Rune's Bleak


I ran, I remember that much, the running. It was raining hard and the lightning seemed as hard after me as people chasing me were. With every flash striking nearer to me I could see them closing in. And every earth shattering clap of sound from the clouds, I lost their shouting voices. All around me trees stood out as grasping creatures in the shrieking wind and hungry lighting. The cold air ripped at my lungs with my every heavy breath. I never noticed the bare root holding up out of the soft earth. Looking back at it, I would have sworn that damned root looked like a grasping, hand, claw, tactical or something along those lines, all that I can really say is that it looked menacing. Well that and that it helped me to my foreboding doom.

But Id rather not fixate on my ending but rather Id like to speak of the life I lived up to that point and the reasons it came in such a manner. All though I suppose I should start from the beginning, that being my name, and what I look like. Well dear reader, my name is Gage Rune and please remember this because I hate it when people forget my name or repeatedly ask me why I'm name Gage blasted Rune. Ok, look my father named me Gabe but he was drunk off his chair when he and my mother were naming me so it sounded like Gage and my mother didn't care what I was named. Goes to show I had great parents.

Quick background before I move on My dad was a drunk and couldn't hold a job for more then a week, but some how he always found one and managed to squeeze money out of what ever he had at the time. My mother hated the sight of me. She wanted an abortion but her religion said otherwise (I don't know that religion). She also wanted to toss me to adoption but my dad wouldn't let her (I wish he had) She bottle fed me from the start and would pay a new baby sitter every week to deal with me. Once I got old enough to walk and talk she had me doing work. My original last name was Derleth. If it worst for the bad history I would have kept it. But enough with my history, long story short I had screwed up parents who either didn't love me or would spit hang over vomit all over me.

But I guess my looks didn't help my mother not loving me. Don't get me wrong I look pretty attractive, aside from that ghost white skin and blood red eyes, and NO I am not a blood sucking vampire. I happen to love garlic. I'm an albino, meaning no skin pigment, whish is what makes your eyes blue or brown, and you skin (Forgive me) black, or white, or Indian, or Asian, or what ever. Also because of my no pigment skin I don't tan I burn.

Now you would think that from such a screwed up family I would turn out rotten to the core, but quite the contrary, I may look strange and act like a freak but I helped everyone to whom deemed necessary of my skills in any manner, granted being call Dracula didn't help me feel better and for a long time I ran from myself.

But now, now I'm a six foot albino with eight inch green spiky hair that stays where it wants (meaning everywhere), purple eyes and a high IQ. My name is Gage Rune and I'm a nineteen year old collage student with a 4.5 GPA, and the power to control reality.

Nice to meet you.

Dead notes: Oh and I will pop in every once and a while to clarify things with these nifty little Italicized spots called Dead notes