Hello, everyone!

Well, my dear readers, I am pleased to announce that the sequel to Missing, Forgotten, is now online!

Please enjoy the prologue :)

Oh, and I have some unfinished business to attend to.

The people who got the trivia question (what is Hermes the god of besides thieves?) right! You thought I forgot about you, didn't you? Well, I didn't.

Here's to the recognition!

A wonderful "Congratulations, you got it right!" to:

PercyplusAnnabeth, Aeron Thana, WisestOwl, Starkid Rocks (and your explanation!), a Guest,and PercabethAndZebrasFTW.

Thanks, guys!

Oh, and can I ask just one teensy favor from you? Any of you apply.

I am SO close to getting 100 reviews. Actually, I'm one away from getting 100 reviews. I have 99. Can I please, please, please have 100? You guys are already the bomb, but I'd really like to crack the 3-digits. :) 'Specially since I'm nearly there.

Thank you guys SO much for everything, again! Ya'll are awesome.

Now, stop reading this and go read the sequel. Off with ya!