Chapter 19

Allysa stared wide eyed at the sights in front of her. A motor cross track with mini volcanoes dotted about. A pathway adorned with statues and paved in what looked like gems leading to a multi-coloured building with a huge aluminium man on top of it. Allysa had read about this but it was nothing compared to actually seeing it. "Welcome to my home or my Imagì-Nation!!" Jeff laughed "It's amazing!" Jeff watched Ally closely he couldn't quite read her but she looked stunned. "Come on let me show you my house" Jeff said as he took Allys hand and led her up the steps to his front door.

Allysa had only stepped through the door when a big brown happy dog pounced on her! She would have fallen over if Jeff hadn't been behind her to hold her up. Laughing Jeff said "And this is Liger" "I thought it might be" a stunned Ally replied "Liger down!" Jeff ordered Obediently Liger did as his master said and happily padded away. Jeff turned Ally to face him. "I think he likes you" Allysa was too stunned to speak. She wasn't given much choice about coming here, as soon as she had entered her apartment and told her friends about Jeffs offer Zoë, Jo, Joei, Siân and Amy who was there talking to Tj, had ran around packing her bag and promptly sent her on her way back to Jeff. Needless to say Jeff was thrilled that she was going with him but Ally still couldn't quite believe this was all happening. "Are you ok?" Jeff asked softly Allysa nodded. Jeff rested his forehead against hers. "Still can't believe you're here huh?" Ally nodded again "Neither can I!" Jeff placed a gentle kiss on her lips "But you are here" "I know" Ally whispered "With me" Jeff whispered back Allysa smiled and wrapped her arms round Jeff's waist. "That's the best part" She said to his chest.

Jeff had never been happier. He knew without a doubt that he had never been this happy. He was itching to tell Ally how he felt but he wondered if it was too soon to tell her. Allysa was stunned but also ecstatic. She was with Jeff, in his home the only place she had wanted to be for the past six months and now she was. "I don't think I've ever been this happy" Jeff whispered into her hair "Me either" Ally replied *Screw it* Jeff thought *I'm telling her* "I love you Ally" Ally looked up at Jeff he looked so nervous. She smiled at him and saw him relax. Slowly she raised herself up on her tip toes; just before she reached his lips she whispered "I love you too" Jeff wrapped his arms round her waist as Ally wrapped her arms round his neck; he lifted her till her feet left the floor and began kissing her like she was going to vanish. Before either of them realised Jeff was moving towards his bedroom.

Liger who was recovering from the excitement of his owner returning by snoozing in the hallway was woken by something landing on him. He spun round ready to pounce on the culprit but all he found was a t-shirt. Jeff's shirt. Which was soon followed by another. Allys.

Chapter 20

Matt had just arrived home. He was in a rotten mood. Earlier he had decided he was going to go and talk to Liz, but he got halfway to her apartment when he chickened out and went back to the hotel. Now he was furious with himself, first because he had backed out of talking to Liz and second because he was insanely jealous of his brother and the happiness he had found with Allysa. He sighed he was being stupid. Matt decided to go and check the progress of his house which was currently being built and then he was going to go over to Jeff's and try to get to know his brothers new girlfriend a bit better.

Amy had just finished unpacking and was now in her garden playing with her dog Kody. At the airport Jeff had asked herself and Matt if they wanted to go over later and watch movies with him and Ally. So Amy had a few hours to kill before she had to set off. She chose to pass the time thinking about Tj. Earlier she had gone to talk to Tj under the pretence that she had nothing to do until she had to go to the airport. Amy smiled it had worked quite well, after talking about Jeff and Allysa they had both discovered they liked each other. Tj however said he didn't want to get into a relationship he just wanted to get to know her. That had Amy hooked, she wanted to ask Ally why he was so wary about getting into a relationship she knew Ally would know the answer. Kody knocked Amy out of her thoughts by jumping on her so she spent the rest of her time wrestling with her beloved dog.

Jeff turned over and smiled, Allysa was sleeping peacefully. Kissing her forehead softly he climbed out of bed and grabbed his pants which he had flung to the other side of the room earlier. Quickly he gathered Allys items of clothing that he could find, he noticed her shirt was missing, smiling he seemed to remember being in the hallway when he took that off her. He soon discovered the shirt and his own underneath Liger. Pulling the shirts from under the dog Jeff laughed when Liger looked at him with knowing eyes. "Yeah, Yeah stop looking at me like that" Liger tilted his head to one side when Jeff knelt down and whispered conspiratorially "She's incredible isn't she?" Liger barked loudly. "Sssshhh You'll wake her" Jeff laughed at his dog then went to get Allys bag which he had left at the door when Liger had jumped on her.

Ally had woken when Liger barked. Smiling remembering the events that had occurred before she fell asleep she turned towards where Jeff should have been. Shrugging when she realised he wasn't there she turned back and was about to get out of bed when she remembered she was naked. Looking round for her clothes she spotted most of them near her side of the bed. *Where's my bra* She wondered

When Jeff returned to his bedroom Ally was hanging out of the bed with her head practically under the bed. "What are you doing?" Jeff asked grinning "Looking for my bra" a voice from under the bed said. Jeff just laughed and tossed his t-shirt at her. "Put that on for now" Ally did as she was told. "I got your bag for you" Jeff handed her the bag "Thanks" Ally opened the bag and started laughing. "What's so funny?" Allysa tipped the contents of the bag onto the bed and Jeff had to laugh. The contents of the bag consisted of lots of different types of underwear, a toothbrush, and a pair of tiny shorts, mini skirts, a grey bear and the tiniest tops Jeff had seen. "The only things I think are mine is the toothbrush and bear" "Your friends packed your bag then?" Jeff raised his eyebrows as he picked up something that resembled a piece of string "Is this underwear?" Giggling Ally replied "Yes they did and yes it's a thong! I think!" "That's a thong" Jeff picked up a pink thong then picked up the previous string thing "This is just string" Ally pulled on the pink thong and then pulled on Zoë's shorts, rummaging through the items of clothing strewn on Jeff's bed she found a pink halter top with slashes in the sides and put it on. Ally didn't know who it belonged to but she liked it. Jeff had watched all this with a smirk on his face but was now looking at the top with a puzzled look on his face. "What?" Ally asked looking down at the top "How did you get Amys top?" "This is Amys?" "Either that or she hand made two of them" "Well she was in the apartment this morning when I got there" "What was she doing there?" "Talking to Tj" Allys grinned she didn't need to play cupid with them. They were doing a good enough job themselves. "Hang on" Ally had realised something "What?" "Oh my god" Ally fell back on the bed laughing "What?" Ally didn't reply she just kept laughing it was infectious as Jeff started laughing too even though he didn't know what he was laughing at. "Come on Ally tell me" "I swear Amy was wearing this when I got there this morning, the girls must have made her take it off" Shocked Jeff replied "Would they really do that?" "Hell yeah, look at everything they've packed they want me showing skin one of them must have liked the look of Amys top!" "Your friends are crazy" "I know" Ally said as she continued to giggle. Jeff picked up the grey bear "So is this the Jeff bear you told me about on the phone that night?" "Yeah that's him; he can do all your wrestling moves and everything! I taught him myself" Ally replied with a grin. Jeff's heart melted "God I love you" was all he could say Allysa blushed "I love you too but what was that outburst for?" "He can do all my wrestling moves? You're so cute!" "I try" Jeff looked at his watch "It should be a while before Matt or Amy get here" "Ok, what do you want to do then?" Jeff raised his eyebrows "How about we work out how this string thing works?" "Sounds good to me" Ally said as Jeff pinned her to the bed.