Author's note:

Sorry that Ciel doesn't really act like Ciel all the time, and also sorry if there are any errors/mistakes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji or any of the characters.

The little bell jingled signaling that a new customer had entered. The lady at the cash register smiled and flipped her long white hair over her shoulder. All of the neko's darted forward trying to get the attention of the new customer, all except for the little blue neko in the third cage from the cashier. Ciel didn't like new customers or old ones for that fact, he didn't like anything about the store, the bell that hurt his ears every time a customer came in, the small uncomfortable metal cages, but the thing Ciel especially hated was the customers. They were always loud and obnoxious, screeching whenever they saw something cute. Once a girl with blond corkscrew curls had ran up and kissed him, on the mouth! It was disgusting, utterly horrible; he had actually raised his hand and hit her across the head. She had immediately burst into tears and started blubbering something about being cute. Of course she had ran and told the store manager about it and he wasn't allowed to be showed anymore, the bloody twit. Ciel crept forward slightly to look at the man that had just walked in, he was tall with shaggy black hair that came down to his shoulders, and his wine colored eyes looked around the shop disapprovingly. He had on a tight black shirt that showed off his toned stomach and arms, he also had on black skinny jeans that showed legs even a model would envy. There was something about this man that intrigued Ciel, but he just couldn't put his finger on it. His boots clicked on the linoleum floor moving closer and closer to Ciel's cage. "Is there anything I can help you with sir?" Hanna asked, damn, that stupid woman, Ciel thought angrily to himself, for he had taken quite a great interest in the man to his right. The man just smirked and replied. "No thank you, I'm just browsing." She grumbled slightly and walked back to the cash register. The man turned on his heel again and started walking in the other direction, away from Ciel's cage. Damn, damn, damn it all! Ciel thought, his blue ears flicked back and forth, he was getting seriously pissed off with this man. It was as if he knew that Ciel had taken a sudden interest in him and decided to tease him because of it. Ciel waited impatiently as the man in black slowly circled the pet shop somehow always avoiding Ciel's cage. Ciel sat in his cage silently brooding; when the mystery man finally decided to look in his cage he was ready to claw his face off. He hissed and laid his ears flat on his head, his tail swished back and forth. As the man smiled at him teasingly, "hello little kitty, what's your name? My name is Sebastian." He said, slightly smirking. "Ciel," the irritated neko spat. "Ciel, hmm what a pretty name. You're a feisty one too, aren't you?" Ciel just growled and sunk lower in the cage. Sebastian studied the little blue neko. He had a small petite body and shaggy slate blue hair that came a little past his shoulders. His large sapphire eyes glared into his own crimson ones, his rose petal lips in a slight pout. He was probably one of the smallest neko's there and obviously one of the prettiest. Sebastian slightly nodded his mind made up, "I'll take this one." He stated. "Are you sure? He's one of our troublemakers; he actually hit a girl once!" Ciel winced at the hateful words spouted in his direction. "I'm sure it will be all right." Sebastian said, glaring at Hanna. "Fi-fine." Stuttered Hanna nervous under Sebastian's glare, "you know the procedure correct?"

"Of course I do." Sebastian scoffed, "okay then, let me go get it then." Hanna said. Slowly she walked to the back of the store; the two males heard a shout and some clattering before Hanna came back out looking slightly ruffled. "Here it is." She said, holding something out in her hand. Ciel looked forward curiously wondering what this 'procedure' was. Sebastian picked up whatever was in her hand and walked over to Ciel's cage. As Ciel saw what was in his hand his blue tail swished back and forth with excitement, and he stared hungrily at it. He sniffed and sat riveted looking at the intoxicating catnip. Sebastian smirked and stuck his hand in front of Ciel's face; he eagerly lapped up the catnip running his rough cat-like tongue up and down Sebastian's hand. After he had finished eating the delicious catnip he smiled and purred as Sebastian scratched under his chin. If this was the procedure why hadn't they told us? If they told us we would get catnip even the most stubborn of neko would want to get sold, Ciel thought to himself while purring contently. "Okay so your procedure is halfway through, if you would please first fill out the paperwork you can then finish the whole procedure." Hanna said. Wait there was more? Maybe if I follow him I'll get more catnip Ciel thought in a daze, as Sebastian reached into his cage. His arms encircled Ciel's waist and he gently pulled out the tiny neko. Ciel mewled as Sebastian adjusted him so he was being held bridal style; he rubbed against Sebastian's muscled chest and gripped his shirt. "Come on then kitty cat, let's go fill out your paperwork." Ciel just nodded his head not really comprehending what the older man was saying. Sebastian walked over to the cash register and tried to put Ciel down, but Ciel decided he didn't want to be let down and clambered back up. When Sebastian finally got Ciel on the floor and out of his arms Ciel had managed to circle his arms around him and was hugging him tightly from behind, his arms barely reaching around Sebastian's large torso. Sebastian quickly filled out the paperwork and Hanna shuffled them together, "now you have to pick a collar." Sebastian turned around again and Ciel leaped up and wrapped his arms around his neck dragging Sebastian to the floor. Ciel mewed and tried again to jump up this time also wrapping his legs around Sebastian's chest. "That is the first time Ciel has taken a liking to someone." An amused Hanna said, stifling a giggle. "Oh yeah? What does he do if he doesn't like them?" Sebastian puffed as he tussled with Ciel. "Well he either hides in his cage, hisses at them, or tries to claw their eyes out." Sebastian made a face as Ciel clung to him trying to drag him to the ground, for some reason. "I think I might prefer that right now." Sebastian huffed. Ciel went rigid and stared up at Sebastian his large blue eyes starting to water up with tears. "You don't want me?" He whimpered, clinging to the older male's shirt. Both Hanna and Sebastian looked surprised as Sebastian slowly replied. "Of course I want you little one, why would you think I wouldn't?" Ciel just blubbered and buried his face in Sebastian's shirt, his body suddenly going limp as he fell asleep. Sebastian and Hanna stared startled at the little neko; Sebastian slowly picked Ciel up again and held him close. He walked over to the row of collars with the still sleeping neko, and picked out a blue satin ribbon that matched Ciel's eyes and gently tied it around his neck. The tiny neko woke at the feeling of hands on his neck, "There you see? You're mine now; I won't ever give you back." Sebastian said softly into his neck. Ciel nodded and pawed at the ribbon around his pale neck. "Well you don't officially own him you haven't finished the procedure." Hanna piped up, Sebastian glared at her, but luckily Ciel either decided to ignore her or didn't hear. Ciel looked up at the man in black somewhat lovingly and wrapped his arms around his neck burying his head into his chest. Sebastian quickly thanked Hanna and walked out of the store the newly bought neko in his arms.

Sebastian walked over to the sleek black limo that was perched next to the sidewalk. He placed Ciel in the vehicle and then went to talk to the blond haired driver. Ciel looked around his new surroundings with interest. The seats were made of leather and like the walls they were the color of white chocolate, the floors were dark black and it was very spacious. There was a small bar and the two rows of chairs were facing each other, Ciel crawled around looking at every inch of the care, much like a curious kitten. The bar had a row of unidentified glass bottles, he opened the cupboard and sniffed, he smelled something familiar. He stuck his nose in the cupboard and inhaled deeply, he smelt catnip, but where was it? He moved a couple of bottles out of the way and inspected their names. Vodka, rum… Catnip, catnip I know I smell catnip! Ciel thought as he shoved bottles out of the way. Catnip Tequila Ciel read as he shoved the last bottle away. Of course it just has to be in the very back, Ciel thought slightly irritated. He grabbed the bottle and crawled back to the leather seats; he plopped down and tried to open the bottle. He heard a sudden pop, and realized he had gotten the cap off; he took a quick swig of the liquid. Mm delicious, Ciel thought leaning back into the seat happily.

"Bard we need to go to a local pet store and a shop that sells clothes." Sebastian said to the driver. "What? Oi Bastian why do ya need to go to a pet store?" Bard said, a cigarette hanging from his lips. "Well I bought a new pet." Sebastian said, glaring at the idiot driver. "Alright then, that's all you needed to say." Bard grumbled. "What was that?" Sebastian growled menacingly. "Nothing." He said, and hastily rolled up the window. Sebastian stalked to the car door and yanked it open. He looked inside and almost started to laugh out loud at what he saw.

Ciel was drunk.

Please review! I would love critique on my work and please tell me if there are any mistakes.
