I don't own anything Inuyasha.

It was rather late when they returned to the small camp. Inuyasha had apparently stayed back wherever he had disappeared to before his transformation. It puzzled Kagome for a moment before she realized it was because of Sesshoumaru. Her demon heart felt heavy with guilt. Suddenly, their little secret wasn't so harmless anymore and she resolved that the real demon would just have to get over whatever embarrassment he was feeling. Three days… she promised herself. Then, I'll tell Inuyasha.

The miko imitator struggled to crawl into the bundle of blankets and children on the other side of the camp. It stirred Rin awake, but thankfully the kit was still oblivious to the world.

The little girl gently called out, still half-asleep, "Sessho…..ama" and 'Kagome' smiled. When his ward's eyes fully opened, she balked.

Cooly, Sesshoumaru said, "You have been keeping secrets, little one." If it had been his own voice it would have sounded menacing, but because it was Kagome's it came out as a tease.

Rin blushed and whispered, "It was supposed to be a game, one that you wanted to play." She sulked, clearly thinking she was in some sort of trouble now.

With the warm, calloused hands of the human he possessed, Sesshoumaru was able to reach out and tenderly lift her chin to meet his blue eyes again. "You did well. Keep doing so for now."

He could barely see her face in the dark, but could feel her bright smile grow. "Hai!" she whispered eagerly, then laid her head down to drift back off to sleep.

Even with the excitement of the evening, or maybe especially so, Sesshoumaru rode the waves of exhaustion from his human body and soon was asleep as well.

All was quiet in the camp, especially with the little fox child who was trying too hard to act as if he was asleep. In fact, he had even stopped breathing to listen to the muted conversation between Rin and his Kagome.

Shippo barely slept the rest of the night, suddenly very jealous that they would have a game without involving him. So, ever the trickster, he began plotting how he would figure out exactly what it was.