He can't talk about it, but something is very wrong. Stefan is driving way too fast for my comfort. I trust him and his driving abilities, but I've been in one too many car accidents to be able to sit in my seat without digging my nails into the leather. Gia seems to think it's kind of fun, being tossed back and forth in the back seat, held back only by her seat belt. Stefan keeps looking in the mirrors - I don't see anything and I can't figure out what has set him off. It's pretty much dark now so if someone was following us we'd be able to see their headlights through the large cloud of dirt road Stefan is leaving behind us.

"Is that the house, G?" He asks, nodding towards the only structure we've seen on this desolate farm road. It's a large, stucco walled house, with accent lights giving the arched windows and doorways a glowing affect. The appearance alone makes me feel comfortable with the house; it just seems so home-like with the perfectly shaped topiaries sporadically placed around its perimeter and manicured landscaping. I can't see much of the land around it because of the night, but I imagine it's surrounded by a vineyard.

"Yes." She responds back, her voice tells of her excitement.

Stefan begins to slow down and I see him bite his lip in the dashboard light – he's not sure about what to do, what to say. I'm his other half, I'll do this – he doesn't always have to be the one to bear the weight. "Gia, do you know about inviting vampires in your house? How they cannot come in if you do not invite them?" She nods that she understands. "Do your friends, the people who own this house, do they know?"

Gia laughs, "Oh yes, they are very aware of the rules!"

I find her tone of voice kind of strange, it's like her words are loaded with something she's not saying. I'm about to try and delve deeper into her response when the SUV turns onto the driveway and Stefan nods to the front door. There are two women standing in the arched frame, somehow it appears they were expecting us.

"That is Milanna and Zola" Gia points to the two women.

"Lindsey's sorority sisters." Stefan says as if he's put a puzzle together in his mind.

They look to be a bit older than me, maybe in their mid-20's. "Are they witches?" I ask no one in particular.

Gia responds, "We are Stregherian. That is a little different than what American's consider witchcraft."

Again, I want to ask her to expand but she exits the SUV as soon as Stefan puts it in park. He looks over at me and I can feel his tension. "She said that there was another new truck in town today… Elijah must know where she is. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to protect her."

I have no answer for him, I can't fix this. As much as I would love to be able to tell him that Gia is going to be okay, I too am feeling doubtful.

"Come on; let's take care of this for now. Once we talk with them about Lindsey's death, then we'll worry about the Original's." I smile confidently, my hand on his neck and finger tips scratching the back of his head. I can feel him relaxing to my touch and it warms my heart.

When I exit the vehicle, I'm immediately soothed by the scent of rosemary in the air. I inhale deeply as the oxygen has a pure and cleansing affect to my senses. I'm looking over the vineyards in the distance when I hear Stefan cough once, then again, it sounds like he's having trouble breathing.
"Stefan?" I go to him. He's doubled over, coughing and struggling to inhale, holding onto the front fender with one hand and grasping his throat with the other. "Oh my God, Stefan!"

"Bring him in!" Gia calls to me from the porch where she is standing with the two women, Milanna and Zola, who own the home.

Moving under his arm that is extended to the vehicle's hood, I do my best to help him start to the house. It's only about twenty yards, but Stefan is much bigger than I am and he's gasping for air – his eyes squeezed shut with tears pooling around his lashes – making leading him into the arched doorway even more difficult. I can hear Gia and the two women speaking in Italian. The only words I catch are 'vampiro' and 'Americano'.

I'm huffing and aching by the time I make into through the door with Stefan. We both fall to the tiled floor when my legs give from exhaustion. Sometimes I forget how weak I am… this was an unhappy reminder of my failings.

"Vedere non è un vampire" Gia says to her guardians, her tone is stern, frustrated even, as she kneels next to Stefan who is on his hands and knees. Gently, motherly, Gia uses her thumbs to wipe the wetness from his eyes. "Vervain still affects him." She says to me. I'm breathing too hard to ask her to explain but my eyes must let on to how confused I am. "We have kilometers… um, miles of vervain. This is a, um… farm."

The rosemary scent, the endless rows of plants that I thought were grapevines… this is not a vineyard. Lindsey sent her sister to stay with two witches that live in the middle of miles and miles of vervain fields. I'm extremely impressed with Lindsey, all of a sudden. I could tell that she wasn't dumb, by any means, but she seemed very… immature, I guess – at least that was the impression I got from her in Charlottesville.

"Okay?" Gia asks, her hands still holding Stefan's face. He nods in response, obviously not completely recovered, yet. It's a strange thing to see – my large, tough Stefan kneeling in front of this tiny little girl who suddenly seems to be the strongest and most mature one of us in the room. He looks twice as big in comparison to her, but she has her own way of overshadowing us that has nothing to do with her small frame and modest voice.

I feel Milanna and Zola looking at me, most likely wondering who I am and where Lindsey is – I remember my decision in the SUV, how I was going to take the lead on this one, give Stefan a break from always having to be the messenger of bad news. I stand and straighten my clothing, pushing up the sleeves of Stefan's jacket as they are far too long for me and are covering my hands. "I'm Elena Gilbert." I smile, extending a handshake that they both stare at like it's a basket of snakes.

"Katarina?" I'm not sure if it's Milanna or Zola, but she looks at me with a piercing gaze. I can't help but wonder what Katherine did to her to make her say her name like that. I shake my head no, put my hands in pockets.

"Elena." Gia corrects them, "Katarina is her gemello demone"

I have no idea what she said but picked up that she called Katherine a demon.

Stefan finally stands, introduces himself in Italian. I make note to have him speak to me in Italian at some point – the way his tongue forms the words that his deep, rough voice caresses… wow.
They seem to already know about him and I am sure that Lindsey probably spent hours talking about Stefan to her girlfriends. They dated, I remember with a shudder.

My plan to ease Stefan of the weight of being the messenger, of breaking the news of Lindsey's death, falls flat. Gia speaks English very well, just as her sister did, but both Zola and Milanna stick to Italian. I can't really add anything, as I know nothing of their language, so I decide to do what I do best – comfort. It's a language that everyone understands and it's all I can offer Gia when her wheat brown eyes fill with tears. Zola and Milanna are visibly upset, but they stay strong, listening as Stefan explains.
I move to my knees and hug Gia to me as she cries. I've been exactly where she's at – completely alone.

I understand a few things he says - Charlottesville, Omni Hotel, vampire, Elijah, Originals, Klaus – he's telling them everything, not putting it off any longer. It feels like it takes him a long time to explain, to warn them, but in reality it couldn't have been more than five minutes.

I am still on my knees when Stefan sighs, placing his hand on the side of Gia's face – he has finished his spill with a word that I knew, Damon. My honest and moral Stefan; he wouldn't leave out who killed her, even though he's scared that it will change their opinion of him. "I am so sorry, G. I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe from them."

Milanna leaves the room, her emotions getting the best of her, while Zola stays with us in the foyer. "You should go." Gia gives him a terribly sad smile as she places her small hand against his face. I'm amazed at how this little girl interacts with Stefan as if he's some kind of a child. "I am not scared of the vampires."

Stefan's brow furrows and I see his mouth begin to open, object to her statement, but Gia cuts him off. "Lindsey wanted you to have a human life so that you could live it. Do not put yourself in danger for me when I can take care of myself."

"Gia, they'll try to kill you." I sigh, smoothing her nearly black hair down her back.

"No they won't." She responds confidently. "They need me. Besides, they should be more scared of me than I think they realize."

Stefan has been quiet ever since we started the drive back to Rome. I'm sure he's upset about rehashing everything; he is so quick to absorb blame. I consider trying to pry his emotions out of him, but I know this man, he's not ready yet. It's small things that tell me that it's not time – the way his lips are pursed so that his mouth is a straight line, the small change of the shadows cast on his face by the blue dashboard lights when he clenches his jaw, even the muscles in his forearm, tight and flexed from holding the steering wheel in a too-tight grip… things that only someone who is well-versed in all things Stefan would notice – the way he breathes, the sentiments in his eyes.

He wasn't happy about Gia's firm stance on not leaving Zola's home. We tried to explain to her that Elijah and his siblings would do anything they could to convince her to wake Klaus, but she shut us up when she explained that short of killing her, there was nothing that they could do – she had no one, no money – The Original's had zero leverage over her. Stefan wanted to bring her back with us, to Mystic Falls, but she would not even entertain the idea. I understood, Italy is her home, it's the one thing that she does have to keep close, to hold constant in her life.

Stefan adjusts in the driver's seat, switching hands on the steering wheel, his free hand resting on my thigh for a moment before lacing his fingers in mine. He hasn't taken his eyes off the road, yet – he's still not ready to talk.

Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, I think about how Zola and Milanna are taking in their best friends orphaned sister – I see Bonnie and Caroline. They would do the same for my child should Stefan and I not live through all of this. The thought grips me like a vice and mindlessly I rub my tummy – send a silent promise to the baby inside of me – Stefan and I will survive this.

"Where are you?" Stefan's voice is warm and quiet, bringing me back to now. He's leaning on the console, head slightly turned to the side and eyes moving from the road to me, back to the road, me again – they're hauntingly lightless and polished in this darkness.

"I'm here." I sigh, "with you." His lips shine, curve into a smile. "She's going to be fine, Stefan." I'm not just trying to give him hope, I mean it. "There is something about her… she's" I'm going to say wise or an old soul, intuitive.

"Creepy?" He laughs, cutting his colorless, glossy eyes my way again.

"Well, yes. I wasn't going to put it that way!" I playfully swat his arm. "She seems to be much stronger than she looks."

Stefan thinks for a moment, "She reminds me of her grandmother..." His voice is distant. I wonder for a moment if he knew Gia and Lindsey's grandmother the way he knew Lindsey… maybe even the way he knows me, but I shake the thought loose from my brain.

"You couldn't force her to come with us and really, she seems like she's in a pretty safe place." Stefan nods, agreeing with me, remembering the way the vervain fields took him down to the ground instantly.

We're quiet for a moment and I notice a gentle glow of light on the horizon – we're nearly to Rome. Our flight back to the US isn't for another 48 hours, I realize – another mini-vacation getaway with my Stefan in Italy, just like we'd always talked about. My smile takes over my face and I look at him like I haven't seen him in years. He must be able to feel it, the overwhelming joy that I'm bathing in, because he turns to me and gives me an equally as happy smile.

"We should do something crazy!" I offer, suddenly buzzing with energy and enthusiasm. I am in Italy, with the love of my life, carrying our child, and there is not a vampire trying to kill me or take my blood – it's the first time we've ever been on a trip together that didn't involve some kind of back story.

He chuckles, runs his tongue over his teeth. "Like what? You want to get matching tattoos or something?" Sarcastic, I love it. My human Stefan is light-hearted and laid-back. I give him a false look; it's a playful annoyed expression that makes him raise an eyebrow at me. I want to kiss him.

"Let's get dinner!"

"Whoa, Elena… you may be a bit more than I can handle! It's nine o'clock!" Stefan jokes with a gasp, "You're wild side is off the charts!" I erupt in laughter, push my hair behind my ears, gaze at him adoringly. He's right, I'm just not crazy… but I would like some pizza. "That sound is everything I live for." Stefan's hand slips between my thighs. "I can't get enough of your laugh."

From sarcastic to romantic – this is my favorite kind of Stefan Salvatore.


The moment Elijah's jet landed in Rome and the pilot opened the exit door, I ran. I have nothing on me, my bags, my purse, my phone – Elijah had the flight attendant 'pack' my things for me. Really, he was disabling me, he was expecting me to run or try and contact Elena at the very least. The last thing I heard was that the little girl was in a small town just outside of Rome and that Stefan and Elena were on their way back to the city. Elijah was not happy that Stefan had got to the witch before Kol and Rebekah, but he apparently had a plan… I got nothing more from his phone conversation as he went into the cabin to discuss it.

So I am in Rome. Totally alone in a city full of people… I have to find Stefan and Elena. I have to stay under the radar. The Original's will be looking for them too, and I am sure I'm now number two on their hit list – Caroline Forbes, just below Stefan Salvatore.

I have an idea, though I'm not sure how likely it is to work… it's been so long since I've had to rely on things like technology or plain old hard work. Luckily, I can use compulsion since I have no money and no ID.


I'm so thankful to see this pizza that I'm giddy! I feel like I haven't eaten in days! Stefan insisted that we stop at a little boutique that is just outside our hotel, I teased him that he just wanted his jacket back. Before I left Mystic Falls, I googled the typical late April weather for Rome, but it's quite a bit cooler than I packed for. I've now got a really cute black pea coat and a few long sleeved shirts.

In the middle of chewing an insanely large bite of supreme pizza, looking out of the picture window we're seated next to, taking in the sights of Rome when I feel Stefan's eyes on me and blush when I realize how much food is in my mouth. He's wearing that smile of his, the one that tells me that he thinks I'm cute, but I cover my stuffed mouth with my hand. "I'm hungry!" I say through my pursed lips, bugging my eyes at him, wishing he'd stop looking at me for a minute – let me get myself together. He's immensely more attractive than I am and I'm sure my over-filled pizza face is just great.

"No please, have your fill" He laughs, bending his pizza slice in half as he eats it. "Adorable." He says in a sigh, shaking his head a bit, like he's speaking to himself. "We have to remember to make sure you eat, often." I frown for a minute, not sure what he's getting at, then I get it – I need to eat for the baby, our baby. I'm suddenly not hungry, not for pizza. Strange how the thought of carrying Stefan's child makes me want to make love to him. "I read that you should eat a lot of smaller meals in case you happen to have morning sickness."

"When did you read that?" I chuckle, but feel a little insufficient. I should know that, shouldn't I?

Stefan takes a long pull from his bottle of Guinness. "I did some research while you were asleep."

There's a tension in the air between us now, I'm not sure where it's stemming from. "I don't really know anything about being pregnant." I say, inspecting his face, looking for a clue, anything to tip me off.

He sighs, exhaling slowly, his lips in an O shape. My light hearted Stefan is gone for the moment; it's time to talk business. "I'm sorry… about this. I should have thought about using protection." He's sorry? "Having a baby, it's a big step you know. It's going to be a huge change. We'll have to put school on hold for a while, most likely." I'm confused – I thought we were happy about our baby. Why does he keep referring to our baby as IT and THIS? Stefan keeps looking away from me; his shifty eyes are a sign that he's being elusive. "How are you feeling about all of this? I mean, is it something you want?" THIS. IT. SOMETHING I WANT?

For the first time since I've met him, I don't recognize Stefan. Even when he was craving blood and feigning for the high of killing a victim, I knew Stefan. Now here he sits, asking me if I want our child. Who is this guy? I know we had put off talking about our baby but I thought it was because we were distracted with having to speak with Gia. Now I know - Stefan doesn't even want a child with me. When I stand, I see Stefan's eyes widen with surprise, or fear maybe, I'm not sure.

"Where are you going?" He asks, somewhat panicky.

I take my new jacket and the bag of shirts, along with my canvas messenger bag and head for the exit without a single word to him. I hear his chair slide across the floor as he stands to follow me, but he hasn't paid and the waiter is busy – I head out of the swinging glass door and start quickly walking through the crowded sidewalk. I just want to get away from him for a while. I am so angry. I'm heartbroken.

Of course it's a big step, but here I was thinking that we were in love, ready for our life together. I truly believed that Stefan was thrilled with the news that I was pregnant – not once did I second guess it, consider the flip side, that Stefan did not want a baby. I've crossed the street and I'm lost in the crowd, but I hear my name over the bustling noises of the city and patrons. I'm confident that he won't be able to find me, I've got at least a couple of minutes on him and I'm short enough that I'm enveloped in the touristy mob. I can feel my phone buzzing against my hip from inside my messenger bag, but ignore it as I continue walking in the cool air – lost.

The sound of my plastic hotel key unlocking the door to our room is much louder than I'd hoped, but the room is dark so I can't see if he's awake or if he's even here. It's very possible that he's roaming the streets in search of me and my over-emotional reaction. It's been two, maybe three hours, and I'm exhausted from the walk and feeling very silly for the way I acted. I shouldn't have stormed off like I did. However, the time I spent alone was used for a good purpose. I used my IPhone to do my own research – Fact: pregnant women have a lot of mood swings and can be somewhat sensitive and emotional.

The mattress makes a rustling sound and I see his body in the darkness just before he flips on the small bedside lamp. I swallow, breathless – Angry Stefan has that effect on me. Sure, maybe I should be worried about making things right, or worried about the fact that he's angry, but all I can think of is how his eyes are piercing into me. He's dressed, sitting on the side of the bed, but his shirt is unbuttoned and I can see his well-formed torso beckoning to me. Taking off my jacket and sitting my bag down, I cross my arms, hoping to cut down that gravity like frequency that is wrapping itself around me, tugging me towards his lowered eyebrows, flexed neck, and clenching jawline.

"I think I'm going to take a shower." I state, my voice may have shaken a bit, I can't be sure and Stefan doesn't react at all. He's very angry.

Closing the bathroom door behind me, I feel like I was just caught sneaking in and I want to be aggravated by his attitude, his cold-shoulder silence and blistering stare, but I'm not… I'm not aggravated, I'm very turned on. That's what this man does to me – confuses my senses. When I should be angry with him I'm hungry for him. When I should have been scared of him when he was a vampire I wanted nothing more than to love him. Right now, I should be discussing our baby with him, working out this argument – instead I just want him to come in this bathroom and make love to me.

I'm about to remove my bra and panties, step into the shower when I catch my reflection in the mirror and our erotic scene from the flight submerges me in the memory of his hands and his kisses and those dark, never-ending, unforgiving eyes. I purse my lips as they are shaking from the images replaying in my head.


My body is aching with anger and worry and she just walks into the bathroom like it doesn't matter. I know she's upset with me, but it was a misunderstanding and had she stuck around to let me explain, I wouldn't have just spent the last few hours searching for her, terrified that something terrible may have happened to the sole reason for my breathing. Elena should have called or texted me, at least… I was minutes away from calling Bonnie or Caroline to see if they'd heard from her when she unlocked the door.

Taking a couple of deep breathes, I'm relieved that she's back, but that sweet, thick darkness inside of me is just begging to be released. Kicking off my boots and socks, I lay back on the bed, feet on the floor – listening to the shower water and hoping to calm myself before Elena finishes her shower. We need to talk about this, she needs to know that I am overjoyed that we are having a baby and that I was just trying to make sure she was okay. I'm considering what and how I'm going to explain this when I hear the bathroom door open – the water hasn't stopped - and I sit up on my elbows surprised.

Elena is standing in the doorway in a black bra and low sitting black satin panties, head tilted down just the slightest and her vale of dark hair is framing that innocent face of pure beauty. I feel my breath catch in my throat a bit as I trail my eyes down her; she's curved and slender and fit and God she's seductive standing there like that.


I swear his gaze is palpable as I think I can actually feel him looking at my face, down my body. Taking in a controlled breath, I remind myself of my plan – a payback for the flight, an apology for this fight – then take my hair in my hands, stretching my body just so as I gather my hair into a low, loose ponytail, a few strands falling around my face. That seemingly innocent move has had the desired effect, I know so when I see Stefan's teeth take hold of his bottom lip – so I proceed now that I'm sure that angry or not, he's game.

I walk to him slowly, moving my hips the way I've seen Katherine do – a rhythmic sway that's slow and suggestive. Stepping between his feet, I break our eye contact and look slowly down his body, reminding myself to keep it slow, not to get too anxious. There is no way to explain the way his torso is cut and formed into a perfect representation of the male body – it's mouthwatering.

When Stefan pushes himself from his elbows into a seated position, he's looking up at me and I lick my lips at the sight of his blazing green eyes and parted lips. He still looks so angry, dangerous – it's turning me into liquid.
He's first to break our intense eye contact as I feel his warm, rough hands grab the backs of my thighs and he studies my stomach and hips, kisses just above my panty line. It's exquisite, his warm mouth against my sensitive skin -those deft hands grabbing at the curve of my ass. My fingers slip through his hair, down his neck, to his shoulders then back so his face – I have to keep control here. I back up just a bit and he quickly looks up at me, narrowing his eyes with confusion, or maybe frustration. Either way, I'm pleased with the fact that he looks shocked that I would stop him.

When my hand comes around his neck, taking his face by his chin, he appears to be mildly threatened, intimidated even and it fills me with a goddess like strength. My libido flames by the fact that I have weakened him; my tough and fearless Stefan Salvatore is uneasy about my intentions. I hope that my pleasure is not evident on my face as I feel my eyes light up a bit. Leaning over achingly slow, his hands fall from my hips and I watch his eyes follow my barely open mouth as it inches closer to his. He stretches, trying to kiss me, but I stop just out of reach and look into his eyes – he looks so hungry. When the tip of my tongue grazes his upper lip I hear him groan. I watch his mouth, start to stand, but my face is quickly captured in his hands. Caught off guard, I steal a look into his eyes and for a small moment I'm frightened.

He looks carnal, voracious. My teasing has set him on fire and he's burning. I am not scared; I'm eager, ready to experience what this animalistic Stefan will do to me. When I feel his hold soften, I proceed, standing and pushing him back onto the bed at the same time. I take in the sight of his body once more, he's a Greek God and I'm his harlot. His rippled stomach is screaming for me to touch it and when my fingertips graze across his abs, I can't stop my mouth from making contact with the skin of his chest.

As I start to move down his torso, my hands on each side of his hips and the only contact between us is my kisses and my hair grazing against him, I feel his hand slip against my face, his fingers in my hair. I've never done this, but judging by his deep breathing, I'm doing it right so far. I remember the tips from Caroline – Stefan is much more experienced than I am and it gives me a second thought about attempting this. When my fingers move to unbutton his jeans, I'm reassured by his sudden intake of air. "Jesus, Elena…." He exhales; his voice is thick and rough and gives me confidence.

The low, guttural sounds that he makes, it gives me as much pleasure as I know my mouth is giving him. It's like nothing else, knowing that I can make his breath tremor; his eyes close from overwhelming sensation. I like the way his hand stays in my hair, fisting when I do something he really enjoys. Finishing him like this was the plan, but just when I feel that he's almost there, his fist in my hair pulls me away from him.

I look up at him, wonder if I did something wrong. He runs his tongue over his teeth, licks his lips and takes a couple of breaths. Just as I'm starting to doubt myself again his words save me, "I've got to have you, now."

I smile at him, feeling like a sex goddess as I climb onto the bed and straddle him. He kisses me like I'm his deity, giving him life through the slipping and bumping of our tongues. Stefan's mouth is hungrier, faster than usual, he's anxious for me. I can feel it in the roughness of his hands as they grab at me, leaving my already sensitive skin buzzing. I know what he's going through as it's usually the other way around – it's always been Stefan making love to me. I put my hand on the bed when he tries to roll us over, allowing him to be on top and in control, but this is my apology to him, and I'm not quite finished telling him how sorry I am. I smile mischievously at his burning eyes, but his face stays firm – I'm dripping for him.

I sit back on his body, letting him get a good look at me. I watch his face, how he clenches his jaw as his hands move up my thighs, splaying over my stomach – touching me like he's never felt my figure before. Shaking my hair back off of my shoulders, I reach around to remove my bra.

"Elena. I need you," I slip the lacy black fabric from my shoulders as he finishes his sentence. "You own me, please..." His words break over me –he says the most perfect things at exactly the right time, with that voice so deep and rough. I lean onto him, my bare chest against his and the rough touch of his hands pressing against my back as we kiss.
I could die. He's my oxygen, our souls are braided together and there is no living without him. He's my savior, my hero, my never-ending.
The taste of his tongue is sweet and pure and I wonder if I'll ever taste anything as clean as our love as he rolls us over, his body weight pressing me into the mattress. As thrilling as it was being the instigator, there is something to be said about letting Stefan Salvatore have his way with you. It's exhilarating, like jumping from the top of a skyscraper you're intensely aware of being alive – he makes you feel everything. Every kiss, each fingertip upon your skin... Stefan Salvatore makes my bones shake and my skin blaze and my heart nearly explode. When he fills me, it's painful and serene, a cadenced destruction to my body only to build me to a tightly wound inevitable combustion that leaves me wrapped up in his arms, crying out his name in a hoarse, barely there voice.

We're vined together – Stefan and I – for eternity.


Waking up next to Elena is life affirming.

Sure, to some that may seem like a dramatic statement, but when you've had to go through the kind of hell that she and I have experienced something otherwise small becomes precious. It's the grazing of her nails against my sternum that wakes me and I can tell from the slow, shallow exhales on my neck that she's just waking up, as well. My lips are drawn to her, turning my head a bit and kissing her forehead.

"Morning." She sighs and I feel her lashes sweeping on my cheek, she's just opening her eyes. We're tangled in each other, her long hair wrapping over us for good measure. I'm not sure what time it is, but I can tell that we're well into the day by the brightness of the room. It must be a nice, sun-shine filled day because though the shades of the two windows are drawn, our hotel room is fully lit.

I'm not sure why, but the idea that Elena and I have just slept the majority of the day away makes me smile and I close my eyes, relishing in the comfort. It's nice. Just laying here with her, holding her, letting her hold me. Gia is going to be fine. Klaus is not going to be woken, Damon is on the road to find some kind of harmony with Katherine, and we have slept peacefully for hours after a pretty wild love making session that ended a silly argument –could things get any better?

"Stefan," Elena's voice is still raspy with sleep, nearly a whisper – it makes me sleepy. "Are you happy?"

Her question opens my eyes. Am I happy? No. I am not happy. That word is not fitting for how I feel. I'm blissful, exultant, elated, thrilled, serene. "I don't think I know the words to express to you just how happy I am."

She stays quiet for a moment, but her hand moves down my torso, taking hold of my hand and resting on my stomach. "About the baby?" Sitting up on her elbow to look in my eyes, I see her trying to read my face – I have nothing to hide and smile at her.

"Elena, I've spent nearly two hundred years alone, now I have you, the love of my life, and we're going to have a child. Are you kidding me, I'm ecstatic!"

Her dark eyes glitter as she absorbs my words, believing me. "But last night-"

I cut her off, my hand leaving hers on my stomach and pushing her hair away from her face. "I was trying to give you a place to vent. You're so young, Elena. I know you have plans and dreams, and yes I know you want to be a mother, I just didn't know if you were happy that you are going to be a mother so early… so young."

She nuzzles her cheek into the palm of my hand. "I am. I am so happy. I just, I love you, Stefan and I can't believe all of this. It seemed like I'd never be happy again, and now here we are, and I'm living the exact life I've dreamt of – since the moment we met, this is all I've wanted." A warm tear pools against the curve of my thumb and forefinger – I wipe at the wetness on her face with my thumb, kiss her lips – I love her. When I kiss her again it's less caring, more passionate and before I can put any thought into it, Elena is on her back and my hands are moving down her body.

"Wait." I'm caught off guard, quickly removing my mouth from her neck and freezing my hands – one in her hair, the other at the curve of her hip. Pulling back to look at her – she's so beautiful all messy hair from sleep and drowsy eyes – I frown, unsure about what's wrong.

She looks at me for a long moment and I can feel that she loves me just the way I love her. "Marry me"

I laugh, shocked I guess, "What?"

"I want to marry you, Stefan. Marry me, today, here in Rome." Elena's hand comes to my face, her fingers graze across my lips. I don't answer, not in words, instead I kiss her mouth – it's slow and soft and it's sensual. Elena turns her head and my lips move down her jaw, kiss below her ear. "Answer me." She's breathless from our kiss – I want her, I love her.

I whisper her answer against her ear, "You own me."



Re: Where are Elena and Stefan staying?

They're at Hotel Trevi. Where are you? I've tried to call you a hundred times! Damon said you've ran off with Elijah to wake Klaus – tell me that's not true, Caroline!


I fold up the printed email and shove it into my pocket. Hotel Trevi – I should have googled that to make sure there wasn't more than one in Rome while I was at that cyber café. I probably should have also found an AT&T store so I could get a new phone, but there were a bunch of creepy guys oogling me, so I emailed Bonnie and stayed just long enough to get her response, print it, and get out of there. Now here I am. I've been sitting in this coffee shop since they opened at nine am watching the lobby entrance to Hotel Trevi and, three hours later, I have not seen Elena, Stefan, or any of the Original's.

Maybe I should just compel the hotel clerk to give me their room number – it's tempting and it would be so easy, but then I'd be taking the chance of leading the Original's to Stefan. I can't take those odds. Taking a sip of my espresso, wishing to God that it was more irony, redder, more blood like, I decide that my best plan of action is to get ahold of Bonnie and have her set up a meeting with Elena, Stefan, and me – I saw a flyer for Antica Birreria Peroni near the Trevi Fountain. Once I get them there I can carry on with my plan. I have to get to them before Elijah and the truth is, it's not a matter of IF Elijah finds them, but when.
Just as I stand to head back to that uber creepy internet café a few blocks south, I catch sight of a very cute guy typing on his laptop a couple of tables away from me – Thank God for compulsion and WIFI – I'll just use his laptop to tweet Bonnie! She'll get it on her phone and this way, I can warn them much sooner than if I had to go all the way back to that computer place. I may even use his neck to top off my hunger… he looks yummy.

Elena's POV

"You're beautiful, Elena." Stefan says to me as if it's just nothing, just a passing saying – like it's a fact – and it makes me blush a bit. He's already nearly dressed, but I'm completely naked and inspecting my body in the steamed mirror, skin hot from the shower and from making love to Stefan for the second time this morning. He's so funny – when I got in the shower, reeling with the joy of having asked Stefan to marry me and his perfect answer, he followed me in minutes later. Said he wanted to finish what I had started in Miami. Naughty Stefan is so enjoyable!

Still in disbelief I guess, I run my fingers across my stomach, wonder what's going on in there – where my little Salvatore is growing. I'm not looking at Stefan, but I can feel when he moves closer to me – that gravity between us is stronger than it has ever been. Stefan must know what I'm thinking about and he comes to stand behind me, kisses my damp shoulder and gathers my wet hair in his hands. "If it's a boy, we should name him Grayson."

I smile with the thought of honoring my father in such a way, amazed that Stefan would be so gracious in offering to do something like that for a man who would have despised him – only because he was a vampire, of course. Human Stefan would have been loved by my parents, I am sure of it. Stefan is intelligent, both street smart and educated, he treats me like a Goddess and allows me to move on my own – making decisions and mistakes alike, with full knowledge that he'll be there to help me if I need him. Who wouldn't want that kind of man for their daughter? "Grayson Giuseppe Salvatore?"

"Oh no," He laughs, "I wouldn't want to curse anyone with that kind of a middle name." Pulling on his white v-neck Hollister tee shirt, then moving to put on his boots. It strikes me as odd that I don't feel even a little bit embarrassed about being naked in front of him so casually.

"What about Grayson Stefan Salvatore?" I offer, turning to face him. He gives me a couple of quick kisses.

"Really? Stefan?" He looks like he has a bad thought in his head, the way his nose wrinkles up and eyebrows furrow. "Kind of dated, isn't it?" I roll my eyes – I guess he's right. He is the only Stefan that I've ever known and he's 165 years old. "If it's a girl, though, I'd kind of like to name her after Lexi somehow." He stares into my eyes like he's looking for me to disapprove. "Is that weird?"

"No, not at all" If it weren't for Lexi urging me to sidestep my fear of being with Stefan he and I wouldn't be here today. When it's real, you can't walk away - so many times I've heard her say that in my head, pushing me to keep fighting for him, fighting to break through his compulsion, the drama, the pain. I recall the last time we saw her, after Bonnie saved Jeremy's life and some kind of a door from the otherside was left open. Lexi came back to help me, to help save Stefan – "I would love that." His green eyes seem so sad now, thinking of his best friend. I wonder if he's remembering his last interaction with her, too. "It's okay, Stefan." I take his face in my hands, my beautiful dark and deep Stefan. "She knows you weren't yourself in that cell. Lexi loved you, she knew you weren't that guy." He shakes his head, bites his lip like he does when he's upset. "No," I use my thumbs to free his lip from his teeth, "you're not going to do that. We are going to keep having babies until we have a girl and we'll name her –" He's smiling now, it's a magnificent sight – I don't know Lexi's real name and he helps me.


I continue, "- we'll name our daughter Alexia."

My hair is nearly dry when Stefan comes back into the bathroom carrying my cell phone and a paper cup of coffee. He gives me a quick once over - I am wearing a lacy white BGBC empire dress that I brought for a nice dinner; now it will be my wedding dress - there is a change in his eyes, I know he approves.

Sitting my coffee on the lavatory and wiggling my cell towards me he mouths "Bonnie" as I cannot hear him over my blow dryer.

"Answer it. I'm nearly done" I say loudly, continuing to run my flat brush and dryer down the length of my hair. I want to look perfect for my future husband when we look back at our wedding photos.

The moment I step out of the bathroom I can tell something has changed - My playful Stefan is gone. He's been replaced by business Stefan who is looking out of our third floor hotel window with a brooding forehead and concerned look in his eyes. That oh-so-talented mouth is a straight line on his Roman face.

I feel my chest fall with expectant disappointment "Spill it…" When he turns to me, I'm even more sure that something is wrong and positive that he is going to deny it - I know this man, I've always known him.

"Bonnie, she had a message from Caroline... She wants to meet us for lunch" his tone is flat. I was unaware that Caroline was in Italy and I find it odd that Stefan seems reserved about her request. She is one of our best friends, one of the few people he confides in...

"Caroline?" I have a lot of questions but that is all that comes out of me.

"She's here for Klaus." Stefan shoves his hands in his pockets, hunches his shoulders a bit - there is something he is trying to keep from me.

I am not really shocked that Caroline would want to help wake Klaus, the time she spent with him while helping Stefan lure him to The Temples affected her. She fell in love with Klaus. A grown up kind of love that she had never felt before. Others didn't get it - Bonnie, Damon, Matt - Stefan and I understood. Maybe because we saw them together – it was undeniable that he loved Caroline - or maybe because we share that same kind of eternal connection - either way, we got it. What does upset me is that Stefan said she worked out a deal with Elijah - turning Lindsey over to them, only Damon killed her before Caroline and Elijah could collect her. I feel so angry with Caroline for agreeing to continue with the Originals, coming here to find Gia.

"Why didn't she call one of us directly? Why go through Bonnie?" I ask, fuming.

"She told Bonnie that she left her phone with Elijah. Apparently, Caroline had a change of heart at the last minute and had defected from their plan." he looks quite angry as he speaks, but his body is still calm, taking a seat on the bed and extending his hand to me.

"I'm sure Elijah is thrilled with her 11th hour moral crisis!" I plan on giving her an earful when we see her. "What time are we meeting her?" I ask, taking a seat on his lap and using my finger tips to brush back the short hair above his ear.

He looks at his watch rather than his cell phone - that makes me smile for some reason. "An hour. 3pm"

I sigh; this is interrupting our impromptu wedding day. "Then we get married?"

He smiles so sweetly that I fear I might burst into flames with pride - my future husband is romance novel gorgeous!

"Then we get married!" He kisses the corner of my mouth. "But I have to find something else to wear. It's either this tee shirt or a maroon hoodie if I don't head out and find something better."

"No it's fine!" I try, smoothing the fabric down his firm, well formed chest.

"There is no way anyone would let me marry someone as stunning as you are in that dress." I blush. "if we have any hope at all of finding someone to marry us, I've got to fool them into believing I am worthy of you."


"That is fine, Katarina." I should probably be okay with how Elijah uses my given name, but to be honest it makes me wish I could to rip his heart out through this phone. He has no right – I am not that person anymore. Katarina Petrova died hundreds of years ago to escape the Mikaelson's, to get away from Klaus. Katherine Pierce took her place and yet I'm still running and deceiving to escape them… but not for much longer. "I had no plans of hurting Elena and will keep my word regarding curbing Klaus' desire to use her blood. Besides, I have my eye on Caroline once I finish off Stefan."

Removing the phone from my ear, I take a breath to steady myself. It's a writhing inside of me, painfully scraping at my nerve endings – I gave Stefan eternal life as a vampire and I will now the behind-the-scenes hand to take his life once and for all. I love him, but I cannot run any longer.
Wiping at my eyes, forcing the tears to not fall, I focus on my hearing – Damon is still in the shower, I can hear the water falling from his body.

"Then I'm forgiven?" I need him to say it again. Elijah is a man of his word and hearing him tell me that I'll be forgiven, that Klaus will not come after me, it's nearly priceless… the only life I am not willing to spare for my freedom is the child growing in Elena's body. With Stefan killed, I'll take care of Damon, and Elena and my descendant can live without our evilness in their lives.

"Give me the information and yes, Katarina, you are forgiven."

This may be the first time I've ever had to second guess a decision that would benefit me. My long pause is disrupted only by the sound of the shower water cutting off. I have to decide – now. Am I going to sell out Stefan? Am I going to cross Damon, the man who confessed his love for me only hours earlier? One of the very few people that I have ever let know me, truly know me? The knot in my stomach is growing tighter – I feel somewhat nauseated and my hand moves instinctively to my stomach. I'm immediately reminded of Elena. I have to protect her child from this life.

Swallowing and keeping my voice low, I whisper "Hotel Trevi." I tap 'end call' and drop the phone on Damon's unmade bed as if it is painful for me to hold. I'm still staring at it, fighting with regret when Damon's hand moves down my bare arm, startling me.

"Everything okay?" He asks, those blue eyes trust me again. It's so easy for me to manipulate how Damon puts too much faith in me. In 1864, he allowed me to feed from him, use him to attract victims for my pleasure – he hung on my every word back then, trusting me without a shadow of a doubt. Looking at him now, his piercing blue eyes give him a hauntingly cold stare; I know that Damon of 1864 is still in there, trusting me fully once again.


Stefan: That took longer than I thought. Meet me in lobby? 5min?

It's fifteen til three and I am just finishing up with my eyeliner. I don't wear makeup much, but I've applied a light coat of foundation, a bit of blush, and used charcoal gray eyeliner and black mascara since today is a special day. I realized a long time ago that the more makeup I wear, the closer I resemble Katherine, and I usually avoid wearing much more than mascara and lip gloss. Slipping my cell phone into my messenger bag – it doesn't go with my dress at all but I didn't bring anything else – I pull it over my neck, adjust the strap across my chest and pull my hair from beneath it, gathering the length over my shoulder. One last look in the mirror and I'm pleased with my appearance – the square neck of the dress gives it a bit of a formal look, while the mid-thigh length keeps it casual. My hair is straight as I know that's how Stefan prefers it, and I have a strange glow about me… maybe it's that pregnancy glow I've heard about, but I'm pretty sure it's because I am beaming with happiness.

Just about to head out of the hotel, I decide that I want Bonnie to know what's going on – the only thing that could make this day any better would be if Bonnie and Jeremy could be here to experience it with me, but the best I can do is snap a picture of myself in my $85 wedding dress and tweet it to them.

By the end of the day, I'll be Mrs. Stefan Salvatore! EtchedInInk & BonBonLuv Whatdoya think of the dress?

I'm not nervous at all, but my thumbs are sort of shaky as I tap out the tweet – I'm so anxious! I'm just hitting 'tweet' when I exit the elevator, slipping the phone back into my messenger bag; my eyes are instantly drawn to Stefan. He's standing twenty feet away holding a bouquet of pink stargazer lilies tied together at the stems with a white satin ribbon. No longer in his tee shirt, he's impeccably handsome in his dark jeans, brown boots, a white button up shirt and grey suit jacket. For a moment, I don't even realize that there are two people standing off to the side of him holding violins – my eyes are stuck on him, unable to break our gaze – that gravitational pull tugging on me. He's smiling somewhat shyly at me, head tilted down and eyes alive with joy – an exact reflection of how I feel – like nothing could be better, the world could not be more right.

When the violinists start, I recognize the song immediately – Unchained Melody, my parents favorite song. It was their first dance at their wedding reception – and I'm suddenly aware of the crowd of people in the lobby. There are fifteen or twenty, hotel employees and guests alike, all of them standing still, watching me watch Stefan.

I feel my skin warm with flush, blushing under everyone's gaze, returning my eyes to Stefan as I walk to him and he meets me in the middle of the distance. I know what's going on, I do, but at the same time I have no idea what he's about to do, or how he pulled all of this together. Looking up at him now, I can see that his eyes are sparkling green, like a spring leaf in full daylight. "What are you doing?" I laugh nervously, my hand coming to my mouth for a moment – then taking the flowers from him, my whole body lightly shaking.

The touch of his fingers against my face leaves my knees weak and by lungs tight. I just want to kiss him, fall into his embrace, but I stay still, my smile so wide that my cheeks are beginning to ache. Stefan takes my hand in his and after a deep breath kisses my fingers. "You are every color my eyes have ever seen, every note my ears have ever heard. I've never seen a sight as beautiful as your smile, nor tasted anything as sweet as your kiss." I blink away tears; his voice is warm and rough, like he's struggling to keep it together. "I've spent my life loving you before even knowing you, searching for you endlessly, day after day; I've belonged to you, Elena, since the moment I was born. And now that I've found you, I'll spend the rest of my life making myself deserving of you and your laugh and your selfless love." I'm blinking away tears but they keep falling. Stefan wipes at them with his thumb, then bites his lip momentarily – I think my heart is truly about to burst when he kneels in front of me, kisses my fingers once more, then takes a ring from his pocket – holding it up to me, his green eyes are innocent and clear, rimmed with unfallen tears. "Please, Elena, be my wife? Let me love you for eternity."

I swear he looks like he's nervous, how can he not be sure of my answer? The violinists come to a soft, quiet stop and the crowd seems to be holding their collective breaths.

I'm so emotional, so overwhelmed with love for Stefan that it takes a moment for my brain to tell my lungs to allow my vocal chords to work. I nod first and Stefan's smile brightens even more. "Yes, yes, Stefan!" I cry and he stands, pulling me into his embrace as the crowd of onlookers clap and whoop and holler in English and Italian and the violinists start a lively, up-tempo version of the wedding march. When he takes my face in his hands, looking at me like he cannot believe I'd say yes, I can't help but kiss him, my future husband, Stefan Salvatore.


I fight my human urge to go to Elena and Stefan, hug them, jump up and down in excitement for them. Stefan's proposal was beautiful – perfectly Stefan and Elena, low key and romantic, intimate. Getting the street performers from the fountain square was a really great touch, kudos to Stefan for pulling that dreamy scheme out of mid air! Watching him, I wasn't sure what he was up to with the flowers and the clothes, paying the street performers… it was when he bought the ring from one of the street merchants that it hit me – he was proposing to her. Klaus would never have bought me a cheap ring like that one. He would have compelled some jewelry clerk to create a huge, unique, diamond ring then compelled the entire city square to sing to us as he proposed!

I don't even have to sneak out of the hotel lobby, the two of them are surrounded by a crowd of onlookers cheering them on and they're busy kissing and being in love and what not to notice me leave. We are supposed to meet at three a few blocks from here and I'm pretty sure they're going to be a bit late, but I head over to the restaurant anyway, feeling somewhat terrible about all of this. Their engagement doesn't change anything, doesn't change what I have to do at all… it's for the best, I tell myself.

Stupid wedding proposals… stupid engagement rings, stupid violins and stupid people taking pictures and recording on their phones! UGH, I hate feeling jealous! I hate it so badly but I can't fight it. I want that! I want my epic love…


I've never seen such a beautiful ring – it glitters in the daylight as I turn my hand, mesmerized. Stefan said it's called a granule ring, made locally by a merchant who fuses these tiny crumbles of white gold, otherwise thrown away, into what looks like hundreds of pieces of glitter forming a perfect circle. We're seated on the patio of Antica Birreria Peroni with a beautiful view of the fountain and our violinists are back at their post, playing lively tunes that make me want to dance.

"Are you sure you like it? I promise to get you something a bit more fancy for a wedding band." Stefan takes my hand, looks at the ring. I have no idea why he would second guess this ring – it is absolutely perfect, it's completely me.

"Don't even think about it!" I playfully jerk my hand away, adjust the ring on my finger. "I love it almost as much as I love you." I tease. He laughs, seemingly reassured, then checks his watch. Caroline is running late. We've been here for half an hour, already ordered even, and she's nowhere in sight. "Want me to call Bonnie? See is she's heard from her?" He nods as he takes a drink of his tea.

When I turn on my phone, I have three missed calls from Bonnie and a text from Jeremy.

Jeremy: Are you kidding me? That's amazing, Elena. Congrats!

It warms me to know that Jeremy is happy for Stefan and I – there was a time that I was a little worried that Jeremy would never forgive Stefan. Bonnie's voicemail is just a lot of laughing and squealing and "you better call me back!", "Send me pictures!", and "OMG"s.
"Jeremy and Bonnie are very happy for us!" I smile and Stefan takes my hand, kisses my fingers – he knows how much they mean to me. "Too bad we don't have pictures of the proposal…" I'm a little deflated with the thought. I will never forget that moment, the way I felt, the look in his eyes, but it will be hard to transmit that to my friends.

"Antonio, the desk clerk, he took pictures with his phone." He thought of everything, I can see he's quite proud of himself as he speaks. "When we get back to the hotel I'll have him send them to us."

I look at my future husband – so beautiful in the mid day sun, his olive skin and green eyes inviting me. I lean over and kiss him, slowly and softly. A low groan escapes his lips and I smile against his kiss. "I've got those iniquitous thoughts again, Elena." A playful warning, one that I plan on exploring as soon as we get back to the hotel.

For now, I need to call Bonnie, so I kiss him once more – a to-be-continued kiss – then sit back in my seat. Scrolling through my phone contacts I'm brought back to Miami when I see a number I saved for a surfing lesson… "Where were you going?"I look over at him, he's confused. "In Miami, when you were going to leave me with Caroline and Bonnie. Where were you going to go?"

His smile turns mischievous for a moment as he runs his hand across his face, pops his neck. "I had no idea."

Why am I bringing this up I do not want to argue, I just need to know, I guess. "Then why leave me at all if you had no place to go?"

"Elena…" He laughs, leans over and puts his hand on thigh. "I knew you would come with me." I narrow my eyes at him, skeptical. "Don't get me wrong, I was pissed, but I wanted to be with you, alone. So I grabbed my things and took off knowing full well that you'd follow me and we'd have a nice long nine hour drive back to Mystic Falls." I can see in his eyes that he's not lying, but I'm a little shocked that he manipulated my feelings for him like that. "Not for one minute have I doubted that you loved me, no one else," he side steps using Damon's name, "you just needed a little bit of time to clear your head is all. Nine hours in a car with me!" He smiles and I can't be mad. He's absolutely right. It didn't take nine hours, maybe ten minutes, but the other eight hours and fifty minutes were great.

We gaze at each other for a long moment and I feel his hand move up my leg a bit, sending a tremor through my body as his eyes get that dark, burning look about them. I swallow, cross my legs, I need to focus. "I'm going to call Bonnie, then we're getting married and heading back to the hotel." I smile.

"I'll make an honest woman out of you, yet, Elena Gilbert." He teases, sitting back in his seat and lacing his fingers together, his eyes trailing over my legs. Naughty Stefan makes me quiver.

My fingers are not responding correctly and it takes me a minute to find Bonnie's number. I'm just about to dial it when Stefan stands, looks into the bar.

"I think I see her." I crane my neck to try and spot her, but don't see anyone even close. "I'll go get her. She may not have thought to look for us out here." He kisses my forehead then leaves for the bar.

I consider calling Bonnie anyway, but honestly I'm still finding it hard to believe that Stefan and I are here, hours away from being married, months away from meeting our child. I settle for sipping my glass of water and picking at my salad as I listen to our violinists and enjoy the sunshine on my skin. I can hear his voice in my head Let me love you for eternity – I remember saying something like to him when we were in Naples. It amazes me how Stefan truly listens to me, like every word I say is precious, meaningful. I remember when he showed up at my dorm the other morning… that was only a few days ago… the way he repeated nearly everything I'd blurted out to him during my telephone fit the previous night. He loves me. Really loves me.

"Scusi, scusi" The waiter says to me, excuse me in Italian. I look up at him, shielding my eyes from the sun with my left hand – wondering if he notices my sparkly engagement ring. He's carrying two glasses of red wine on a tray. "Un dono dal bar per gli amanti impegnati!" He smiles brightly, but I don't know how to respond as I don't know what he's saying. I return his smile as he places the wine on our table.

I start to correct the waiter, "No, I'm sorry, we did not order-" but I'm cut off by an older woman at the table next to ours.

"It is a gift, for your engagement" She smiles, tapping her ring finger. This stranger looks at me like she could not be happier for me, she's proud of me almost. I smile back at her, nod as a thank you – love is a universal language.

Stefan's hand grazes my shoulder as he comes back to the table, alone. "I missed her…" He sighs, taking his seat and frowning at the wine.

"A gift for our engagement" I laugh, repeating the woman's words in a sing-song like way as if they're a poem. Stefan nods his head and takes one of the glasses.

"You know you can't drink that…" he leans over to me, raising his eyebrows and whispering dramatically. "…pregnant and all."

I take my glass and smell the wine, grimace a bit as it makes me instantly nauseated. "To us?" I laugh, offering a cheers.

"The Salvatore's" He smiles in return as we clink glasses. Stefan takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger and gives me a sweet kiss, looks deep into my eyes – I think he can see my soul – then throws the entire glass of wine back, drinking it in one long swig. He's right, I can't drink mine, so I give it to him and, again, he takes it all down. I giggle at him; he's such an American boy. "Alright," he says, sitting the glass next to the other empty one. Extending his hand to me, his eyes mischievous once again and I'm suddenly concerned about what he has in store for me. "Come on, it's time to make you my wife."

"Buena sera, Signore Salvatore" The priest smiles shaking Stefan's hand, nodding to me.

"Padre Apicella, incontrare Elena. Grazie per incontrarci questa sera. Parli inglese, signore?" There he goes with that Italian tongue again. I swallow, anxious to make love to my husband.

"Yes! English! We can marry in English if you wish, Salvatore!" Padre Apicella laughs, slapping Stefan on the shoulder as we start across the bridge over the Tiber. It's nearly dark, the sky a mix of lavenders and deep blues. I feel numb almost, or maybe I'm feeling everything, I don't know. I can't explain. I know Stefan is holding my hand in his, I can feel the cool breeze brushing my hair against my arms, I can clearly hear the sound of a guitar coming from one of the boats on the river below us. But I can't think straight, I can't see anything but glittering street lamps, mirror like water, and his beautiful Roman face, smilling back at me as we stop at the top of the bridge and he takes my other hand – faces me.

This is it, this is the most defining moment of my life. I am marrying my best friend, the love of my life, the most kind and selfless man that I'll ever know. As the padre speaks, I only sort of hear him, all of my senses are absorbed by Stefan – his lips, his eyes, his smile, the smell of his bodywash, the way we cant stop laughing. Even in this near dark, the street lamps give his green eyes a glow, so warm and welcoming, I want to kiss him now – I don't want to wait! I decide that I can, it's my wedding after all. If I want to kiss him I will, but I'm stopped by the padre addressing him –

"Stefan," He says his name in two accented syllabuls, Stef-fuhn, I love it. "repeat to your bride, please." I'm his bride. That's me! Stefan nods to the padre, letting him know he's ready, then looks back at me with wide eyes, wild with excitment as he repeats the Padre's words to me.

I, Stefan Salvatore, take you, Elena Gilbert,
as my wife and promise to be faithful to you always,
in joy and in pain, in health and in sickness,
and to love you and every day honour you, for the rest of my life.

I laugh, I don't know why, but I laugh loudly, tossing my head back even. But it's okay because Stefan is laughing right along with me. We're laughing and crying and holding each other's hands standing over the Tiber River in Rome, Italy, getting married – it's so impossible that it feels miraculous.

Padre apically must think we're two crazy American kids – he has no idea the kind of hell we've been through to get here. He has no clue just how we've earned the right to stand here and laugh with one another. Luckily, he doesn't seem to mind, his face is straight but I can see the amusement in his round eyes as he looks to me, "And now, repeat to your groom."

"You're my groom." I giggle to Stefan in a not-quiet whisper.

The padre clears his throat – I guess we aren't supposed to talk to each other! – then begins my vows,

I, Elena Gilbert, take you, Stefan Salvatore,
as my husband and promise to be faithful to you always,
in joy and in pain, in health and in sickness,
and to love you and every day honour you, for the rest of my life

I repeat them without laughing much at all. Stefan's green eyes are growing increasingly more and more serious, dark and on fire for me, his wife.

Padre says a few more words about being in love and honoring and compromise and the general spill about marriage, but it's all I can do not to kiss Stefan – that magnetic pull, our gravity, the way our souls ache for each other so intensely that it's nearly tangible – the frequency is blazing high and I'm nearly ready to stop fighting it when he finally says – "By laws of Rome, and the grace of the eyes of our Lord, you are now husband and wife."

We are now husband and wife.

I think we're both in shock. Standing there, finally free to kiss and make our marriage real, we can't move. I'm trying to imprint his face in my mind – God made the most perfect face when he made Stefan.

"Now, go on!" Padre laughs, slapping Stefan on the shoulder with his leather Bible and it breaks the tension, letting us laugh again as Padre takes pictures with my phone.

Stefan slips his hands around my waist, resting on my hips and looks down at me, "I'm going to kiss my wife now." He whispers just as I close my eyes, my hands on his chest, and his lips meet mine – my husband, I his wife – forever.

Stefan gave the Padre a wad of money for coming out so late. Even though he tried to refuse it, Stefan insisted, thanking him over and over for meeting us on short notice. I'm leaning on the bridges stone railing, watching the boats glide across the mirror-like Tiber as Stefan finishes up with the Padre. I'm euphoric. Until Stefan, I didn't realize how dead I was. After my parents passed, everything inside of me shut down and that was the norm… until Stefan. We had our battles to face and our fires to put out, but we've made it through.

"Ready, Mrs. Salvatore?" Stefan's arms wrap around my waist, his warm body pressing up against my back – the contrast in temperatures causing me to shiver in his embrace. I feel him smile against my neck. When I lean back, relaxing in his arms, I'm enveloped in an emotion that I haven't experienced since I was very young – It's soothing, calming… peaceful.

"I love you, Stefan." For some reason, I feel the need to tell him a few things, to really close that chapter of our lives. "I forgive you, for everything that happened when you were compelled." I haven't thought about those things in so long, but I am suddenly aware that I never told him that I'd forgiven him for his coldness, for the night on Wickery Bridge... I know Stefan, he needs to hear it. The gentle squeeze of his arms around me lets me know that I am absolutely right. "I don't want you think about those things ever again, after tonight. They're done. You're not that man any more, okay?"

He kisses my cheek in agreeance and I feel him sigh – relief.

Turning in his arms, facing him now and placing my hands on the curve of shoulders, I can feel his heart beat quicken when we kiss. It's a slow kiss, slipping and gliding together for a long moment before his hands move to the lowest part of my back, pressing me against his body and our kiss deepens, quickens. Someone honks as they drive by, yells "It's Amore'!" at us, but we don't stop – enjoying one another. The feel of his kiss on my jaw, his mouth against my neck, it's amazing. I'm in a pleasure induced trance until I feel Stefan's body jerk in my arms and his fingers dig into my back. He releases this groan, like an animal. When I feel something sharp against my chest, I pull away a bit to look at his face. His emerald green eyes are full of terror as he looks back at me, his body relaxing and the full weight falling against me, pressing me against the cold concrete rail. "Stefan?" I question, I'm so confused. What's happening? Why is Stefan looking at me like this?
I can't hold him and he slides down me, I fall to my knees and Stefan lands hard on his back on the pavement, shoving the wooden stake nearly clean through his chest, ripping through the front of his shirt. I look around, there are others watching us, coving their eyes, a couple girls scream at the sight of Stefan impaled and bleeding – that's when I see Kol. He looks me right in the eye, smiling, gives me a quick nod of his head before continuing away from us.
"Stefan!" I scream, my shaking hands hover over the bloody stake end sticking through him – I consider pulling it out. His body starts to convulse, jerking and heaving as he struggles to breath. "Stefan, no no please no!" I cry, taking his face in my hands just as he begins to cough violently, blood coming from his lips and nose, spattering through his strangled breaths. He grabs my hand, gripping it tightly – the watery sound of his breathing getting louder and louder as his body begins to relax.
My strong, never-scared Stefan looks terrified. I know he cannot live through this – the stake is directly through his heart, may have even punctured a lung – so I do what I can to comfort him through my sobs. I tell him it's okay, that it's not that bad.
His fingers begin to relax around my hand.
"Help is on the way", I try to smile, smoothing back the hair above his ears with my fingers.
"We'll be in and out of the hospital, back to our hotel in no time". I kiss his forehead.
His breathes are almost completely oxygen-less as he inhales blood into his lungs – his chest heaving and concaving silently.
"I love you, Stefan. I love you. I love you. I love you"
He blinks, opening his mouth a bit wider, one last effort to survive, to find air amidst the liquid in his mouth.
"I love you. I love you"
He is still, eyes open, cold and lifeless.
"I love you."


As terrible as Elena looks when she comes out of the terminal, I can tell that she is happy to see me and Bonnie. I'm glad that I didn't back down and let Damon come pick her up. She is my sister and that's my niece or nephew, too. Elena hugs me, but when she moves to Bonnie it's like she collapses, bawling and shaking in her arms.
Bonnie is good at this, much better than me. I feel nervous just being near it, I don't think I could handle being the one Elena turned to right now. She's shushing her like a baby, stroking her hair. I'm filled with rage that Kol and The Originals have destroyed my sister this way. I've never seen her like this, not even when mom and dad died. Things are a lot worse now – she has no one, and she's pregnant. The term widow keeps seeping into my mind even though she and Stefan were barely married more than five minutes before Kol staked him.
Damon has vowed to kill Kol, but really, what good will that do? Just lead to another vengeful death. Bonnie may have got through to him when she told him that the next step would be for Rebekah to kill Elena, or the baby – it did seem to knock the air out of him. I can tell you this, Damon may be a first class dick, but he already loves his brother's child, just as I love my sisters. He can be human sometimes, I guess.

It's on the drive back to Mystic Falls that I decide what needs to be done. Looking at Elena, glassy eyed and dazed, she's almost unrecognizable. I know it's what Elena would do if it were the other way around. I know, because she's done it to me.

"How is she?" Damon asks before I can even close the front door. It's still eerie that vampires can hear so well. He's sitting on the leather ottoman in front of a roaring fire, head down, bourbon in hand. I think I hear Katherine walking upstairs.

"Not good. She can't eat, gets really sick." When I step into the den, I'm hit with the smell of alcohol – he's really been putting it back, I guess. "That's why I'm here."

When he looks at me, I'm pretty sure it's the only time I've ever seen Damon look anything less than smug. It's actually kind of scary, seeing him broken like this with bloodshot eyes and an uncombed hair. Damon is very drunk, but I hope he's alert enough to do as I ask… it's going to be a lot of work.

"Go on." He slurs.

"I want you to compel Elena to forget about Stefan. Make her remember the vampires, that they killed Aunt Jenna and that Klaus wants her for her blood. I want her to remember that Stefan was only here for a short time and he helped keep Klaus from hurting her. But then he left. Bonnie has all of Elena's journals, everything that may remind Elena of Stefan… and of you."

His eyes narrow at me, I'm not sure if he's more shocked at the request in general, or that I want her to forget him too. "And my brother's child? Immaculate conception?" He's getting angry. That's good; it's more like unbroken Damon.

"You're going to tell her it's Matt's. That they tried to make it work again, and now she's pregnant." He stands and I back up a step or too.

"No way in hell, Jeremy." He tosses the rest of his drink in the fire, sits the glass on the ottoman. "You're an even bigger idiot than my brother."

I swallow. I knew this was going to be hard, but Elena won't make it like this… "If we don't do something, she's going to have a miscarriage." It's like a light switch in his eyes. It's better for his brother's offspring to live without knowing it's true lineage than to die before ever getting a chance.


I've got everything – her journals from the past two years, her necklace, a letter he wrote her, their cell phones even. Damon will have to take her ring off of her finger… I just can't do that. I saw the pictures of their wedding; it's too real for me to just throw all of this in a fire like Jeremy asked me to. I'll keep it safe, somewhere no one will find it unless I want them to. I realize these things will hold no value to her once Damon compels her, but they mean so much to my best friend now that they mean something to me. The Elena I saw in the pictures from their cell phones, that is the girl I've known for fifteen years… if I never see her again, at least I'll know she existed.

Taping the box shut, I'm startled by Jeremy's hand on my waist. "Come on, he's doing it."


Bonnie sits next to me, holds my hand. I know I need to eat. I know I need to sleep. I realize that, but I can't. This intervention is not going to change that. My wedding dress is bloodied and ruined, just like me… there is no going back.

"Elena," Damon sits in front of me. I'm so tired. "Elena, look at me."

Bonnie squeezes my hand and I hear her sniffle. Jeremy and Matt are standing behind Damon, watching me like I might actually crumble into pieces on the floor at any minute. If there were any way that was possible, I would have crumbled into dust right next to Stefan on that bridge.


"What?" I finally look at Damon. He's sitting really closely, when his hands move to my face, I get it, I see what's going on, but it's too late to object – I can actually feel by brain being invaded by his ice blue eyes. It's the first thing I've felt since the police took me back to the hotel in Rome. It's like being held underwater – peacefully drowning in Damon's eyes.

"Elena, you're not going to remember that you loved Stefan or that you had any type of a romantic relationship with him, at all. You're not going to remember that you and I dated. Stefan and I were only here to help rid Mystic Falls of the tomb vampires and to help you with Klaus. Caroline Forbes is a vampire and she is on the Original's side. You will no longer be friends with her. You and Stefan dated a couple of times, but turned out to be friends because Matt Donovan wanted to try a relationship again. It didn't work out, but you found out you're pregnant, so you're willing to give it a one more try. You did not go to Naples over Thanksgiving; you came home and had Thanksgiving with Matt and Jeremy, and Bonnie. You did not see Stefan in Miami; you spent the whole week there and had a great time. You have never been to Rome, ever. Stefan and Damon Salvatore left town right after the Sun and the Moon Ritual when Bonnie used John's life to save you. You will not remember that I was here tonight. You haven't seen me or Stefan since the funeral service for Aunt Jenna and John. You will not remember this conversation."

I'm so hungry. I'm exhausted. Why are Matt, Jeremy, and Bonnie staring at me like this? "Guys? Is everything okay?" I smile.



Get it together.

I wipe at my face carelessly, dragging snot across my cheek, then wiping it on my hand. Punch the steering wheel. I can't remember ever crying like this and I feel like a child. Do you know how long it's been since I've wished I could see my Mom? Don't get me wrong, she was a good woman and a great mother, but being a grown man for 170 plus years without your mother makes living without one easier… that is, until you lose your brother and your only friend.

I've lost Stefan before, true. But when he died at the Temple, somewhere in me I felt like there was a chance he could come back. I've seen crazier shit happen – hell, I'm a vampire, enough said. But when Jeremy showed me Elena's white dress, soaked with Stefan's blood, his human blood; there's no coming back from that. I haven't really been without my baby brother since I was six. Six. I'm 171 years old – do the math. It's fucking killing me, breaking me.

And now I've lost Elena. What may be even worse, I've stolen her from Stefan once and for all. I stole all of her memories of him; I took his child away from him… what a shitty bastard I am.

I drink the last of my bottle of bourbon, but I want more, and I want to chase a new bottle of bourbon with a fresh vein. I'll have to settle for a bag of blood. Taking it from a human with me in this kind of condition would end badly… for the human, of course.

Okay. Breathe. Wipe your face, you piece of shit, and get your ass in the house and get that bourbon. I want to numb down to a sack of bones – emotionless, alone.

I stumble out of the car, up the steps. Grabbing ahold of the door knob I feel it coming again, the overwhelming urge to scream, curse, burn the damn house down. I want to cry. And I do. My forehead resting against the front door of my house, crying for my brother, for his wife, my friend, and their child… the last remaining Salvatore who will be raised a Donovan.

That thought alone makes me explode and I rip the door from its hinges, let it drop to the floor, unveiling Katherine on the other side watching me. I can't read her face, never could.

"What?" I ask like it's a curse word, stumbling in just as a crash of thunder rumbles through the summer night. "WHAT?" I yell at her.

She's beautiful and sexy and mean as all hell. I want to love her, and I do, but it's not the same now that I know that she's such an evil bitch. I don't love Elena the way I want to love her, either… I'm just a lonely, son of a bitch, fatherless, family-less piece of shit.

"Come on," She says to me like I'm a stray dog looking for water. I am. I follow her down the stairs and into the basement. I can smell the blood in my deep freezer and feel the blood rushing to my eyes and fangs extending with anticipation. Katherine opens the lid, showcases the blood like a model on some game show. "Eat. You'll feel better."

She's right. I just need to eat. Blood will make me feel much better about taking away my brothers child. Right?
Blood will make me not want to find Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah, rip them into pieces and spread their extremities across the globe.

I bite into the plastic, not worrying with the tab, and it does make me feel a bit of numbness as I enjoy the wetness flowing down my throat. I suck it dry pretty quickly. Tossing it on the floor, I bend into the deep freeze for a second bag. When I stand straight again, Katherine is behind me.
I think I hear her say sorry, but I can't consider it long – I'm on fire, from the inside out, my nerve ending are burning and cracking and – vervain.


Actually stabbing him with the vervain needle was the hard part. Now that he's knocked out, the chaining up and wrapping him with vervain soaked ropes is nothing. Don't get me wrong. I love Damon Salvatore, just as I told Elena I did, but I have to protect that baby. I can't allow Damon to one day decide it's been long enough for Stefan to be okay with him moving in on Elena, corrupting that child's life with the parade of destruction that follows the Salvatore Brothers.

One day, maybe in a few decades, once the baby is grown and lost in the crowd of people on Earth, I'll come back here, unchain him, give him a few drops of blood, and Damon and I can be together. I kiss his lips, stroke his hair – kind of wish I could see his eyes so innocent and trusting just once more…

Elijah: And are we finished with the Salvatore's?

I stare at his text message for a long time. I'll never be finished with the Salvatore's, I think to myself with a sad laugh, looking at Damon laying in the dirt at my feet.

Katherine: Done.


"Whatever you do, Caroline, you better stay away from here. Damon will kill you in a second! When he compelled Elena he said you were on the Original's side… so she won't want to see you either." Bonnie's voice is stern but quiet as she's still at the Gilbert house.
I can hear Elena laughing in the background and, honestly, I kind of want to smack her. I realize she's been compelled, but come on, Stefan is dead! I have my doubts that Damon's compulsion is going to stick… the way she loved Stefan, it's going to be hard to kick that.
"I know. I… I don't really have anywhere to go." I reply, it's true. Klaus is still comatose, I can't go back to Mystic Falls, all of the Original's consider me a traitor…
Bonnie sighs, "You made this bed by getting into Klaus'"
I roll my eyes, she has no idea what I have or have not done and it really pisses me off that she considers herself above all of this. I'm about to argue with her when the desk attendant returns to me, waves for me to go with him.
"I have to go, Bonnie." When I hang up I kind of know that was most likely the last time I'll ever speak with Bonnie Bennett. My heart breaks a bit as I walk through the metal doors into the ice cold, metal walled- tile floor room.
I've never been in a morgue before… it's almost exactly like on CSI.
The desk attendant, compelled by yours truly, leads me to the far metal wall, points to a drawer on the third row from the bottom. "Stefan Salvatore, Signora."


When I open my eyes, everything is just as black as when they were closed. I blink a few times trying to focus on something, anything, it's just too black. Absolutely lightless…
Elena. Oh my God…
I try to sit up, but I'm trapped, I can't move more than a few inches either way. I start flailing, beating on the sides of whatever it is I'm captured in – I scream from the deepest part of my gut, calling out to Elena. I remember everything, kissing her when I felt that piercing through me, all the way through me. Falling and drowning in my own blood. They think I'm dead!
I beat on the walls harder and I feel them start to give, encouraging me to beat into them with even more force – my arms, my legs, my head, my fist, my feet and knees, I'm using every part of my body.

Suddenly I feel everything move and I'm instantly dizzy, my stomach in my throat, but I keep kicking and punching. I'm still trapped and surrounded in pitch black, but the casing is gone now.

"Stefan!" I hear a voice, but it's not Elena. "Wait, wait!" It's Caroline.

There is a zipping sound above me and the blackness is slowly peeled away, unveiling rows of florescent lights and Caroline's sunny blond hair. "Stefan, it's me. Stop!" She calls to me, and I do as she asks, stop punching and kicking – I am so confused.

I look around at this room; it's a morgue or funeral home or something. Sitting up, I realize I'm on some kind of metal cart or something; I'm laying in a black plastic sleeping bag – a body bag.

This headache, the way the lights are burning my eyes… the intoxicating smell of iron-rich blood… "Oh my God, Caroline. Please tell me I'm not-" I can't finish my sentence. She's grasping at the back of my head and is shoving an open bag of blood into my mouth. At first, I want to fight her off, but the blood is just so good… it's luscious and laced with some kind of citrus. A couple of gulps in, my eyes rolling back in my head and fangs extending from my gums… I'm not confused.

I am no longer human Stefan Salvatore… I am a vampire.