Holy Crap, I am hyper. I'm already going to crank out another story. Well, you see, This is going to take longer than trouble in paradise, mainly because I plan to average about 2000 words per chapter, and I'm a busy guy. Anyway, Enjoy!

My name is Daniel Thompson, and I am living in the beautiful town of Summers. I live a very normal, luxurious life in Summers, the hook is that how I managed to get here in the first place. You see, I'm a professionial thief. Most people here are corporate bigshots, other people like to dabble in the stock market, if you live by the docks, chances are your a fisherman and you live in your boat. I was born to a poor family in fourside, my parents tried to treat me lovingly, but we were just too poor. So I decided to take up being a thief, I stole things to survive. No shame in that, right? You see, the only real difference between myself and everyone else in Summers is that I'm not as discreet as everyone else when I steal from people.

Now, don't get me wrong. It's not like run in peoples houses all 'armed robbery' and whatnot, I'm still as discreet as I can be when I steal. I plan heists, I go in quietly and I get out even quieter. I take the valubles, and get out. I've been doing this long enough to bypass most forms of home security, and that's exactly why I'm going on a heist right now.

You see, I'm planning to steal from a mansion, this isn't just any mansion though, this mansion belongs to a rich 16 year old boy named Steven, this guy just completely appeared out of nowhere about two years ago, ever since then he's blown up in popularity. I've seen articles about how he just dominated the stock market over the course, I'm always reading about how he always knows when to invest and when to pull out. This led to him being one of the richest guys in Summers at the age of 15. Fast foward one more year and he's still on top. Well, all his success must've given him some sweet stuff to loot. I feel bad for the kid, but he needs to figure out how the world works evantually.

I've gone through the necessary precautions, I've met the kid once before, he likes to walk around Summers a lot. I've driven around his house a few times at night, just to get a feel of the area. You know, stuff like possible escape routes, hiding spots and whatnot. I've seen the inside of his house, due to the tour he has given during a certain television segment. I've looked at his security system while he was out, his lock is pretty easy to pick. He's not very smart. You see? This is why I need to do this, this little brat needs to learn. That aside, I think I'm set, I don't think this isn't going to take very long. I get on my gear and run to my car. I start it and get going to get this whole operation started, I know where Steven's place is, it's not very far from my house.

This'll be pretty simple, The plan is that I get to Steven's house and pick the lock to his front door. Acording to him, he doesn't even have a butler or anything. So, after I pick the lock to his front door, I'll quietly walk around his house, picking up items of interest along the way. I know where his room is, thanks to that tv segment, I can avoid it. Once I take all the items of interest, I'll get back in my car and drive home to count the spoils. Simple stuff. I stop the car gently at the curb, making sure to put it in a place he won't be able to see it. It helps that the car is black.

I use my lockpick and gently pick the lock to Steven's house, after a minute of trying the door slides open with a click. Bingo, i'm in, It's about four in the morning, so Steven's definitely asleep. I take a look around and search of any points of intrest, nothing yet, but this is only the foyer. Steven's house is a pretty simple one, well for someone living in Summers anyway. When you first enter the house, you enter a long hallway, on your left, you get Steven's main living room. On your right, you get a closet, mainly for shoes. If you walk down the hallway, you get a set a stairs going both up and down, upstairs is the typical stuff, bathroom, bedrooms, that kind of stuff. Downstairs has a game room and another bathroom. I could probably get some good stuff from the game room, but the living room is my first target. Slowly, I tiptoe to the living room, careful not to make any noise. I take out my flashlight and turn it on to a dim setting. Tsk, all I see is cheap boxing memorbilla. Nothing of interest. Suddenly, my flashlight goes out. Huh? I swore put in full batteries in this morning.

"FinD aNYthinG yoU lIke?" A voice calls out to me, I've been busted. The peculiar thing is that the voice sounded like Steven's but it was horribly distorted. Then I felt a hand grab my on the shoulder and forcibly turn me around. Oh my god! What the hell is that!

The thing I saw before me was beyond disturbing. It looked like Steven, except this thing was horrifying. Its form wavered, as if it was a relection on a body of water. Steven's fair skin was now a deathly pale, and there was a deep crimson aura radiating off of him. On his face, his mouth was split in a horribly distorted cheshire grin, far beyond what any human being could do, it bared his teeth. Instead of the pearly white, perfect teeth he usually had, he had these ugly, crooked yellow teeth that looked sharp enough to kill. Lastly, I looked at his eyes... Oh god his eyes! Instead of Steven's normal brown eyes, his eyes were replaced with souless black pits, and in the middle, there were these glowing, blood red orbs glaring RIGHT AT ME.

"dO noT tRy to taKE wHaT iS Not youRs, now rUn baCK tO thE CaGe yOu caLL THE moRtAl coIL, you pig." It said to me in it's destorted voice. I scream as loud as I can as I run out of Steven's house. I get halfway down the street and I hear it's insane cackle like it's right behind me.

"Hahahaha! Run forest, RUN!" I friggin love PSI! "Hohohohahahaha!" *Plip* I just stepped in a lukewarm puddle, this isn't funny anymore; I think I have an idea on where this puddle came from. Goddamnit! I'm fucking barefoot too! Well, the point here is that he is not going to try that shit again. I usually put a barrier around the house before I go asleep, but that was just too damn funny to pass up; well, it was until I just stepped in this damn puddle. I better get the mop.

Well hi there, reader. I go by lots of names, The top two are Steven and Giegue, I also go by other endearing names such as: Giygas, Asshole, Womanizing Prick, Dickhead, Gary, Stu, and other great names I just can't seem to remember. Well i'd prefer if you addressed me by Steven or Giegue. I prefer to not be called Giygas anymore, that was my war name, and as you can clearly see; i'm not at war right now; nope, just living my life in peace, having as much fun as I can.

I get to the broom closet and get myself a mop. Hmm, I did a pretty good job at scaring Mr. Thief. You see, telepathy also has another, stronger form of itself, although it's used for a different purpose. It's not a matter of telepathy beta or anything like that, it starts out as telepathy and then becomes domination once your good enough at it. Domination is more than reading the mind, it's controlling it. You've heard of domination. It's better known as Giygas's influence. How is this relevant to what just happened, you ask? Well, what I did was use PSI to change the appearence of my eyes, and then I used domination to make him think that he was seeing a horrible disfigured Steven. It worked nicely, too nicely, resulting in the puddle i'm mopping up right now.

Now, how do you think I know all this PSI stuff? You're probably thinking about how 'Giegue isn't a 16 year old human boy, and he doesn't talk like one either!' Well, things happen; those certain 'things' resulted in Giegue The Alien merging with a certain Steven The Human. So, uh, I'm basically a humanized Giegue, or a really powerful Steven. Take your pick; it's not like i'm really sure myself, so I just go by those two. Well, those and all the other wonderful names you read.

Well, the merging between Giegue and Steven had some side effects. What did you expect? Nothing like this has ever happened in gian or human history. From what I've seen; the side effects are mostly positive, with the exception of one inconvenience, my eyes. No, there not black or anything. My eyes are a deep shade of ruby red, you see, people don't really like the idea of a boy with red eyes, PSI is fine, but if you have red eyes? You're in big shit then. This is Summers for christsakes; red eyes are middle class! OK, that was a horrible joke, but nonetheless, showing off my unnatural red eyes to the general public isn't a very good idea, which is why I wear colored contact lenses. Another thing is something the merge didn't really cause, but it happens. You see, when I use major PSI, I get a red aura and my eyes glow, that came from being part Giegue, I think its pretty badass. Besides that, the merging resulted in my interesting personality. Giegue was a very calm and calculating guy, he was the kind of guy that could think of the most ridiculous plan and manage to make sense out of it. Steven on the other hand, he was a very aggressive guy, or so he wanted to be. The truth is, he had a pretty hard time getting his feelings across. When the merge happened, their unique traits mixed, like chocolate and peanut butter. I'd love to talk about my own personality, but you'd probably get a more honest answer from some of my 'colleagues.' I use that term loosely, not many people like me, not that it's very suprising, considering i've probably fought with most of my 'colleagues.' Well, that's life.

I don't have many colleagues. as I've said, the only colleagues I've had are people I've fought with as Giegue. I've worked with them as Steven, but that was really just me being a dick and doing stupid shit. I guess my closest thing to a friend is Ness, and he specifically told me to stay the hell away from him unless we get a lead. On who, you may ask? Well, you have to have read Trouble in Paradise, or you'll have to tune in to the next chapter. Oh, and if you spoil it, I'm finding where you live and punching you in the face! Well, that aside, I guess I have Jeff too, but he has school all year 'round. I guess I could drop by Winters or something, but I'm positive he wouldn't appreciate that

Mopping's done, and with that, so is this introductory chapter. You're probably asking yourself something like 'why is he talking to me, the reader?' Well, because this is the introductory chapter, moron! I think I can lean on the fourth wall a bit, just for the introductory chapter. Fair warning, your going to feel really lonely after this, I'm not really going to be talking to you much, I mean; I enjoy leaning on the fourth wall every now and then; I feel obligated to, after all, Earthbound did it's fair share of fourth wall humor, right? Although fourth wall humor is funny, it stales quickly, and it doesn't help when the materiel in question is trying to be serious, which this is going to be kind of serious, not too serious, though, it IS Earthbound, after all. Well, I suppose that concludes this introduction. Bye!