Prequel: A Mother's Love

One-Shot: I Want You, Sirius, And No One Else!

Spoilers: if you haven't, go read the Prequel and the One-Shot

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I also do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Beta: RosesAreForever23

Pairings in this chapter: LV/HP

Warnings in this chapter: slash, mpreg, last chapter

Nr words in this chapter: 1,547


"Horcrux talking"


'Horcrux speaking in Harry's mind'


Horcrux speaking Parseltongue


Voldemort looked to the man in the local park walking around with a twins' stroller. The man came every day to walk around with his children. The women in the park already knew him by name and even came to talk to him about the cute babies.

Voldemort came every day as well, but never approached the man. The man sat on the same park bench and stayed there for hours, all afternoon and only when the sky began to darken did he return home.

As the man left once more, Voldemort saw the man look back to the bench longingly. He had been waiting for someone, but no one came. Because Voldemort would never let him see him.

Harry couldn't know he was there looking at him. Watching him as he tended their children was more than he hoped to get.

Love had made him weak, he had almost lost his Harry because of it. He wouldn't lose the children for daring to fall for them. Feeling was such a weak feeling…


Harry looked up as he arrived at the local park once more and he put the now awake twins in front of him on the sidewalk, so their father could see them. Harry saw Rodolphus approach and pick a blanket from the stroller and laid it before Harry and, after that, moved the twins to the blanket. Rodolphus then returned to the café by the corner where Harry's guards were seating and watching over Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes at Rodolphus' over-protectiveness. Oakes, sitting by the twins, snickered.

"He is only doing his job." The horcrux said and at once, both twins' heads turned to him before falling on all four and crawling to the horcrux.

Harry looked at the sight in pain, there was a time where he only wanted Oakes and no one else and now he would give Oakes away for Voldemort to be in his place, seeing their twins grow.

–Yes, hatchlings, uncle Oakes is here.– The horcrux cooed to them with a smile.

That had been an unspoken rule between him and Harry- Voldemort was the father not him or Tom Riddle. The horcrux that usually was on Merope's necklace normally gained a body around the twins and stayed there watching them play; he didn't play with the twins, like Oakes did and like he once did when Harry was young. It had shocked Harry when the twins had started to look for Merope's necklace for the first time and babble to it and, when the horcrux hadn't came out, start to cry.

"Here again, Harry?" Harry looked up to Tom Leaks. The man smiled and sat at his side. A ring looking proud on his weeding finger as he and Merope finally married. "Coming here every day won't make him return."

"Like you can talk when you waited seventy years for your wife."

Tom laughed.

"Fair enough… How do you know he comes to see you three?"

Harry looked up to a tree by the sideway and then to Tom, smiling.

"Because this is the only way of seeing me. He may say whatever he wants, but he loves me and only in this way will he keep seeing me and his children. He doesn't understand that love doesn't make people weak, but that's okay. That is why I love him; for his incapability to understand and, at the same time, for the way he strongly loves me back. He may claim that he can't feel - and I believe that he is incapable of having feelings for the overall - but when he does fall for someone, he falls hard." Harry's smile grew as he watched his baby girl crawl away. "I guess he takes it after his mother."

Tom and Harry watched as Lily kept crawling away, her eyes gazing at something ahead.

"Aren't you going to pick Lil' Tommy?" The man asked, bemused.

Harry shook his head as Lily stopped and sat, looking up, before raising her tiny arms, begging to be picked. When nothing happened, the girl started to babble angrily and Harry knew a crying fit wad due to come, but did nothing to stop it. The girl wanted her father, not him. It was about time the Dark Lord started acting like the father he was. Harry and the twins needed him, just as he needed them.

Harry cringed when Lily started to cry; the girl sure got his lungs… Rabbie, hearing his sister cry, looked around for her and, when he found her, started to cry as well. It seemed like they had an unspoken rule; when one cried the other cried as well to make sure they were heard. Harry was only happy for the godparents who lived with him at Black Manor now or he would have freaked out by now.


Voldemort looked down at the red haired girl with grey eyes, sitting at his feet, offering her arms and crying at him.

How could she see him?

Voldemort glanced up as the other twin started to cry. Harry picked the boy and sat again as if he hadn't realized that he was missing a child!

What was he doing? The second twin was right here crying! Why wasn't he picking her up?

Finally, the girl stopped to cry and, as she sniffed, Voldemort saw her do something that he supposed was a pout.

Why was she looking directly at him?

Voldemort crouched, looking at the hatchling who offered her arms again.

What was she doing? What was she trying to say? Couldn't she speak?

And then she cried again, this time louder. Voldemort screeched; she sure was Harry's daughter! Voldemort moved his hand closer in fear and the hatchling grabbed it at once, shutting up, and pulled it to her mouth, sucking on it. It was an odd sight; such a perfect baby girl sucking on a white, spidery hand.

–She just wants you to pick her up.–

Voldemort looked up, watching Oakes at his side with an amused expression. Voldemort's eyes grew.

Pick her up? Won't she break?

–She's not made of porcelain, you know?– Oakes taunted.

Voldemort took the hand from her mouth - how did she manage to put it there? - and before she would start to cry again, grabbed her under the arms and pulled her up. The girl giggled, giving him the brightest of smiles. Voldemort brought her to his face and was amazed that she didn't fear him. The girl actually put her hand on his face and touched his flatten nose, then the lipless lips, and finally, Voldemort had to close his own eyes as she put her little hand on his eyes. Her curiosity was something that surprised him. She surprised him again when her hands passed over his bald head. She seemed mesmerized with his out of normal face and, unlike what he feared would happen, she didn't get scared with him. Quite the contrary, she seemed like she didn't want to ever stop looking at him.

–Pappy.– he finally heard.

Voldemort's eyes grew, feeling a warmth fill his chest, as the girl looked at Oakes by the side, who nodded.

–Yes, hatchling. It's your Pappy.–

Voldemort looked up at Harry, who was looking back with a smile and the boy in his arms. Voldemort looked down at the girl who kept saying 'Pappy', apparently it was the first world she ever said, and decided to stop fighting it.

This was his family and if people would be too stupid to attach them… He would make them pay!

Voldemort approached his lover, who smiled back, putting himself on his toes to kiss Voldemort who had leaned down, kissing back. How long had it been since he had tasted those sinful lips of his?

"Welcome home, Minister." His Harry said with a smile, tears running down his face.

Voldemort lowered his head on to Harry's hair, smelling his natural smell. He didn't said anything, but he knew he didn't need to. If there was someone who knew him, it was his Harry.

"By the way… Where is my wand?" His Harry reprimanded.

Voldemort laughed, pulling away to look at his lover who was looking at him angrily. Voldemort picked the two wands from his pocked and gave them to Harry. It had been amusing to find that Dumbledore owned the elder wand and that he had claimed it with Harry's own wand and, because of that, the wand belonged to Harry himself. Now Harry only needed one thing to become the Master of Death…

Voldemort looked at his stepfather and the man approached, taking his hatchling, though the girl wasn't happy to leave Voldemort's arms. Voldemort took a ring from his pocket and kneeled before Harry; claiming Harry as his, giving him a part of his soul and giving Harry immortality all with one ring. He wouldn't lose him again!


Harry's eyes grew as Voldemort asked for his hand in marriage and couldn't help but kneel before the man, hugging him as he cried into his arms, Rabbie in his own arms.

Voldemort was here to stay!

Their moment was forced to an end by a crying Lily, angry at not being on her Pappy's arms.

The End!

A/N: And this is the end to this story, thank you all for following, favouriting and reviewing/commenting this story. I hope you liked it. ^_^

Lil' Tommy is an abbreviation to Lily Tomette, it doesn't have anything to do with little.

And about Oakes answering to Voldemort's own thoughts, he is the man own horcrux, he knows how his other self thinks, besides if he want he can see inside Voldemort's own mind.

~Isys Skeeter

Ps.: If you want to keep updated on my fanfics or just talk to me or give me suggestions: www(doc)facebook(doc)com/IsysSkeeterFanfiction