Here's a one-shot of Dick's future ( or how I wish it was). And yes, I used my OC.

Dick's POV

I looked at the small bundle in my hands. She was so small, so fragile. She barely cried, but she wiggled every once in a while. I don't know why, but I can't look away from her small face. I can't even begin to describe the feelings inside me right now as I hold her, my baby girl. I finally managed to take my gaze away from her and turned to my wife lying there in the hospital bed, just watching me with a smile. I walked over to her slowly with the bundle in my arms and sat down on the edge of her bed. She turned her head to look me straight in the eye. I knew what she was remembering.

"It's almost time." I whispered to my friend and best man Wally.

"You ready for this?" Wally asked raising an eyebrow. I gave him a node and turned to look down the isle of this small church when I heard the music change. I knew she would be coming soon and as if on cue I saw her. She wore a strapless white dress. It was trailing behind her as well. Her red- hair was in a bun with a tiara holding the vale up. She was the most amazing person I ever saw. She looked to her father who was leading her down that isle. He smiled to her and she smiled back and she turned her gaze back to me.

"Wow, nice." Wally whispered in my ear behind me. I ignored him and continued to watch my soon-to-be wife come closer. Next thing I knew she was right in front of me and I took her hand to lead her rest of the way.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to today…." The preacher said, but I ignored the rest till he said, "Richard John Grayson, do you take Barbra Marie Gordon to be your wife?"

"I do." I said plainly. He asked the same question to her and she agreed as well.

I treasured that memory as we both looked to the little girl in my arms as she started to whine. She opened her eyes for the first time and they were the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.

"She has her father's eyes." Barbra told me as I stared fixated on the new baby blues that looked back at mine.

'No,' I thought to myself. 'She has her grandmother's.'

I stood on that trapeze watching as my parents, aunt, uncle, and cousin said goodbye and leaped onto that wire.

I was only eight years old at the time, but I remember it like it was yesterday, when it happened.

They were amazing, they way they did their signature move. I was jealous that I wasn't old enough to do that stunt yet. I then heard snapping and I looked up at the wire above my head. They were snapping! I looked back at my family with wide eyes and I met my mother's beautiful blue eyes, they were happy till they saw they wire. They then were filled with fear. SNAP! The wire broke and as they fell, I heard my mom scream my name. Time slowed, I don't remember what happened next, all I know is that I was running. From what I had no idea, I just needed to get away. Away from everything. I felt the tears streaming down my face, but I didn't cry. I finally stopped running when I reached the edge of a cliff. As I looked down I saw my families' bodies, bloody and broken. I broke down then. I sat at the edge of that cliff and brought my knees up to my chest and cried. The idea finally sank in; I was a Grayson, the last Grayson.

'Not anymore.' I thought to myself as I held little Mary Jane Grayson and sat next to my wife, Barbra Marie Grayson. Then I remembered something Bruce told me, "One day, the Graysons will fly again."

How right he was… .

This is for my sister, trix1015. She's a Babs/Dick fan so I thought she would like this. I wrote this after reading Angle of Darkness by OwlheadAthena.