Author's note Yes I know I'm alive... I am trying to get passed a writers block and real life. Real life is kicking my ass at the moment and hoping I can keep updating now that I remembered that this is stress reliving.


Shane's point of view

I was standing here listening to the Father and Daughter pair banter back and forth with a smile on my face. The man is sexy for a man his age and looks like he stays in shape. Rick and myself always make sure we stay fit and in shape to chase those crazies about. Yes even for a small town we have crazies that get out of hand. By the time I noticed that they were winding down from the back and forth I had my keys in hand waiting for Bella. When I saw that they were down I asked, "What should I get for Carl to drink? It's kind of getting late and I know its a school night." After I finished I heard a soft laugh and saw it was from Bella. I asked, "What?" She responded, "Shane you could of just asked me. I babysit for a second job and know all the safe drinks for this late at night. So the kids can drink and still go to bed on time."

I looked at her with a small smile on my face and asked, "Oh, What would you have given to him?" She came back with, "Sprite. It has lowest sugar content and it is caffeine free." Rick heard the answer, "That's perfect, just get him a small bottle so he feels he is getting treat and won't guzzle anything bigger." I turned and smiled at Bella and gestured towards the door.

Bella's point of view

As I climbed into the passenger side of Shane's Jeep I thought about the looks that I caught going between Shane and my Dad when they thought the other wasn't looking. As Shane started the Jeep and pulled away from the curb turned to Shane and said, "So Shane, thanks for taking me to the Grocery store to get the drinks and the Beer for the adults. I wouldn't know what to get besides the brand Dad likes." He shoots me a quick glance as he is still driving, "No problem Bella. Just tell me what kind to grab as I get adult drinks and you get the soda." I replied with, "His favorite beer is Sam Adams and you can call me Bells."

We had just pulled up into the parking lot of the Grocery store and as he said and asked, "Ok Bells, is there anything else we should be getting besides the drinks?" The more I spent with this guy the more I felt he was getting closer to feeling more like family. I looked at him and said, "Desert," in a duh like voice. I heard him laugh at me when he caught on to what I said. We got into the store stopped in the drink aisle and got a 20 oz sprite and unsweetened tea for myself. Then we stopped and got 2 packs of 6 of Sam Adams.

I looked surprised which he caught and said, "Your Dad is going to fit right in with us. Sam Adams is all are favorites." I smiled at him and walked on to the freezer aisle and grabbed a gallon of vanilla, a can of caramel sauce and hot fudge sauce." When Shane noticed what I had added into the cart he smiled, "Girl after my own heart." I chuckled at what I heard and asked, "Shane this maybe to personal but are you seeing anyone?" Thinking I could get the inside scoop and pass it on to Charlie. When we got to the register Shane grabbed the divider they have to load the conveyor belt and replied, "No, I am not seeing anyone Bells. In fact I have been looking for that someone special and have not found him."

As I listened to him I saw that the cashier had finished up ringing up the items and was reaching for my purse to get the money Dad gave me. He noticed that and lightly set his hand on my arm and said, "No Darlin' it's my treat." I smiled at him, "Thanks Shane." I wanted to call him another name but I knew it was way to soon and Dad hasn't even made a move. We each grabbed something and made our way to the car. As we got in I said, "Shane I don't know if you read you correctly but, you have my permission to start something with my Dad. He is looking for that someone special as well, and as long as you don't push me out of my Father's life. He would really like to get to know you outside of the station and off the job."

Shane's point of view

As Bells finally finished with that sentence I turned in my seat and touched her hand and said, "Bells I appreciate that and Darlin' I wouldn't be pushing you out of his life. You and Him are a packaged deal and to top that off I already think of you as my friend and hope to have that develop into something else." She looked stunned and happy as I waited for her to reply I turned in my seat and started the Jeep. As I was pulling out of the parking lot she sighed and said, "Shane I appreciate your honesty. Let's get back I'm starving."

I chuckled and got us there in wait felt like no time. Charlie came out the door and Bells met him halfway to the front porch and whatever she said had him laughing and shaking his head and hugging her. Whatever she said made him happy and he looked at me and saw that he had his favorite brand of beer in my hand. She said something when she noticed him looking at me she must have told him that it was my favorite beer as well because his smile got bigger.

Charlie waved her on to the house and walked towards me and said, "You didn't have to buy all this I gave Bells money for it. Also you made a good impression with her when you added more ice cream sundae fixings. She loves her Reese's Pieces. I also was told you didn't even ask if they were her favorite just told her that they were your favorite and couldn't have a sundae with out them." I cleared my throat and looked at him, "Yeah no problem, and She is a really good girl Charlie. She is right you can't have ice cream sundae's without Reese's pieces!" As I walked towards him I screwed up my courage and asked, "I know you just got into town and haven't even been into the station yet. But, Would you like to go out to dinner next weekend?"