A/N Kinda Based Off Of A Line I Heard While Watching The New Version Of Footloose 3 Kames shall Win This One(:Just Kinda Weird lol But Its A Kames Just Some Kett In The Beginning There(:
Kevin and Kendall laughed as they raced down the steps of the racetrack. They were there to see Kendall's 23 year old boyfriend win again. Kendall was absolutely head over heels for Jett. He really was, and even though Kevin disapproved he didn't say anything to their parents. Kevin watched as his younger brother walked fancy like over to the gate and laughed when he saw a guy take a picture of Kendall's ass. But Kendall paid no mind to him as he watched car number 15 race around the track. Kevin quickly ran down to catch up with him.
Kendall ran up to the gates that constricted the people from the cars . He screamed happily when he saw his boyfriend win. Kevin laughed and cheered along with him . They saw Jett stop his car and get out. The crowd went wild for him. Jett spotted Kendall instantly and smirked at him.
"Woo Hoo! Good Job Baby!" Kendall shouted in his southern accent. Jett nodded and pointed at the open gate next to him and nodded his head.
"You grab that there flag darlin' and get your sexy self out here" Jett shouted back. Kendall nodded and raced to grab the flag.
"Kendall!" Kevin panicked trying to get his brother to come back. But Kendall already had the flag and was on the track . Kendall sauntered over to Jett and smiled at him. Kevin screamed for Kendall to come back, but Kendall ignored him.
"Kendall get back here!" Kevin shouted."Your gonna get yourself killed out there!" Kevin tried to reason with him. But still Kendall ignored him and kissed his boyfriend full on the lips. Some of the workers on the field yelled at Jett and told him to get Kendall out of here. But Jett just flipped him off and slid into his car . Kendall smiled and got in as well sitting on the window and held on to the top part so that he wouldn't fall . He held the flag up high and cheered loudly for his boyfriend.
Jett shook his head smirking as he started to drive his victory lap. Kendall shouted happily as his boyfriend drove him around. He could feel the wind going passed his face and it just made him feel amazing . Then, the car stopped and Kendall hopped out smiling at Jett. Then he looked up and didn't see Kevin.
"Shit" he muttered and ran out the gate. His eyes scanned for Kevin until he finally found him walking over to his car in the parking lot.
"Kevin!" He shouted. The older boy stopped but didn't turn to look at Kendall. "Where are ya goin'?" Kendall asked. Kevin finally turned to look at Kendall and shook his head,crossing his arms at him.
"You know those stories of those kids who die everyday because of doing stupid stuff like that?" Kevin questioned. Kendall groaned and shook his head.
"This speech again?" Kendall said with a roll of his eyes.
"Well, I don't want to be that brother that sits and watches it happen!I don't know whats gotten into you over the last four years. You've changed."Kevin said then he took a pause "Ever since Kenneth" He said and turned on his heels to leave. Kendall sighed at the name of his older brother being said.
"So I guess I'm gonna have to find my own way home? Since your just gonna leave me" Kendall asked. Kevin nodded and stopped at his car. He opened the door and stared blankly at Kendall.
"Leave you? I could never leave you. You already left me" Kevin said getting into his car and driving away. Kendall watched him drive away and crossed his arms walking back into the track to find his boyfriend.
Jett was busy pushing his car back into his large truck. When it was fully in he turned to see Kendall and smirked at him.
"Hey baby" Jett said sending him a smirk. Kendall giggled and sauntered over to his boyfriend . Jett lifted him up and sat him on the head of his car. Kendall giggled again and wrapped his arms around Jetts neck . Jett winked at him and grabbed Kendall's small like hips and pulled him close.
"Did ya see me win darlin'.?" Jett asked he raised both eyebrows at Kendall. Said boy nodded and he received a kiss in return. The kiss soon became heated as Jett pushed Kendall down on the hood of his car. Jetts hands were everywhere. Kendall moaned and kissed Jett hungrily. Jett kissed back with just as much force and smirked moving his hands up Kendall's shirt. Kendall allowed it and slipped his tongue into the older brunettes took this as an okay to go further,so he tried to slip his hands into Kendall's pants grabbing at his ass. Kendall pulled away at this.
"Whoa Whoa. Yellow Flag, Yellow flag" Kendall said still lying on his back; trying to catch his breath he sat up slowly.
"Baby Why we gotta go so fast" He asked still panting a little. Jett shook his head and wiped his forehead.
"I've been real patient with ya and I'm ready now. This little preachers son act was cute at first. But its not now . And I Can't keep ya around if your just a child darlin'." Jett said simply, he leaned against the side of his car staring at Kendall waiting for an answer . Kendall pouted and rolled his eyes.
"I'm not a child" Kendall said crossing his arms . Jett raised an eyebrow and walked over to Kendall kissing his lips lightly then pulled away.
"Prove it" He said . Kendall sighed . He looked down and slowly started unbuttoning his shirt.
"Shut the door" Kendall said simply. Jett stepped back a little surprised.
"Shut the door" Kendall repeated and continued unbuttoning his clothing. Jett smirked and walked over to shut the door to his truck. Tonight he was gonna get lucky.
Kendall Would Do Anything To Stay With Jett. Even Lose His Virginity To Him.
On the other side of town a bus was just pulling up. On it was a boy who would change things in the town of Bloomberg. That boy was James Diamond . He got off the bus and looked around . The place was small but it would have to do . He wiped off the dirt on the front of his shoe, and watched the dirt fly off into the wind . He didn't know why but he felt that this place was going to be his new beginning.
James walked a few more miles before walking up to the familiar little house in front of him. It was red with a few scraps on the side. It was his new home. And he already felt welcome. He felt even more welcome when his two little cousins Anna and Mickey came running to him.
"Jamies here! Jamies Here!" He heard Mickey shout. He dropped his bags and opened his arms for them to jump into to. He fell back a little but caught his balance as he held his two baby cousins.
"Ugh it's like attack of the cousins" James shouted playfully. The two girls giggled and hugged him tight. Just then his aunt and uncle came out to greet him also. He smiled at them and placed Mickey and Anna on the ground. he hugged his aunt before moving to hug his uncle.
"Hey Aunt Sarah,Uncle Drew" he said happily. His uncle laughed and shook his head.
"You used to call me Unckey all the time . You to old for that, Now?" He asked. James laughed and nodded his head.
"17 now Uncle" He said reaching down to grab his bags. His Uncle Drew nodded and shook his head again, smiling.
"Where does the time go?" He asked. James shrugged. His cousins and aunt started to walk back to the house and he copied them and started walking.
"You need some help with those bags boy?" His Uncle asked. James shook his head and smiled.
"No Thanks I got it." James said . They laughed together and started to walk back into the house. James smiled and looked at the house again, then turned and looked at his surroundings . The country didn't seem like the place for a city boy, but James was already feeling at home.
Kendall sat in church next to his brother Kevin. He was still mad at Kendall for doing something so reckless. Kendall tried and tried to apologize, but it just made Kevin even more mad . Kendall sighed and moved to sit next to his friend Carlos. Kendall and Carlos had been best friends since forever. So of course Kendall would drag the poor boy to church with him.
Carlos wasn't paying any attention to Kendall though. no Carlos had his eyes on the new boy that was a few rows next to them . The boy looked at him and then smiled at Kendall. Carlos couldn't help but giggle quietly and wave at him. James nodded and waved back, then stared back at Kendall before moving his eyes forward again.
Carlos looked at Kendall and nudged him slightly. Kendall glanced at him and mouthed 'what' . Carlos just giggled again and nodded his head towards James again. Said boy was staring at them again and smiled at Kendall. Kendall looked at Carlos rolled his eyes making a"Hmph" sound and watched his father preach about god again. He wasn't in the mood to flirt with the new kid . Even if he was really cute . And he obviously thought Kendall was kinda cute if he was staring at him like that.
Kendall and Carlos stood once his father was done preaching and walked outside along with some other people . Kendall was busy talking to Carlos and a few other people when he heard his name. He turned and saw his dad and mother waving him over. He skipped over to them, playing the role of the innocent preachers son.
"Yes daddy?" Kendall asked smiling at his father. His dad smiled back and pointed toward James who was standing next to him.
"I want you to meet James Diamond. He just moved here and he's gonna be attendin' your school tomorrow mornin'." His father replied motioning towards the boy next to him. Kendall nodded and eyed the boy up and down.
"Hiya" Kendall said shyly. James nodded at him.
"Hey" He said smiling. Kendall directed his attention back to his dad.
"Daddy, Carlos and I are gonna be working on our science project and I figured it would be a lot easier if I just stayed the night . Is that alright?" Kendall asked sweetly. His dad gave him a look and shook his head.
"All night? Do you really think its gonna take that long?" he asked. Kendall nodded and turned to Carlos.
"Carlos" He said a little loud, making the boy turn on his heels, smile on his face. "Don't you think it's gonna take us the whole night?" Kendall asked raising an eyebrow at the boy. Carlos caught on quickly and nodded his head.
"Oh yeah at least the whole night" he said trying not to stutter. Kendall smiled and turned back to his father, pleased with his best friends answer. His dad scratched the back of his neck and then nodded slowly.
"I guess that would be okay."His dad replied unsure. Kendall ignored it and kissed his dad on the cheek then his mom.
"Thanks Daddy see you guys later!" He said waving bye to James. He linked arms with Carlos and they walked away getting into Carlos's car.
Kendall's father shrugged and turned his attention back to James.
"Well that was Kendall. And I'm Reverend Knight by the way."Kendall's dad said extending his hand. James nodded and shook it, watching as Kendall and Carlos drove away in Carlos's car . All he could think about was getting with Kendall.
A/N Eh Dont Know Where This Actually Came From lol Was Gonna Be A One Shot But..idk Should I Continue..? It Should Only Be Like 5 vahpters..maybe less maybe 6 but no more than 6(: Reviews..?