The final chapter! I promise it will be the best one!

You will love it!

Oh, and it is the longest and toke the longest to write XD

== Karkat: Be tricked

How are you going to be tricked? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you haven't seen 'master' in 3 days. Not since the effects of the green gushers wore off. You aren't complaining though, in the past three days you've managed to find all the alchemizers with in the area and found a way to make sure they don't make any more green gushers, it toke you all three days so you've had next to no sleep at all. Lucky for you there was only one that you had to toy with, unlucky for you or anyone else, it wouldn't make anything with the latter 'g' at the start or contains the words 'green' or 'gushers'.

You've just walked into what you have begun to call the main room because for some reason you always come back to it. You look around and, much to your semi-surprise, still no 'master'. You look over at the clock that hangs on the wall. It reads 09:10. You finish everything about an hour ago and have been trying to figure out wither or not you should just fall down asleep, but it hasn't happened yet so you assume its not going to, and gog you hope not you would be completely venerable.
"Karkat, what are you doing here?" That wasn't the voice of 'master' it didn't have the smirk or mocking tone to it. You turn around quickly.
"J...John?" You ask quietly, if your wrong you are going to pay for it and you know it.
"Of course it's me silly, who else would I b... Karkat? Are you hugging me?" Yes, yes you are. As soon as he said it was him you rushed over and hugged him because damn, you love this boy and you have been forced to live with a John that has eaten green gushers, and you should never eat green gushers!
"Fuck, you have no idea how glad to see you." You say, hugging him tightly.
"Hehe, I guessed that from the hug." John giggled, no you didn't notice the slight darkness in his voice.
"Oh, r-right, sorry." You say, blushing as you let go of him, but John just wraps his arms around you.
"I never told you I wanted you to stop." John says, smiling at you. Once more you fail to notice the difference in his face. You smile back and hug him again.
"Hey, um… karkat, can I…. um…. Can I ki… never mind." John says nervously…ish.

"Are you trying to ask if you can kiss me?" You say, blushing a bit more and hoping you didn't miss hear him. John nods and looks away you smile a bit more and pull the boy into a kiss. You should have guessed by the slight smirk on his face, you should have reliesed that he wasn't blushing, you should have guessed by the fact he wasn't shocked by your kiss, you should have noticed that he kissed you back instantly, no hesitation. But no, you don't. It takes until he has the sickle to the back of your neck that you relies it isn't John. You gasp slightly and your eyes widen.

"April fools." He says into your ear, the smirk now full force.
"Fuck." You curse, gaining a chuckle from 'master'.
"You are so gullible Karkat. Hehe, it's pathetic." 'Master' says and you try to pull away but he has the sickle to your neck and it's scaring you.
"That's fucking sick you asshole!" You growl, but it's only half-heartedly and 'Master' knows it.
"No Karkat, it's a joke, and you fall for it because your pathetic and gullible." 'Master' mocks. You just want him to shut up at the moment but there is still a sickle to your neck so you don't do anything. 'Master' leans up and kisses you again but you don't kiss back… somewhat don't at least. He trips you and you fall to the floor but it doesn't hurt to badly because 'master' does the windy thing so that you more or less float to the floor and he kneels in front of you. You're slightly to scared to glare at him because while he moved the sickle from your neck he still has it in his hand. If only you could keep that away from him you wont be scared to fight back. But you know you still wouldn't hurt him in anyway. While your trying to keep the two as far away from each other as possible in your mind you do know that 'master' was once John and there is still a chance of him becoming John again. He tries your arms together again but this time they are above your head and it's not as painful. You still don't have a top on because it seems that 'master' is the only one on this ship that knows where any shirts are and you were to busy to even look. 'Master' is making circles in your chest with the sickle again and he is just staring at you. This probably should come as a relief but it doesn't because you have a feeling that he is just waiting to do something.
"You know Karkat, your horns look a lot like this candy we had on Earth called 'Candy Corn'," 'Master' says and your eyes widen a bit again. The one thing he hadn't touched in all this time was your horns, or at least from what you remember he hadn't touched them, and you were hoping he wouldn't at all. You know what will happen and you seriously do NOT want that to happen at all.
"D-don't you dare touch them!" You say nervously and hope he listens.
"Did you just tell me what to do Karkat? I am pretty sure that is what you just did. I can do whatever I like because I am the master, not you. You don't even get a say in what I do!" 'Master' says darkly and shit, what did you just do. He moves his free hand up to your horn and starts to rub it lightly. He is only touching the top so its okay slightly and you don't have to hold in any moans but when he notices its not doing anything his hands start to move down the horn and rub harder. You let out a light gasp at the pressure and the feeling of pleasure that pass though you and fuuuuuuuuuck your already moaning and you didn't even notice. 'Master' is smirking at you.
"Hmm, they feel a little bit like Candy Corn, I wonder if they taste anything like that candy." 'Master' smirks. You try to pull away but he moves the sickle back up to your neck and you stop. 'Master' moves his mouth up to the horn that he isn't rubbing and licks it. You shiver slightly and curse yourself at the moan you let pass your lips. 'Master' just smirks more and puts the whole horn in his mouth and starts to suck. After about a minute you've become a moaning mess beneath him and you can already feel your pants getting more and more uncomfortable by the second. 'Master' seems to notice it to and he moves the hand that was rubbing your horn down to your bulge. He doesn't touch it though; instead 'master' teases you by ghosting his hand over it. You try to buck into his hand but he doesn't let you.
"My, my, someone's eager today." 'Master' chuckles, taking his mouth from your horn and causing you to make a needy whine, which you curse yourself for. You're pretty sure now that he touched your horns while you were under that green gusher. Great. You want to come up with a snappy remark, but you don't know what to say for once.
"Fuck you, I can't help it!" So you settle for that. Oh gog you suck at this.
"Hehehe, I thought you would have gotten the hang of this by now Karkat. I fuck you, not the other way round." 'Master' chuckles and you just glare at him. 'Master' moves his mouth back to your horn and, as hard as you try not to, you return to being a moaning hot mess beneath him.

Five minutes later and your ready to burst, but 'master' wont let you. He pulls away completely and you let out the most pathetic whimper. You curse your self but the noise has already left your lips. 'Master' chuckles at your noise and smirks down at you, taking in your appearance. Your panting heavily and you still have salvia on your horn. Your hands are tied above your head and your shirtless. Your hair is a mess and your chest and face are red.
"Gog Karkat, you look so pathetic right now, it defiantly suits you." 'Master chuckles, you try and fail to glare up at him. He leans in and kisses you. "Your so much cuter like this." 'Master' teases you try to growl but you should seriously stop making noises because it does not come out as a growl. 'Master' just smirks back and unzips your pants to reveal the bulge there. He smirked as he rubbed it softly. You moaned loudly again, if he kept this up for much longer you weren't going to last, and your right, you don't. A minute or two later you've covered 'master's hand in your red genetic material. He smirks some more and you don't think you can take that stupid grin much longer.
"Oh look, you've made my hand all dirty. Now your going to have to clean it." 'Master' says and you look at him like is crazy as he moves his hand up to your lips.
"What? Are you fucking kidding me? I am not going to fucking lick your hand clean!" You say, slightly out of breath. 'Master' just moves the sickle against your throat.
"You will." He says. You look from his face to the sickle at your neck to the hand in front of your lips. "Well, go on." 'Master' prompts; uncertainly you take the hand in your mouth and lick your genetic material from it. It taste slightly bitter and you close your eyes to try and think of being somewhere else. Maybe even that this is the actual John, the one you love. Its not to hard, but you know you shouldn't. When you finally finish you pull away. 'Master' smirks and leans in and kisses you, licking up whatever genetic material was left on your lips.
"You'll do anything for me, wont you?" He says.
"No, I'd do anything for John. Your not John." You reply harshly. 'Master' pushes the blade of your sickle harder against your neck.
"What was that? I didn't hear you, I was to busy wondering wither or not I would untie your arms." He says but you know he heard you. You want to say the same thing again but you cant risk losing the ability to use your arms again.
"Yes, I'll do anything for you 'master'." You mutter. 'Master' smirks and kisses you again, untying your arms at the same time.
"That's a good boy." He chuckles, getting up and turning to leave, then turning back like he forgot something.
"Just so you know, if I ever did stop eating the green gushers, I would still remember everything. Every single thing I've done while I was on them. Just because you forget doesn't mean that everyone else does." 'Master' tells you and gog you hoped he was wrong. You don't want that. Not ever. You don't want him to remember. You don't want John to be plagued by the memories of 'master'. It would destroy him.
"We'll see." You say back because you can't seem to say anything else. He just smirks and walks away.

The next day you don't see him either, and you're glad. You go to that alchemizer again and toy with it. You click some random button and there is this weird buzzing sound, then a ding.
"All items on the 'do not alchemize list with in a 100 meters have be de-alchemized.''
It says… that worked out well, who knew clicking random buttons worked sometimes?

The next day there is still no sign of 'master' and really you just hope he is passed out some where on this stupid ship.

The next day you start to get worried. You look though the whole ship and sure enough you find him passed out in the room you first found the gushers in. You sigh and, against you better judgment, carrying him to the main room. You have to wait a few hours before he actually wakes up though.
"K…karkat?" He says half-sheepishly. You don't know wither you should be scared or smiling. So you want for those blue opens to wake up probably. When they do they widen and their owner pushes you anyway.
"Oh gog, don't, don't touch me, don't come close." He says, rushing away before curling into a ball and starting to cry. Either this is your John or 'master' is playing another cruel joke. You hope it's the former.
"J...john?" You say cautiously. You barely make out the head movement you think is a nod.
"I am so sorry, you have no idea. I hate myself for what I've done to you. I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry." He says, crying into his hands. You don't know why you believe it's the real John this time, but you do. In fact you go over and hug him tightly.
"Shut up, stop saying sorry." You say softly. John tries to wriggle out of your hold but you don't let him. You're not going to let him go that easy.
"H-how can you even touch me after what I did? How can you not hate me? Why haven't you killed me yet?" He asks, looking as though he really can't believe your touching him.
"Because John, you are John. I don't view the person who did that to me as John, I told him that. He was not John, he will never be John and I will never let him become John." You say.
"B-but Kar-" John starts before you silence him with a kiss.
"No buts, you are John, he was not. That's that so stop crying." You say, John looks un-sure for a moment before he wipes his eyes and you smile down at him slightly.
"I-I love you Karkat." He whispers, you smile more.
"I love you too John." You say, you really love saying his real name and you know your going to over use it but you really don't care, John smiles back at you like a derp. It's a small smile but that's okay. You lean in and kiss him again; it takes a second before John kisses you back nervously. You just smile more.
"John?" You say after you pull away.
"Y-yeah Karkat?" He replies nervously.
"Promise me one thing, never eat the green gushers again." You say.
"I-I promise." John says looking down at the floor, ashamed. You sigh and lift his chin so that he's looking into your eyes.
"Forget about it John, stop beating yourself up, okay?" You tell him, in a serious voice. He nods but you don't think he agrees.
"I know you'd never do anything like that on purpose. So just stop mopping about it, please." You say, leaning your forehead against his.
"O-okay Karkat." John nods. You nod back.
"Now come on, we better get this ship going back to the meteor." You say, John nods and that is exactly what you both do.

"Karkat! Come quick! I can see the meteor!" John yells from the deck. You run out to him. It has been roughly 2 weeks since John came back and 'master' disappeared. They have been a good two weeks. Now you can finally see the meteor and you can make out some of the people there. John waves excitedly at Jade, Dave and Rose. You smile at him; he had gotten over the whole thing already. You take a hold of his hand as you wait the two hours before the ship lands. Jade instantly tackle-hugs John.
"John! Karkat! Your back! You guys had us so worried!" She says. "What happened anyway?"
"Yes, I do believe it would be grand if you good explain it all to us." Rose added.
"I don't need to skin anyone a live, do I Egderp?" Dave asked. You glare at him for that.
"What? No! Of course not Dave!" John says, then it seems he is about to explain what happened.
"Someone must have forgotten to park the stupid thing probably. It came unstuck and we were still on it." You lie quickly so that John doesn't have to tell the truth. He is a terrible liar. Dave and Rose look to John.
"Is that really what happened John?" Rose asks.
"You sure Egderp?" Dave asks. You roll your eyes and John nods at them.
"Yep, that's exactly what it was!" He says. Dave and Rose nod.
"Okay then." Rose says.
"If your sure." Dave adds.
"I am sure! Nothing really big happened at all!" John says and you have to stop yourself from face palming. What did you say, he is a terrible liar.

"Though it does confuse me as to why it toke you so long to get back." Rose mentions, ignoring John.

"Do you have any fucking idea how hard that fucking ship is to drive?" You growl. Its another lie but you don't care.
"Really? I thought it was pretty easy." Jade comments.
"Maybe for someone with fucking space powers!" You snap back.

"Karkat, calm down. We haven't been here for anymore then five minutes and your already angry." John giggles. You blush lightly.
"Whatever." You say, your normal tone replaced with a softer one. Everyone notices. Its kinda hard to miss.
"Awww, did my motherfucking best friend happen to a matesprit on his motherfucking miracle journey?" Gamzee says. You hadn't even noticed him there. So long with him in hiding, it's weird to see him in public again. Your blush darkens slightly.
"Gamzee!" You growl.
"Is it true Egderp? Are you dating Vantas now?" Dave asks, his eyebrow raised in question.
"Hehe, yep!" John giggles hugging you around the neck and kissing your cheek. Your cheeks go bright red.
"JOHN!" You complain but he just giggles.
"Yay! John and Karkat are together! Finally!" Jade cheers. Dave rolls his eyes and Rose smiles at you. Gamzee grins as always.
"Whatever Harley." You say back, your face still red.
"Yes, the pairing is well over-due for becoming canon." Rose smiles.
"I didn't even understand half of what you just said Rose." John giggles.
"Vantas, if you ever hurt him I will skin you alive." Dave warns you.
"How stupid do you think I am?" You say back.

"Very." Dave smirks.
"Fuck you Strider." You glare at him.
"Save it for Egderp, Karkles." He mocks.
"DAVE!" John says, his face completely red now. Dave just chuckles.
"As nice a reunion as this is, you must be very tired John. I suggest you go have a rest." Rose says. John nods and starts walking away.
"I'm going to sleep." You reply, walking after him.
"What, no warning about the green gushers for the rest of us humans?" Dave whispers as you walk past him. You stop dead in your tracks.
"What?" You exclaim, glad that John is no longer in hearing or seeing range.

"You really think we wouldn't be able to hack into the ship's video cameras?" He asks, no longer whispering.
"H-how much did you guys see?" You stutter. You really hope they didn't see you lose your pride or anything like that.
"All of it." Dave chuckles and you start freaking out on the inside.
"Do not worry, we will not tell John we know, he doesn't need to know he would just be more ashamed of himself. But I would like to ask about your behavior after you had one of those gushers." Rose assured.
"Oh gog, how much of a fucking moron did I make of myself after I ate that?" You groan. Rose looks at you slightly confused.
"You mean you do not remember what you did?" She asked.
"I have no fucking idea what I did. Not a clue." You answer.
"How does that work Karkat? I thought whoever had them would remember." Jade asks.
"Not someone of my fucking blood color. The lower the blood color the more likely you are to forget. I assume you all saw my blood color, well, that's the lowest of the low so I don't have any chance of remembering." You explain. The humans nod in understanding.
"Well, I do believe that is for the best." Rose says.
"Yeah, better you don't know how much you made me laugh." Dave chuckles.
"Fuck off. I'm going to sleep. Don't tell John you guys know what happened." You say, turning away to walk again.
"Don't worry Vantas. We wont." Dave promises, in a serious tone that even you can trust.
"Yeah good, and, Gamzee." You say.
"Yeah best friend?" Gamzee says, his voice distance.
"Don't make any more of those fucking green gushers." You command. "Don't mix anything with your fucking sopor slime pies either."
"Don't worry motherfucking best friend, I learned my motherfucking lesson." He promises, your not sure how long that will last though.
"Jade, Rose and Strider, don't eat anything that Gamzee offers." You tell them.
"I promise!" Jade says.
"Of course." Rose promises.
"How stupid do you think I am?" Dave replies.
"Very." You answer. He glares at you and you just smirk.

"Whatever Vantas." He says
"Oh and one more thing." You say, looking back at them. "Never eat the green gushers!" You warn before walking to your room.

Okay, it's done. I have the weirdest fucking kinks ever. This is the last chapter of the story because I said it was only going to be fur chapters and I don't think the ending is rushed or anything. I seriously need to murdered for this fanfiction. Not even lying. But yeah, sorry for the wait!