Would You Rather...?

Sakura was sat watching Sasuke and Naruto spar in Konoha's training fields. She was drinking a bottle of water, relaxing, and enjoying the sun with her best friend Ino.

It was a welcomed break from shifts at the hospital. The grunts and clangs of fists and metal colliding became background noise to her ears. Her teammates were not going too hard on each other for once, which she had insisted, because today she wanted no hassle - she didn't even want to think about getting annoyed at Naruto and Sasuke for nearly killing each other and then having to put them back together again. She had made this clear to them and for once, everything was going smoothly.

"Who would you rather sleep with, Naruto or Sasuke?" Ino broke the calming atmosphere.

Sakura choked, nearly spitting her water out on the grass. Trust Ino to say something like that at a moment like this. If it wasn't her best friend asking she would have ignored that question, maybe even walked away, but she knew how persistent the blonde could be. At a minimum, Sakura was going to imply that this was not a game she was going to play.

Shaking her head, she swallowed her drink down and frowned. "Ino!"

"I'm not an option." The blonde shook her head and casually asked again, "Sasuke or Naruto?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"A would you rather." Ino smiled.

"They're my teammates," Sakura exclaimed in horror. "You can't ask me that."

"Sure I can." Ino laughed. "What's your answer?"

"What if I asked you who you would rather sleep with, Shikamaru or Choji?" Sakura shot back, trying to emphasise how not OK this was.

"What?" Ino raised an eyebrow.


Sakura inwardly smirked, surprised it was that easy. Then again, discussing anything like this with Ino was a war zone and Sakura would never dare compare Naruto and Sasuke because they already tried to prove to each other that they were the best. Ino should know that. Ino did know that.

"That's so obvious it doesn't even need to be a question." Ino smiled.

Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"Choji obviously, Shikamaru is lazy in every other aspect of his life... I don't see why he wouldn't be in lovemaking."

Sakura shook her head. "Firstly, Shikamaru isn't lazy in his ninja life, you don't give him enough credit."

"Whatever," Ino smiled and shrugged. "Fine, second to Shikamaru, who would you rather sleep with, Naruto or Sasuke?"

"Ino!" Sakura nearly shouted. Her fist clenched and she closed her eyes for a moment in attempt to get back to the peaceful atmosphere that existed only minutes ago.

"I'm not an option."

Sakura frowned. "I didn't mean I'd choose you, Pig, and I don't want to sleep with Shikamaru."

"I can hook you up with him and then you can confirm or deny my theory," Ino suggested.

"No," Sakura frowned, "He's your teammate."

"And?" Ino smirked. "I'd sleep with your teammates."

"No you will not," Sakura growled.

Ino rolled her eyes. "Kidding, kidding."

Sakura stared at the blonde, deadpan. "You weren't."

"OK I wasn't." Ino laughed. "But if you wouldn't then you are simply mad."

"They are my best friends." Sakura looked up at the males, who were still heatedly fighting with each other, oblivious to their conversation.

"You don't have to actually choose between them," Ino said with a smile. "Just theoretically."


Ino sighed. "You're so boring."

When it looked like her friend was no longer going to push her silly issue, Sakura visibly relaxed.

"Hey, guys!" Ino called out to Naruto and Sasuke and began running up to them.

Sakura closed her eyes once more and took a deep breath. Some days, Ino really got under her skin, she swore the blonde was doing it on purpose. Getting up, she ran after her friend before any damage could be done.

However, it was too late. Both Sasuke and Naruto faced Ino, waiting for what she was going to say. Sakura reached Ino's side as the girl began to speak.

"Would you rather sleep with me or Sakura?" Ino asked them.

"Ino!" Sakura pushed her friend on the arm.

"I know who you'd choose, Forehead." Ino smirked. "I wasn't asking you."

Sakura's fist tightened.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto grinned.

Sakura instantly punched the happy male across the training grounds.

Ino frowned, crossing her arms. "Well I guess Naruto would be the only male to choose you over me. Sasuke?"

Sasuke stood there, looking at both of the annoyed females blankly. "I'm not choosing."

"Good." Sakura smiled.

"Why?" Ino frowned.

"If I choose you, Sakura hits me, if I choose Sakura, you both hit me," Sasuke reasoned.

"I'm the better option then." Ino winked.

"No, if he doesn't choose, neither of us hit him." Sakura frowned.

"I'll hit him if he doesn't." Ino smirked.

"I hit harder."

"Whatever, Forehead." Ino shrugged.

Naruto walked back over, rubbing his cheek, he pouted. "Sakura-chan, that hurt."

"You wouldn't be hurting if you chose me." Ino smirked at him.

"Yes he would," Sakura mumbled.

Ino raised an eyebrow and grinned at her friend. "Is that jealousy? So you choose Naruto?"

Naruto grinned.


Naruto pouted.

"All right, you choose Shikamaru, whatever." Ino shook her head.

"What?" Naruto's eyes widened in shock.

"Ignore her." Sakura frowned. "And don't answer her childish question."

"Prude," Ino mumbled. "It's just a bit of fun."

"You're not allowed to pick Naruto or Sasuke over each other in anything, they're rivals, they'll just end up fighting over it." Sakura shook her head.

"So if you chose one over the other to sleep with, they'd have a fight to prove who was sexiest?" Ino mumbled.

"No, you pervert," Sakura grumbled.

"Just choose one and I'll leave you alone." Ino grinned.

Sakura sighed. "Fine."

There was a small silence, Ino, Naruto and Sasuke leant in a little closer.

"Both." Sakura frowned.

"Both?" Ino raised an eyebrow. "So you want to sleep with Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru and me? Wow, Forehead... Honestly."

Sakura's jaw tightened as she watched the blonde shake her head and walk away... She was going to seriously hurt her. She didn't bother trying to stop her rage and her whole body began to tremble in building fury.

As if sensing her friend's murderous intentions, Ino grinned over her shoulder at them before breaking into a run.

Sakura sprinted after her friend, fist in the air and shouting abuse.

Naruto and Sasuke watched their teammate chase her friend across the training grounds. An awkward silence followed.

"I didn't know you could choose both," Naruto mumbled.

Author Notes:

A bit of a silly story I just wrote now :) I think I'm just trying to cheer myself up, the Easter holidays are over and I'm back at college (UK) tomorrow, well today now.

I'll probably find errors with this and edit it in the morning... It's very similar to my 'Shirtless' fan fic.

Anyone reading this who usually follows my uploads, recently I've been uploading my 'Amnesia' NaruSaku story... If you're following me for something else and prefer I upload short stories or something, tell me :).

I'll be uploading Amnesia chapters on Saturdays but for those who want something else, I could probably upload another story in the week.

Though I do have exams coming up and it's nearer the end of my college days for good... I'll probably upload more when it comes to the summer holidays, more frequently and more variety :P depending on what people want to read, even if that is another NaruSaku fic.

Thanks For Reading! :)