Super Smash Bros Tabu's Revenge
Chapter I
The Meeting of the Powerful smashers
The sun was setting as Tabu's defeat had just taken place as all was peaceful at Brawl stadium for a time. Link was in his dorm he had called a special meeting with Meta-knight, Wolf, Ike, Snake, Sonic, Fox, Pikachu, Ness, and Mario. "I know for a fact we did not defeat Tabu for I saw him sink to the ocean as his eyes set on me." Link said. "Well I guess we got no chance hmmm of course" Ike said with a grim attitude.
"You see in these dark times Ike there must be hope that we can stop the darkness." Meta-knight said in his quick yet monotone voice. "It's agreed then" Mario said in his Italian accent "We will watch the world fall" said Wolf "You know wolf all you think about is yourself! Think of all those weak smashers who have no chance huh?" Said Fox as he pulled out his blaster. "OK OK!" said Ness everyone paused and looked at Ness because of how small he was "….Guys we need to sneak away and defeat Tabu Once and for all" Said snake "I agree" Said sonic as he jumped up and down! "Hmph Lets go then. Lets get our stuff and meet back in front of Brawl stadium. In 1 hour everyone was in front of Brawl Stadium with the sun rising. "What time is it?" Asked Fox "Bout 5:00 am"
Said Link. "Its been years since we've seen the Brawl stadium at this time together" Sniffled Ness. "Shut it we don't have time for sentiment lets go"
AN: Hey Guys Royboy150 here hoping you liked this first chapter of mine and please no Flames.