I'm planning for this to be sort of a drabble-ish fic. I'm not sure how many chapters it will have, and each chapter will probably be unrelated to the others, and vary in length. I seem to have trouble writing anything over 1000 words at the moment. So yes, please read and review! I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.

Jeff sends Nick on an Easter egg hunt.

Jeff flung open the door to his room, startling his roommate.

"Get up, Nicky, get up! It's the Easter long weekend, and you know what that means!"

He stood over Nick's bed, where the brunette was laying on his stomach with his face in his pillow, feigning sleep. There was a slight pause before a disgruntled Nick replied,

"I get to sleep in?"

Jeff sighed dramatically.

"No Nicky, it means that it is time to experience the annual 'Dalton Academy Easter Egg Hunt', founded exclusively by your very own Jeffery Sterling!"

"Don't call me Nicky! And annual Easter egg hunt? How many years has this been running for?"

Jeff sighed again. "Yes, well, it will be annual starting from today. I do wish you'd keep up, Nick."

The other boy simply rolled his eyes. Sometimes it was just plain ridiculous how excited Jeff became on holidays. Nick still shuddered at the thought of what he'd been put through in the dark hours of Christmas morning, when all the Warblers had been required to stay behind at school for the holiday to perform for the elderly at the local nursing home. The groundskeeper still shot them angry looks every now and then.

"Come on, Nick! Get your lazy self out of this bed right this minute. All the other guys are already waiting!"

Jeff ripped the blankets off that were covering Nick, causing him to jump and slide off the bed.

"Alright, alright, fine! But don't think you're off the hook. You should know there are always consequences for dragging me out of bed, Jeffy."

Jeff grinned at him. "Oh, Nicky, you think you're so tough."

Nick puffed out his bare chest and flexed his arms. "I don't think I'm tough, I know I am."

The blonde boy smirked at him. "You're about as tough as Kurt was when he sang Blackbird that time."

Nick glared at him. "I'll have you know, that was a beautiful performance that Kurt gave. Anyway," he continued when Jeff started to open his mouth, "if I do recall, Jeffy, don't we have an Easter egg hunt to get to?"

"Why yes, Nick, that is correct."

"Well then let's do it so that I can get back to bed."

Huffing, he picked up a clean set of clothes and made his way into the bathroom, wishing he could wipe that annoying smirk off Jeff's face.

"I'll just wait here for you, Nicky!"

Sometimes he just disliked Jeff with a passion.