This is it, the end. I hope you all continue to read my new stories. It was fun writing this story for you all. I loved reading the reviews. I actually thought nobody would like my story, boy was I wrong. Anyways, LittleLiarLovesEmily was the one who came up with the idea for this last chapter. I had major writer's block and she helped me with ideas. :) Don't know what I would do without her. Anyways hope you enjoy. I do not own PLL. I also don't own Glee, which is mentioned.
Alison's POV
It's been 3 weeks since Emily and Hanna got divorced. We all hang out and go to bars, but you can tell Emily and Hanna are still a little hurt about everything that happened. Aria doesn't hang with us that much, maybe once or twice a week. She is really busy with planning her wedding, homework, and her part-time job. Spencer's parents give her all the money she needs for her and Hanna, so they don't need jobs, same with my mom for Emily and me. Dad doesn't approve of the lifestyle I have chosen for myself, so I don't hear from him much. I have been hiding my Vivian Darkbloom secret from everyone. I might tell Emily, but not right now, I have to make sure that she won't leave me. Emily sold her house and moved in with me. She said my house was prettier, but I think she just couldn't handle the Hanna memories. Emily and I are more intimate than we used to be. I think he just needed to go through with leaving Hanna before we went further in our relationship. I want to leave town with Emily. We only needed one year of college for our photography. I want to run away, change our names, and never come back. I just want us to have a fresh start. I want to go to Canada, maybe New York. I really liked Los Angeles. If we ran off, we would talk to our parents still of course. Emily was out getting groceries so I decided to just catch up on Glee. Half way through Blaine singing It's Not Right, But It's Okay in the Whitney Houston tribute episode, Emily got home. I paused the episode and went to help Emily with putting the groceries in the kitchen and pantry.
"Hey babe, were you watching Glee the whole time I was gone?" Emily asked. I knew Emily had already watched the episode when I went to the store to buy her a present for her birthday, which is in a few weeks.
"No, I cleaned our room a bit first. When I was done, I got bored and decided to catch up on Glee." I say. We are almost done putting the food away when I see a bottle of champagne in a bag behind Emily.
"What's this?" I ask grabbing the bottle from the bag. Emily looks at me like I am stupid.
"A bottle of champagne. What else would it be?" Emily mutters. I know she is hiding something, but I don't know what.
"Well, why did you buy it? What is the special occasion?" I ask. Emily looks to the floor before looking back up at me.
"I want to have kids. With you. Aria looked up some really good doctor that does that kind of stuff, like fertilization. It's not expensive. Just $1000." Emily whispers. I smile and this is when I know that I can tell her, but I am going to wait.
"Emily. I would love to, now lets go finish that episode" I say putting the the last can in the pantry and run towards the living room. I hop over the back of the couch like a child, and Emily copies me.
We laugh for five minutes because we realize that Emily landed on top of me. Instead of resuming the show, we spend a good ten minutes making out on the couch. When we finally stop, I resume the show and we snuggle as we watch the rest of the show. As soon as the episode finishes Emily turns and smiles at me.
"What?" I ask while laughing. I don't know why she is smiling at me.
"So are you sure you want to have kids with me?" Emily answers my question with a question. I can't hold it in anymore, I have to show her the Vivian Darkbloom stuff.
"Yes, but Emily, you need to come with me now!" I say while turning off the TV.
I throw Emily's jacket to her and kick over some shoes while I put my shoes and jacket on. I jog into the kitchen and grab my car keys off of the hook before rushing back to Emily. She has a confused look on her face, but I can't explain it, I need to show her. I grab her hand and wait until she is settled in the car before I pull out of the driveway and head for my parent's house. They are on vacation all week and don't know about the secret either.
We get to the house and I turn off the car and motion for Emily to follow me. We run to the upper level of the garage and I open a wardrobe and reach in.
"Trying to get to Narnia are we, Alison?" Emily asks me, while laughing. I laugh and decide to joke with her.
"No, I'm out of the closet Emily, I don't need to go back to Narnia. I'm looking for something." I answer while laughing.
That's when I feel the fabric of the coat, I know the wig is attached to the hanger. I pull it out and show Emily, who looks confused. I put up a finger to tell her hold on a second, and I put the wig on with the jacket and turn around to face the beautiful girl I love.
"Emily, meet Vivian Darkbloom, my old secret identity. I hate being me, Em. I want us to run away together. To start new in California! Please Emily. We can change our names and we can call our parents occasionally." I beg. Emily looks shocked, but still smiles.
"Alison, of course I will! Thank you so much for sharing this with me! Let's just take lots of our money, some clothes, and some essentials. We can come visit right?" Emily asks. I nod smiling.
I take off the jacket and wig throwing it into the wardrobe and hugging Emily. We kiss a little before we go back to the car and head home to get ready to leave. We have almost everything we want to bring packed and I call my close friends Sienna and Marissa who are the best fake I.D., Passport, and birth certificate makers in the whole country. I tell them we will be there in an hour and I go help Emily finish packing and start loading the car. We get to Marissa and Sienna's office and within 10 minutes they are making our new identities. I will be Jessica Alison Stewart and Emily will be Erica Marie Newman. We both created back stories as well. I got a diploma for a drama teacher and for photography, and Emily got one for photography and one for law. We were going to be happier with our new lives. I was going to die my hair Auburn and Emily was going to get purple streaks and we were going to be happy. I hugged Marissa and Sienna and thanked them for everything. I promised I would talk to them soon, and we left.
"Ready Jessica?" Emily- I mean Erica asks. I smile at her, knowing she is getting me used to being called that.
"Of course Erica." I reply. We both smile and get into a car which, isn't mine. We decided to change it to one with California license plates and it's a Porsche. We fit all our stuff in the trunk because there wasn't much. We were going to be rich. Emily was actually good in law, so I didn't have to worry, and I could be a teacher, and part time photographer.
We rode off with the music blasting to our new lives.
Hanna's POV
I went over to Alison's and Emily's house to see if they wanted to come with Spencer and I to see a movie, but the house was empty and most of their clothes were gone. I searched the whole house, but all I found was a note in the kitchen on the island. It read:
Dear Hanna and Spencer,
You probably will come by eventually to look for us, and we are sorry we couldn't say bye before we left, but we have gone to live new lives. We are starting over. We are sorry that it was such short notice, and that we didn't get to talk about it. We will be back for Aria and Ezra's wedding and to visit once and a while. We will call sometimes and Facebook a lot! We are going to miss you guys so much. Tell Aria we love her and will miss her, until we get back. We love you guys.
Alison and Emily.
PS: Take care of yourselves.
I couldn't believe they just got up and left. Was this it? Had I lost my friends forever? I hope we contact each other soon. I will miss my girls. At least I will see them again soon. I hope they have a good new life where ever they went off too. I rush back home with the note and show it to Spencer. We call Aria over and the three of us cry. We may never see them again, sure they promised, but they could not be able to when the time comes. We have to try and keep our lives moving.
I may be Little Miss Not So Perfect, but now, I am Little Miss Depressed Chick. Life will never be the same without Emily and Alison. We lost Alison for the second time, and Emily for the first time ever. I should have never let Emily go. It was too little too late.
Hope you all enjoyed the story that was it. Sequel will be coming soon. I am probably going to do some one shots before the sequel to rest from the whole long story thing. Review. Loved writing for you all.