunoichi," I felt a hand shaking my shoulder, "wake up." I moaned, rolling onto my stomach. It was way too early.

"No…" I moaned a bit more, my joints feeling stiff. Another hand grabbed my opposite shoulder, turning me over and yanking me up into sitting position.

"Get up." The voice was adamant. I cracked open my eyes a sliver, feeling the bright sunlight flood into my pupils. I groaned, my eyes blinded temporarily. I rubbed them as they adjusted, making out the figure of Hoshigake Kisame in the light.

"Fine, fish ass," I hissed at him, brushing his clammy hands off my shoulders. I preoccupied myself by picking out a few leaves that had made their way into my unruly hair during the time I was knocked out cold.

"Still cute with morning breath, eh?" Kisame was kneeling in front of me, watching me groom myself the best I could.

"Shut the fuck up," I glared at him, throwing a fistful of dry leaves into his face. I stretched, feeling my joints happily crack. I felt a spark: my chakra was buzzing, renewed. I smirked at him, ready to throw a fully charged fist into his grinning face.

"You don't want to do that, sweetheart." He reached back and curled his fingers around Samehada as well as grappling my flying fist with his death grip simultaneously. I scowled, giving up, not wanting to be sucked dry of my chakra again. I unwillingly stood, wiping the dirt that had caked onto my face during my slumber with the bottom of my shirt, and followed behind him to our unknown destination.

"Where the fuck are we going?" I dragged my tired feet through the sea of colored leaves. I was walking slowly, shoulders hunched over, eyes half opened and mind still not fully awake.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," Kisame was meters ahead of me, "hurry up, little shit," he looked back over his shoulder at me and I gave him the finger. I unwillingly trudged towards him who had kindly stopped to wait for me to catch up. We walked in silence until my stomach decided to interrupt by growling loudly.

"I'm hungry," I complained, holding my protesting stomach. Kisame didn't reply, continuing in silence with only the sound of his feet shuffling through the leaves. I huffed, muttering, 'rude,' under my breath, thinking of more ways to annoy him.

"What time is it?" He ignored me.

"Why are we walking instead of running?" Another moment of silence.

"Why is there mist?" I could see his shoulders hitch, clearly annoyed.

"Are we there-"

"Shut the fuck up, kunoichi! You know what?" Kisame pulled out his sword and poked it forcefully into my stomach. I could feel the familiar rush again as Samehada happily devoured all but the necessary amount of chakra to keep me alive.

"Fuck." My arms dropped to my side. I didn't expect him to do that.

"You are getting hella annoying." He decided that tying me up was the best option, pulling the ropes even tighter than last time in his frustration. Even worse, he chose to knock me out cold as well.


"Hn, so you managed to bring her back in one piece," I was hearing, yet not hearing at the same time. My head was spinning and I could not open my eyes to see who the muddled voice belonged to.

"Wasn't easy, it was tempting," A low gravelly voice spoke: It was Kisame. I tried to open my eyes, but my lids were heavy. My body felt so weak and I was unsure whether or not my chakra had returned, yet. Perhaps, they had somehow supressed my chakra; I doubt that Kisame would let me have any of it in my possession.

"She's stirring," The first voice notified Kisame, "Let her." There was a rustle like the sound of someone holding out a sleeved arm to stop another person. The voice was becoming clearer as the clouds in my mind dissipated. When I opened my eyes, my vision was blurred.

"I can't see…" The words slurred from my tongue, which was still slack from unconsciousness.

"I see you're awake, Haruno." I couldn't make out the face of my captor, but realized whom he was once I saw the crimson eyes.

"Uchiha-san, I demand an explanation." I squinted my eyes, desperately attempting to focus my sight. To his right, a blurred blue figure stood: Kisame.

"She's all yours, Itachi," Kisame waved and left the room. I sat on the bed clenching the sheets, unwary that Itachi had come closer to bend down and look me in the eyes for inspection.

"Hn," He was amused. He straightened back up only to loom over me again, "I've placed a curse seal on you. We're connected," His voice was monotonous, muffled, boring.

"W-What?" I tried to stand, only to fall to the ground due to my failing eyesight and weak limbs.

"Whatever condition I am suffering, you suffer as well."

"So, your eyesight has deteriorated this much?" I questioned. I slowly pulled myself up enough to lean back on the cold, metal support of the bed. He avoided my question.

"You are to stay here in this room and may only leave with my permission. Is that understood, Haruno?"

"I don't even know why I'm here!" I shouted at him, retaliating by not answering his question either.

"You only have one purpose now: To seek a cure for my eye condition. The longer you put off this task, the further my and your eyesight will deteriorate, rendering both of us blind. Is that understood, Haruno?" I was reluctant to answer, I wanted so terribly to bite my tongue and lash out at him instead. However, after hearing the consequences of not obeying, I realized that I had no choice. I held my breath––Itachi had certainly thought this through fairly well. As long as I was going to lose something precious to me, I would have to work to save it, thus saving him as well.

"Fine. I'll do it. But, what resources will I be provided with?"

"In exchange, I have had medical tomes on optics set out in braille for you. I am sure you have familiarized yourself with such, I assume?" I sighed. He was right; I could read braille having worked with a few blind at the Konoha hospital.

"I need to use the restroom, Uchiha-san," I requested politely.

"No, you may not."

"Well, fuck."


A/N 4/1/12: It's been a good four years since I first stumbled upon fanfiction and fell in love. This is also that first fanfiction I have started since then. I want to thank all of the lovely writers out there who have inspired me and incited new ideas for a new pairing. To those who have favorited me as an author, thank you so so much. I absolutely do not deserve it since I have been so terrible at updating. I hope you enjoy this new story, and I pray that it will turn out well. I am also assuming my medical terms will improve as I am starting premed in college this fall.