Jasper, 3rd POV

Jack sighed as he sat down at his desk, starting up the old computer. He reclined back slightly, letting his head fall back and his eyes shut.

He hated school. He was constantly bullied and, while he was more than capable of protecting himself and showing Vince a lesson, he would rather not be harrassed by questions.

Besides, he'd retired from the career of teaching badies what happend when they messed with him.

Jack looked at the computer screen, clicking a few times before entering his email. Most of it was junk, a couple emails from Miko and Raf was really the only thing worth keeping.

Jack blinked in surprise when a small notice popped up. Someone wanted to instant chat with him? Jack then saw the username, and groaned in irritation before clicking 'ok'.

S.A.I has logged on.

Jay D. has logged on.

S.A.I: Hello Jack.

Jay D.: What do you want now?

S.A.I: Now Jack, haven't you ever been taught manners?

Jay D.: Yeah, but when it comes to you, I don't really care.

S.A.I: That's hurtful Jack, now what would your father say?

Jack winced at the mention of his father.

Jay D.: Just tell me what the hell you want.

S.A.I: Do I really need to say it? We have a job for you, Jack.

Jay D.: Well too bad, I've retired from that, Ian.

S.A.I: Ah yes, working at a fast food joint does sound more exciting.

Jay D.: Thanks for wasting ten minutes of my life. Now leave me alone.

Jay D. has logged off.

Jack exited the internet, having no desire to talk any longer with his former employer. He leaned back in his chair again, rubbing his face tiredly with a hand. He then stood, switching off the computer before heading out.

He was glad that now he could just hang out with those he considered his 'family.'

Jack's POV

I entered the garage, offering Arcee a fake smile as I put on my helmet.

"What took you? We were supposed to leave a few minutes ago." Arcee asked as I climbed on and we started off.

"Was looking for something, sorry Arcee." I replied as I held on, enjoying the feeling of wind rush past us.

"...You seem bothered." She commented.

Of course I was bothered. My late dad's employer and my own former employer kept trying to pull me back into the hellish life of a international spy. I'd had a hard enough time covering up the tracks after I left, and I wasn't about to leave new tracks.

"Nah, I'm fine, 'Cee, really." I replied to her question. She let it drop and the rest of our drive was left in a comfortable silence.

Autobot Base, 3rd POV

Everyone looked over as Arcee and Jack entered base, the teen climbing off and placing his helmet aside, while Arcee shifted.

Miko ran up to Jack, tugging the male up onto the cement deck, where Raf sat with a paused game.

"Hi Jack." Raf said happily as Miko once again sat down to unpause the video game.

"Hey." Jack replied, voice quiet an warm as he leaned back against the railing. He watched Miko and Raf play for a few minutes, then turned to watch the 'bots.

Arcee, 'Bee and Bulkhead were chating, and Ratchet was at the monitor as usual. Optimus, however, was no where to be seen.

Jack jumped as his phone began to vibrate, telling him he had a text. Jack removed the cellphone from his pocket and flipped it open. He was barely able to contain a frustrated growl.

To: Jack Darby

From: S.A.I

'Jack. You can't keep running from what you are meant to be. We need your help, kid. You're the best we've got.'

Jack sighed, glancing around before replying.

To: S.A.I

From: Jack Darby

'U don't 'have me'. I'm done busting badies, my dad may have worked with u til he died, but I refuse 2. Face it, Ian, I'm not gonna work 4 any 1 ever again. Now leave me alone, let me live in peace.'

Jack sent it, then flipped the phone shut with a click and shoved it back into his pocket.


The raven haired teen looked up to see Arcee giving him a curious look.

"Uh, just mom. Wondering if everythings okay and stuff." Jack quickly explained. Arcee nodded, smiling slightly before turning back to her conversation with Bulk and 'Bee. Optimus entered the room, and everyone gave their own form of greeting, which the Prime returned before going to stand by Ratchet.

"Hey Jack! Want a soda?"

Jack turned just as Miko came up. The two collided and soda spilled from the can in the femme's hand, drentching Jack's shirt.

Miko dropped the can, clapping her hands over her mouth while everyone stared at them in surprise.

"Oh my gosh, Jack, I'm sooo sorry!" Miko apologized. Jack sighed, looking down at his shirt before offering Miko a feeble smile.

"It's alright, Miko, really." Jack replied as he pulled his phone out, relieved to see it was dry before quickly texting his mom. He set it aside after sending the text that asked for a new shirt, then stared down in dissmay at his shirt.

"Great." Jack muttered. He then removed his shirt, deciding he'd rather not be stuck to the article of clothing.

Everyone was shocked at what they saw.

Jack was extremely well built, more so than many others his age. It could now clearly be seen that all the meat on the lean boy was pure muscle. A few scars littered his torso and arms, which made everyone wonder how he'd gained them.

jack folded his shirt, setting it aside before looking at the others. He then blinked when he saw them all wide eyed (Or opticed, in some cases).

"What?" He asked blantly.

"Dude! You're ripped!" Miko suddenly exclaimed, shaking everyone out of their stupor. Jack looked at Miko with mild surprise, then laughed slightly.

"I guess, why's that so surprising?"

"I always thought you were just a tall, scrawny guy." Miko replied plainly. Jack gave the girl a half hearted glare.

"Thanks Miko." He said sarcasticly. He then moved and sat on the couch next to Raf. Who hesitantly asked,

"Where did you get those scars?"

Jack looked down, mentally slapping himself and scrambling for a good lie.

"Ah, y'know. Got them when I was, like, seven. Rough housing and stuff." Jack said casually, running a hand lightly over a long scar the went over his right shoulder.

He flinched as the tender flesh ached slightly. He remembered clearly how he'd gotten each scar, and the memories weren't pleasant ones.

Silenc fell over the base, the 'bots all glancing at the raven haired teen now and then.

Finally, Jack had enough and stood up, stretching his arms upwards and wincing as his shoulder popped.

The small movement had broken the spell of silence, and everyone went on about there buisness.

Jack grabbed his phone and saw he'd gottan another test from S.A.I.

Jack quickly deleted the message, not even reading the words the man had sent.

He had enough to worry about.