Full description:

Shane White is a normal seventeen year old. He goes to school, hangs out with his friends, and in his free time, messes with the bronies on the internet. He lives a semi-happy life, but what happens when he's knocked unconscious due to certain events?
When he awakes, he finds himself in a strange new land, with strange creatures. He thinks he has to live there permanently, but what happens when he wakes up in the real world again? He soon finds out that when he's awake, he's in the normal world, but once he falls asleep, he's back in Equestria, where everything that happens there affects his physical body back on Earth.

While in Equestria, Lance Greenfield and Razor Graze from 'Living the Dream' and 'Three Of Me' show him their special ways of friendship. Will Shane be able to overcome his hate for bronies? Or will he continue to hate and live a unhappy life in two very different worlds?
(This story is brought to you by: Kickass222urmom and KillJoy.)

This is a collaborate story between me and KillJoy. We've come together to write this and we both hope you enjoy it.



Shane White, an average school boy of age seventeen lived and attended the school in Manhattan. Life could not have been any more dull or boring throughout the week as his schedule repeated itself: Wake up, Bathe, Brush teeth, Clothes, School, Eat, Go home and sleep. Everyday this had continued except on Friday, the beginning of his weekend where he would allow himself somewhat of free time to venture the internet.

A few months back, he had discovered the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and detested it as well as the viewers. He would often question himself as why do they like a show made for little girls. Wherever he went on the internet through the weekend he would find endless posts of ponies tainting and spreading like a virus on every page visited. With the will and the access to the internet, he decided to become a 'troll' as people would call it, causing mischief to the Brony community. But being a community of Love and Tolerance, he ever so often found it difficult to vexate such people but when successful, it was ever so satisfying.

The date today being Friday, the start of his lovely weekend, he had nothing better to do than taunt the bronies of the internet looking for trouble, nevertheless, it needed to be cut short due to a get together with his friends.

Shane sat by his computer doing what he did every Friday, trolling bronies. He was upon the social networking site, Facebook, talking to one of his friends, Mark, who too was a brony. Many times would he have convinced him to 'Join the herd' as fellow bronies would say, but it never truly did work.

" C'mon man, you never even tried an episode!" Mark typed on chat.

" For the millionth time, I don't want to join your stupid friendship community," Shane said blatantly.

" You didn't even try! Just check out this link, we usually post art and pictures there," Mark said sending a link to a somewhat famous brony page.

Shane thought of a mischievous plan, opening up a new page to create a facebook profile," Alright man, I will give it a try." He then closed off the chat opening his new fake account. He opened the link of the page and began commenting on every post belonging to members of the site. He didn't have time to make full length speeches so in exchange, he flooded the page with pictures of animal abuse over and over, again. Some were too graphical for the younger viewers but the elders of the community stood up and responded to them and retaliated.

The war had raged on comment against comment. 'Don't feed the Parasprites!'some posted so they won't satisfy the trolls intentions. Comment after comment, hour by hour, it was now six o' clock and it was time he met his friends by the park.

With one last minute he posted," See ya later horse fuckers, I actually have a life," and left the page, logging out of facebook. He had put on his shoes and quickly left his home with whatever clothes he had changed into with his wallet in the back pocket. The walk to Manhattan's park was not very long but dangerous as it was necessary to pass several alleys.

Shane had always kept his distance from them and anything lurking near them, but his mischievous and successful plan had gotten the best of him as he smiled accomplished and distracted. He was straying to close to an alley where a man in an jacket picked him up from the sidewalk and into the darkness. He threw Shane against a wall knocking the air out of him and then pushed him against it restricting any further movement," Money, phone now," the man said.

Shane struggled to move but did not give up any of his belongings.

" Now!" The man shouted punching him in the face throwing him against a wall where his head had hit against. His body fell with a thud and a splash of a local puddle, only a trail of blood from the back of his head had been spotted as it slowly leaked out. Shane felt the man pick his pockets for his belongings, seeing him run off but only as a blur. He was fading in and out no longer seeing the man and no longer it being daylight. He struggled to stay awake as three anonymous figures to him called his named out and rushed for his body.

" Shane! Don't fall asleep! Quickly someone call the ambulance!" a woman's voice who had obviously known him shouted. He disobeyed her orders only wanting to rest from such a blow and soon knocking out unconscious.

Shane's eyes opened ever so slowly feeling something poking at him, not only did he feel the poking but also the fresh patch of grass upon his back.

" Hey Lance, have you ever seen this pony before?" he heard a voice say with his vision still blurred from the hit.

" Never in my life Graze, who is he?" The voice named Lance questioned. Shane wiped his eyes and felt a slight sting of pain in his head.

" Ugh, where am I?" he asked rubbing his head with his...HOOF? " Where are my hands?" he shouted in shock.

" Hands? What are those?" An ice colored dressed pony in a white vest and black shirt asked curiously.

" Wait! Where am I?" Shane asked scanning his environment at the colorful scenery.

" Poor stallion must have hit his head Graze," a cyan colored pony with red stripes, and wearing black clothes and a pair of red tinted goggles replied," Ha! You're in PonyVille!"

" WHA-HUH? HOW! WHY? WHAT?" Shane shouted questions uncontrollably and soon passed out from shock.

" Wow, poor guy just dropped dead," Lance said looking at the body.

" Oh yeah, I have that effect on ponies," Graze chuckled," So, who shall we take him by? Twilight or Ditzy?"

" Dude, no offense but I don't think Ditzy can help us," Lance said to Graze.

" So, we just haul his ass over to our place and call Twilight?" Graze asked," Seems legit."

" Sounds like the plan," Lance smiled grabbing the body putting him on Graze's back," He doesn't seem to be from PonyVille, I suggest we don't do anything until we know what's really happening," he then paused ," Or little Pinkie find out."

Graze sighed, "Whatever I'm still bringing Ditzy."

Shane yet again let his eyes slowly open. He blinked a few times and groaned, "That was a messed up dream."

"You had a dream? Cool, what was it about?" Someone asked off to his side.

Shane turned his head lazily to the side to see the one who was talking. His vision was still blurry, but it was slowly coming into focus, "I can't remember it all, but there was two talking... ponies..." His voice trailed off as his vision cleared.

In front of him was a pony with red stripes all over its body. It was wearing a strange black suit that seemed very tight around the mid section. It also wore a pair of red tinted goggles...

"You okay? You look like you just saw a famous pony or something." The pony said while letting out a small laugh.

'What's going on here?'Shane thought to himself as he struggled to keep his breathing in check.

The pony leaned forward, "You okay there guy?"

Shane shook his head, "Where am I?"

The pony chuckled, "I thought we went over this? You're in Ponyville."

'Ponyville? I must be dreaming. There's no way I'm in that girly place.' He thought to himself as he rubbed his head, 'But... this feels so real...'

The squawking of a bird could be heard from above. But when Shane started to look up, something red and feathery landed on his chest.

Shane looked up to see a very large bird peering down at him. He let out a yell of surprise, causing the bird to fly off of him and over to the pony.

"Whoa there Kara, don't be surprising ponies like that." The pony said while the bird stood on his out stretched foreleg.

Shane took a deep breath, "What is that thing?"

The pony looked at him and smiled, "Don't tell me you've never seen a Phoenix?"

Shane shook his head.

The pony raised an eyebrow, but continued to smile, "Well, a Phoenix is a bird of fire. Do I have to explain more? Or do you know what I mean?"

Shane thought for a second, he knows what they are, he's read about them in fiction books, "I know what they are... but how do you have one?"

The pony sat the Phoenix down and smiled, "My friend Graze and I found two eggs one time when we were in high school. His turned out to be a dragon, mine was a Phoenix."

"A dragon?" Shane said with surprise.

The pony slowly nodded, "Yes, a dragon. It should be around here somewhere. Don't worry, she's a sweet thing, she won't bite you or anything."

'This can't be real... I got to get out of here...'Shane thought to himself as he jumped out of the bed. But, before he could take a step, he was assaulted with wave after wave of nausea.

The pony rushed forward and steadied him, "Whoa there buddy, you can't walk just yet. You took a hit to the head somewhere down the line."

'His hooves... they feel so real!' Shane thought as he began to panic. 'Calm yourself Shane, just try and figure out what's happening.'

Shane allowed the pony to sit him down on the bed.

The pony stepped back, "Now look, I'm going to go see if Graze is back with my wife. I want you to stay here, and stay in bed. Got that?"

Shane only nodded in response.

The pony gave a smile and left the room.

Shane sighed and looked around. He was in what looked to be someones bedroom. There were a few posters on the walls, a desk, a small table, and a ton of books laying around. There were shelves that lined the walls on each side, each filled with books or some kind of reading material.

'What is this? A nerds room?'Shane thought as he chuckled to himself.

He glanced to the side of the bed and saw a small mirror. I leaned down and picked it up in his hooves... those things still sent shudders down his spin. He put the mirror in front of his face and examined himself.

He was a grey pony with kinda dark red splotches all over his body, and his hair was light blue with a little white in it. On his sides, he had a pair of wings... so he must be a Pegasus.

He groaned and dropped the mirror, 'Why do I have to be put through this torture?'

A few moments later, he could hear the sounds of foot steps coming towards the door.

When it opened, four ponies walked in. The first one was the one who was in the room earlier. The second one was a lavender colored pony with a purple mane that had a pink streak through it. The next pony to come through was a ice colored pony with white splotches all over his body. He also wore clothes, like the first one. Very similar, but slightly more dressy. The last pony was a grey Pegasus with a blonde mane and yellow eyes... wait, the eyes are slightly crocked.

Shane looked at all the ponies and slowly began to recognize the lavender coated pony. His mouth hung open in shock, "Wait!" He pointed his hoof at her, "You're that one nerdy pony! The one with OCD or something!"

"Hey buddy! Watch what you say about my wife!" The striped pony yelled as he took a step forward.

"Lance, calm down." The ice colored pony said, putting a hoof in front of the other pony who appeared to be Lance.

Shane looked at the grey pony and laughed, "Oh hey! You're that retarded pony! Derpy! HAHAHA!"

The ice colored pony stepped forward, "What did you just say?"

"Graze, don't do it!" Lance said from behind him.

Shane smirked, he loved messing with pony lovers, "I said, she's that retarded pony named..."


Shane fell back on the bed after receiving a strong blow to the head from Graze.

"GRAZE!" The other three ponies yelled out.

"What? He asked for it." Graze said rubbing the back of his head.

Shane's vision began to double as he slowly passed out... again.

Shane groaned loudly as he opened his eyes. He was looking straight up at a white ceiling.

He slowly brought his hands up to his face, wanting to make sure it was a dream. Luckily, he saw that he had his hands, and not those creepy hooves.

He sighed in relief and smiled, "Thank God! It was only a dream!"

He chuckled to himself as he forced himself to sit up. But when he did, he felt a sharp throbbing in his head.

Shane groaned again and rubbed his face, "Ouch... Stupid asshole!"

He began to complain to no one about his face and all the things he was going to do to that guy if he ever found him.