A/N: Hello all. I just watched the 2011 English Remake of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and well, as much of a mind fuck as that film was, I'm going to tackle a fanfic in honor of my confusion.

This fic is a continuation of the movie, after Lisbeth rides away from Mikael after seeing him walking with Erika. I instantly had this idea that Lisbeth, being heartbroken and dependant upon an established sexual relationship, finds someone else to fuffill her needs. Please note that I've only seen this film, I haven't read the books or seen the Swedish film. Anyway, enjoy! This story will be told from Lisbeth's POV.

LOTS of reviews and input would make me so happy. How am I doing with this story, let me know.

The Man With the Tattooed Sleeve

Chapter One: Damaged

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My former partner walking side by side with his "once was" lover, Erika, the sounds of their laughing and chatting senselessly is getting too much. Feeling suddenly depressed, despite being surrounded by the cheery Christmas snow and atmosphere, I shove Mikael's present into a dumpster and ride off away from the pair. Why Mikael, why would you do this? I ask myself angrily as I ride. After what seems like hours and hours, I find myself in an airport. I'm not conciously sure of the choices I'm making, but regardless I board the first flight out of that forsaken place. I don't care where I'm going, I just need to get far away.

After a smooth ten hour flight, the plane touchs down. I have to be shaken awake by a flight attendant, maybe the stress of the last few days is getting to me. As soon as I'm aware, I step out into the Florida sunlight. The weather of the East coast is certainly more inviting than Sweden's bleak coldness that is too painful to think about. I purchase another motorcycle with a chunk of money I lifted from Wennerstrom and weave aimlessly through rush hour traffic. I guess Floridians take their Monday commutes seriously. After parking in a hotel parking lot and checking in, I decide to tour the streets.

As I walk, I'm amazed at what I see. An abundance of every fast food, supermarkets and electronic stores ever. The air has a pleasant warmth and dryness that comforts my nasal cavities having been drencehed in tears due to my self pity. I left, I reminded myself, It was my choice.

As I buy a cup of coffee from the local Starbucks, I feel someone staring at me. Naturally I turn around and peer in every direction for wandering eyes. I turn back to the service counter and pick up my White Chocolate Mocha and begin to walk out of the bustling building.

"Excuse me, Miss." I hear a smooth male voice from behind me. Reluctant, I spin around to see a warm smile looking into my eyes. "Hello," I greet him. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help but notice you all alone. Would you care to join me?" he holds up a similar cup to the one I'm grasping in my left hand. "Sure, come on." I say, all doubt instantly melting away.

"So, what's your name, where you from, what do you do?" The guy pondered asking all the typical questions. "I'm Lisbeth Salander from Sweden. I'm a researcher and computer hacker." Instantly I'm red in the face. I hope my honesty doesn't send this man screaming but he is cool, "Nice. Yeah I tried my hand at hacking once. Failed miserably at it too." We both share a laugh. Surprisingly Im finding myself at ease with this new relationship. Suddenly I ask my own questions, "Same to you." I await his answer, my tongue growing drier by the second. The longer I stare at his toned body and wonderfully perfect lips, the wetter I'm becoming. "Well, name's Greg Skyring. I'm born and bred here. I'm an author." We walk towards a simple two story fortress, hand in hand.

"Welcome to Skyring Manor." Greg says as soon as we're inside. I'm impressed at his lifestyle. Simple yet elegant and well kept, every piece of furniture dusted miticiously. "So, where were we?" he says sitting me down on his modest biege couch. he begins kissing me with increasing passion.

"Wait," I push him from me. "There are a few things I have to tell you." I take several breaths. Greg has a painted look of sudden compassion as if he can see the pain in my heart. "I am damaged. I was raped by my legal guardian and recently betrayed by a former lover. Can you assure me that I don't have to worry about that again?" He looks at me with that warm smile, "Of course Lisbeth. As long as you don't let the past control your present and hinder your future."

We continue kissing. Maybe my decision to leave Mikael behind was a good thing. I am now free to reinvent myself.

A/N: How was that for an opening chapter? Let me know and I'll continue.