Disclaimer: Criminal Minds and its affiliated characters do not belong to me. I mean no copyright infringement.

Author's Notes: This epilogue turned out to be much longer than I anticipated. Even though it starts off with a little suspense and M/R smut, my goal was to tie up any loose ends and make it feel finished when it's done. Suspense, smut, humor and surprises… I hope it was worth the wait :)

Thank you so much for all the reviews, alerts and favorites. I've been overwhelmed and very appreciative from the beginning. I made it to 300 reviews! Thanks so much! I have other stories I need to finish, but I want to write more MoReid stories in the future

Thank you jenny crum, cr8zymommy, Palmer Blu, Sue1313, klagana1, Gubleronics, fire dragonheart, irishgirl9, nannily, yugiyamisex4eva (Ch. 12-14) and 'Guest'(Ch. 11) for your wonderful reviews! You are so awesome! You really know how to make a fan girl smile *u*

**Responses to your reviews are at the end of this chapter.**

The Surprise in the Jealousy


~3 months later~

It had become common for Reid to leave work with Morgan and stay the night with him, but Reid had mail and clothes he needed to get from his apartment. He was definitely staying the night with Morgan because otherwise he would fret over the next day's meeting with Hotch and Strauss. He knew the team was optimistic, but Strauss could be unpredictable. And there was the matter of Morgan being offered to run the Baltimore field office as the Special Agent in Charge.

When he made it to Morgan's, he was surprised to see him in the backyard grilling hamburgers.

"When did you have time to go grocery shopping?"

"It didn't take that long. I just grabbed what I needed for tonight. Dinner and Dessert."

"That's not very good time management. Now you'll have to go back again."

"Maybe I'll just make you go," Morgan said with a wink.

"You'll eat what I buy without complaint?" he asked teasingly.

Morgan furrowed his brows. "I was just kidding, Spencer."

Reid laughed. "So, what is so special that it deserved its own special trip to the store?"

Morgan flipped the burgers onto the slightly grilled buns and then walked over to Reid and engaged him in a passionate kiss. "You. You're special," he answered when the kiss finished. "I want tonight to be carefree without any talk of tomorrow's meeting. Promise."

"I'll try," Reid answered noncommittally.

"Don't worry, Pretty Boy. I'll be keeping you too occupied to think about anything."

"I like the sound of that," Reid said with a glint in his eyes.

A few minutes later, they were enjoying burgers and potato chips. Reid loved it when Morgan grilled food. Unlike Morgan, he wasn't usually successful with it. His meat either turned out too done or not done enough when Morgan wasn't there to supervise.

"Mmm. I didn't realize how hungry I was."

"You don't eat enough to keep a bird alive."

"That doesn't even make sense. Whoever thought of that expression?"

"I'm surprised you don't know."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't know everything?"

"Oh hush and have some of mine!"

Reid barely had time to open his mouth. Morgan laughed at the ketchup and mayonnaise on the sides of his mouth.

"Here, let me help you with that." Morgan took the napkin from Reid's hand and proceeded to lick the sauce from him.

"Mmm. I didn't realize how hungry I am."

"If you're still hungry, why are you shoving your burger in my mouth?"

Morgan chuckled as he watched him pop a chip into his mouth. "I wasn't talking about the food, Pretty Boy."

"Just checking," he grinned.

"But I could go for dessert."

Expecting Morgan to lift him from his chair, he frowned when he headed to the refrigerator and freezer. Soon he had ice cream, strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate syrup on the counter top.

"Sundaes?" he asked in obvious disappointment.

Morgan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and he instantly understood his lover's intent.

"Here, you carry the fruit and cream and I'll…"

Reid interrupted. "First one to the bedroom eats first!"

"That was unfair," cried Morgan as he landed on the bed next to Reid. "You got a head start."

"Like it really matters," laughed Reid. "You're going to absolutely enjoy this. Now strip," he commanded as he started undressing himself.

"You're so hot when you take control, Pretty Boy."

"You're hotter so let me cool you down."

"Be careful where you put the ice cream."

"That sounds like a dare."

"Don't forget that I'll get my turn next."

Reid ran the fingers on one hand down his chest and rippled abs thinking about what he wanted to do. Then he picked up the whipped cream can and squirted it out in the indentations between abdominal muscles.

Morgan laughed. "That tickles."

Reid smiled at him wickedly. Then he dispersed a few strawberries on the whipped cream followed by drizzles of chocolate sauce.

"No ice cream?" asked Morgan.

"Oh, I just haven't gotten to that, yet. I thought I'd be nice and not let it sit on you while I dressed you up with the other ingredients."

Before Morgan had time to respond, Reid had dumped a small spoonful of vanilla ice cream into his belly button. Morgan's squeak turned into a moan as he licked it away. Then he indulged himself with some toppings and a strawberry. He repeated the process by spooning ice cream on his nipples, each time going for more toppings. With the third strawberry, he carefully grabbed it with his teeth and offered it to Morgan. When he was done eating the strawberry, Reid swiped some more cream and chocolate syrup onto his tongue and kissed Morgan allowing him to sweep his tongue into his mouth. Morgan tried to take control and pull him all the way down.

"I'm not done, Sweet Thing."

"Sweet Thing?" Morgan was amused and a bit surprised. Reid didn't use pet names.

"You're deliciously sweet. This is the best dessert I've ever had."

He drizzled a liberal amount of chocolate syrup over his erection and devoured his treat.

Prepared for what his lover was going to do, Morgan still couldn't stop from bucking his hips. "Damn, Spencer! The way you work your tongue is incredible." Quicker than usual, he came with loud shouts of satisfaction.

Reid licked the remainder of his dessert from his abdomen while Morgan came down from his high. And as soon as he recovered, Reid found himself flipped over on his back.

"My turn now," Morgan noted with lustful eyes.

"Bring it on!"

Reid moaned and purred, squealed and giggled. Morgan worked him over and over teasing him by bringing him up and letting him calm only to bring him back to the peak again.

"Derek! Please!"

"Please, what?"

"Please make me come, damn it!"

Morgan chuckled and then gave him a desperate kiss that rivaled Reid's desperation.

A couple of minutes later, "Yes! Yes! You better not stop! Yes! Yes!" Morgan finally pushed him over the edge. "Derrrrr – eeeeeck!"

An hour later, Morgan and Reid stepped out of the shower exhausted and sated. Spooned together on clean sheets, they quickly fell into a peaceful sleep.


"How long have they been in there?" worried Garcia who was standing next to Emily's desk.

"About twenty minutes," answered JJ.

Rossi was in his office pretending not to be concerned about the meeting going on in the office next to his, but quick glances to the bull pen below confirmed they weren't finished, yet. The only profilers he saw were staring at Hotch's office window.

Hotch, Strauss, and he were in agreement that he shouldn't be part of the meeting. In fact, Rossi thought it best for his relationship with Strauss to cool down so it didn't look like he was intentionally interfering with the final outcome. He looked at his watch and once again took a deep breath and sighed. It had been twenty minutes. He hoped that was a good thing.


Morgan and Reid weren't surprised that Hotch and Rossi had done an extensive amount of documentation about their work habits throughout the three months in the BAU and out in the field. They specifically highlighted their most difficult case a month ago when Morgan and Reid were the only agents available when two witnesses turned out to be the unsubs. Time was a critical factor and civilians were not in danger. Knowing each others thoughts, strengths and typical courses of actions, they quickly formulated a plan with little verbal communication. They had both unsubs subdued before back-up ever arrived without anyone being injured. It was a point of pride that had been noted in their assessment.

Morgan and Reid were surprised by Strauss's role in the assessments. They assumed Hotch and Rossi were prepared for a fight and wanted enough evidence to back them up. But it was Strauss who decided early on that it was necessary to have detailed documentation in case her decision came into question at a later date.

"Does that mean what I think it means?' asked Reid.

"That is one component in determining what is best for this team to be successful." She answered. Reid was able to remain calm. Morgan took a deep breath and sighed quietly. He knew the biggest part hadn't come, yet.

Hotch spoke up for his second part in the assessment.

"I had the opportunity to meet with each team member individually about the changing dynamics in Agent Morgan's and Dr. Reid's personal relationship and how it affected the team as a whole. My assessments were positive. I gave them to you on Wednesday so you would have time to look at them. Do you have any questions or concerns?" Hotch asked politely following the chain of command.

"It looks like we have the documentation to support your ability to remain working on the same team," she said to Morgan and Reid. "If at any point the relationship hits a rocky road, which all do, and it affects your work performance, I'm requiring Agent Hotchner to report it to me and we can possibly give some support before we reevaluate and make changes to the team." She let that soak in before she continued.

"I have one more thing to discuss before we're done. Have you given any thought to the SAC position in the Baltimore field office?" she asked Morgan. "As it was explained to Hotch and me by the director, it would be temporary while the current Special Agent in Charge is recovering from surgery. It's only an hour away and if he isn't able to return, you would be given the opportunity to stay."

"With all due respect, ma'am, I stepped up as acting unit chief when the team needed me and I'm honored that administrative leaders were happy with my performance. But I prefer being in the field. I'm needed in the field. We work as team and we're effective."

"Do you think you will ever have any intentions of moving up in the ranks?"

"Maybe when I'm old like Rossi," he responded with a grin to lighten the mood. It worked.

Strauss let a small smile be seen. "I don't think you should share that with him."

"Probably not," agreed Hotch.

"Would you agree to something temporary?"

"It would depend on the requirements and locations. I would prefer to stay close to Quantico and… I would like to limit it to once a year at no more than six weeks in one location."

"I can accept that."

"And I want to make sure that Hotch is okay with this."

Hotch was concerned. "Is this going to turn out like what happened to Agent Jureau? Neither one of us had control over that situation."

I doubt that the director would press the issue. Agent Jureau is one of a kind in a much smaller field of candidates. There are many qualified agents who could be moved to a field office SAC position. Of course, they would prefer the best and Agent Morgan is on that list and would require less travel than most of the candidates. But it is not a point of contention over our jobs," she said to Hotch. "So, what is the decision for a temporary six weeks in Baltimore?"

Reid gave him a reassuring smile.

"When does it start?"

"Two weeks from this coming Monday."

Morgan nodded his confirmation.

So, in conclusion, Agent Morgan and Dr. Reid will remain on the team. If difficulties arise, intervention and further evaluations can be done. And Agent Morgan is open to the idea of helping run a field office once a year for up to six weeks. That's the very short version. I will type up my notes on Monday and send them to you after they are signed off by the director."

They all rose from their chairs and took turns shaking hands. Even Reid shook Strauss's hand. He'd been mentally preparing himself for it knowing it would be important.

Morgan and Reid left the office first. By that time, Rossi had gathered with Emily, JJ and Garcia in the bull pen waiting for the meeting to be over. After all, it was six o'clock on a Friday!

Neither man could remain from smiling for long. Morgan cracked first and Garcia squealed in delight. She hugged her hot stuff and then her boy wonder.

"We have to celebrate! Who's in?" Garcia asked excitedly.

Emily immediately announced, "I'm up for drinks. What about you JJ?"

"Already planned for a sitter just in case Will couldn't get the evening off. So, where are we going Derek and Spence? Your choice."

Morgan shrugged and looked at Reid. "The usual?"

"Can we choose somewhere more quiet and where nobody is going to force me to dance?" he asked timidly afraid they would reject his idea.

"No dancing?" Morgan had really hoped to get Reid on the dance floor. They'd been practicing at home.

"What about the Nationals Bar & Grill?" asked Rossi. "It will also give us dinner with our drinks… and no dancing."

Reid beamed with happiness.

'Who could resist that face?' thought Morgan. "The bar and grill it is."

"That was easy. I thought we'd hear some begging," said Emily.

It was then that they noticed Strauss leaving Hotch's office with her typical poker face.

Garcia was giddy and grateful and spoke before thinking. "Chief Strauss? You're welcome to join our celebration."

Strauss looked stunned as did the rest of the team. "Thank you for the invitation, Garcia. However, I have other plans for this evening." Everyone except for Reid noticed her glance at Rossi.

"Okay, well, have fun."

"I'll let Hotch know where everyone's going," said Rossi. "Go ahead and get a table saved for us."

Rossi knocked on the door that was partially open and walked in. "The team is going to the Nationals Bar & Grill. They're leaving now to reserve a table. If you want to go, I'll wait until you're ready."

Hotch smiled slightly. "You just want to talk about the meeting, specifically how Strauss acted in the meeting," he accused him while packing his brief case to leave for the day.

"I wasn't going to, but since you offered…" he said with a smirk.

Rossi didn't see Hotch roll his eyes as he locked the door. They walked to the elevator without saying anything. Once inside, Rossi broke the silence. "That's okay. I was going to ask her myself."

Hotch was surprised. "You can wait that long?"

"About that," Rossi began. "I never actually told anyone I was going."

"And skip an important celebration," he answered incredulously.

"Stop judging. You of all people should know what it's like to be frustrated."

"Gee, thanks for bringing that up." Hotch sighed. "Fine. We'll be seeing you at the game tomorrow." He turned to look at his friend. "You are still going to the game?"

"Of course, I am."


"But I can't say how long I'll stay if I have to sit anywhere near Reid who'll most likely talk about the physics involved in the game all day."

Hotch laughed. "I'll do what I can to minimize that."

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow." They left the elevator and walked in different directions to the cars.


Reid was the first one in the door that night after the bar with Morgan right behind him. A moment later, the door was closed and Morgan had Reid's back pulled snug against his chest. The surprise made him gasp, but soon he was mewling from the kisses on his neck. Morgan huskily whispered, "I think it's time we have a private celebration." He nipped at his earlobe and received a moan. He brought Reid even closer to him when he cupped him from behind keeping him still and making sure he could feel how turned on he was.

Reid moaned louder. "Love the way you make me feel." He ran his hands up and down Morgan's hips and thighs.

"It's reciprocated." He started to walk them towards the bedroom. "I especially love the way you feel hot and tight when I'm thrusting into you."

"Yes," Reid responded between moans. He turned around in Morgan's arms and walked backwards the rest of the way so he could kiss him with all the desire he was feeling.

It wasn't frantic with lust that night. It was slow, tender and especially loving. When they came together, it was with words that spoke of love. Their eyes never wandered from each other until the ecstasy was too much and they closed them and savored the moment.

They snuggled in each other's arms in the afterglow exchanging small kisses while they talked about their night.

"Garcia seemed happier tonight than I've seen in a long time."

"She's finally letting go of Kevin. I never liked the guy and always thought she deserved someone better."

"Let me guess… someone who will treat her like the goddess she is."

Morgan chuckled. "Yeah, someone like that. For now, she's playing the field."

"Did you see Hotch when Garcia was asking Emily to go man hunting with her tomorrow night after the game?"

"No, I was only watching Emily who surprised me by saying she had plans. I tried to get her to tell me who she was seeing or what she was doing. She wouldn't tell me anything. What did Hotch do?"

"He stiffened. It wasn't much, but he did it again when you were talking with her. After that, he didn't leave her side the rest of the night. They were very comfortable together. I remember thinking the same thing at the dinner cruise."

"I think a miracle happened, today. I can't see Strauss being as understanding if Hotch and Emily hook up."

"Should be interesting to watch. Maybe we'll see something at the Cubs & Nationals game tomorrow."

"I'm still shocked you came up with the idea for the team to go to a baseball team together."

"I'm full of surprises."

They exchanged a few lazy and sleepy kisses.

"Are you happy with how things turned out?" asked Morgan.

"Of course, why would you ask that?"

"You're okay with me working in Baltimore?"

"It's not like you're staying there permanently. I'm glad that you got her to agree it won't be happening often. If you had to be a far away from me on a regular basis, it would be exceedingly difficult."

"When you go on a case, we could be a few hundred miles away from each," Morgan reminded him. He was beginning to wonder how Haley, Will and any of Rossi's ex-wives handled it.

"Well, we'll have to make the most of the time we have together."


"Well, what?" asked Reid in anticipation.

"Well, it would be nice if you weren't splitting your time between here and your apartment. And I happen to know your lease is up in a couple of months."

"You want to make this a permanent living arrangement."

"Is it too soon?" Morgan silently worried.

Reid gave him a heart-stopping grin. "I was wondering when you were going to suggest it."

"When?" asked Morgan with elation.

"Let's decide that later. Right now I have other plans for you." Reid climbed on top of Morgan and engaged him in a hot and needy kiss. "After this, you may not need to run in the morning." Reid moaned with him when he felt Morgan buck underneath him.

The rest of their love-making that night was much more athletic and demanding than their first round.


It didn't take long for Jack and Henry to start jumping up and down and begging to ride the small ferris wheel with baseball shaped seats.

"Oh! That would be so much fun! I can take pictures!"

"Thanks, Garcia. Did you notice the line?" asked JJ.

"We have time. Jack, what does your new watch say?" asked Garcia.

"Um, I think it is 5:00."

The group hid their smiles and chuckles.

"Nice try, Kiddo." Rossi comforted. "The big and little hands are switched. So, it's almost 12:30."

"See, we have plenty of time," said Garcia proudly.

Hotch groaned.

"It's okay. Why don't the three of us," Emily said referring to JJ and Garcia. "Stay with the boys and the rest of you party poopers can go find our seats."

"Party poopers!" screeched Jack and started laughing hysterically. Henry happily joined him. Even Morgan, Reid and Rossi laughed a little.

"Men are just little boys in grown up packages," muttered JJ.

The guys left the girls with Jack and Henry and went to search for their seats. They hadn't walked very far when Reid stopped and grabbed Morgan's arm. A man abruptly ran into Morgan.

"Sorry, man," Morgan said to the stranger.

"Reid, what are you doing? Trying to get us trampled?"

"There are not nearly enough people here for that to happen."

Morgan groaned. "What are you looking at?"

"It's not what. It's who," Reid said without taking his eyes off the men he was watching.

"Is that…"

"Rob," Reid finished for him. "He just spotted us." He looked at Morgan. "Are you up for this? If you're uncomfortable, you can go on ahead with Hotch and Rossi."

"It's fine. I'm staying with you."

Rob and Reid greeted each other simultaneously with genuine smiles.

"Derek, it's nice to see you again," Rob said politely.

"I'd like you to meet, Trent." He was slightly shorter than Rob, muscular, tanned and wore his dark hair a little shaggy. Morgan couldn't help but think of Hotch's term, 'boy band.'

Derek and Trent shook hands while Reid stood there surprised and confused.

"Trent?" he asked Rob. "But how?"

Rob and Trent smiled endearingly at each other before Rob explained. "The marriage ended when she walked out."

Trent laughed. "I'm not embarrassed to tell the blunt truth. It brought us back together."

Reid and Morgan couldn't hide their curiosity after that.

"After a year, my wife was upset she wasn't pregnant, yet. She insisted on seeing specialists. It turns out that my swimmers are in very short supply. She left because as she put it, she needed to find a real man."

"That's harsh," mumbled Morgan.

"A man's sperm count isn't indicative of his performance in sexual encounters."

Morgan slapped Reid on his ass. They all laughed as Reid blushed.

"So, you brought Spencer to a baseball game?" asked Rob.

"No. He brought me to a baseball game. Actually, the whole team is with us, but it was his idea."

"I'm impressed."

Reid gave Rob his kitten glare. "I can learn to like new things."

"I can see the attraction," mumbled Trent.

Rob and Morgan looked at him in disbelief.

"What?" said Trent.

To take the attention off of Trent's embarrassing assessment of him, Reid started rambling about his knowledge of baseball trivia.

"In 1961, a truck driver named Sal Durante caught Roger Maris's historic 61st homerun. The fan tried to return it to the player, but he was told to keep it or sell it. He sold it for $5,000.00. Did you know the homerun record wasn't broken for another 37 years?" Reid asked excitedly.

"Yes, I know, Reid."

It didn't faze Reid. He just continued talking.

"In 1998, a man named Phil Ozersky caught Mark McGuire's 70th homerun and sold it for $3 million."*

"Then why didn't you ask Rossi to get us seats in the outfield?"

"Do you know the odds of catching a homerun?"

"Uh oh," said Rob.

"Please tell me that was a hypothetical question," stated Morgan.

Before Reid had the chance to give any statistics, Morgan initiated the good-byes.

"It was nice to meet the both of you," said Trent.

"Likewise," agreed Reid.

"Same here," said Morgan. "But don't get your hopes up about the game. The Cubs are going to whip your asses."

Reid rolled his eyes. "You do know your team isn't doing well, this year, right?"

Morgan gave him another playful slap on his ass.


With Morgan and Reid stopping to talk with Rob and Trent, it gave Rossi time to interrogate Hotch about his love life. He knew Beth had left soon after the bank robbery and bomb blast in the capital. She started to doubt her ability to live with that level of worry long-term. Hotch was thankful that the burden of ending the relationship had been taken away from him.

Rossi knew Hotch was keeping a secret and he was determined to find out what it was, more accurately, who the mystery woman was.

"It's just us. Are you ready to tell me who she is?" asked Rossi nonchalantly as they took their seats in the third row of box seats on the first base line. It was nice to have a publisher with connections.

"There's nothing to tell right now. She's starting a new job soon in counter terrorism in DC. Making that kind of change isn't really conducive for beginning a serious relationship." It was technically true, thought Hotch. He and Emily weren't new unless you considered three months as new. "I have Jack to think about, too." But if Jack had his way, Emily would become a permanent person in their lives.

Strauss already knew Emily was leaving the BAU because she needed a change from the work she did when Doyle changed her life again. She still loved her team and didn't want to be far away. What Strauss didn't know was that there was a secondary reason; she and Hotch had started a new relationship. The team was unaware of both of Emily's life changes and that included his best friend for now.

His team also didn't know that Emily's job change in a few weeks was one of the reasons Strauss allowed Morgan and Reid to stay with the team. They were going to need the stability while looking and hiring a new profiler. It was truly incredible in his mind the changes their section chief had made since divorcing her husband and successfully controlling her alcoholism. A couple of years earlier, she would have been thrilled to tear them apart.

"Well," drawled Rossi. "If you're not going to talk about yours, we can talk about mine."

"Do we have to?" groaned Hotch.

Rossi chuckled. "Saved by the lovebirds."

Morgan and Reid took two seats in the fourth row behind them.

"What did we miss?" asked Morgan.

"You really don't want to know," Hotch said hoping they would drop it.

"I can't get Hotch to open up about his love life," Rossi offered with a huge smile watching his friend's discomfort.

Reid innocently remarked, "I didn't know he had a love life anymore."

"Thanks, Reid," Hotch answered with annoyance.

"But I offered to talk about mine," Rossi announced teasingly.

"As long as it doesn't have to do with Strauss, I'm all ears," Morgan admitted.

"Well, there was a bookstore owner…"

"You cheated on Strauss?" asked Hotch incredulously.

"Erin and I aren't in a committed relationship," Rossi defended. "Besides…"

"I thought you were just taking a break to help us," said Reid truly surprised by Rossi's return to being what Morgan called a 'player.' "She may not be someone I consider as a friend, but I find that I'm really disappointed."

"Relax, Spencer." Morgan bent over and kissed his forehead. "The man's been married three times. It's understandable if he thinks no one will be good enough to satisfy him for very long."

Rossi didn't take Morgan's statement personally, but he was offended that someone would think that his Erin couldn't be satisfying. You just don't talk about a lady like that.

"I'd better not ever again hear you insinuate that Erin isn't satisfying. Is that understood, kid?"

"Yeah, man. I never meant it that way, anyway." Rossi glared at him.

Hotch interrupted before Rossi thought about throwing a punch at Morgan. "We're sorry for misunderstanding. If you want to bang bookstore owners, fans, or random people in bars, go for it. I won't judge you."

"Not that it's any of your business, I was just going to embellish a tale of the last bookstore owner who tried and failed to seduce me into her bed. It was actually quite comical. But now you'll just have to wonder."

"Way to go, Derek. That could've been quite humorous," said Reid in actual disappointment.

"In the very least, it would have been better than imagining Dave and Strauss doing it in every possible position to make up for the last few weeks," muttered Hotch.

"That's where you were last night?" asked Reid.


Emily and Jack sat in the third row with Hotch and Rossi while Henry, JJ and Garcia sat behind them in the 4th row with Reid and Morgan. Whenever the boys asked questions, Reid would proudly try and answer them. Usually his textbook answers would cause the boys to get confused and the team took turns explaining what was going on. So eventually, Reid went back to rambling about random baseball facts.

"Do you know of the only woman in major league baseball ever to make a hit?" Reid asked no one in particular.

"Um, Reid, there has never been a woman baseball player in this league." Morgan looked at him oddly. Reid never got facts wrong.

"That's true."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"On July 31, 1935, the Cincinnati Reds oversold tickets for their night game. To avoid a potential riot, they allowed 8,000 extra fans in to stand along the foul lines. The players had to get through the crowd to get to the field. When Reds player, Babe Herman, was trying to get to the field to bat in the eighth inning, a night club singer named Kitty Burke grabbed the bat from him and told her friends not to let go of him because she was going to take his turn at bat."

"And you're going to try and tell me she did? You know, JJ might have fooled me with the summer camp story, but you can't play me like that, Pretty Boy."

"I'm not! I swear! She went to bat against the Cardinals' Paul "Daffy" Dean. He lobbed the ball to her and she made a slow hit towards first base. Dean scooped it up and tagged her out. The crowd booed which was ridiculously unnecessary because it didn't count.* Why would they even consider it?"

"Maybe they didn't like the interruption in the game."

Reid shrugged. "Maybe they should have thought about the historical factor of it."


"Well, I would have."

"That's because you're Dr. Spencer Reid."

He looked partly mystified and partly annoyed. "Who else would I be?"

Morgan laughed heartily before leaning in for a quick kiss.

"Bob Watson scored major-league baseball's one millionth run. It happened on May 4, 1975, while he was playing for the Houston Astros. As a prize, he was given 1 million of something. You wanna guess what it was?"

"No," said the peanut gallery.

"You're no fun."

"That's not what you were saying last night," said Morgan.

Reid gave a sultry grin. "Make three guesses and I'll make sure more fun happens tonight."

"Ear muffs, boys," called Morgan. Then he looked at Reid. "You're bribing me for sex?"

"I would call it more of an incentive."

Morgan laughed as he shook his head at his amusing lover.

"Jack, Henry, would you like to make three guesses about the one million things the baseball player won?" asked Reid hopefully.

"Yeah!" they shouted.

"Okay, what's your first guess?"

Jack whispered in Henry's ear and Henry bobbed his head up and down.

"We guess pennies," Jack said as he held up the penny he'd found on the ground waiting for his ride on the ferris wheel.

"That's not it. Try again."

"What do you think, Henry?" asked Jack.

"Fire engines!"

Jack laughed. "No, they are too big. A million is really, really, really a lot," he explained with his arms open wide. "Pick something small."

"Ladybugs!" squealed Henry and the whole group laughed.

"I'll give you a hint," said Reid. "It's a snack food."

Jack's eyes lit up. "Candy bars!"

"I agree that's a tasty snack, but it was one million Tootsie Rolls."*

"How do you know that?" asked Morgan.

"I have an eidetic memory."

"I know that. But what have you been reading?"

"You've never read books with random facts?"

"No. Didn't know there was such a thing."

"Well then, you're missing out."

"I don't think so."

"I agree with your young man," said an elderly man behind them. "I read that same thing in Uncle John's Unstoppable Bathroom Reader."*


After another few stories, Hotch said to Rossi, "And you thought he'd be talking about physics."

"I've been trying hard not to, but I could," he answered excitedly.

Every profiler yelled 'no' which caused heads to turn.

"I'd rather deal with the random facts… in moderation," said Rossi with a grimace.

"I'm rather enjoying the show myself," said the same elderly man behind them.


The rookie, Anthony Rizzo, came up to bat in the ninth inning.

"Rizzo came up from the minor leagues on June 9th. Since then, Morgan's team has been doing much better. There's real hope for the second half of the season," Reid informed them. "His batting average is .354. He already has 4 doubles, 4 homeruns and 9 runs batted in."

"You know baseball stats, too?" asked Emily.

"I know the whole roster."

"Are these stats ever going through your mind when you're trying to hold back?" whispered Morgan a little too loudly.

"TMI from the back row," called Hotch.

"What's TMI?" asked Reid.


It was a warm day and they were all exhausted when the game finally ended at the end of the tenth inning with the Nationals winning.

"Sorry your team didn't win," said Rossi.

"But it was close," said Reid. "Like I said, they have a real chance of improving."

"We should have more family activities," Garcia said suddenly sounding alert and bubbly again.

"We're glad to hear that!" said Morgan with a grin. He put his arm around Reid. "We have a great idea for the next one. We can have a barbecue at our house."

"Your house?" asked Emily for confirmation. "As in the two of you together in one house?"

"You got it! We can have a barbecue right after we get all of Reid's things boxed and moved in."

The whole team groaned with thought of it.

"Can you imagine how many books we'll have to pack?" asked JJ.

"Can you imagine how many boxes of books we'll have to carry?" asked Rossi.


"It was a good day," sighed Reid later that evening snuggled up with Morgan on the couch watching the sports update for the day. He yawned and snuggled in some more letting his eyelids droop.

"It was a great day," said Morgan giving him a kiss on top of his head. He leaned over a bit and saw Reid's eyes closed.

"You're going to miss the rest of the sports report."

"That's okay. They already talked about the Cubs & Nationals game and I admit that's all I know about baseball," he said sleepily.

Morgan chuckled. "And all those random facts."

"Those, too. If you don't mind, I think I'll go back to learning about more interesting topics."

He laughed heartily. "I don't mind."

"You really don't?" Reid asked seriously.

"That you poured all the baseball information into your brain just for me makes me feel special."

"You are special, Derek."

"So, are you, Spencer." He said as he ran his fingers through Reid's soft hair. "How about we spend time on a special topic we both enjoy?" Morgan asked seductively.

"I don't think I'm sleepy anymore." Reid's eyes grew dark with lust and desire. "I think I'm ready for at least a couple of homeruns. What about you?"

Morgan growled. "I'll always be hard and ready for you, Pretty Boy."

"Likewise," he sighed before receiving a passionate kiss that continued all the way to the bedroom. As long as you're with me, Derek Morgan, you'll never have anyone to be jealous about again.


If you haven't reviewed yet,

please take a minute and let me know what you thought of this story!

If you've been a regular reviewer,

what did you think of the epilogue? 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars?

A/N: Baseball facts were taken from Uncle John's Unstoppable Bathroom Reader (the 16th edition).* If you've never read one these, you're really missing out! LOL!

cr8zymommy – I was concerned I spent too much time on Hotch's thoughts so I was thrilled to read your review praising it! I especially loved reading your review on Rossi and Strauss's conversation. Thank you so much!

Palmer Blu – Thank you so much for your generous praise! Loved hearing that you liked having all of the characters incorporated in the story.

Sue1313 – I like imagining Rossi being able to get Strauss to show a softer side. :)

klagana1 – I agree that his kitten glare is adorable. I just had to find a fun way to work it into the epilogue, too!

Gubleronics – You are so sweet and generous with your praise. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

jenny crum, irishgirl9 and fire dragonheart - Thank you for reading and for reviewing so many chapters.

nannily – Loved hearing that you thought Strauss finding out about Reid and Morgan was realistic. I hope you found out enough about H/P in the epilogue.

yugiyamisex4eva – Thanks for the reviews for chapters 12-14. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the story.