Chapter 2

Danny was dishing out the mac and cheese when Steve finally walked through the back door.

"Everything ok babe?" Danny said grinning from ear to ear.

"Um...not really but it will be later" Steve said, casting a seductive look at Danny.

"Are you ok Uncle Steve?" Grace asked eyes full of concern.

"yeah I'm fine Gracie" Steve said as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

She smiled and said "Good cause I was thinking that we could play a game tonight. Can we please?"

"Sure! What did you have in mind?" Steve asked smiling and Danny was so glad that there was someone who loved Grace as much as him.

"Hungry Hippos!" Grace yelled flinging macaroni everywhere when she threw her hands up in the air "oops sorry"

Reaper and Seal quickly cleaned it up though, finding every noodle that landed somewhere and licking it up.

A couple of hours later after cleaning up and Danny finally managing to unpack after Steve continuously assaulted him by grabbing and swatting his ass they were seated around the coffee table playing Hungry Hippos, Grace was winning because Steve and Danny had no clue how to play and because they enjoyed watching the little girl bounce with joy.

Around 10 o'clock Danny got up and said "Ok Monkey time for bed. We are going hiking and stuff tomorrow so you need to sleep"

"But Danno..." Grace trailed off yawning "I'm not tired though"

"ok then don't yawn again" Danny said smiling.

"fine" Grace said, contorting her face trying to to hold in another yawn.

Danny just laughed and said "Bed time now" he watched as she got up and went to her room and Seal and Reaper followed. Then he felt the couch move as Steve got up and went outside to the beach. Danny got up and followed him and was about to throw his arms around Steve when he side stepped leaving Danny to fall face first in the sand.

"Damn you and your ninja skills" Danny said as he turned over onto his back, just before Steve landed on top of him.

"Time to finish what you started Danno" Steve whispered in his ear.

"How did I start this? Your the one who couldn't control yourself earlier" Danny said, trying to win control of his body and losing.

"You said that we would be too loud and I said that as long as you were quiet then I would be too, and so I took it upon myself to push you and see if you could stay quiet" Steve said as he kissed behind Danny's ear and worked his way down to his mouth.

"Oh I see how it is" Danny said as he shivered when Steve nipped at his throat.

Steve continued kissing and nipping here and there until he stopped at the spot where Danny's neck curved into his shoulder. He bit down leaving teeth marks in the skin and then he ran his tongue over and blew it on it, taking satisfaction in the shudder that came from Danny's body. Then on the other side in the exact same spot he sucked a huge hickey on Danny skin.

"Really Steven? Grace is going to see that and asked what happened" Danny said trying to sound annoyed but his voice his too hoarse.

Steve just chuckled and continued. He only broke contact to sit up and take his shirt off, slowly. Danny just watched in amazement as the muscles in Steve's arms and chest rippled as Steve took his shirt off. Steve just grinned when he looked back down and saw Danny staring. He knew Danny had always loved his chest even though he complained at him for always taking his shirt off during work.

"Why am I the only one undressing here?" Steve said low and raspy.

"Good point" Danny said and as he reached down to pull his shirt off, Steve grabbed his hands and shook his head. Steve gathered Danny's shirt under his arms then tugged it over his head. Steve braced his arms on both sides of Danny's head then leaned down to kiss him.

"Steve, please just hurry up. We can take it slow at home. I need this now and I really don't want to get caught by Grace again" Danny said as he ran his hands down Steve's back and slipped them into Steve's jean.

"Pushy aren't we?" Steve smiled as he sat up and Danny's hands didn't move.

"At the moment? Yes" Danny said groaning as Steve put his full weight on Danny's hips.

"At the moment? Your pushy all the time" Steve said as he unbuttoned Danny's pants.

"you really want to discuss this now? Mr. trigger happy nutjob. Fuck!" Danny yelled as Steve's hand ghosted over his dick.

"Hey what happened to being quiet?" Steve said grinning

"Fuck you" Danny said through closed teeth.

"I hope so, later at home" Steve said as he slid his hand up and down Danny's cock a couple times before wrapping his hand around it and slowly jerking Danny off.

"Steve...faster" Danny said, hips bucking involuntarily.

Steve started moving faster and released him just as Danny came and before Danny could yell out something obscene like he always does, Steve pressed his lips to Danny's and swallowed the moan that Danny was about to let out. Steve broke contact then rolled off Danny and lay in the sand.

"Better than I thought it would be after almost getting caught the first time" Danny said as his breathing returned to normal and he got up.

"Where do you think your going?" Steve said as he watched Danny walk away.

"To the bed. To sleep." Danny said "Have fun"

Steve looked down at his erection, rock hard against his jeans for the second time this day "I'm starting to think this relationship is a bit one sided!"