Betty turned to Gladys, taking note of the rich girls shoddy complexion and faded eyes.

Something screwy had happened to her too. Just two girls in the damned same boat by the looks of it.

"Your hair looks in a rats nest" the blatant conversation starter left the pair slightly down trodden.

"I can't close a damn rag top" Gladys followed on, better to play along than cover the truth. "With James enlisted... he left this morning, I..."

"What about the wedding?"

"We decided to run on promises"

Betty rose her eyebrows.

Yeah sure let's see how that works out for ya.


Gladys was then quick to notice the sadness in the blonds eyes, her bitter undertones, something had hacked at her.

"What happened to you?" Gladys knew it was a long shot that she'd actually open up, but then was sickeningly reassured by her slumped shoulders and hurt expression that Betty would actually confide in her.

Betty felt a steady punch in her gut, a quiver of a lip soon turned into a harsh, bitter expression to hide her hurt.

"Kate left" Betty felt the strangulation of tears try to break through, she masked it, just like all the pain she'd ever faced.

"I don't know where and that's the way she wants it"

Gladys looked over the blond, understanding of the pain ran between the pair.

Betty had lost the one person she gave a real damn about.

It stung.

"Oh dear" a whisper slid past Gladys's lips.

Oh dear. It spoke so much more.

Betty will be more of a bitch, was her first natural thought. But she was soon horrified by the fact she'd considered thinking that.

Betty would be hurting, she'd feel a tug on her heart every moment her mind wandered and brought her back to the truth of a loss.

Gladys knew that feeling all too well.

"My secrets out princess"

"I know the feeling... you're still standing" Gladys admired her for that.

"Barley" Betty admitted. "What about Kate?" her eyes had become red. "She's back where she said she'd never go"

Gladys knew Betty had always had to be the strong girl, the girl who never showed she cared becouse if she did, she'd get hurt.

Betty had broken her own code for Kate and felt like her own monster in result.

An army of 'what if's' and 'if I'd just's' ran through Betty's mind.

"I hope you find her" Gladys gave her a strong look, something to try and ignite the flame of confidence that had been so cruelly put out by a love that was unrequited.

"Make sure she's okay...You'll help me get my job back"

"The big promise" Betty spoke sharply. "That we might get the things we actually want" she laughed in a whisper of bitterness. "What if it's a lie?"

"We can't stop trying" Gladys dolled the idea up even though she knew that Betty was right.

"Come on Bets, we've got a war to win"