Authors notes: disregard epilogue. This is my first fanfic. This chapter contains fluff and slash. OOC! Couldn't have done it with out my wonderful Beta: SlyPuff RavenDor

Disclaimer—I Clearly do not own and Harry Potter characters, or anything in this story that is Harry Potter related. Ex: Hogwarts, 9 3/4 , cloak of invisibility. However Hydra, and Alexandra are creations of my own.

I cannot believe that Hydra is going to Hogwarts this year. I remember when I had her, feels like it was just yesterday. My second youngest child leaving for Hogwarts. Oh Merlin's beard. Draco was having an emotional breakdown until the light snoring of the man next to him brought him back to reality.

"Harry?" Hmm still sleeping I suppose. Draco was lying in bed next to the love of his life, Harry Malfoy-Potter. Yes, Harry Potter. Draco usually loved to just stay and watch him sleep, but today was the day that they would go to Platform 9 ¾ to drop off four of their five children, and they had to get up. Well, Draco had five children; Harry had six; the oldest, James Sirius, had been with Ginny Potter before their divorce. As Draco thought about Harry's oldest child, he shuddered. He would have to see that cow, Ginny, today! Draco despised the woman who refused to drop his husband's name after their divorce. Ginny Potter, what a joke! That woman was a Weasley through and through, Draco thought.

"Harry." Draco tried to wake his sleeping husband once again, to no avail. Draco smirked; he knew exactly what to do. He climbed on top of his husband. "Oh, Harry," he whispered in his ear. "I know you hear me, my love." Leaning in a little closer, Draco started to kiss his husband's neck. Harry moaned, proving that he was awake, and Draco's smirk widened. He sat up to look at his husband's face. Harry's eyes were still closed, holding on to the pretense of sleep. Oh, 15 years and I still love this man as much as I did the day I married him. No, I love him more. As Draco mused, the man underneath him finally opened his eyes. Harry's eyes were still as bright green as the first day Draco met him. Draco moved the fringe from his husband's head and kissed his lighting shaped scar.

"And a very good morning to you, Draco, dear," Harry murmured, his voice still rough with sleep. He reached up to kiss his husband. Draco allowed it for a moment, but suddenly felt Harry's arousal and quickly climbed off the man.

"Oh, no you don't! We have too much to do this morning!" Draco reprimanded him, his voice a harsh whisper.

"But you started it, my dear," Harry sweetly stated, still hoping he had a chance.

"Absolutely not, Harry James Malfoy-Potter! It is not going to happen! Besides, how could you think of sex at a time life this? Hydra is going off to Hogwarts today, and if you hadn't noticed that only leaves one left! One child, Harry! Only one child that still needs me!" Draco was practically crying at this point. Draco was always the disciplinary in their family but he loved his children more than anything else in the world and it was killing him to watch them all grow so fast.

"They all still need you, Draco. Every last one of them. Even me." Harry knew just what to say to prevent total-meltdown. And he should; he had been through this each time one of his children started Hogwarts. He always missed them when they were gone, but he was happy for the kids too. When he was young he had loved Hogwarts. Although, Harry had not been to Hogwarts in quite some time. Being the Mister of Magic was very time consuming. Draco, however, was regularly at Hogwarts considering their 14-year-old Slytherin twins, Albus Severus and Scorpius Charles, got into trouble what seemed like every day.

It was a good thing that Harry and Draco were friends with Headmaster Longbottom.

"Even you!" Draco scoffed, "Don't start with me, Potter! Get up, get dressed, and get downstairs! Now!"

Draco stormed out of the bedroom, most likely going downstairs to make breakfast for the children. Harry followed the orders of his stressed out husband and got up, showered quickly, dressed, and headed downstairs. On his way down he quit literally ran into his youngest daughter, eight year old Alexandra.

"Oh! Sorry, Dad," the girl exclaimed, surprise painting her features, "I was in a rush." Harry quirked a brow at her, and Lexi began to stutter, "I needed to get something from … er… my room and put it … er... in the car!"

Harry looked skeptically at little Lexi. "Your room is the other way, dear. What were you really doing? Spill."

"Dad it's the truth!" She whined, pulling out the puppy dog eyes.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Fine, I will let your father get the truth out of you." The girl paled a bit at that, and Harry resisted the urge to smirk, knowing that she only needed a little more prodding. "If you would excuse me, Lexi…"

Lexi looked panicked. "No wait! Umm… I… was…"

"Last chance, Alexandra Molly Malfoy-Potter," Harry, tired of this back-and-forth, pulls out the full name, "before I march right down those stairs and tell your father that you are up to no good… now out with it!"

"Well… I was going to your room to get your invisibility cloak so I could sneak onto the Hogwarts express," Harry softens as she begins to cry. "I just want to go so bad, Daddy! Hydra's going! It's not fair!"

Harry felt terrible for her. She had been watching her siblings go off to Hogwarts for years now and she was the only one left. She was really sobbing now. "I have three more years, Daddy! Three more bloody years!"

"Alexandra, watch your mouth! You will get to go to Hogwarts soon, love. I know it seems like a long way away, but it will pass quickly," Harry murmured comfortingly.

Lexi sighed, knowing that her dad was right. "Okay dad." She turned to leave.


Alexandra turned and looked at her father, knowing that he had not forgotten her transgression. "Yes, Daddy?"

Hmmm, lying, plotting, stealing, yes I am sure she will be another Slytherin. Harry thought to himself, fighting back the urge to smile. "Well, there's the matter of you lying to me, and attempting to steal my belongings," Harry reminded her, trying to stay cross.

Lexi pouted. "I'm sorry, Daddy, I was just so dispirited. Forgive me?" She batted those big green eyes, and he was mush in her hands.

"Fine, Lexi, go to your room and get ready before your father has a stroke!" Harry knew that if Draco found out he let her off the hook he would be furious, but Harry thought, what Draco doesn't know wont hurt him.

Downstairs, Draco had finished break fast and was putting it on the table. "Breakfast! Hurry up! Much to do this morning!" he called upstairs. Draco watched his family file into the dinning room. First his rowdy twin boys, Albus and Scorpius, followed by Harry.

"Good morning, Father" the boys said in unison, both hurrying to take their seats and fill their plates.

The boys had gotten in trouble yesterday and their father had threatened to take away their Hogsmeade visits for the whole school year. Needless to say, they were on their best behavior. Draco smirked at Harry, who had said the threat would not work. Harry was fed up with his twin boys, mostly because during their annual summer holiday to see Draco's mother, Narcissa, in France the boys used underage magic to turn their sister, Hydra, into a squirrel for tattling on them for a previous prank. It was a huge ordeal. Since Narcissa's France Home was warded, the twins weren't in trouble with the Law, but Harry had made sure they understood what could have been the consequences of their actions. He was still slightly upset about it.

"Lily, Hydra, Lexi! Get down here! Now! Do not make me come find you," Draco continued warningly.

The girls were all in the kitchen in a matter of seconds, knowing not to make their father angry, especially on a day like today. Draco sighed to himself, knowing that his family wouldn't be together around the table again until Christmas. Better make the best of it, he thought, smiling.

Authors notes: Like it? Hate it? Review and tell me!