So... I had Thor feels so... uhm... here? :)

Two little words were all it took, two little words and then he was gone. A weight changing on a staff, a hand letting go, and a scream lost in the night. Two little words and he was gone, falling away.

'I could have done it father… for you.'

'No, Loki…'

Two little words and he was gone, two little words spoken at the wrong time to the wrong person. Two little words, six letters, one life, one heart, one brother. Two little words and it's the little things that count, two little words and it's the little brother that lets go, two little words and it's too little too late to say you're sorry. Two little words and he's falling.

'No, Loki…'

Two little words, carelessly tossed away to a man who knows words hold power. Two little words spoken thoughtlessly to a man whose world has literally crashed down around him. Two little words that could easily have been something else, something better, something more, something different. Two different little words that would have kept a broken man from falling, two different little words that would have saved a falling family from breaking. It's the little things that count, and Loki never thought he counted and two little words said in the broken night did nothing more than prove him right. It's the little things that count and Loki never did.