
The night was fresh, calm and undisturbed. Within this night, people roam about Gensokyo with no worries. The busy city area was buzzing with night time action. The rural was dead quiet, though. Almost as if someone had died. All one could hear in the rural was the sounds of the cicadas dancing around in the trees and fields.

A young vampire sat calmly in the night, watching and waiting. Waiting for her next pray. Her deep red eyes danced through the crowd, trying to find someone suitable for her gourmet tastes. Every time she though she had found someone, there was always something that stopped her.

The vampire decided that she would go home, despite the fact that she had left the city without a meal three twilights in a row. But that couldn't be helped. She let her bat like wings spread out to each side of her and she launched herself into the air. She let the light midnight wind carry her back to her home, the Scarlet Mansion.

She landed smoothly and started up the path to the front door. She grinned at the door guard, Meiling. She never did her job correctly. Right now, for example, she was leaned back in her post, snoozing away with a book, that she probably borrowed, laying across her face.

The young mistress shook her head and continued to the door. She had no issues just barging into her home, despite all of the security that they supposedly had set up. She used her weight to push the door open and slip inside.

She walked through the elegant halls, after closing the majestic door. Every time she passed a person, "Welcome home, Remilia-sama." was said. The young vampire, now known as Remilia, would always stop and nod, as of to show them she knew they

Remilia was a very fickle person, one day she will give everyone the day off and the next she wanted everyone to clean the mansion from top to bottom. No one really knew what exactly she was thinking, no one really cared to ask.

Remilia pushed herself to her bedroom, before collapsing onto the bed. She rang a small bell on her side table and waited only a moment, "Welcome back, M'lady. How my I be of assistance?" said a rather mature voice.

In the doorway, there was a mature looking maid. She was standing straight and her eyes never wondered from looking at Remilia. She stood as if she knew she was the head of the servants in the house.

"I want some tea. Will you make tea, Sakuya?" Remilia asked, rolling over off of her stomach. She didn't very much enjoy the taste of tea comparing to blood when she was hungry, but it couldn't be helped.

"M'lady, would you like it black or green?" Sakuya asked, her voice sounding confident.

"Red. As bloody red as you can possibly get it." Remilia said, a slight hint of irritation in her voice.

"M'lady, did you not feed tonight? This would be the third twilight-" before Sakuya could finish her sentence, Remilia cut her off.

"I did not. No one fit my particular tastes." she said, her voice showing her anger on the subject.

"I'm very sorry to hear this, M'lady." Sakuya said, her voice still very composed.

Remilia let out a small groan. "And I thought I would be so hungry this night that it would not matter who... But I was wrong."

Sakuya bowed her head slightly, "I wish I could be of some assistance, M'lady." she calmly let out a sigh, as if to make it more obvious of her sympathy.

Remilia shook her head, not sure of what she wanted at this point. After a few silent moments, the small vampire beckoned to Sakuya. "Come here." she said, her voice sounding heavy.

"Yes, M'lady." Sakuya came closer to Remilia, now standing not much farther than a foot or two away.

"Kneel." Remilia's voice sounded strangely demanding. It was the kind of tone she normally used on the other servants.

Sakuya did as she was told, putting one leg forward and crouching down. "M'lady." was all she said once she fulfilled the order she was given.

Remilia slid off of the bed, landing on her feet elegantly. She stood directly in front of Sakuya, who was now a few inches shorter than the vampire. Remilia, who normally was a cruel tyrant, leaned very close to Sakuya's ear. "You know you're my favourite, right?"

Sakuya stayed completely still, "I did not. I am honoured to hear this, M'lady." Despite the lack of emotion in her demeanour, her voice broke a little from it's normal tone.

Remilia put her arms around Sakuya and followed her neckline with her eyes, "I am really hungry... I've dreamt about this for years..."

One of Sakuya's eyebrows raised and she looked confused, "Dreamt of what, M'lady?"

Remilia put her face down near Sakuya's neck, smelling her warm blood through her skin. "May I feed from you?" Remilia's voice almost sounded desperate.

Sakuya nodded, "M'lady, you get whatever you long for. That is my job." she turned her head to the side and brushed her hair away.

Remilia put her face very close, before narrowing her eyes for a moment, "Are you sure this is okay for you?" she asked, her voice soft, almost exactly opposite from what it was not even a whole minute ago.

Sakuya nodded, "Whatever M'lady longs for is what she shale receive." Her voice was level and she showed no signs of outward worry.

Remilia made a small acceptance noise, as she leaned so close to Sakuya's neck that she could feel her heart beat. She was extremely careful, trying not to hurt Sakuya in any way. She opened her mouth widely, before burying her K9s deep into Sakuya's neck.

Sakuya made a small whimpering sound, but bit her lip to ignore that sudden pinch of pain.

Remilia shivered with excitement as Sakuya's blood flowed into her mouth. This was the blood she had been looking for for years. It was the perfect equality of sweet and bitter, alongside the willingness of the human. Remilia was basking in ecstasy over finally silencing her hungry.

Remilia, after a few more seconds, slowing extracted her teeth from deep in Sakuya's neck. She licked her lips, around the wound, and down Sakuya's shoulder, where some of the blood had gotten.

Sakuya bit her bottom lip to avoid making any noises while Remilia cleaned the blood away with her tongue. This was embarrassing, probably more embarrassing than anything Hong Meiling had ever done to her. Remilia had sucked her blood before, but this time just seemed different.

After a moment, Remilia licked Sakuya's neck again. She then moved away from the servant. "I-I'm sorry." she cried out, sounding very different from the Remilia she normally was.

Sakuya couldn't understand that tone until she felt Remilia's recently warmed lips pressed against hers and her hands going around the apron tied around Sakuya's waist. She didn't resist in any way. If Remilia wanted that, then that shall be so.

Remilia forced her small, immature body into Sakuya's lap, as she pressed her lips firmly on the other's. She let her hands dance around, clearing away cloth that was burdening the two.

Sakuya watched as more and more of her clothing disappeared. But she didn't care. If this was what Lady Remilia wanted... That was all that mattered. She didn't mind letting Lady Remilia's hands dance all over her bare body, fondling her in places only a love should go.

Remilia stripped herself after getting Sakuya completely in the nude. She kissed the servant once more, before moving down her chest. She pushed Sakuya to the nearest wall and got closer to her.

She had her hand dancing up Sakuya's ribcage when suddenly, she felt a small trail of warm liquid run down her face. "Eh?" she moved her hand up to her face and gasped when she realised she was crying.

Sakuya looked at Remilia, before asking curiously, "Why are you crying, M'lady?" she asked, her eyebrows raising.

Remilia shook her head. Suddenly, she felt like the embarrassed one. They were both sitting there naked, then she began crying. "I'm sorry..." she let out, her voice shaking.

Sakuya put her hand on Remilia's side and pulled her close, "Don't cry... I'll be here for you no matter what."

Remilia nuzzled her face in between Sakuya's breasts, trying to find comfort in the closeness between the two. "I'm sorry... For being so dominant. I just forced you to strip... Without your permission. I'm sorry..."

Sakuya leaned down and kissed Remilia's head, hugging her tight, "I am yours, M'lady. I am here simply to serve you." she leaned closer to Remilia's ear, "And to be honest, I prefer being the submissive better. It gets me much more hot and bothered than bossing people around."

Remilia looked up at Sakuya and smiled. "Thanks for trying to comfort me, Sakuya." she mumbled. She wiped her years away and tried to ignore how embarrassing that situation was.

Sakuya petted her head for a moment longer, before leaning down, close to her flat chest. "May I?" she asked softly, looking up at Remilia's face.

Remilia was slightly taken aback. She had never not be dominant right off the bat, so even pondering the thought of being pleasured sounded odd. She, despite the awkward feeling in the pit of her stomach, nodded in approval.

Sakuya got very close to Remilia, before kissing her bare neck. She kissed and sucked everyone where she possibly could, teasing Remilia.

Remilia didn't want to have to beg Sakuya, but she felt like time was slowing and she was being tortured. "Nngh, Sakuya..." she said, her voice having a small bit of a whine to it.

"Yes, M'lady?" she stopped her teasing to look at the young vampire. She knew what she was asking for, but Sakuya was enjoying this side of Remilia. She wanted it to last as long as she could make it.

Remilia's face turned a light pink colour, "I don't want to say it out loud..." she said, her expression looking very submissive.

Sakuya nodded calmly, "M'lady, I can only follow your command if you tell me what you want." she said.

Remilia's blush got darker. "Touch me. Touch me where no one else is allowed." she said, her voice quiet.

"But there are many places you don't allow people to touch. I need to know the exact names." Sakuya was enjoying this too much. She was risking severe punishment, but to see Remilia like this... It was worth it.

Remilia hid her face behind her hair, "Touch my chest and my..." her voice trailed off.

"Excuse me?" Sakuya said, wanting her to say it again.

"I want you to touch my chest and my womanhood." Remilia said, her voice showing obvious embarrassment. She looked almost like she was about to cry.

Sakuya smiled a little, but quickly masked it over. "Anything you say, M'lady." Sakuya took Remilia's perky nipple into her mouth and sucked on the sensitive bud.

Remilia's face turned bright red as she tilted her head back, taking in the rush of pleasure. "Sakuya..." she said in a soft sigh. Her hands were entangling themselves in Sakuya's hair, pulling her head closer to her.

Sakuya grinned in victory as she continued to tease Remilia's perky nipples. She watched Remilia's face, waiting for any sign of a sudden mood change. Even though she normally enjoyed being the slave of the pair, it was nice to dominate once in a while.

Remilia, after a few moments, tugged Sakuya's face away from her chest. She looked down at her maid and said, "Lick me.." her voice still showed signs of embarrassment.

"Where should I lick you, princess?" she asked, nipping at little at Remilia's nipple.

Remilia watched her for a second, as if using the look on her face as a confidence boost. "Lick my... Lick my..." she couldn't say it.

Sakuya pulled away from Remilia for a moment, before kissing up her neck, to her ear. She nibbled on her earlobe and sucked on it for a moment, "The word you must be looking for is pussy. Say 'lick my pussy, Sakuya.'" she said, as she breathed close to Remilia.

Remilia's face became hot as she tried to say it again, "Lick my p-..." She faded off again. "Lick my pussy, Sakuya..." she said, her voice very quiet, but still loud enough.

Sakuya grinned, "Anything you wish, M'lady." she said, moving down Remilia's undeveloped body. She let her hands run down her sides and over her breasts, and anywhere her hands could touch. She repositioned Remilia so she was laying down on her bed, and Sakuya knelled down, close to Remilia's womanhood.

She pushed Remilia's legs apart and and leaned close to her. So close that she could feel the heat radiating from her. She kissed the wet lips softly before slipping her tongue carefully over the hot area.

Remilia bit her lip, letting out a small moan in pleasure. "Nngh.." she tilted her head back, her eyes tightly closed.

Sakuya ran her tongue over Remilia's swollen bud, earning a deep moan and her squirming a little, "Does it feel good?" she asked, licking the bud again.

"Nnghn, aahh... Yes... It feels... good.. Sakuya.." she looked down at Sakuya. Her face turned deep red again when she noticed how embarrassing this position was. Somehow though, as soon as she noticed just how embarrassing it was, she felt more sensitive.

Sakuya licked over the bud a little slower, teasing her. She slowly snuck one of her fingers into Remilia.

"Ahh-Sakuya... wha... What is that?" she asked, having never felt anything there before.

Sakuya grinned, tickling Remilia a little. "That's your vagina." she stated, her voice not faltering.

Remilia bit her lip again, "I... I can feel your breath down there..." she said, griping the bedsheets, "It... ahh... Feels so good." she said, triyng to keep her voice calm.

Sakuya nodded. "I'm going to make you feel the best, okay?" she said, her submissive nature showing again.

Remilia nodded, "Make me feel great..." She said, her face blazing again.

Sakuya ran her tongue over her swollen bud again, before sticking a second finger into her vagina. She carefully moved her fingers, making sure not to hurt Remilia. She licked at her clit again, before rubbing her teeth carefully against the bud.

Remilia was gripping the bedsheets, having trouble controlling her voice. She moaned every time Sakuya barely moved her fingers or touched her clit. It felt so good, Remilia felt like she could have burst at any moment.

After a few moments, Sakuya added a third finger, causing Remilia to squirm and moan loudly. "Ahhh, Sakuya... What... What is this feeling...? Ahhhh, it's great~!" her voice was very unstable.

Sakuya nipped at her clit again, "Coming." she responded, as she wiggled her fingers inside of Remilia. She pumped her fingers in and out, and began nibbling on her clit rougher.

Remilia closed her eyes tightly and gripped the bed, "Ahhh, nghh, I'm-ahhh losing my mind~" she said, her voice very high and elevated, "I-I'm coming! Sakuya-I'm coming~!" she let out a deep moan and arched her back.

Sakuya licked at her clit as she orgasmed, letting her ride on that feeling. She nipped carefully once she noticed that Remilia had calmed a little. She licked up all of the juices that had leaked everywhere. After licking Remilia's vagina clean, she got up onto the bed and curled close to Remilia, "Did it feel nice?" she asked, hoping that she pleasured Remilia enough.

Remilia nodded, "It was great... I enjoyed it very much." she said. "You know... you... Are the first to do that to me..." She leaned very close and peaked Sakuya on the lips. "You really are my favourite. I wasn't lying about that, you know."

Sakuya smiled at Remilia, "I will always be here for you, as long as time allows." she said softly, holding Remilia's head close to her.

Remilia nuzzled close to Sakuya's neck, very close to where she bit her earlier. "Stay with me tonight...?" she asked, looking at Sakuya with deep lonely eyes.

Sakuya nodded, "Of course, M'lady. Anything you wish." She wrapped her arms around Remilia's small body.

Remilia sighed softly, "Call me Remi. Only my closest friends can call me that... I think you've earned it.."

Sakuya's eyes widened for a moment, before she nodded, "Okay, Remi." she felt odd saying something so relaxed, but felt honoured that Remilia trusted her with such a nickname.

Remilia closed her eyes and hid her face in Sakuya's hair, "I love you, Sakuya." she mumbled, sounding very tired.

"I love you too, Remi." she said, hugging her close. She felt like they should stay this way forever. "Goodnight." she closed her eyes and kissed Remilia's forehead.

Remilia had already fallen into a light slumber.

They ended up sleeping together, tangled and bare, all night long.

When Sakuya woke, Remilia was still asleep, looking harmless and sweet. She slowly moved away, trying not to wake her as she left the bed. "Where are you going?" Remilia's tired voice rang out.

"I'm going to make breakfast. Go back to sleep...Remi." she called Remilia by her nickname to remind her of what happened last night.

"Nnnkay." she said, rolling over and letting sleep take over once again.

Sakuya leaned down and gave her a kiss on her forehead before getting dressed and leaving to start breakfast.


Thanks for reading and tell me how I did. It was a rather difficult story to write but when I finally finished it... I feel proud of it. So yeahh, RxR please? Also, just because I've had many people tell me there's lot's of a spelling errors... I type in UK English.. So some words will have the US unnecessary 'u.' Yeah, that's just my UK typing.. excuse that. I spellchecked it and now all spelling errors should be fixed...
