Disclaimer: I do not own either Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakasho :) I do own the plot and Mikuzuki (she was the tatsu yōkai that appeared in chapter 4, 6, 7 and now in this chapter), and all other OC that I put in this chapter (there are four others). This is it, the last chapter enjoy!

It has been a week since the young miko woke up in the arms of her new mate for the first time. Since that night the two of them learned more about the other that no one else knows. It was within that week that she learned that the markings of the mazuko would start to vanish after two days if and only if there was no fighting.

Sure she was sore from the multiple times that they coupled but she figured that it was well worth it in the end. The fire had long since gone out, but she didn't feel the chill with the heat coming from under her. Looking into his face, that was for once serene, she couldn't help but to smile. She stared at him for a good minute before he started to wake up. "Good morning," she said to him before he kissed him on the lips.

"Good morning to you too," the mazuko said when she pulled away to sit up. He stayed on his back with his arm behind his head taking in her form that was exposed before him. He could see his mating mark still slightly red on her left shoulder, and all the other markings that he placed on her body throughout the week, markings that proved that she was now his until his last breath. "I guess we should be heading back to your home, after all today is the ceremony for Shippou and Sōten." He let out a sigh before he stood up and walked over to the pound at the back of the little cave, "Join me my love." He said as he held out his hand to Kagome. Two hours after the pair woke up they were on their way back to the Higurashi Shrine where the ceremony of the miko's two pups was going to take place.

"Well look what the neko dragged in," the pair heard from the side when they stepped into the clearing that housed the shrine. "I would have thought that you two would have been back her yesterday," the voice said and again.

"Sorry, Souta" Yusuke said as he put his arm around his mates waist and looked at the younger looking teen. "We got a little distracted last night and she didn't want to come home yet," he said finished as he started to lead his mate into her house so that she could see her daughter before the ceremony started and she would have to stand behind her son.

"Wait Yusuke, I want to talk to you," they heard Shippou yell from behind the younger male.

"I will see you later, Yusuke," Kagome said as she gave him a quick peck before she started to walk into the house. Opening the door she walked into the living room to find her okaa-san, Sōten, Rin and a female inu yōkai that she never met before. "How are you doing today, Sōten?" She asked as she gave the female yōkai a hug.

"I'm fine mom. I'm getting ready to mate my best friend!" She squealed with a huge smile on her face.

"Now Sōten, can you answer a question for me?" Rin asked the thunder yōkai, with a nod from the other female she continued. "Do you like Shippou? Don't give me that look; you can love someone without liking them. If you like him you will be happier in the long run, if you don't than you might be making a mistake." Rin finished as she continued to look the other female in the eyes.

"Yes Rin, I do like him." Sōten said, her smile never leaving her face. "There is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with than him." She finished with tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry my granddaughter." Kun-Loon Higurashi said as she wrapped her arms around the thunder yōkai. "This is a joyous day!" She pulled back and stepped away from the yōkai and let her own daughter have a minute with the bride. "The only tears that you can weep are those of happiness."

"Sōten, you and Shippou are perfect for each other." The miko said hugging her daughter. "I knew after he gave you his crayons, back in the Sengoku Jidai, that you two would be mates. Though there was a time when I thought that Shippou would end up with Rin, but after Sesshomaru saved both of us from Naraku I knew that she would end up with him and I was right the first time around." She said as she pulled back to look her daughter in the eyes. "I thought that you two would have been mated a long time ago, and I was surprised that you two want my approval of the two of you." She finished as she wiped the tears that were starting to escape the other female's eyes. "You waited for something that I already gave the two of you, my approval."

"Now, mom I don't think you know my daughter." Rin said from her seat beside the other inu yōkai. "Daughter meet you grandmother, mother meet you granddaughter Saya." She finished bumping her shoulder against the other female.

The younger inu yōkai stood up and walked over to the miko with a smile on her face. "It is nice to finally meet you grandma, mama and father speak highly of you." She said with a slight curtsy, before she was pulled into a hug by the other woman.

"None of that, you hear." She gave a half filled threat, "Or I will have to take it up with my brother and that would not be pretty." She got the inu to laugh. "You know what I am going to anyway, it will prove to be entertaining at least." While the miko was thinking of ways to get back at the yōkai king, the others in the room knew that they needed to get her mind off of her revenge.

"Not on Sōten's day you will not!" Rin said from her place on the couch once more. "Wait a few days before you do, but make sure you have witnesses and someone to record that for future reference. I would so love to see the look on my mates face when you do so, more than once."

"Well mother, I do believe that I was right. You owe me." Sōten said getting a laugh out of the other four females in the room. "I believe that the Shikon no Tama has finally decided on what type of yōkai that it wants your blood to have. Congratulations, you are a mazuko mama." She said with a watery laugh.

"That would explain the change in your scent and aura." Rin said from her set behind the two standing females.

"It also explains the fact that my senses are stronger than what they were the last time I was home." The ningen turned mazuko said sitting down in one of the arm chairs. "Oh well it happens, though mostly to me, I think the Kami's use me for their entertainment." She laughed at herself.

"Oh Kagome," Ma Higurashi said from her stop on another chair. "Think of it this way, now you will have a longer life with your yōkai family and Yusuke as well." She said causing a blush to bloom on the cheeks of her daughter, and the others to laugh at her.

"Girls, I was told that it is ready to start." The females stopped laughing when they heard Ayame say from the other side of the door. "It's time for Kun-Loon, Rin and Saya to come on out. Kouga will come and tell Kagome and Sōten when it time to start." She said once more before there was silence.

"Well let's go ladies," Rin said as she, Saya and Kun-Loon got up to leave the other two alone. One by one they each gave the bride a hug before walking out the door.

"Are you feeling any better?" Kagome asked her daughter when the door shut with a soft click.

"Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking being worried about this whole thing." Sōten said looking down at the floor trying but failing to hide her slight blush. "I don't know what is wrong with me, mama. You would think that today of all day I wouldn't be feeling like this."

"To be honest with you, I would be worried if you didn't," The miko told her daughter. "You two may have known each other for most of your lives, but this is different. From now on, there is no you or him it is you and him for the rest of your lives for better or worse, until death do you part." She said with a small smile on her face. "To be honest with you, I could ask for no one better for you than him or for him you."

"Kagome, Sōten," Kouga said from the other side of the door. "It is time. Sōten, Sesshomaru is waiting for right outside of the door. Kagome, Shippou is waiting for you by the aisle." He finished and you could hear his footsteps walk away from the door.

"I will see you soon, daughter." Kagome said kissing the brides forehead and walking out of the house in search of her son. She found him where Kouga said he would be, but none of the guest would be able to see them. "Are you alright?" she asked her son.

"Yeah, mom I just can't stop smiling." Shippou said hugging his mother and getting a kiss on his forehead from her as a result. "Are you ready?" He asked her, and with her nod he looped his arm around hers and started to walk to the beginning of the aisle and down to stand in the front of the table that was set up for the purpose of the ceremony, that was set up in front of Mikuzuki.

It was two minutes later that Sesshomaru and Sōten, started their walk down the aisle and towards the two that were waiting for them. "Hello everyone," Mikuzuki said after Sesshomaru gave Shippou Sōten's hand. "Today we are here to witness the union of the kitsune yōkai Shippou and the thunder yōkai Sōten. I am sure that many of you are screaming in your heads that it is about time, while those that don't know the couple are asking why the Shikon no Miko and the King of Makai are standing up here where the Mother of the groom and the Father of the bride, respectively, stand. You will have to wait to find that little piece of information out for yourself." She said and had some of the others chuckling in their seats. "Now this mating is about five hundred years in the making, they met when they were still younglings. It is because of the kindness of a miko that these two became friends over a pack of crayons." She smiled at the couple that was getting ready to start their lives together. "Normally this is where I would tell them to take care of each other, but it is null and void point with them for just over a month ago Shippou hear proved just how far he would go for his chosen one. Now these two have decided that they would like to speak from their hearts, so they have come up with their own words. Shippou, you are up first."

"Sōten, we have known each other since we were both young. You were trying to kill me for something that I didn't do, and I was just trying to work up my courage to fight with you before I saw you and your pet tatsu." Shippou said not looking away from the love of his life. "I made a promise that day, one that I only told mother up until this day, that when we got older you would be my mate. Sure I thought that I felt something for three others, but you were always on my mind at the end of the day. I could not have a better mate than you, even if I asked the kami's themselves to make one for me. I love you, Sōten. I will always protect you and any young ones that we have together, never forget that. You have my heart, and I believe that you always have, please take care it for it is fragile," he finished as he whipped the tears off of her cheeks.

Clearing her throat, Mikuzuki gave the younger female a few moments to collect herself. "Sōten, you may now speak and reveal your soul for Shippou to see."

"Shippou, my love, when you asked me to be your mate I could not have been happier. Sure I was worried what your mother would think when we saw her again, but you were right, like always, by saying that she wouldn't mind and that she would be happy for us. Mikuzuki asked me to bare my soul to you just now, but I have never needed to try to get you to see it, for you have always been able to see me for me." She chuckled and got a laugh out of the kitsune in front of her. "I promise right here and now, in front of all those who are here, that I will never stop loving you. You know what just to appease RinI promise that I will always like you." She chuckled and knew that said woman was sending a knowing look. "I will always be there for you and I will always adhere to your commands, if and only if the situation demands it. I have given you my heart, so please keep it safe." She smiled up at him and wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

"Now that, that is done, Lady Kagome, Lord Sesshomaru please grab the parental knives." Mikuzuki said as she held out two small knives to the two in question and therefore taking the ceremony over again. "The metal of these knives is precious to us yōkai and it is with these that we mix their blood. The gems in the handle are what will help bind the souls of these two together for all eternity. Finally, it is with the strength that will be given to you from your parents that will give you the insurance that you two will need when you need a shoulder to cry on." She finished as she nodded at the two holding the knives and they sliced the hands of their "children."

"The child of my body, the flesh of my soul may you be eternally happy with your mate, may your lives be fruitful and may no one tear you two apart." Kagome and Sesshomaru said together as they pushed the bleeding hands of Sōten and Shippou together. "Take our strength and be safe," they finished as they pushed some of their ki through their hands and into the young couple standing between them.

"Congratulations to the new mates please kiss and seal your bond to each other." Mikuzuki said as those in the audience stood up and clapped as they did as they were told to do. "May the odds be ever in your favor!" She announced as she and a few of the yōkai roared out their happiness for the young couple just starting out.

Not wanting to miss another second Kagome pulled the two to her and kissed the tops of their heads before saying "Finally, may you two always be happy." She giggled as she pulled away and started to walk to her mate. "Yusuke, what's the matter? You look like you are ready to kill someone." Kagome said as she put her arms around his neck as she went up on her toes but he still had to bend down for her to do what she wanted, she was just so small compared to him. "You need to relax this is a party after all," she said before she squealed in delight as he picked her up and twirled her around.

"Come with me, there is someone that you need to meet." He said as he put her down on her feet, grabbed her hand and started to walk towards the Goshinboku where she could see someone with long red hair. "Hey guys," he said as they came up to a group of five people, one of whom that she did not know. "Kagome you know everyone here but Yukina, Yukina this is Kagome." He did a quick introduction before he put his arm around his mates' shoulders once again. So this is Kuzuma's fated one, she thought as she noticed the string of fate tied on her as well. Is she related to Hiei I wonder? She asked herself noticing that she, too, was a fire/ice hybrid but where his fire took over his blood her ice took over hers.

"Sorry Yusuke, but I need to take this miko off of your hands for a while; I have some people that would like to thank her for what she did with that damned half-breed." They heard the booming voice of Kouga come behind them as he grabbed the mazuko's arm and pulled the female out from under him. "I'll bring her back, you have my word. Or you could come with us, it is your choice." He said as he began to walk away.

"There you are, you were meant to be watching the twins, they came running over to me saying you were chasing after another female and that you were trying to get her attention." Ayame said as they found those yōkai from the Sengoku Jidai that the blue eyed miko knew. "Tsume, Yui come over here and meet your Aunt Kagome." She said as she yelled over her shoulder where there was a younger version of both Ayame and Kouga talking to a yōkai that the miko didn't know.

"They look just like you two," she said in awe even if she did know that would from when Shippou told her that they would be. "Hello it is nice to meet you two, I have heard that you both are quite the handful." She laughed when they came over and she could help but to hug them.

"It is nice to meet you Auntie," Yui said as she wrapped her left arm around the miko. "We have heard the stories of how you put the ookami in their place when dad took you from your travel companions," Tsume finished as he wrapped his right arm around his honorary Aunt. "We have been waiting for this day since we turned two hundred," they finished together.

"That's it I want to spoil you two, as well as Saya, rotten. I missed out on so much being forced away from the Sengoku Jidai and into the future by the Shikon." Kagome said as she was on the verge of tears once more this day.

"Hello miko," Mikuzuki said as she came over with the male that was just talking to the twins. "I have been meaning to introduce you to my mate, but you keep on moving around the grounds that I have not been able to get a hold of you. Kagome this is Toshiro, my love this is my sister." She said as she smiled up at her mate.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet the miko that killed off Naraku." He said as he held out his hand for her to take, when she did she could not help but to gasp at how hot his hand was. "Sorry, but I'm a hi tatsu. I didn't think that it would be that bad to you seeing as you don't have a problem with my mate."

"So, Kagome you do know that you are pregnant right?" Kouga asked, he was always the one to be blunt when it came to speaking his mind. "It is the mazuko's right?"

"No Kouga, I didn't know that I was pregnant, thank you for informing me of this. And to answer your other question who else's would it be? Inuyasha's? Sesshomaru's? Yours? No, I have only been with one man." Kagome said as she gave him a look that said "you have got to be kidding me." She looked like she was ready to hurt the ookami, but before she could his mate did it for her. "Thanks Ayame," she said with a nod. "For your information, we are mated so we can do what we like, so what if I got pregnant, you have no say Kouga." She growled out causing the yōkai in the area to back away from her and for her mate to start walking over towards her from where his friends were standing.

"Kouga, you can be pretty stupid sometimes you do know that right?" Shippou said as he came over with his new mate as well as Sesshomaru, Rin and Saya. "So what if the mazuko did get her pregnant, it is none of your concern. I will admit that I don't like the fact that she is mated but I will have to live with her choice, because it is just that her choice. So leave them alone." He finished as he too started to growl at the ookami.

"Let's get out of here ok," Yusuke said as leaned into his mate's ear, before he kissed her on her mating mark. At her nod he pulled her flush against him and started to walk away, as soon as he was far enough he turned, put her on his back and took off leaving the party and a fighting kitsune and ookami behind being refereed by an irritated inu.

AN- Tell me what you thought; I would love it if you do. So I have two references in here one from the Hunger Games and the other from the song Mordred's Lullaby can you figure out what they are? Once more I am so sorry that it took so long to get this story done. I got the idea of the ceremony from another fanfiction but I cannot remember, for the life of me, the name, I do remember that it was a Sesshomaru/Kagome story and the ceremony was for Shippou and Rin. Fun fact for this chapter, Yusuke's name means Ghost Helper, I think it is funny.

My momma asked me that when I got engaged, (she asked me if I liked my now husband), so that little speech that Rin gave to Sōten were my momma's exact words to me and then later the speech that Kagome gave to Sōten was also from my momma. Both speeches are in the words of my momma and my bubba and so on, so you could say that it is a family saying. Thank you all for sticking with me even though this story took a while (a couple years) to complete, I really hope that yinz have enjoyed it.


Edited: 6/3/14

Edited: 5/30/15