Hi everyone, this is my very first fanfic, so there might some spelling errors, if so pls correct me. Same with the description of the characters, correct me and bear with me. Ryoma and Tsuna will be both gender bender and also some ooc-ness.

normal talking...

normal talking in dreams or memory...

people talking in foreign languages...

people talking in foreign languages in dreams or memory...


On with the story...


"O'chibi, why do you have to kill wallet-kun? AGAIN!" The happy-go-lucky 21 years old acrobatics tennis player, Kikumaru Eiji complained

"Gomen*, Eiji Sempai*." I, Echizen Ryoma, said quite emotionlessly

"Oi, Echizen, when will you pay for the meal?" The smash specialist, Momoshiro Takeshi, grumbled with obvious signs of frustration, as he took a final look at his now dead wallet.

"When I stop playing tennis, meaning never, Momo-Sempai, ha!" I turned around to face the peach-head, but continued walking backwards as usual the Momo-Sempai start blabbering a bunch of nonsense like you have to respect your elders, but did that baka* realize he isn't much older than me. Suddenly Momo-Sempai and Eiji-Sempai screamed something, but I couldn't quite hear it, until I feel an instant pain at where arm is. I realized what they are trying to say, or to be exact trying to warn me. "O'chibi, watch there's a car behind you!" "Echizen, stop or you be hit by a car! Stop!"

Though it was too late, I was dead the second the big machine hit me.

I didn't know what happened next, all I know is when I was awake I was here in pitch black.


I would really appreciated if I don't have to face death threat every day of my life, but that seems highly impossible, from the minute I met my home tutor, the strongest infant hitman of this century, Reborn. The situation right now probably have topped 'my most dangerous day of my life' list (yeah I keep that kind of list). I'm now in the middle of a shooting outburst between the Vongola and some other dangerous mafia family, apparently we are supposed to have an alliance with this family, but that family 'unexpectedly' broke the contract. Anyways, my right-handed man, Gokudera Hayato, started yelling to me about watch behind you juudaime*, there's a man aiming at you. Right, I was aimed by a man with gun...Wait! I'm going to be shot, scrap that I have been shot, at no other place, but my heart.

So yeah that pretty much explained my death...


So that's how the two girls ended dead, and at the same place. Anyways, Ryoma and Tsuna are now both awake, but dead in the pitch blackness. Tsuna turned around and saw the dark-green haired girl and screamed.

"Would you keep it down?" Ryoma said cooly, but inside she was screaming her head off!

"'mdeadthanwhyareyouhere!" The brunette spit out the word in one breathe

"Um, would it kill you to slow down and to answer your questions," Ryoma continued,"Echizen Ryoma, I have no idea why I am here and I'm guessing since you said you are dead, then this must some kind of twisted heaven." I just wants some peace quite right now, since it hits me hard, when I realised I'm no long alive.

"Hello again, Vongola Decimo*." An familiar voice rang through Tsuna's head

"Young man, I never I will be seeing you so soon!" The same annoying voice woke Ryoma out of her own little bubble

"Primo*/Oyaji*!" Tsuna and Ryoma yelled at the same time

"Hi." They replied in unison

"So why are you here?" Ryoma asked her passed-away dad

"Well, Giotto and I are here to help you girls!" Najiroh said happily

"But how? It's a bit late since we are kinda already dead." Tsuna asked full of innocence, but unknown to her, the two male felt she was being sarcastic and doubting them.

"Well how would you like to have a second chance on living?" The former Samurai asked

"HUH!" The females gasped


That was the end of my first chapter of my first fanfic! Yeah! :)

Gomen: sorry

Sempai: Senior

baka: idiot

Juudamei: Tenth

Decimo: Tenth

Primo: First

Oyaji: Old man

Tsuna: Congrats Hikari-chan!

Me: Thx!

Ryoma: Me. Girl. WHY?

Me: Me. Author. Loving my power!

Ryoma: Che... Remember to review...

Tsuna: PLEASE*puppy dog eyes*