A/N: Not to fear, I'm still working on "In The Eye Of Love" with BlackShadowKat but I've been wanting to write something new so, I came up with this. I'm trying to make this my best story yet, but "Until We Die" is pretty hard to beat I guess. Enjoy this regardless! Ha…that rhymed!

When the man with the scruffy beard and many microphones turns on the lights I'll see my cue. The show is starting. On the stage I'll turn my head. Signal to him and begin. Slightly I will shimmy and sway my hips and let out a long, peaceful note. Some in the audience will gasp, only knowing minutes later that I was just starting to impress.

My purple dress sparkles under the multiple warm lights and the band has never looked so pumped. Then without warning the show is over. Swarms of people gather near. Hand reaching, eyes bugging out, and I know the many screaming voices will be hoarse the next morning.

The temperature was boiling due to the warm bodies congratulating me on a job well done. I smile and thank them, trying not to show how much bigger that smile got when he opened the door with his left hand, roses in the right.

A/N: Who's "He"? She must like him. Anyone know who he might be? Tell me guess in the reviews! Which means you have to review, so do that. Okay. Love you for reading this! Chapter two will be here soon! Ha…that rhymed! I'm getting good at this stuff!