"Yes…. I destroyed….. the world….. And created….. a new….." His vision faded to black.

A voice called to him.


Who are you? He thought.


You are? Then why; why are you talking to me?


I see; and you need my help, don't you?


I can't help you; I don't deserve to help anyone else anymore.


Hah; of course, I forgot you can see everything.


I don't know.

Alright then; what do you want me to do?

An enemy? Who is it; do I know the person?


Can you tell me who this person is?


I see. How do I get there?




What? But why?


I…. I see. But what about-




Wouldn't it be gone like last time?


I thought I can't-


So there's a loop hole to what you said earlier?


Wait a second. Did you say 'magic'? Where exactly am I going?


You're cruel. But I'm used to that kind of behaviour, I guess.

.. Alright; I'll help you. If it means I can make other people's lives better, than I am willing to go through with it.


I have one last question before I leave.


Will you watch over me? And everyone else?

That's right; and I'm forever grateful for that.

Well then; here I go!

Goodbye, Lelouch.

(A/N: Greetings. I am Epic Ebi, and this is will be my most prioritised fan-fiction. As you know, Fairy Tail fans, there aren't quite as many arcs as other shows like Bleach or Naruto. So bear with me if I create completely random arcs. But don't worry; I am sure you won't be disappointed with these plots. Before you read this, watch or read all of Fairy Tail and Code Geass to get the full experience.)

I do not own Code Geass or Fairy Tail.

Chapter 1: Lelouch Lamperouge - White Snow in Magnolia

A large surge of magic erupted from the sky; full of black clouds that swirled around where Magnolia once was. It was now a shadow of its former self. All that remained of it was a large amount of snow-like dust. Bubbles were rising out of the ground in small spots.

The large magic, Anima, capable of turning wizards into lacrima; blue crystal which can amplify magic power, was what Magnolia has become. It has become a source of magic power for Edolas – where it was transported to; the other world. But this event was not happening in Edolas – everything was unfolding in Earth Land.

A tornado of grey bore down on the ground. Something about this tornado was different to the one that consumed Magnolia. It started turning a bright gold colour. At the bottom of the gold tornado was a young, lean man with black hair, violet eyes and a weak build. He was wearing a black singlet, a brown jacket, grey pants and black shoes. He was lying on the ground, almost like he was in a peaceful sleep. The tornado around him subsided.

A tall man with staves on his back and blue hair walked over to the sleeping figure. In Earthland, he was known as Mystogan. In Edolas, he was Jellal; a prince. He knelt down besides the strange individual.

Strange, Mystogan thought. I've never seen this person before. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked gently; making sure not to scare the person awake.

"No… Stop…" The strange person said to himself.

He's talking in his sleep. Maybe I can get his name if he spits it out by accident. "Tell me your name. Can you do that for me?"


Nunnally? Mystogan was confused. I don't think that's his name. It sounds too feminine. Maybe if I try this. "Please; let me hear your name again."

"It's…okay… Your brother…Lelouch will protect you…"

Lelouch, huh? I think that's his name. And this 'Nunnally' person must be his sister; if I guess.

Lelouch bolted upright with eyes wide open; full of shock and confusion. He paused. "Who….am I?"

Now Mystogan was really confused. Didn't he say his name was Lelouch? Perhaps he has amnesia and can't remember his dreams? "Are you okay?" He asked.

Lelouch was startled by Mystogan. "Who are you?" he asked, panicked.

"Calm down." Mystogan put up his hand. "I won't hurt you."

"Tell me!" Lelouch was scared, so he wasn't up for calming down until he knew what was going on.

"My name is Mystogan," he said. "Lelouch, please calm down."

"Who?" Lelouch didn't remember his name.

"You; your name is Lelouch."

"How do you know?" Lelouch was slightly curious. So he calmed down a little to hear what Mystogan's answer was.

"You said your name in your sleep."

"I did?" Lelouch, expectedly, didn't recall saying anything before this meeting.

"I see. You can't remember anything, can you?"

Lelouch calmed down completely. "Now that you mention it; all I remember is this strange…power that I have."

"Power?" Mystogan wasn't quite sure how to react to that. A person who he had never met before this event has power? What kind of power was it? It certainly was not magic. But if that was thw case, what else could it be?

Lelouch felt that he shouldn't talk about it any further. Mystogan would be more suspicious than he appeared to be now. "Forget it; it might be nothing."

Mystogan concluded that Lelouch could be hiding something, but decided not to dwell on it for now. He put his hand down on the ground as he crossed his legs and sat down. "Alright; I think I should tell you where you are."

"Please," Lelouch insisted. "Anything you say will help me, Mysto…"

"I'm Mystogan." He sat down.

"Thank you, Mystogan."

Mystogan told Lelouch everything he knew about Earth Land. Lelouch absorbed the information like a sponge. He told Lelouch about the Fiore Kingdom, Magic, wizards, guilds and quests, the Magic Council, Dark Guilds and Dragon Slayers.

"Dragon Slayers?" Lelouch had an idea of what Mystogan was trying to say; but he didn't know for certain.

"Dragon Slayers are a special kind of wizard," Mystogan explained. "These people have been raised and trained by dragons to learn Dragon Slayer magic; which, as you can tell from the name, is strong enough to slay dragons."

I thought so. "And where are these dragons now?"

"No-one knows. Most people say they're extinct. But some Dragon Slayers would testify and say they're out there somewhere. They've been looking for seven years."

"Seven years? Has anyone seen them since?"

"No," Mystogan said bluntly.

"Interesting..." Lelouch was surprised, to say the least. Perhaps they left for some unknown reason...

"Then again; I can think of one person in my guild who can probably survive encountering one."

Lelouch hasn't been told about Mystogan's guild yet. "You're part of a guild? Can you tell me about it?"

"Sorry; but I have to go somewhere." Mystogan got up from sitting.

"Where exactly?" Lelouch felt if he knew where Mystogan was he could feel more comfortable being alone.

"I have to go to Edolas." Mystogan pulled out a glass container full of what look like red pebbles, took one out, and placed it in his mouth.

Lelouch remembered Mystogan mentioning Edolas when he talked about magic. He said that Edolas has limited magic power; unlike Earth Land where magic is limitless. He also said that a powerful magic called Anima was to be activated to absorb magic from Earth Land and convert it into lacrima. With lacrima, Edolas could gain magic.

Lelouch felt disgusted that people can do this to other people. For some reason, he felt that it was just wrong. He felt, that if other people were here right now, they'd feel the same way. But he understood that they were desperate to keep an important part of their culture. But why was magic scarce in the first place? Mystogan said that there was a King in Edolas. Lelouch put two and two together and figured it out instantly. The King was corrupt, and would've ordered some command to make magic consumption as small as possible; meaning that he made magic that much harder to utilise.

"Is your guild there?" Lelouch asked.

"Yes," Mystogan said back.

"Why are you going to save them? I thought they became a lacrima."

"I can still save them," Mystogan said. "There's still a possibility."


"I'm afraid I don't have time to explain. I need to prepare the gate to Edolas." Mystogan used magic to levitate Lelouch. "I can't have you come with me."

Lelouch wasn't happy about this. "Hey, wait! Put me down!" He struggled. "What am I supposed to do when I'm the only one here?"

"You can tell the my Guild Master when he comes back that I've gone to save everyone who hasn't become lacrima," Mystogan lied, and started moving Lelouch out of the radius. "Farewell, Lelouch."

"Stop! Put me down now!" Lelouch struggled more. He was at least one-thousand metres away. "MYSTOGAAAAAAAAAAN!"

Mystogan didn't actually use wind magic; it was an illusion he created to trick Lelouch. What Lelouch thought was that Mystogan moved him away from where Magnolia was. But in reality, Lelouch was just sitting still.

Mystogan burst through the sky, passing through an Anima into Edolas. When he left, Lelouch realised it was an illusion.

Cunning bastard, Lelouch thought. If I knew he used illusion magic I would've figured out how to avoid getting affected by it. Lelouch stood up. If I remember correctly, Mystogan said that there was a forest nearby here. Maybe I can take refuge in there for the time being.

Lelouch looked down at his feet. What?

He picked up a staff. It was one of Mystogan's. Why did Mystogan leave his staves with me? Unless… Lelouch looked up. You don't plan on coming back; do you? He headed east with Mystogan's magic staves. But instead of five; Lelouch held four. Mystogan took one with him.

Lelouch arrived in the East Forest, with staves in hand, by night-time and found a hut with a gravestone near the entrance. He walked up to the gravestone and examined it.

Lisanna…Strauss, Lelouch read. I wonder why there's a grave here. Maybe, this hut belonged to Lisanna, and someone wanted to honour her memory here. Perhaps burying her near a church didn't feel quite right. Lelouch wasn't that far from the truth. The only difference was that Lisanna owned the hut with the Dragon Slayer Natsu Dragneel. They even raised their 'child' Happy in there. He was right about honouring her memory. That's what Natsu did for her. No-one knew she was still alive though.

A large stomp was felt from behind Lelouch. He turned around quickly to see a large green and purple ape. It was at least three times Lelouch's height. Its muscle build was no laughing matter either. Lelouch doesn't feel intimidated for some reason. He doesn't seem very…powerful.

"Hey there, skinny-legs," the Vulcan taunted. "I've never seen you around here before!"

Skinny-legs? Lelouch didn't appreciate getting called a name from a strange animal. So he said a comeback. "Interesting; seeing as how your upper body is most likely compensating for your small lower body. And yet you make fun of my figure? How laughable."

The Vulcan didn't like Lelouch's comment. "What'd you say about me?" He raises his fist up in the air.

Lelouch, without thinking, took off his contacts and issued a command. "Leave this place immediately!" His Geass activated. The Vulcan never saw it coming.

The Vulcan paused. He lowered his fist. "Understood." He started walking away from the hut and towards the mountain range.

What the hell? Lelouch just realised what he did. Where did that come from? I didn't even think about doing that. Lelouch stood still. No; I shouldn't dwell on it for now. I need to find some source of food and water. Maybe I can set up some traps. Lelouch quickly reconsidered. On second thought; maybe I should try find fruit. His thought process was cut off from another presence in the woods. It was an old woman with pink hair. She didn't look too happy.

I thought I was the only other person here. "Hey," he called out. "Who are you?"

"I don't appreciate a stranger talking to me in such a rude manner!" she snapped back.

"I could say the same about you," Lelouch said and started walking towards her. "Do you think you can treat someone who you never met before with such disrespect?"

"You little hypocrite," The old hag snapped again. "I should teach you a lesson in manners!"

"My apologies," Lelouch said plainly. "But you seem to like contradicting what you say. Mind telling me what exactly makes you so exasperated?"

"Watch your tongue!"

"You're still proving my point," Lelouch countered calmly. "But if you insist; I apologise for acting in such a rude manner."

"I swear; you are the most arrogant young man I've ever met!"

This woman really hates social interactions. Maybe I could use my power on her to answer my questions.

The woman covered her eyes.

Lelouch knew why she did it. I guess this means I need eye contact to use my power. He put his contacts back on.

She put her arm back down. "Contacts?"

"I guess so," Lelouch shrugged.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked, curiously but bitterly.

"I don't remember obtaining them."


"That's right," Lelouch looked directly at the woman. Once he was in front of her, he raised his right hand. "My name's Lelouch. May I ask for your name?"

The woman was looking stern at this point. But she complied and shook his hand. "It's Porlyusica. I practise medicine."

Lelouch smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Porlyusica."

"Now that that's out of the way..." Porlyusica broke away from the handshake. "Why do you have Mystogan's staves?"

"Well it's because..." Lelouch looked down; feeling a little upset. "...Mystogan would've felt I needed them."

"Where is he now?"

"He's in Edolas; and staying there."

"And you know this how?"

"Since he only took one staff and used illusion magic on me, I assume he didn't want me to come along. I would've run the risk of getting lost or hurt."

"Yeah that's pretty evident. You're not from this world."

Lelouch was a little surprised to hear her say that. "I figured as much. The thing is; I need some place to stay for the time being."

Porlyusica thought to herself. He doesn't seem to have magic power. Maybe I can try making sure he's ready to take care of himself. If what he said about Mystogan is true, then… Porlyusica now knew what to do. She didn't like the idea at all, but she and Mystogan both came from Edolas. There was nothing wrong with doing Mystogan a favour. "Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"To my place; I think I can help you with something."

"Does that mean you know what happened to Magnolia?"

"Well if Mystogan went to Edolas, then that means Magnolia isn't anywhere right now."

Lelouch paused. "I see; you have a point. Is your place far from here?"

"Oh, you youngsters and your distances!"

There she goes again, Lelouch thought.

"Why is it that you people complain about how far something is!?"

"Well excuse me for saying this, but I don't exactly look like marathon-running material; and secondly, if we don't get there now then storms might come around."

"How do you know that?"

"Have you seen the weather back at Magnolia?"

Porlyusica stopped. Finally, she said, "Whatever. It's not too far from here. Follow me or I'll leave you behind."

"Alright," Lelouch replied and followed Porlyusica to where she lived.

A young man with white hair and red eyes was hovering in the air with white wings; hundreds of metres away from Lelouch and Porlyusica. He was wearing black, royal robes. He was a spitting image of Lelouch.

He was laughing. "How very interesting, Lelouch Lamperouge! It looks like you finally arrived! When we meet, I shall show you that you do not deserve your Geass. It will be mine, and I know the perfect way to take it from you!"

The Anti-Lelouch felt a presence behind him. "Tsumibito, it's time we leave." It was a male.

Tsumibito turned around. "Why hello there, Shokan." He looked incredibly smug.

Shokan was tall and very well built. He had blue eyes and shaggy brown hair. He was wearing a large blue coat and black slacks with colour-matching boots. He had an emotionless expression on his face. "How long are you going to look at your other half?"

"Correction: I am his other half; not the other way around." Tsumibito turned back around to the direction Lelouch was in. "However, I shall make sure I am the king in the end. I will call checkmate on him and he will have no hope of escaping." Tsumibito smirked. "I am him and he is me. Why don't we see who is the strongest one out of the two of us?"

"Why don't you take him out now?" Shokan asked.

Tsumibito turned back around. "Are you kidding? What's the fun in fighting someone who doesn't know how to use those staves on his body? I want to see his 'borrowed' magic power at his fullest. I want a challenge."

Shokan didn't say anything in response.

Tsumibito laughed. "Shokan, do you want to know something interesting? I know that at this rate, Lelouch will become the next Mystogan."

Shokan looked at Tsumibito in the same way he always has; apathetically. "How do you know that?"

"Because when Mystogan left, he left those staves with Lelouch on purpose. He wanted those who didn't realise the events in Edolas to think that Mystogan is still there with them. So when Lelouch goes to that woman's house, he will adopt the role of Mystogan. In fact, he'll gladly accept it."

"Very clever," Shokan complimented. "But what about those who didn't become lacrima?"

"That's easy; Lelouch is sharp with speech. He can get what he wants by talking with his intelligence."

Shokan paused. "This battle will become very interesting, Wizard of Grimoire Heart."

Tsumibito looked back at Lelouch's direction. "That's right. It will soon become a battle of wits. Fairy Tail will be in the middle of it all. Would it be wrong to say it's a game of fairy chess?"

"Not wrong..." Shokan shrugged. "...but silly."

"Whatever." I hope you don't disappoint, Lelouch. He smiled devilishly.

End of Chapter 1

(A/N: So that's that. Lelouch is in Magnolia, Edolas-Jellal entrusted Lelouch with his Earth Land identity Mystogan, and Tsumibito's going to make Lelouch's new life hell. Now I'll tell you all this: if you're wondering about Lelouch being Zero, then read on; I might just surprise you. And also: Lelouch thought he could avoid illusion magic, but we all know that it's not possible. But it made sense for him to think he could.

I'm Epic Ebi, and this has been the beginning of Fairy Chess. On a side note: see if you can spot the symbolism in the title.)

Edited as of the 9th of September 2012.