Hello. I havent been on fanfiction for a long time, but now Im back. I hope you enjoy the story but just to warn you there are some spoilers in it, I would like to invite any one who wants to to submit O.C.s for this story, I need lots of extra characters, of course some will be used more than others, but thats the way stories go. If you are interested in having your O.C. in this story please post a description along with youre review, I must admit that this is my first attempt at this sort of story so please be patient with me, and hopefully this will turn out to be a good story. Wish me luck. :) Oh and sorry for any spelling errors
Disclaimer: The places and the sonic team belong to Sega, I own nothing except for my O.C.s
Description: All the Sonic heroes have vanished from mobious, a distress call goes out to all O.C.s For help, But will the unknown heroes make it in time?
Chapter 1 a mysterious call
As you are watching youtube you come across a strange title that
reads S.O.S, Calling O.C.s, Mobious in Peril. There is no
descriptions and no coments on this video which is rather strange.
Curious you decide to watch said story. At first all you see and
hear is as the screen begins to clear as you hear a
female voice that sounds like it comes from a teenager.
"Hello, Is this thing working? Oh, please work."
The girl whoever it is sounds tired and frustrated, and as you
listen you relize that you can hear what sounds like bombs in the
background. Soon the screen clears completely revealing a strange
cat like creature.
"Oh finally it's on."
It turns out that the voice that you heard earlyer was this
strange creature. It looked sort of like a cat or some other feline
with white fur abnormaly long, black ears. Her blue eyes were filled
with worry.
"We have a situation here, we are under attack and
Sonic is nowhere to be found, in fact I haven't seen any one
except for those Things attacking us. We need help. I was told to
ask for the O.C.s help. So Calling all O.C.s, Mobious is in danger!
Help, S.O.S., Pan Pan, Mayday or whatever it takes to let you know
that we need backup!"
she take a deep breath as if to calm herself down.
"Shade, Shard and myself, Streaky are held up in the sea
palace on cresent beach near whale island. We are holding off the
enemy as best as we can but we need back up."
The cat stops when a loud exsplosion is heared and the whole
room shakes.
"Oh no, Shade!" The Cat looks genuenly frightened. "Please,any O.C. thats out there, GET HERE NOW!"
She yells the last three words as she turns around and runs of
leaving the camera on. You look down to see that the video is not
over yet and quickly look back to see what will happen next. Now
that you can get a good veiw of the room you see that it is gray
stone room, it looks rather small so maybe its a hallway or closet
or something . There is no decoration and dust and debreis fall
every time the room shakes. Soon you see the cat, Streaky, Come
flying across the screen out of sight untill you hear a sickening
thud. You then see a mysterious black creature carrying an
uncosious animal almost like a club. You hear a yell and Streaky
comes running at an amazing speed and tackles the mysterious
creature. It dosnt do anything however because the thing is too
big. The creature drops the Animal, grabs Streaky, and slams her
into the wall just out of the cameras veiw. The creature raises his
other fist as if to smash the cat. You then see something like a
spikey wolf mixed with a bat come flying at the monsters head,
fireing what looked like a pistol. The creature then slams his fist
into the wall where Streaky would have been if you could see her.
After this you hear the sound of Stone cracking. There is a loud
smashing sound and the screen goes black.
Ok, so a mysterious mesage appears on the computer. I know this part is slow but dont worry it will sped up in the next chapter. Please submit some O.C.s and reveiw if you want, no flames please. :)