Aang Has a WHAT!? Chapter 4
Aang and Toph sat on Aang's bed. Katara stared down at them while Ayumi stood beside her, unable to remove her amused smile.
Katara crossed her arms, "What were you two thinking!? Not only did you wreck the bathtub..."
"Which we fixed." Toph quickly retorted.
"That doesn't matter! You two...doing something like that in such a place..." She tightly shut her eyes, trying to remove the image of Aang and Toph's glistening bodies on top of one another. She tried her best to keep her appearance of anger, but to no avail. Her the moment her mind was able to come to a calm, her thoughts spiraled once again to the lewd behavior of her two comrades. Her eyes darted back to Aang and Toph. Aang sheepishly avoided making eye contact with with her, while Toph looked as relaxed and uncaring as ever. The only covering that adorned their bodies were towels. Toph's hair which draped over her shoulders, was still a damp. Katara watched as small droplets of water from the ends of Toph's hair formed, and slid down her torso into the slight crease between her breasts. Her eyes then slowly moved from Toph's body, to her feet. She'd never noticed how alluring they actually were. They were just the perfect size, and so delicate looking, one couldn't help but want to stroke them from her delicate heels, to the tips of her toes. And she always made them impossible to notice. Whether it was her describing what she "saw" with them, or how she called constantly having her fingers between her toes "cleaning". Not noticing them was absolutely impossible.
Toph carelessly curled, uncurled, and slowly wiggled her toes, almost as if she knew Katara was looking and she wanted to tease her. Then her eyes turned to Aang, who was of course distracted by Toph. The towel around his lap barely covered him, but it still hid the very thing she wanted to see for herself. Just by watching him, she knew that Aang was incredibly talented in the bedroom...'if only I could just have him for just one...'
Katara shook her head and tried to regained her train of thought, trying not to make it too obvious that she was looking at "It's just...what in the world were you two thinking?"
Toph smirked, "It's kinda hard to think when you're getting your brains fucked out."
Ayumi blushed as she uncontrollably laughed, "Nice one, Toph."
"Ayumi! Don't encourage them!"
Toph threw her head back and let out a loud exasperated sigh, "Are you almost done, Sugar Queen? I have better things to do than listen to some sexually repressed nag complaining about what I do during my private time."
She lifted her legs up and rested them on Aang's lap. She crossed her legs, allowing the tips of her toes to lightly brush against Aang's bare chest as she continued to wiggle and curl them, making the Avatar slightly tense up.
Katara gritted her teeth at Toph's snide comment, "Oh really!? Better things like what!?"
Just as Toph was about to come up with a witty quip, she felt Aang's member stiffen under her.
She slowly drew drew her legs back, allowing Aang to rise to full mast.
Katara and Ayumi fell into a dead silence as their eyes fell upon the tent in Aang's towel. His face flushed a deep red. He could feel the entire room staring at him.
"A-Aang..." Katara stuttered.
"Yum." Ayumi's mouth watered as she lustfully licked her lips.
Toph devilishly smirked and began to gently stoke Aang from tip to base with her foot, "Better things like this, if you must know."
Katara was at a loss for words, and Ayumi struggled to catch her breath as she while fell to the floor in laughter.
Ayumi wiped away a tear from her eye, "Come on Katara, cut them some slack. They fixed the damage, so I don't see what the problem is? They're just enjoying the fiery passions of their youths." She closed her eyes and clasped her hands while she reveled in her thoughts of her love and appreciation for all things lustful.
"But...it's so inappropriate..."
"Like you're one to talk." Ayumi giggled.
Katara gasped, "Shut up!"
Toph's eyebrow raised, "What does she mean by that?" Toph and Aang's interest began to peak. Toph removed her legs from the Avatar's lap to the floor as she sat up in her seat.
"She doesn't mean anything! She's just being stupid...you know how she is..."
Toph smirked as she felt the wild tremors from Katara's body vibrate under her feet, "I can tell you're lying."
Katara blushed, "I...I..."
"It's okay, Katara." Aang gently smiled, "You can tell us." He laughed, "After all, it's not like we're in any position to judge."
"Yeah, tell us Sugar Queen. What's the big secret?"
Katara waved her hands, "No really, it's nothing..."
"Yeah." Ayumi smirked, "If you count masturbating while watching them have sex as nothing."
Aang and Toph blankly stared at Katara. They were completely dumbfounded.
"But...but...Ayumi! You did it too!"
Ayumi rolled her eyes, "You act like anyone here would be surprised by that."
"...Sugar Queen...Holy shit..." Was all Toph could manage to say.
"It's not...I just..." Katara stammered as she tried to find some words that would absolve her what she did, but as the seconds passed, she began to feel overwhelmed by Aang and Toph's stares. Katara felt a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach. She began to tremble, and her tears began selling up in the corners of her eyes.
"I...I'm sorry..." She softly whimpered. Katara turned around, attempting to hide her tears as she walked towards the door. She was completely mortified, and cursed her lack of rational judgement in the past days. Katara began imagining what they would think of her from now on. 'They probably think I'm a bigger pervert than Ayumi...'
Before she got to the door, she felt herself being pulled back.
She was greeted by Aang's soft grey eyes. The more she stared into them, the worse she felt, "Please don't leave, Katara. No one here thinks any less of you." He tried to put on an assuring smile, hoping it would comfort her.
"Speak for yourself, Twinkle Toes." Toph laughed.
Aang turned his head towards Toph to subtly try to reign her in with his dissenting expression.
Toph continued to face straight ahead, "Twinle Toes, are you making a face at me?"
Aang sighed, "Do you really have to ask?"
"Well, seeing how I'm blind and all, yeah. I kinda do."
Aang palmed his face for, yet again, forgetting about her blindness."
"Fine, come back." Toph sighed as she motioned to Katara for her to return. Katara timidly made her way back in front of the two towel-clad benders. "I don't think any less of you, Sugar Queen."
Katara dabbed her eyes as she tried to regain her composure, "Thank y..."
"If anything," Toph interrupted, "I'm kinda impressed. It's kinda nice hearing that you actually do have a sex drive; makes you seem more human." She joked.
Katara narrowed her eyes, "Thanks..."
"Hey," Toph smirked, "I'm just being honest."
Katara walked over to Aang and tightly embraced him. Her face in his shoulder. Her fingers curled on his back as her body trembled. Aang felt slight dampness of her cheeks, "I'm really sorry, though. I shouldn't have been spying on you, and I promise I'll never do it again. Can you ever forgive me?"
"Oh quit with the apologies already!" Toph threw her head back as she released an exasperated sigh.
Aang pulled back and looked into Katara's eyes with a warm smile, "We already said everything was okay!"
She released Aang and dried her eyes, "Thank you, guys." She began to wear a smile on her face, "I think I'm gonna go back to my room n..."
"Hold it!" Toph called out to Katara just as she turned to leave.
"I never said you were free to go." She smirked.
"Toph, what are you doing?" Aang asked.
"Twinkle Toes said he forgave you. I didn't." She nudged Aang's shoulder. "Hey Twinkle Toes," she playfully spoke, "I think Katara and Ayumi deserve some sort of punishment for spying on us, right?"
Aang gave a confused look. After a few seconds, he understood exactly what she meant.
Toph could feel his heart beginning to race, 'Heh, looks like he gets the picture.'
"Ooh." Ayumi slyly smirked, "This should be interesting."
"You take her for now, Twinkle Toes. Sugar Queen is all mine."
Toph fought to hold in her laughter as she felt Katara's discomfort. 'She's much more nervous than I thought she'd be. This is too perfect.'
Ayumi grabbed the Avatar's hand, and lifted him to his feet.
"Ayumi, what are you d..." Before he could finish, she delicately brought her lips to his. She lightly maneuvered her tongue on the surface of his bottom lip, playfully teasing the entrance of his mouth while trying to part his lips. Aang, though slightly caught off guard, followed the direction she gave. The tips of their tongues playfully flickered past one another. Ayumi giggled as they continued to play with each other.
Aang suddenly noticed, with every swipe of her tongue, it became progressively hotter. Aang, slightly dazed, pulled back.
Ayumi giggled, "Did that surprise you? I can raise the temperature of any body part I want with firebending."
Aang just stared into her lustful red eyes. He was at simple text loss for words.
"Your wish is my command, Lord Avatar. She bowed to him.
Without uttering a single word, Aang led her to the bed.
Toph smirked, 'Looks like they can entertain themselves for a while. Now for Katara.'
Katara watched in awe as Ayumi and Aang immersed themselves in each other. She began to unconsciously squeeze her thighs together.
"Alright, Sugar Queen."
Katara's attention was brought back to Toph who sat with one leg crossed over the other, "We can't let them be the only ones who are having fun."
Katara blushed, "W-what do you mean by that?"
Toph sinisterly smirked as she chuckled, "Get on your knees. It's time for your punishment."
Katara's heart began to race, "Wait...Toph, you're not seriously planning on..."
"I'm seriously planning on changing your nickname from "Sugar Queen" to "Voyeur Princess" if you don't do as I say. That'd be a pretty awkward nickname to explain to people, wouldn't it?"
Katara face flushed dark red.
"The once praised hero of the four nations, reduced to a peeping pervert who..."
"Okay! That's enough! You win..." Katara knelt before Toph as she had been instructed. She looked up into her sightless eyes, awaiting her "master's" instruction.
"What do you want me to do...?"
"What do you think? I want you to apologize."
Katara's brow raised in confusion, "That's it? But I said I was sorry."
"Not even close to what I mean." Toph uncrossed her legs, and let her right leg hang in front of the water bender's face. She taunted Katara, slowly curling and uncurling one toe after another. Flexing and spreading them, silently beckoning her to take action.
"Y-you want me to kiss it?" Katara timidly asked.
Toph giggled, "That'd be a start. I'll let you figure out where to go from there. You're smart. I doubt it will take you long to figure out, Sugar Queen."
"Before you complain, let me remind you that I'm being really generous by giving you an opportunity to earn my forgiveness."
Katara gulped. She hesitantly brought her hand closer to Toph's foot. She held the arch, feeling its movement as her toes continued to wiggle. She brought Toph's foot closer to her mouth and gently planted a kiss on the top of her toes.
"I-is that enough?"
Toph hysterically laughed, "Not even close! You've got a lot of work to do if you wanna beat Twinkle Toes' worship record."
Katara jaw hung after Toph's words registered, "He...he really did that?"
Toph nodded, "And he loved every second of it."
Katara was quite surprised, she never would have thought that Aang would have a foot fetish.
"Get to work, Sugar Queen! I'm starting to lose my patience."
Katara once again brought Toph's foot to her lips. She tentatively kissed the individual tips of each of Toph's toes. Once her lips reached Toph's pinkie toe, Katara's tongue nervously came out from between her lips and lightly licked the tip.
Toph smirked as she felt the the delegate sensation of Katara's moist tongue, "That's the way to do it, Sugar Queen." She praised.
Katara became bolder in her tongue strokes. Each consecutive toe received a longer, and more detailed stroke from her tongue. She would start with a light lick of the tip of Toph's toes, then she would drag her tongue down the length of it. Once she reached the base, she would drag her tongue to, and in between the creases of Toph's toes, and then drag her tongue from the bass of the under side of the toe, and back to the tip.
Toph released a blissful hum as she reveled in the sensation of Katara's talented tongue.
Katara then dragged her tongue from the under side of Toph's toes, to her ticklish arches, to her delicate soles. When she dragged her tongue back up, she gently suckled the tips of each of the earth bender's toes.
Toph slightly gasped with each suckling sensation she felt, "Hey..." She breathily panted, "You're not half bad at this."
As Katara continued in her worship, she noticed Toph's slightly fidgeting thighs. She guided her tongue from the side of of her heel, and up to her leg.
"What do you think you're doing, Sugar Qu..." Toph paused the moment she felt Katara's tongue breach the threshold of her thighs. Toph was in a state of complete disbelief, 'I-is she actually going to'
Katara smirked as her fingers lightly played with the moist lips of Toph's womanhood. She then spread the lips of Toph's glistening cleft, hardened her tongue, and roughly undulated her tongue across Toph's clitoris.
"Oh my god!" Toph cried out as Katara continued her worship the earthbender's most sensitive region.
Aang stared in utter shock at the spectacle before him.
Ayumi playfully stroked his stiff member, "Enjoying the show?"
Aang's body tensed when he felt Ayumi's warm tongue caressed the tip of his manhood, "Well just lay back and let me take care of you, Master Avatar." She seductively winked. She then wrapped her her mouth around his length.
Aang's hips bucked into the firebender's mouth.
Toph's gridded her hips in sync with Katara's tongue movements.
Katara's pace sped up and she felt The speed of Toph's movements increase, and her breath become more shallow. Katara's teased Toph's entrance with two of her fingers. She felt Toph move her hips forward in response to her teasing. Katara pushed the length of her index and middle finger into Toph's tight, and hot entrance.
Toph cried out as her back arched, and her legs locked Katara's head between her trembling thighs.
Toph's body fell lank as she tried to catch her breath. Katara pulled back from between the exhausted earth bender's legs.
"Well?" Katara smirked. "Do I have your forgiveness now?"
Toph lay back on the couch, still panting, "Wow..." She managed to speak, "I *pant* never thought *pant* you'd go that far."
Katara giggled, "Well now you know never to underestimate me."
Aang's hips pushed forward, forcing his length down Ayumi's mouth as his seed shot into the back of her throat. The sight of Katara worshiping Toph's body, as well as Ayumi's incredibly hot mouth was too much for him to.
His body fell lank as his body as he came down from his orgasm.
"That *pant* that was *pant*"
Ayumi placed her finger on his lips, "Just wait...we're not even done yet." She said, delicately running her fingers across his bare chest.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" Toph shot up from her seat.
"What?" Ayumi smirked, "I'm just full filling the terms of my punishment."
Toph pushed Katara out of the way as she stood up to confront the precocious firebender "Sex was never a part of the deal!"
"Wait...it wasn't?" Katara meekly asked.
"Seriously, Sugar Queen?"
Katara wildly blushed.
"That's not fair." Ayumi pouted. "You think you can just keep Aang all to yourself? I didn't realize you two were exclusive."
Toph's jaw dropped as she tried to find any words that would defend her pride, but she found none.
"I think I see how it is." Ayumi brought herself to her feet, "I think a little competition is in order for the affections of the Avatar. What do you say?"
Toph stomped the ground, cracking it beneath her feet, "Like hell we will! I'm not..."
"Capable of pleasing Aang better than Katara and I?"
Toph gritted her teeth, "Fine. Both of you bitches are on! And I'm gonna win!"
Katara palmed her face. The depths of Toph and Ayumi's immaturity was unfathomable. Though she didn't want to be involved in whatever contest the two were proposing, the idea of being able to be intimate with Aang did appeal to her deepest carnal desires.
Ayumi slyly smirked as she stared down Toph's sightless eyes, "May the best woman win."
To be continued...
:( I'm really sorry for the 4 year wait, guys. I've just been in a constant cycle of depression, and thus, my inspiration has been gone for a while. But, your likes and follows drove me forward.
You've given me the inspiration to embrace the power of the pervert, and pull out the penultimate chapter!
So thank you all for your patience with me, and your support of this story. This story is somewhat personal to me :) As I may or may not have stated before, season 2 of Avatar the Last Airbender (specifically the episode where Aang and Toph first interact) is what awakened my foot fetish, and there really aren't enough foot fetish stories about this show out there.
:) I thank you again for your reviews, your follows, and your favorites. The next chapter will be the last.
And with that, I wish you, a happy Valentine's Day. And as always...I wish you a
~Fappy Day~