My Dear Reader:

I am asking YOU for your personal help:

It's finally happening: Cats & Dogs will be pulled to publish on Tuesday, Sept 19, 2017.

Cover reveal: Sept 20th

Release Date: October 10th. I'm throwing a dart naming that date. It might be a couple of days earlier. Never know when the Zon will make a book go LIVE.

There were many delays due to a story bug I had to work out, but I think all of you will be pleased with the results.

Over the past year, I've determined that the first half of the story and the second don't have the same tone or plot motivations, so I broke it into two novellas rather than publishing one novel. I also expanded it, and changed parts of the plot. Part One is 45K long; Part Two will be approximately 35K.

I hope you'll go out and get a copy because partial proceeds from this story will be for children's cancer charities. For personal reasons.

I intend to keep the cost low, in hopes that it will sell a lot of copies. But I also need people to read it and review. I need 50 reviews on Amazon before the book shows up in the lists. So I'm offering ALL of you-my friends and loyal readers-a review copy for free. The only stipulation is that you review. That's so I get the money for charity, not for myself.

Please help me with this. I hope you'll PM me so we can arrange for you to get a free copy.

Love you all.

Jess Molly Brown


Young veterinarian Nathan Brooks spent every childhood summer with his neighbor's granddaughter Julia Hart. As a small boy, he'd been impressed by her attack on him with a plastic bat after his border collie attempted to eat her kitten. He knew he'd marry her someday. Childish spats evolved into something sweeter until suddenly, cats and dogs didn't seem so incompatible.

But Nathan's mother succumbed to cancer and his father and brother took solace in addiction. For Nathan, golden days grew few, and far between. Cast out of his home, Nathan had to make his own way in the world. For the first year, he managed to keep everything together. The year after that, his life fell apart and he left behind the only girl who ever mattered.

Three years after Nathan left her, Julia Hart is living in her grandmother's house next door. Nathan has returned home to open his own practice.

They have a lot of unfinished business.

Evidently, neither has been able to move on. But what can he offer her? They haven't spoken since the day he walked out with no explanation, and Julia's not about to let bygones be bygones. Not after she's spent three years shoring up the walls around her broken heart. Besides, he's not exactly convinced he's the best bet.

But fate has a way of knocking down walls when it gets good and ready. Even if Julia and Nathan are not.

This is the first of two novellas containing animal antics and a second chance romance. Partial proceeds will be donated by the author to children's cancer charities.