I see someone crying. I can't tell who this person is. I don't understand. Why are you crying? Can you understand me? Why are you being taken away? Why is she crying? Why is he crying? I don't comprehend this situation. Why does it seem so similar? Why do I know this boy? Who is he? Mother, why did you leave me? Come back to me! Please! I don't understand this!
Hinata's eyes opened widely by the sound of her alarm. It read 6:30. She knew it was time for school, except it wasn't her usual school, no, she was entering into Konoha High School as a junior. It was second semester all ready. She moved in from Suna about a week ago and she is still getting use to the idea that she is no longer home. She took a quick shower and dressed herself in her uniform. Navy blue skirt that went down into her knees, and a white shirt with a navy collar and a red bow. She placed the matching school jacket over her upper body. and then she placed the white long socks with her black shoes.
She went downstairs to see her father waiting for her. A boy with the same color eyes was next to him.
"Good morning Hinata." Her father greeted her with a kiss on the forehead.
"Good morning father." She nodded to her response.
"Hinata, I want you to meet your cousin, Neji Hyuga. He will be helping you around your new school. I hope you too will be close and enjoy each other's company. He will also be protecting you from any harm that comes into your way." She smiled at her father and then looked at Neji. She looked down because she felt scared to look into his eyes. "Well have a nice day you too." He left to go to work.
"Good morning Neji." She smiled and gave her hand out to him. He took his hand out to her and shaked hands.
"Good morning Hinata. Have you all ready gotten use to the weather here in Konoha?" Neji asked her.
"No, not really. I'm usually in heat the majority of the time, but I will try my best to adjust to this weather."
"Great to here. Shall we get going to school before we are late?"
They both began to walk down the street. She began to look around the neighborhood. She noticed flowers that were yellow and bright with a white cover inside. She picked it up and looked at it strangely. She studied it while walking towards school. She began to have distant memories that she doesn't quite remember.
"Hinata! For you!" She saw a small boy giving it to her.
"Thank you -!"
"Hinata, are you okay?" Neji asked her.
"Um...yeah! Just thought this flower was beautiful." She looked down. She didn't understand this flower at all. Where have I seen this flower? Was this the flower that Gaara gave to me? No, we didn't have these types of flowers in Suna. What is this flower? Why does it look like something I remember?
"Hinata, I'm sorry to say, but because I am a Senior I cannot attend any of your classes. This is your schedule. Kakashi Hatake is a douche but he is one of the best teachers here in Konoha. Pray that you don't have idiots in your class like Naruto Uzumaki."
"Neji! That's rude!"
"Well, it's true. If you get lost just contact me in this mobile phone that I purchased for you. I can meet you by your locker during lunch, but if you had all ready made any friends then feel free to eat with them. Good luck Hinata."
"Thank you Neji. Have a nice day! I will contact you after school so that you may walk me home!" He nodded and left her to be. She entered the classroom to see taking roll.
"Ah, well you must be Miss Hyuga. Please take a seat anywhere." She nodded and look out into the classroom and saw an empty seat in the middle. She gulped hard and she was greeted by a group of people.
"Hello! My name is Ino!" She smiled. She sat right in front of Hinata.
"Hello, my name is Hinata. It's pleasure to meet you."
"Well Hinata, this is Kiba, Sai, Naruto, and Tenten."
"HEY HINATA!" They all yelled at her. She was a bit startled but couldn't help to giggle a bit.
"Hello everyone. Sorry, I'm just not use to all this...excitement."
"It's okay! We are usually quiet, but Naruto is the loud one here!" Kiba exclaimed.
"HEY! I'M NOT THAT LOUD!" Naruto yelled.
"You are yelling now..." Sai smirked. Naruto kept his cool and just ignored everyone.
"Word for advice Hinata, don't hang out with Sakura and Karin. They are both the two girl in the back with red and pink hair." Tenten pointed towards the back, in which Hinata looked back and studied the girls. She quickly turned back around when she heard the door open. She saw a boy with dark hair that pointed up. He was pale and slim, but his eyes were engaging. She wasn't able to look away.
"Sasuke. You're late once again. Maybe next time that you are late you don't have to attend my class anymore." said.
"Yeah, well I wish, but I need this class to graduate." He went to find his seat. Hinata looked down as he walked, but she felt something stare at her.
"SASUKE! SASUKE!" Karin and Sakura yelled. Everyone got annoyed.
"..." He didn't bother to reply to them.
Lunch time came around. Hinata and her new friends went up the stairs into the roof. She seemed a bit worried and wasn't sure that they were suppose to be up there.
"Um...guys. Is i-it same to be up here? Or even allowed?" Hinata questioned. They all looked at her with big eyes.
"AW! Hinata is so innocent! Yes we are allowed to eat up here...if we are not caught! And do you have a height issue?" Ino questioned the innocent girl.
"No I'm not afraid of heights and I just don't want to get in trouble on my first day here!"
"Well, we won't get caught! We never get caught, so don't worry!" Kiba slapped her in the back, in which she rubbed.
"So, Hinata, where did you come from?" Sai questioned her.
"I'm from Suna." Everyone looked at her.
"SUNA!" Naruto yelled.
"YES BAKA NOW SHUT UP!" Tenten slapped him.
"Ow! Tenten!"
"Why did you move here then?" Sai questioned her again.
"Well, my father had a new job offer. Of course I didn't want to leave anything behind, but I had to. I had to give up my boyfriend...Gaara. I had to give up all my friends and especially my mother's grave." Everyone, except Kiba and Sai, began to tear up! They all began to cry for her. "It's okay. I mean, I had to learn to move on. Maybe some day, I will meet Gaara again." She couldn't help but to blush.
"Hinata, you look so innocent who was this boyfriend of yours?" Tenten questioned.
"Gaara? Well he reminded me of a panda really. He was so serious but he said I made him smile for once. It made me happy to know that I made him smile. He was someone so special to me, but when I heard the news about my father moving here, he was broken. I was heart broken too, but he promised me that he would come looking for me. So he gave me this ring with our names on it. I placed in a chain, so that I would always be reminded of him."
"So you're engaged?" Ino stepped in.
"U-Uh, I-I guess. H-He didn't really pr-propose."
"Then he just gave you a promise ring, which is romantic!"
Everyone enjoyed the rest of their lunch and went downstairs for the rest of their classes, but they didn't realize that someone had been watching over them. Sasuke Uchiha. He heard the whole entire conversation. He didn't understand though.
Hinata, you don't remember anything do you? After everything we've been through? After everything that I've promised you! He slammed his fist onto the fence. He felt this blood trickle down.
"Hinata! Hinata!" A little Sasuke began yelling towards the little girl. She turned towards him and smiled.
"Sasuke, what is it? I-I'm about t-to leave..." She was trying to hold in her tears.
"HERE! Keep it!" He held out a ring written 'Love you always'. There her tears really began to fall out.
"Thank y-you S-Sasuke!" He hugged her small body and she hugged him back.
"Wait for me Hinata! I swear to God that I will wait for you! I wil come looking for you every single day when we are older! I promise! Don't ever forget about me!"
"I won't S-Sasuke."
"Hinata! Let's go!" Hiashi yelled.
"Good bye Sasuke. She gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Bye Hinata!"
End Of FlashBack
"Hiashi. Why don't you let your daughter know the truth?"
Hinata came home after a long first day of school to see that Neji had arrived before her.
"Hello Neji." She said taking off her shoes.
"Hello Hinata. I hope you enjoyed your first day. I saw that you had made friends, I'm glad."
"Thank you Neji, I didn't want to bother you either. Would you like something to eat or drink?"
"No thank you. Do you need any help in your homework?"
"No, but thank you."
Awkward Silence. Hinata wanted to know something though about her past that she just seem that she couldn't remember.
"Say Neji...Have we met before?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, when we were younger, did I ever visit you or you ever visit me?" She needed the answer.
"I'm afraid I can't answer that Hinata. You have to figure that out yourself. If I were to tell you, then I'm not sure what would happen."
"Neji what do you mea-" She was cut off by her father.
"Neji. Shouldn't you be getting home? I don't want your parents to worry about you." Neji looked down and bowed.
"Yes, of course Hiashi-sama." He walked away. Hinata became confused. Why couldn't she know about her past? Why did everything seem so similar to her? She didn't understand.
"Father, you wouldn't hide anything from me would you?"Hinata said looking into her father's eyes.
"Why, of course not." He walked away, back into his studies.