This is an announcement about me thinking about writing The Walking Dead and Twilight. All The Walking Dead characters and Twilight characters is Bella and Charlie possibly. They move to Georgia and Charlie becomes the sheriff of the area where Shane and Rick are the deputies. Tell me what you think I wont start writing it until I think I have brainstormed with it enough. So this is the full summary...

It has been a 6 months since Edward and the Cullen's left Forks (New Moon). Charlie can't take it anymore and looks for a Chief of police or Sheriff job in Georgia. They move to where Shane Walsh and Rick Grimes are his deputies become friends. Then instead of Rick getting shot Charlie does and the world goes to shit. Rick and Shane go for Charlie at the hospital when things start going to shit, and that is when they army is attacking and the machines go down they check him they can't hear his heart. Then Shane rushes to get Bella while Rick goes for his family they barely escape because the streets of their Georgian town are going crazy with the walking dead. They meet the other survivors Rick, Lori, and Carl take Bella in to be an adopted Big sister to Carl. Shane becomes a second Dad to her because before everything went down Charlie and him were falling in love and Bella was Charlie's kid and Shane started loving her as his own child. Charlie comes "back to life," Daryl and Bella fall in love and then one day a bunch of Native Americans that Bella knew from Forks show up with their imprints. (Bella figured out their secret before leaving except didn't go and tell them)

Author Note:

I am still working on the first chapter I tried working on it on my notes on my iphone but I didn't get it right. So I am working on it on my laptop and I think I have an idea on how to start it.