Princess Merlin?

I looked around so awed by Camelot, everything about it was fantastic! I knew I was coming for a different reason than to look at all the charming and quaint little towns and villages. I watched the castle loom closer and Father helped me down from the horse. I slipped down and smoothed down my cloak and skirts. I walked up to the king and prince, Uther and Arthur, and stood beside my father as he spoke to the monarch of this kingdom. I looked around eagerly wanting to explore everything as I barely listened to my father, "Hello Uther, Arthur. May I present my daughter and sole heir to Ealdor, Princess Merlin." I was too busy looking around to remember that was my cue to curtsy. "Ehem!"

"Oh!" I said snapping my attention to King Uther and Prince Arthur. I blushed and dipped into a curtsy. "I'm so sorry milord it's just that everything that I've seen in Camelot had fascinated me and the castle is no different. You have a very lovely home." Uther extended his hand and I gave him my own, his lips brushing them. Arthur extended his hand and I also gave my hand to him although his greeting was different from Uther's. He pressed his lips to my fingers but it seemed warmer and less forced then Uther's cold and unfamiliar greeting. I blushed and reclaimed my hand.

"I'll show you to your quarters," the king's ward, the Lady Morgana said. She smiled and led me through a few corridors before we entered a nice airy room.

"Do you like it?" a masculine voice asked. I turned to see Prince Arthur smiling.

"It's perfect," I said pulling off my cloak and laying on a nearby chair.

"I picked it out especially for you, I wasn't sure what you preferred so I had the colors of Ealdor for the linens and things."

"Blue and silver are my favorite," I said smiling, "thank you for the consideration though Prince Arthur." I was touched that a prince would take the time to make a guest feel at home, especially since we haven't met before.

"You're welcome Princess and call me Arthur," he said his mouth curving into a lopsided grin.

"If I'm to call you Arthur then call me Merlin," I said.

"The feast is at sunset Merlin, your father, King Balinor, is around the corner."

"Thank you, Arthur," I said liking the way his name rolled off my tongue.

Arthur bowed and walked out. I smiled at the blonde boy's retreating figure. "Merlin?" the familiar voice of my father said as he walked into my private chambers. I looked at him expectantly. "Don't use your gifts here daughter, it would be very dangerous and I brought you hear to listen in on the talks. You'll be queen of Ealdor one day, you need to know how to conduct peace talks." I nodded, I heard this every time we went somewhere, which wasn't very often because of my "gifts".

I was a young witch and in Camelot magic was illegal and punishable by death. That's why we're here, to negotiate with Uther that merchants from Ealdor may use their magic as long as they don't hurt, steal, or threaten anyone with it. We wanted our merchants to have safe passage and since the most grew up on the laws of Ealdor we wanted the magic ban to be lifted for them.

I simply nodded and my father left me to unpack and settle into this new room. When I was done I just sat and watched the hustle and bustle of the courtyard out my window. I cracked the window a bit and children's voices and laughs rang out, ricocheting off the walls of the castle. I liked to be close to the people, it made me seem more human, in their eyes and mine. Father dropped by at the time I was going to rest until sunset.

"Father?" I asked settling into my bed. "I was just going to rest, the journey was quite tiring."

"I was just checking on you, I'll send someone to get you up with enough time to change, and wear something from the wardrobe, not the chest. I usually wore a peasant's dress in the fine fabrics that my father insisted that they be made of in the chest and the wardrobe held the more fancy things.

I slept and a voice penetrated my dreams. "Merlin." I ignored it calling until a great plume of fire bloomed around me and I screamed. When I woke my screams filled my ears and Arthur pulled his hand off my shoulder. I clamped my mouth shut and clutched to linens to my chest as I sat up. "Merlin I'm sorry I didn't mean, I just," Arthur stuttered thinking he had done something wrong.

"Don't apologize Arthur," I said stifling a whimper, "I'm plagued with nightmares every now and then." I shifted uncomfortably as I was still in my nightclothes and there was a young man in my room.

"Your father wishes me to inform you that you are to wear a proper dress and that he will see you outside the banquet hall." I nodded and blushes a bright cherry red. "What?"

"I can't lace my dress, the laces are on the back."

"Oh," Arthur said matching the coloring of his face to mine and we didn't look at each other. "I'll get a maid to help you dress." And with that he left. I slid off the bed and picked out a blue dress with detached silver sleeves and silver leaves embroidered down the front.. I held it up and it was the easiest, other than the back lacings, to get on.

I was slipping it on when a knock at the door sounded. "Who is it?"

"Guinevere, the Lady Morgana's handmaid."

"Come in," I called. I peeked around the dressing screen to see a dark skinned girl with dark brown curls coming toward me. "Would you mind lacing these for me?" I asked turning my back toward her.

"I'm a handmaid, you don't have to ask, it's my job."

"I know but it makes me feel less prattish to ask. And the laces won't come together, just so you know, they're supposed to be loose."

"Thank you my lady."

"And there is no need for that," I said turning to face her, "Just call me Merlin." I said letting my hair drop. It fell into its usual springy curls that cascaded to in between my shoulder blades. "Thank you Guinevere.' I said giving her a smile. I pulled out the sliver circlet that had one sapphire in the middle. I slipped my mother's necklace over my head, the one that held the family seal, a dragon in flight surrounded by a wreath of leaves. Grabbed my cloak and left to enter the banquet hall with my father.

I found him standing there, waiting for me and when I offered an arm he merely shook his head saying, "No, I won't be the one escorting you tonight. Another has asked if he may have the honor. And take off your cloak, I want people to actually be able to see your dress" and then he gestured toward where I could see Arthur walking toward us. I pulled off my cloak and handed it to a guard asking him nicely to put it in my chambers.

"If I may Princess?" Arthur said offering his left arm to my right once I had turned away from the guard.

I hesitantly laced my arm through his and I heard someone announce. "King Balinor, and Princess Merlin being escorted by our own Prince Arthur. I blushed as everyone stood and nodded as we passed. When we arrived at the table Arthur let go of my arm and took my hand kissing it once more. A fiery blush raged across my face and I looked at the floor. When Uther sat we all sat down to a nice conversation about the weather and crops.

I try to look interested but I know that I haven't been doing a good job when Arthur leans over and says chuckling, "You don't give two-bits about the weather do you?"

I blushed and said, "Is it that obvious? I've always been a horrid liar." Arthur chuckled and righted his posture. When the meal was over the minstrels played songs for people dance. I stand leaning on a pillar watching. Arthur leans next to me, "Hello."

"Hello, do you like to dance?" Arthur asked me.

"I like to watch, I'm not much good at the real thing. Too clumsy," I said looking at his face.

"Would you honor me with clumsy dance?" he teased.

"I don't know," I said watching the dancers twirl around, the ladies giggling like mad.

"I'll cover it up if you stumble." I looked at Arthur to see if it was some kind of joke. I looked at his arms and wondered how it would feel to be held by those muscular arms. I blushed and before I knew it had nodded. At the next song Arthur placed my hands on his shoulder and into one of his own and with his free one laid it on my waist.

He was true to his word and when I stumbled he quickly swept me into a twirl, my skirts snapping. After a while I relaxed and it almost came naturally. When the evening started getting late I excused myself to retire. Arthur caught up with me about half-way to my chambers.

"Merlin, I'm glad I found you. The talks convene after the mid-day meal," he said. He looked like he wanted to say more.

"Arthur, I really don't think you came all this way just to tell me when the talks start. What is it?" I asked looking up into the deep blue pools of Arthur's eyes. He put a finger under my chin and tilted my head up and started to lean down. He was so close that I could feel hi breath on my lips when the voice from earlier split into my head.

"Merlin!" it made my head feel as if it were going to explode and I clutched my head and let out a cry of pain.

"What?" Arthur asked. I squeezed my eyes shut and felt my knees give out but Arthur caught me. "Is it your head?" he asked, I nodded and that sent my head reeling.

"I'll get the king," he said propping me up against the wall.

"There's no need he's already here." Father said. "What happened?"

"I don't know, she just suddenly collapsed," I heard Arthur say.

"Go get Gaius, he can help her," Father said. I heard Arthur's retreating footsteps. "Was it magic?"

"Yes and it is the most powerful I've ever felt. Someone is projecting into my mind." I heard footsteps coming and I saw and elderly man coming with Arthur. The elderly man, Gaius, asked a few questions and gave me a potion to drink which made the pain cease entirely.

"Thank you," I whispered, stood, and walked to my chambers with the three men watching me. I sat in bed, still dressed because I knew my father would come and he did.

"It was the Great Dragon, I know it!" he said after he had closed the door.

"I thought you were the Dragon Lord and that I was just a witch," I said.

"If a dragon calls you don't ignore it you see what they want," Father said wrapping my cloak around my shoulders and pulling the hood around my face. "Go!" He pushed me and I ran down my feet knowing where I should go although my mind didn't. I came to two guards playing dice so I made the dice fly off the table and blocked the door to where they went with my magic.

I made my way down the dark corridor and the smooth rock turned into a cave-like place and it opened up into a huge cavern. A gust of wind blew my hood off and I had to relight the torch that I had gotten off the wall. The Great Dragon landed in front of me and spoke, "I've been waiting for you young witch. I've been waiting for many years Daughter of Balinor. You have been foretold of in the Old Religion."

"The Old Religion, like the Druids?" I asked.

"Yes and like you."

"Me? What does the Old Religion have to do with me?"

"You will see, you and the young Pendragon will both see,"

"What does that even mean?" I asked looking into the dragon's great golden eyes.

"It means that the young Pendragon is your destiny and you are his," which was when he decided to leave me with more questions than I had come with.

"I don't understand!" I yelled into the empty space. I stomped back to my quarters after I had released the guards. I dressed in my nightclothes and laid out my clothes for when I spar the knights. I think I'd like to see what Camelot's got to offer other that the views.

When I woke up the next morning I stretched and got into my undertunic and was tying my breeches when Guinevere walked in. "I brought breakfast- what are you doing?" she asked seeing my clothes.

"Training with the knights, got to keep on my toes," I said slipping my chainmail over my head. "I'm the only heir to Ealdor, did you think that I was going to dote on my future husband?"

"Well truthfully Merlin, yes, that's normal ladies of your standing do."

"I'm not exactly a normal lady of my standing, could you tie this for me?" I asked gesturing to my gauntlet. She nodded and fastened it with ease. She took my shoulder guard and put it on me too. "Thank you." I grabbed my sword, shield, and helmet on my way out and out the helmet on while I was walking to the training grounds.

A few knights nudged Arthur and gestured toward me. "May I help you Sir Knight?" Arthur asked when he walked over.

"Just training," I said, "Although you could spar me."

"Alright then, you asked for it."

"En guard!" I yelled and attacked Arthur. He blocked and even though he outmatched me in strength I was faster. I hit his shield with my own and he fell back a bit but before he could regain his balance I hit him with the hilt of the sword and knocked him onto his back. I grabbed the flag in his belt and held it over my head triumphantly. I noticed both kings and I helped Arthur up.

"You're amazing! May I know your name?"

"Even better, I'll show you who I am," I said and took off my helmet, my curls flouncing down my back. "It's Merlin."

The knights roared with laughter that their prince had been beaten by a lady, that is until Arthur shot them a glare that if looks could kill, they'd all be dead. "Merlin? What are you doing?"

"Well, I do this at home and as I said to Guinevere this morning, does everyone think that I have to dote on my future husband to take care of my kingdom?"

Arthur just stood there fuming. I gave him his flag and looked at my father, he and Uther seemed slightly amused. I waved my sword in greeting and they both nodded.

"Good-bye it seems that you are the best there is to offer. I might train with you tomorrow so be ready," I said flashing him a wicked grin. He just stood there gaping like a fish and I gave him one of my goofy smile, that seemed to snap him out of it and he went back to training.

"Okay everyone back to drills!" I heard Arthur yell over my shoulder. I giggled at the blonde and went back to my chambers to change and get a bath. I fund Guinevere and asked her to get a bath for me and she said that she had just gotten Morgana one also. I thanked her and went to my chambers and changed into a tunic and breeches until Guinevere came.

"Thank you Guinevere,' I said.

"You can call me Gwen if you want," she said laying out towels and soap for me.

"Thank you, that's so much easier to say." I said letting the water lap my bare skin. "Make sure you bolt the door Gwen!" I called after her. I soaked for a bit but when the water got cold I decided to get out, as I was pulling my under dress on when there was a knock. "Come in!" I walked around the dressing screen expecting to see my father but saw Arthur instead.

"Ack! Merlin!" Arthur said as I stood shocked that Arthur was there and I was standing in my undergarments. She ran back behind the screen and peeked over the top at Arthur, he was red with exertion and what he had just seen. I studied his face, glistening with a fine layer of sweat, the eyes, the gentle curve of his nose and lips down to his chin, his fringe clinging to his forehead.

"What is it Arthur?"

"Oh! The talks are being pushed up and are to begin soon."

"Thank you. Would you kindly get out now?"

"Yeah," he said and scrambled out the door. I slipped a red dress and laced the front. I touched my mother's necklace lovingly wishing that she hadn't stayed in Ealdor. I walked to the council chamber and took my seat away from everything next to Arthur.

He sat and watched me like he was waiting for me to mention what had happened earlier but I was too busy waiting for the subject of merchants to come up. When it did Uther looked at it, read it, and dismissed it to my father. "Wait!" I said before he sealed it.

"Do you have something to say on the matter Princess Merlin?" Uther asked amused.

"I do sire. These people are used to being able to use their magic, to start fires when they can't find flint, to hunt their food and the like. If they don't have their magic they may freeze, or starve, that will lose trade for Camelot and Ealdor."

"As I have expressed to your father I want to keep the people, myself, and my family safe from the evils of magic," Uther said looking disgusted just having to say the word magic.

"Sire that's unfair and unjust! You'd rather have my and my father's people starve and freeze because you're too scared of something you don't even understand!"

"Merlin," my father said quietly.

"This is absolute rubbish!"


"You're too scared to even let a man light a fire so he can go back to his family just because he is on your land!"

"Merlin that is enough!" Father yelled standing. My eyes dropped to the floor.

"All I have to say is this your grace. My father once told me, It isn't the magic that's evil, it's the person who uses it," and with that I turned on my heel and left the room. I threw my door open with magic and closed it with my hands. I yelled into my pillow until my vocal cords hurt.

"You certainly can yell Merlin," Arthur said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up!" I said throwing the pillow. He threw it back and being the klutz I am, it hit me and I almost fell off the bed. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed at my immaturity.

"Would you like to take a ride with me tomorrow? We can have a picnic at this lake I know," he said sheepishly.

"Sure!" I said giving him a goofy grin. He just walked out and I felt so tired all of the sudden. Probably for screaming at the king. I curled up on my bed and fell asleep. The dream started peacefully with Arthur and I riding together, He helped me dismount and pressed his forehead to mine. I pulled away and gave him a come-and-get-me grin and he ran after me. He picked me up and spun me around and I giggled like mad.

That's when a man came out of the trees and put a gash right above my hip. I cried out in pain as I woke up. I kept screaming and crammed my fist in my mouth. Arthur burst through the door at that moment. He held me for a minute until I stopped screaming.

"Shhhh, it's alright. It was just a nightmare." I sniffed and blushed when I realized how close Arthur and I were. I decided to ignore it and I buried my face in his chest. I breathed in his scent, it was kind of earthly and sweet plus the smell of soap. "You okay?"

"Yeah I think I will be. Thank you Arthur," I said. I stood up and smoothed my hair and skirt. I brushed my hair and pulled the bits that fell in my eyes into two plaits that tied in the back. "You didn't have to wait for me Arthur," I said turning to see him staring.

"I know, but.." he trailed off. "I wanted to you to dine with me tonight."

"Oh, well is this you asking or stating your intentions," I said forcing myself not to laugh.

"I'm inviting you."

"Then I accept."

"Shall we?" he asked offering his arm. I took it and he led me to his chambers. I chattered on about nothing and he just answered my questions. I laughed at his jokes and he laughed with me. We ate our dinner teasing each other and bantering back at the other. When I retired he led me back to my chambers. I stood outside my door and Arthur gently pressed a kiss to my lips. I felt the lingering warm of those lips and when he was gone instantly wanted that warmth and affection back.